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46 minutes ago, Narue said:

1. I'll do some more testing. It was working for me before.


2. You set the number of days in the cycle, the days for menstruation, and the days for ovulation. Any remaining days are the luteal phase. I figured that adding day selection for the luteal phase would be redundant. The default settings are reasonably close to the average real world cycle (other than using straight fertility values for each phase rather than a bell curve).


3. Nope, I decided that went against the spirit of the mod in that it discouraged adventuring while pregnant. 2.0 instead uses sleep to manage baby health. The baby's health will drop as you go over a day without sleep (the more days you don't sleep, the more health is lost, btw). This fits better with the spirit of the mod in that you're not discouraged from adventuring, but you're also encouraged to use beds, homes, and inns. Win win. :D


Did you consider adding animations for the childbirth like BF had?


Yes. I'm still fiddling with how best to handle it in a nice but non-annoying way.

1. Thank you very much :) I tested it and tried to tick it, un-tick it, tried multiple times on two different setup, no luck. Player character was tracked, but no "stuff "was registered.


2. That is cool, it is more immersive that way. Has it got custom widget symbol as well?


3. Thank you, it is much better this way:)


4/ Can't wait XD

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I tried again with a fresh setup, different profile. Mod has been installed without any problems. Creatures not being tracked despite option is enabled. FM not registering any events with creatures.


Under debug there is an option to track the highlighted creatures. It says that the creature is not tracked. When I click on the option track them, nothing happens. Looks like it is not just an issue with them not being tracked, it looks like it is not possible to track them . Again I tried multiple times to switch on and off the creatures option on the main tab. It made no difference whatsoever.

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47 minutes ago, Lord Ariakas said:

I tried again with a fresh setup, different profile. Mod has been installed without any problems. Creatures not being tracked despite option is enabled. FM not registering any events with creatures.


Under debug there is an option to track the highlighted creatures. It says that the creature is not tracked. When I click on the option track them, nothing happens. Looks like it is not just an issue with them not being tracked, it looks like it is not possible to track them . Again I tried multiple times to switch on and off the creatures option on the main tab. It made no difference whatsoever.

It sounds like you're trying to track a creature as a mother. The creature support is strictly for providing sperm rather than receiving it (for numerous technical reasons), so creatures only act as fathers when enabled.


Do you have any issues with, say, a female player and a Defeat event with something like a Chaurus when SexLab and Fertility Mode creature support are enabled?

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3 minutes ago, Lord Ariakas said:

lol, I knew something is playing up... yay...is it gonna be fixed dear author ? :P

...and thank you for your sacrifice.  XD

Already fixed for 2.1.0. This time I uploaded to LL before Nexus. ;)

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59 minutes ago, hana120 said:

I installed the latest version of Fertility with the sexlabs patch but noticed that the message on the top left which says that the creature or NPC has inseminated the female pnj no longer appears.
How come?

It's still there? Most likely the animation that was running didn't meet requirements for insemination. The animation needs to be tagged with vaginal, creampie, or vaginalcum for guaranteed insemination. There's a 2% chance for animations tagged with anal, analcreampie, or analcum to trigger insemination. Of course, you also need a male and a female in the actor list for the scene and if the male is a creature, creature support needs to be enabled in Fertility Mode (it's disabled by default). Those are the only requirements.

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1 hour ago, Kythana said:

So i got a (hopefully simple) question too. What does HMA in the files section stand for?


I've gone through a few pages at the beginning but it doesn't seem to be mentioned there.

Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions, I'd presume.

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5 hours ago, hana120 said:

I checked the box and made a vaginal animation but there was nothing to display. the creature was a male wolf.

can it come from the menstrual cycle and that character was a npc?

That should be fine, the wolf race is included in creature support. Which wolf exactly? I can take a look at it in the CK and see if everything looks kosher as well as run some tests.

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A normal wolf. But there are also all the other creatures (horses, spiders, etc.).
I yet uninstall, reinstall the mod.
While on one of my other parts, Fertility works right, I even have the bar on the top right with the symbol of the uterus that appears but not on my other parts.
Should I download it on the Loversloab or Nexus Mod?
Oh my part where Fertily walks, when my female character makes love with a creature, her breasts become huge at once.

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A normal wolf. But there are also all the other creatures (horses, spiders, etc.).


I ran some tests and it looks good on my end. Make sure creature support is enabled in both SexLab and Fertility Mode (both are disabled by default). You may also need the FNIS creature pack, I'm not sure about that one since I always install it.

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4 hours ago, seiryuufang said:

Hey Narue, mod is great, been using it since it was posted and I love how it's come along. Any thoughts on adding compatibility to Separate Orgasm SE? Or does this recent update already incorporate this?


SLSO has been natively supported for quite some time now.

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I've used both, and your mod only seems to read at the end of an animation, while SLSO has a chance (based on settings) to end animation without orgasm event having occured. When this happens, your mod still counts as insemination happening. I'll try reinstalling these mods with update, and seeing if that changes anything.

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11 minutes ago, seiryuufang said:

I've used both, and your mod only seems to read at the end of an animation, while SLSO has a chance (based on settings) to end animation without orgasm event having occured. When this happens, your mod still counts as insemination happening. I'll try reinstalling these mods with update, and seeing if that changes anything.

Hmm. I'll look into the SLSO scripts. While I prefer not to blame another mod for issues, literally all I do is catch relevant events. For SexLab it's OrgasmStart and for SLSO it's SexLabOrgasmSeparate. When handling SexLab's OrgasmStart, the first thing I do is check for the existence of SLSO.esp and abort the handler if it exists. This method still catches OrgasmStart, but doesn't do anything else and defers to the SLSO event if/when it fires.


SLSO may be firing the SexLabOrgasmSeparate event unconditionally.

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3 hours ago, Narue said:

Hmm. I'll look into the SLSO scripts. While I prefer not to blame another mod for issues, literally all I do is catch relevant events. For SexLab it's OrgasmStart and for SLSO it's SexLabOrgasmSeparate. When handling SexLab's OrgasmStart, the first thing I do is check for the existence of SLSO.esp and abort the handler if it exists. This method still catches OrgasmStart, but doesn't do anything else and defers to the SLSO event if/when it fires.


SLSO may be firing the SexLabOrgasmSeparate event unconditionally.

OK I follow what you're saying. Sure enough insemination occurs properly 90% of the time. The only mismatch occurs if during a scene there is no separate orgasm for the male (while using the SLSO toggle "End/skip if no stamina"). Basically guy fails to finish, but your mod says insemination occurs anyways. Other than that, the two mods mesh quite well.

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