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"Would it be interesting if your follower demanded food/drink from you occasionally?"

"You do know there are a bunch of basic needs mods for that, yeah? Some of them are even LL native and kinky."

Well, except I wasn't really suggesting it as an alternative to basic needs functionality.


I was thinking of it as an interesting random thing your Devious Follower could do, much like the 'horse' event etc.


  • Variety. It's a different possiblity than stripping/Devices/sex.
  • It's simple. Keep the possiblities short, and you can easily carry the right items around with you. So a couple of dialog lines and it's done. Easy and fluid, it gives your follower a chance to be Devious and sap some willpower/add some debt/whatever without interupting gameplay much.
  • It encourages you to interact with underused/chaff game elements.

And I guess there is no reason it has to be a one way exchange. Your follower can always give you random bottles of mead/skooma/whatever, comment on how amusing you are when drunk and dare you to drink up. Would be a shame if you are also using something like Cursed Loot that can spawn actions when intoxicated, eh? ;)



The more detailed reply got long, so it's in this handy dandy spoiler:


At risk of going off topic, i'm going to answer this - if only to try and explain a bit better about what i liked about that part of Submissive Lola and why I think some of those ideas could be a good fit for Devious Followers at some point.


17 hours ago, Kalthen said:

Submissive Lola had some great ideas, but I don't miss the fetch quests.

i really didn't find them that intrusive. Possible the least intrusive of the events I experimented with even.

The event would trigger, and a couple of diaglog clicks later you are done. No messing around in inventory or anything.

"Slave, get me a beer."

"I have a beer right here master."


It normally triggers after fast travelling into town, so it's easy enough to go and buy half a dozen Ale/Mead/Apple/Whatever if they do ask for something you don't have.



You can very much play DF with basic needs mods.

Yes. I can. I don't currently. I like extra depth and complexity in my games, but I'm very cautious about slowing down gameplay. I still want to be able to play skyrim, go and loot ancient dwemer ruins and be a big damn hero - just with bonus sex, bondage and mischief. My game is already bogged down from DCL & all the extra encounters/enemies I have. I really don't want to slow it down any more...and i havn't yet found a basic needs mod that hasn't ended up as micromanagement hell. It's kinda their reason for existing, to 'encourage' you to mess around with food/drink etc. So every time you fast travel into town you have to spend several mins muching your way through a bucket of sweetrolls, a gallon of water - and then find somewhere to have a piss and a shower. It gets boring and repetative quick.


I've tried most of them, but that 'lite' functionality where it encourages you to interact with otherwise junk game objects but doesn't force the point hasn't really turned up. Until that Submissive Lola event.


The other problem I have with a lot of basic needs mods is they tend to come with lots of debuffs. I use Apropos, Sexlab Wear and Tear & Sexlab Mortality because I want rape to be something scary I have to try and avoid - but this also means if I pick up any other debuffs (like I'm down to 75% of my food bar and slightly peckish) it gets problematic fast.


But I wasn't suggesting this functionality as an alternative to a basic needs mod. I was suggesting it as an expansion on the whole 'dominant follower' schtick. Your follower occasionally asking/demanding random snacks/booze fits in with that neatly and does so without triggering yet more nudity/devious devices/sex/whatever.



(a reason for food and other things) That's what Sexlab Survial was built for. It ties in with DDF perfectly. Look at its' requirements.

It's requirements include Realistic Needs & Diseases, so i'm not even going to test it. RND is quite script heavy and I don't have the headroom. I also don't want to be dealing with horrible crippling diseases I can't cure by going to a shrine and all sorts of other stuff RND brings to the party. I understand why other people use it, but it isn't for my game.


It's a shame, because I like the 'Toll Gate' idea in Sexlab Survival. I've been thinking the idea of city tolls could be quite interesting - both to encourage you to use markets/settlements outside the main cities, and to encourage you to interact with more people whilst Deviced/Nude/Etc.



Scarcity, Food removal and Loot and Degradation. Et viola! Try getting enough money now for your Follower once your needs get the better of you.

Contraband, Deviously Cursed Loot, Loot & Degradation and setting city blacksmiths/alchemists/wizards to have to cash is how I do it.


In normal gameplay I'm frequently in the situation of having to decide if I repair my armour & weapons or pay my follower. Or having to borrow money for taverns/carriages etc.


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46 minutes ago, Lostdreamer said:

Well, except I wasn't really suggesting it as an alternative to basic needs functionality.


I was thinking of it as an interesting random thing your Devious Follower could do, much like the 'horse' event etc.



SL Survival:

It's requirements include Realistic Needs & Diseases, so i'm not even going to test it. RND is quite script heavy and I don't have the headroom. I also don't want to be dealing with horrible crippling diseases I can't cure by going to a shrine and all sorts of other stuff RND brings to the party. I understand why other people use it, but it isn't for my game.




I don't disagree that this feature might be nice if done carefully, but rather FYI: You can install RND without enabling the whole "need food, drink, sleep" mechanic which should reduce the script impact quite a lot. I didn't try if that works with SL Survival, but it might be an option if the scriptload really is the culprit.

Healing on shrines is an option you can dis/enable in the MCM and by default it's enabled at least since a couple of versions, but i remember that this was different and confused me too.

So, if you really want to try it (even if just a requirement), there might be ways. :)

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Nice work lozeak!


Here's a little idea I had:


How about increasing the debt added based on how many times debt was added since the last deal?


Basically your follower is getting fed up having to put up with this "strong financially independent dragonborn who does not need no kink" and that's why at some point they'll slap on some extra 10-20% on the last payment.


If you finally agree to a deal they'll be satisfied and reduce this time value, based on your willpower and how many deals you've already have. A strong will makes for good hagglin, but a slaves "freedoms" aren't worth a lot

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4 minutes ago, sigtrinature said:

Nice work lozeak!


Here's a little idea I had:


How about increasing the debt added based on how many times debt was added since the last deal?


Basically your follower is getting fed up having to put up with this "strong financially independent dragonborn who does not need no kink" and that's why at some point they'll slap on some extra 10-20% on the last payment.


If you finally agree to a deal they'll be satisfied and reduce this time value, based on your willpower and how many deals you've already have. A strong will makes for good hagglin, but a slaves "freedoms" aren't worth a lot


Could be a good MCM Option to add (later).... Basically DebtPerDay increases until a deal is made and is then reset on a deal being made/brought out of.

What I like a bout it is the player will need to rush to pay off a deal before there debtperday is too high and has to make another deal.


1 hour ago, Lostdreamer said:

Well, except I wasn't really suggesting it as an alternative to basic needs functionality.


I was thinking of it as an interesting random thing your Devious Follower could do, much like the 'horse' event etc.


  • Variety. It's a different possiblity than stripping/Devices/sex.
  • It's simple. Keep the possiblities short, and you can easily carry the right items around with you. So a couple of dialog lines and it's done. Easy and fluid, it gives your follower a chance to be Devious and sap some willpower/add some debt/whatever without interupting gameplay much.
  • It encourages you to interact with underused/chaff game elements.

And I guess there is no reason it has to be a one way exchange. Your follower can always give you random bottles of mead/skooma/whatever, comment on how amusing you are when drunk and dare you to drink up. Would be a shame if you are also using something like Cursed Loot that can spawn actions when intoxicated, eh? ;)



The more detailed reply got long, so it's in this handy dandy spoiler:

  Reveal hidden contents

At risk of going off topic, i'm going to answer this - if only to try and explain a bit better about what i liked about that part of Submissive Lola and why I think some of those ideas could be a good fit for Devious Followers at some point.


i really didn't find them that intrusive. Possible the least intrusive of the events I experimented with even.

The event would trigger, and a couple of diaglog clicks later you are done. No messing around in inventory or anything.

"Slave, get me a beer."

"I have a beer right here master."


It normally triggers after fast travelling into town, so it's easy enough to go and buy half a dozen Ale/Mead/Apple/Whatever if they do ask for something you don't have.


Yes. I can. I don't currently. I like extra depth and complexity in my games, but I'm very cautious about slowing down gameplay. I still want to be able to play skyrim, go and loot ancient dwemer ruins and be a big damn hero - just with bonus sex, bondage and mischief. My game is already bogged down from DCL & all the extra encounters/enemies I have. I really don't want to slow it down any more...and i havn't yet found a basic needs mod that hasn't ended up as micromanagement hell. It's kinda their reason for existing, to 'encourage' you to mess around with food/drink etc. So every time you fast travel into town you have to spend several mins muching your way through a bucket of sweetrolls, a gallon of water - and then find somewhere to have a piss and a shower. It gets boring and repetative quick.


I've tried most of them, but that 'lite' functionality where it encourages you to interact with otherwise junk game objects but doesn't force the point hasn't really turned up. Until that Submissive Lola event.


The other problem I have with a lot of basic needs mods is they tend to come with lots of debuffs. I use Apropos, Sexlab Wear and Tear & Sexlab Mortality because I want rape to be something scary I have to try and avoid - but this also means if I pick up any other debuffs (like I'm down to 75% of my food bar and slightly peckish) it gets problematic fast.


But I wasn't suggesting this functionality as an alternative to a basic needs mod. I was suggesting it as an expansion on the whole 'dominant follower' schtick. Your follower occasionally asking/demanding random snacks/booze fits in with that neatly and does so without triggering yet more nudity/devious devices/sex/whatever.


It's requirements include Realistic Needs & Diseases, so i'm not even going to test it. RND is quite script heavy and I don't have the headroom. I also don't want to be dealing with horrible crippling diseases I can't cure by going to a shrine and all sorts of other stuff RND brings to the party. I understand why other people use it, but it isn't for my game.


It's a shame, because I like the 'Toll Gate' idea in Sexlab Survival. I've been thinking the idea of city tolls could be quite interesting - both to encourage you to use markets/settlements outside the main cities, and to encourage you to interact with more people whilst Deviced/Nude/Etc.


Contraband, Deviously Cursed Loot, Loot & Degradation and setting city blacksmiths/alchemists/wizards to have to cash is how I do it.


In normal gameplay I'm frequently in the situation of having to decide if I repair my armour & weapons or pay my follower. Or having to borrow money for taverns/carriages etc.



Maybe, it's like a lot of things unless I can think of a good idea for it I won't, that said I may have a good idea for it via the 6th deal ! mixed with @Reesewow.


For example (as a rough idea)


Stage 1 : Everyday so often you need to get your followers food/items from the innkeeper. (Random weight min/max set in MCM) (basically you lose carry weight and as the follower uses there stuff you get your carry weight back but if it reachs 0 you get punished (debt))

Stage 2 : When you do above your will be given a special breakfast to eat.

Stage 3 : You will gather the "ingredients" for your breakfast so they're fresh.


As for working something like that into a needs thing... I feel Lives is that system, you need to rest/recover because of your followers needs (via lives) anything more complexe will just make the mod take away from the gameplay.


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18 minutes ago, Lozeak said:

As for working something like that into a needs thing... I feel Lives is that system, you need to rest/recover because of your followers needs (via lives) anything more complexe will just make the mod take away from the gameplay.

I'd agree. I think what you have works fine, and there is no need to fall victim to scope creep.




18 minutes ago, Lozeak said:

For example (as a rough idea)


Stage 1 : Everyday so often you need to get your followers food/items from the innkeeper. (Random weight min/max set in MCM) (basically you lose carry weight and as the follower uses there stuff you get your carry weight back but if it reachs 0 you get punished (debt))

Stage 2 : When you do above your will be given a special breakfast to eat.

Stage 3 : You will gather the "ingredients" for your breakfast so they're fresh.


Could work. That said, what I was thinking of was nothing like as complicated. I wasn't necessarily thinking of it as part of the 'deals' system, but more in parallel / as a gateway to it.



Ie: Every 4hrs there is an X% chance of triggering, depending on how intrusive you want it/MCM settings/whatever. This can be gateway'd by 'must be more than 1/2 debt' or 'only when (not) in dungeons/towns/etcs' or something perhaps.

  • Follower says "You know what, I'm thirsty. Why don't you give me an Ale?"
  • If you have an Ale in your inventory, you can say "Sure, here you go.". You lose one ale, and a little bit of willpower for being pushed around.
  • Or you can say "I'm sorry, I don't have any ale at the moment." And you lose more willpower
  • Or you can say "Why don't you get your own ale?" and your follower says "Oooh, you are going to regret that answer! Besides, what am I going to buy an ale with?" And you gain some debt.


End of encounter. Beyond a bit of willpower loss and a mental note you should probably buy some ale when next near a tavern your adventure continues after only a couple of dialog clicks. No timed missions or running around fetching things or anything. This also introduces a mechanism for lowering willpower at high levels before you have many deals.


Variations include increasing the range of options so that they have a higher of demanding something you arn't carrying, or them saying you look tired and giving you some skooma, or giving you a huge dwemer pot to carry back to town perhaps?

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8 minutes ago, Lostdreamer said:
  • Follower says "You know what, I'm thirsty. Why don't you give me an Ale?"
  • If you have an Ale in your inventory, you can say "Sure, here you go.". You lose one ale, and a little bit of willpower for being pushed around.
  • Or you can say "I'm sorry, I don't have any ale at the moment." And you lose more willpower
  • Or you can say "Why don't you get your own ale?" and your follower says "Oooh, you are going to regret that answer! Besides, what am I going to buy an ale with?" And you gain some debt.

I'd rather prefer 

Follower says "You know what, I'm thirsty. Why don't you give me something to drink/alcohol?"

Or maybe add a step, you offer water and there is a chance your follower throws it away and demands something alcoholic, or don't risk to lose your water and offer aclohol in the first place.

Using RND myself sometimes, i usually have something to drink. Much less often it's alcoholic, and pretty much never ale because of the carry weight vs satisfying thirst. For my taste specific drinks would be too demanding, while i think i'd enjoy such a feature in general.

Although the breakfast deal doesn't sound too bad either. But then it's not necessarily a "this or that" either, both could work together. ;)

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23 minutes ago, Lostdreamer said:


I'd agree. I think what you have works fine, and there is no need to fall victim to scope creep.




Could work. That said, what I was thinking of was nothing like as complicated. I wasn't necessarily thinking of it as part of the 'deals' system, but more in parallel / as a gateway to it.



Ie: Every 4hrs there is an X% chance of triggering, depending on how intrusive you want it/MCM settings/whatever. This can be gateway'd by 'must be more than 1/2 debt' or 'only when (not) in dungeons/towns/etcs' or something perhaps.

  • Follower says "You know what, I'm thirsty. Why don't you give me an Ale?"
  • If you have an Ale in your inventory, you can say "Sure, here you go.". You lose one ale, and a little bit of willpower for being pushed around.
  • Or you can say "I'm sorry, I don't have any ale at the moment." And you lose more willpower
  • Or you can say "Why don't you get your own ale?" and your follower says "Oooh, you are going to regret that answer! Besides, what am I going to buy an ale with?" And you gain some debt.


End of encounter. Beyond a bit of willpower loss and a mental note you should probably buy some ale when next near a tavern your adventure continues after only a couple of dialog clicks. No timed missions or running around fetching things or anything. This also introduces a mechanism for lowering willpower at high levels before you have many deals.


Variations include increasing the range of options so that they have a higher of demanding something you arn't carrying, or them saying you look tired and giving you some skooma, or giving you a huge dwemer pot to carry back to town perhaps?


So the problem I have with the gimme X item event.


If it's a random set of items the player will need to carry a load of junk around (annoying for inventory management) and have to "know" where to get these items. Make it too easy, it is nothing more than an annoyance/make it too hard some players will be screwed cause they don't have that game knowledge.


So if used a fixed item or couple of items.... I may as well control these items (make it clear where to get em ect) to fix this problem


If I called these items Lives and just made em a variable and let the player get them by sleeping you have your system your asking for in a much more simple way. 


Basically the lives system is a follower need system simplified.


========================= A little on the way I designed the mod==================


The reason I feel my mod is good, it is easy to understand whats going on.


You get debt is a over time thing and a MCM message explains lives to you. When you ask for you debt you also learn more about lifes and also when you pay (at low lifes)

It is very easy for the player to understand what going on and they learn this quickly and the player can get how the mod works.


I can THEN make the mod more complex with deals (if I added all deals stage 3 at once players would be annoyed) slowly and players get this because again while the mod is getting more complex it's doing it slowly so the player has time to learn.




With that in mind if I did a needs thing it would be 1 item (you can have multiple of)

It would be added like a deal or like gold mode(triggered by not paying debt and exceeding Debt threshold or my choice) because I don't want to make the base working of the mod more complex.


That said I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just I don't want to add more complexity to base working of the mod.


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23 minutes ago, Lozeak said:


So the problem I have with the gimme X item event.


If it's a random set of items the player will need to carry a load of junk around (annoying for inventory management) and have to "know" where to get these items. Make it too easy, it is nothing more than an annoyance/make it too hard some players will be screwed cause they don't have that game knowledge.


So if used a fixed item or couple of items.... I may as well control these items (make it clear where to get em ect) to fix this problem


If I called these items Lives and just made em a variable and let the player get them by sleeping you have your system your asking for in a much more simple way. 


Basically the lives system is a follower need system simplified.


+1 to this feeling for me, I don't think it is a bad idea exactly but if the aim is to give these food/clutter objects purpose, there are already needs mods that accomplish that.  I'm not a huge fan of supplies management like that, and if I was I'd probably already have a needs mod installed to scratch that gameplay itch.

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I get your thoughts about making it more complex and agree in general, there is a but, though. Just FYI, still playing with stable 1.23 in case that already has somewhat changed, but for my taste the live thing with my setup is too easy (i.e i seem unable to get most of the content).

The two reasons i guess are

- using RND, i have to sleep regulary independently from DF, refilling everything. I guess any other needs mod would do the same, since all of them require sleep.

- in my current game i'm playing a rather weak character, ignore all the main story and dragons and just do some other mods quests. That my follower loses lives fighting does happen, but very seldom.


So... in case that isn't already changed in newer versions of DF, i'd hope for some "make it harder options". As an immersive way, that might be done by some kind of losing lives/willpower for prostituting yourself (how i currently mostly earn the money to pay my follower) but considering the amount of prostitution mods, plus all the other options to earn money... i guess the easiest way that definitly works would be an MCM slider to increase difficulty. Maybe disabled until one had all the notifications about how it works were shown to prevent too many complaints caused by lack of information.


Not wanting to break common gameplay is a good approach, but imho it would be nice to play this mod with all it's consequences even if one doesn't play the game that way. :)

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8 minutes ago, Nazzzgul666 said:


So... in case that isn't already changed in newer versions of DF, i'd hope for some "make it harder options". As an immersive way, that might be done by some kind of losing lives/willpower for prostituting yourself (how i currently mostly earn the money to pay my follower) but considering the amount of prostitution mods, plus all the other options to earn money... i guess the easiest way that definitly works would be an MCM slider to increase difficulty. Maybe disabled until one had all the notifications about how it works were shown to prevent too many complaints.


Not wanting to break common gameplay is a good approach, but imho it would be nice to play this mod with all it's consequences even if one doesn't play the game that way. :)

I can't really remember what was included up to 1.23..... but a *lot* has changed up to the latest version, and there are a huge number of MCM menu options you can use to make the mod harder or more random, which should force you into more of the mod's *content* (mainly the deals, which is the main sex content of the mod IMO). 


There is an entire chaos mode where the mod's settings can get randomized whenever you sleep, and a new gold control mode where you carry the follower's gold and pay your "debts" by increasing your gold count so it can be taken away on changing cells - if you lose the gold however it all goes towards debt, on top of what your follower regularly charges you.


The best way to make the mod harder IMO is to run mods that work well with it - so mods that trigger aggressive sex scenes to lower the player's willpower and mods to get the player into lots of generic DD items that they may want to spend money to get removed or buy keys for.

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53 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

I can't really remember what was included up to 1.23..... but a *lot* has changed up to the latest version, and there are a huge number of MCM menu options you can use to make the mod harder or more random, which should force you into more of the mod's *content* (mainly the deals, which is the main sex content of the mod IMO). 


There is an entire chaos mode where the mod's settings can get randomized whenever you sleep, and a new gold control mode where you carry the follower's gold and pay your "debts" by increasing your gold count so it can be taken away on changing cells - if you lose the gold however it all goes towards debt, on top of what your follower regularly charges you.


The best way to make the mod harder IMO is to run mods that work well with it - so mods that trigger aggressive sex scenes to lower the player's willpower and mods to get the player into lots of generic DD items that they may want to spend money to get removed or buy keys for.

Well, i'd like it harder but still somewhat predictable, so chaos and accidently losing gold isn't really what i'm looking for. 

I have a couple of rape mods (Cursed loot + defeat), but additionally to prostitution... well. There is only a certain amount of sex animations per hour i want to watch until it becomes really boring, so at least for cursed loot i have a 6 hour time out between rapes.

Which reminds me: not entirely sure about DCUL right now, but i've noticed that rapes by Defeat seem only to count 1x for each encounter instead of each rape. I'm not sure if that's something that Defeat does, or maybe just script lag (defeat is quite demanding during it's scenes), or maybe something intentionally added to this mod, but it's another thing that counts towards "too easy". If there could be something done about that without too much effort it would be nice, but it's not a big deal imho.

I already agreed to wear boots, corset and gloves just to decrease my willpower although i could have paid my follower instead, i don't really want to be in armbinder, yokes,, mittens or chastity gear all the time, though. 


Plus, if i understood it correct this doesn't affect the followers lives, i'm not 100% sure right now if there is anything else than "i need to sleep" attached to those lives.


And since i have to decide between SLAL packs, DD4.1 and mods using ZAP 8 i'm not that much into upgrading either. I probably will with a new game some time just to see the new content, but with the current development of having to chose between ZAP and DD mods i'm quite glad that this mod provides old versions where i'm not forced to chose yet, so i can still play this mod with mods using ZAP 8 (+) furnitures.

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You can really make the mod as hard or as easy as you want with MCM options I have added a few system to do it in different ways.


Chaos mode (You have this in 1.23) = Can make it so at times thing will be hopeless and the mod can screw you over.


There is a gold loss on rape in mod and a toggle to make it so at high willpower you lose more.... This means if your a high willpower character and get caught out a few time you'll need to be completely broken will power wise before you can hope to save gold again.


Gold Mode.... can make screw you over in so many different ways....


Make you carry too much gold .... thievery happens .... ton of debt..

Make you carry too little gold... you have to take the inflated debt cost for removal/key game.


It's a lot of options but there is a reason I have a save and load option in the mod ^^ get your setting correct once and your golden for most of your games.


Ofc, there are a lot of mods that effect gold too that will make this mod harder.


Regardless, the lives system is a follower needs system simplified (they are lost on more than just knockdown (Debt update/Device removal) so configure it right (Number of lives/how often debt updates) that right you will be punished for not letting your follower sleep enough.


(if you sleep a lot set max lives to 3 or 4 or something and see if that makes it more demanding)

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10 minutes ago, Lozeak said:

Regardless, the lives system is a follower needs system simplified (they are lost on more than just knockdown (Debt update/Device removal) so configure it right (Number of lives/how often debt updates) that right you will be punished for not letting your follower sleep enough.


(if you sleep a lot set max lives to 3 or 4 or something and see if that makes it more demanding)

Ah, yes. Good hint, i'll try that. Like mentioned above, i want it harder but still somewhat predictable, so just randomly losing gold is not my favorite option. ;)

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17 hours ago, Reesewow said:

+1 to this feeling for me, I don't think it is a bad idea exactly but if the aim is to give these food/clutter objects purpose, there are already needs mods that accomplish that.  I'm not a huge fan of supplies management like that, and if I was I'd probably already have a needs mod installed to scratch that gameplay itch.

I agree, too. Let other mods handle supply. But I am all up for new deals. My fav is by far the plug deal. 


Has anyone tried the custom slave gear? I want to try it but my new profile isn't ready   

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I liked the mod Submissive Lola and one advantage I can see in adding the "fetch me X" mechanic is that it would be another gold sink even a small one. Oh, look you have 302 gold, enough to pay your follower, but now your follower wants a drink or an apple or an iron sword (or three or four, to make it cost more), and you have to buy it meaning you will spend your gold dropping you below the payment level and thus adding debt.  Not sure if the follower knows how much gold the player has but if they did the game could be timed to trigger right before your daily payment is due. 


So I don't see it as a needs mod I see it as a way to force the player to spend gold on something other than the follower making it just a tad harder to keep the necessary gold to pay your follower.  And if the follower is controlling your gold, and they know how much you have they could demand something at just the right time to make you have to beg for more gold just to satisfy their demand.  

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I finally got to play the new deal and have two comments.  First, I think the whore sign should give you a slight stealth debuff.  ;)  Second, and I hate to be critical, but I was disappointed by the heavy whore armor.  The light and medium are cool looking, but heavy just gets pasties?  :/  I'll try to figure out how to put an item from the Tera collection in as a custom I guess, or try to find something else, but I don't really know where to look.

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2 hours ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

I finally got to play the new deal and have two comments.  First, I think the whore sign should give you a slight stealth debuff.  ;)  Second, and I hate to be critical, but I was disappointed by the heavy whore armor.  The light and medium are cool looking, but heavy just gets pasties?  :/  I'll try to figure out how to put an item from the Tera collection in as a custom I guess, or try to find something else, but I don't really know where to look.

The pasties are one of the ebony bikini armor pieces, all of the default "whore armor" items are from Nise's bikini mod.  While I haven't tried it myself, I believe an actual folder structure was set up so you can set whatever armor you want as your "whore armor" and select the MCM option to use custom meshes to activate them.


For instance, if you wanted to replace the heavy armor just find the chest armor mesh of whatever armor you wanted to be your "whore" armor and copy/rename it to this folder:




Rename the _0 and _1 versions of your armor to heavy_F_1.nif/heavy_F_0.nif


If you use the DF version that has a .bsa archive you may need to make the folders yourself, since the originals will be in the archive and overwritten by you loose files.


Note that if in-game you find your custom armor is causing the plug/sign to go invisible the issue is your armor mesh taking up the anal plug slot visually - I think the reason Lozeak added "whore armor" in the first place was to guarantee that a player's clothing/armor wouldn't cover up the sign.

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Small bug report - sometimes if I have multiple level 3 deals active more than one deal scene can trigger at the same time, which can be a bit messy. 


Usually what happens is directly after sleeping in a public area like an inn/populated player home the level 3 plug deal will trigger at the same time as one of the follower-based deals.  This can happen with the tape gag scene, chastity belt scene or piercings scene and causes the follower to talk to you while the plug negotiations are happening between them and an NPC.  Never seen it cause a real problem, as I can just spacebar through the follower based deal usually before the plug deal scene actually starts a SL animation.

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8 hours ago, Kalthen said:

I agree, too. Let other mods handle supply. But I am all up for new deals. My fav is by far the plug deal. 


Has anyone tried the custom slave gear? I want to try it but my new profile isn't ready   

I've tried and it works pretty well even the Texture issue I though that might exist didn't!


7 hours ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

I finally got to play the new deal and have two comments.  First, I think the whore sign should give you a slight stealth debuff.  ;)  Second, and I hate to be critical, but I was disappointed by the heavy whore armor.  The light and medium are cool looking, but heavy just gets pasties?  :/  I'll try to figure out how to put an item from the Tera collection in as a custom I guess, or try to find something else, but I don't really know where to look.


You fine to be critical ! It's a taste thing, I really liked the heart shaped heavy armor, but it's the reason I added custom armor support.


5 hours ago, Reesewow said:

The pasties are one of the ebony bikini armor pieces, all of the default "whore armor" items are from Nise's bikini mod.  While I haven't tried it myself, I believe an actual folder structure was set up so you can set whatever armor you want as your "whore armor" and select the MCM option to use custom meshes to activate them.


For instance, if you wanted to replace the heavy armor just find the chest armor mesh of whatever armor you wanted to be your "whore" armor and copy/rename it to this folder:




Rename the _0 and _1 versions of your armor to heavy_F_1.nif/heavy_F_0.nif


If you use the DF version that has a .bsa archive you may need to make the folders yourself, since the originals will be in the archive and overwritten by you loose files.


Note that if in-game you find your custom armor is causing the plug/sign to go invisible the issue is your armor mesh taking up the anal plug slot visually - I think the reason Lozeak added "whore armor" in the first place was to guarantee that a player's clothing/armor wouldn't cover up the sign.


Yea it was a fix for that, that made the deal really good.


3 hours ago, Reesewow said:

Small bug report - sometimes if I have multiple level 3 deals active more than one deal scene can trigger at the same time, which can be a bit messy. 


Usually what happens is directly after sleeping in a public area like an inn/populated player home the level 3 plug deal will trigger at the same time as one of the follower-based deals.  This can happen with the tape gag scene, chastity belt scene or piercings scene and causes the follower to talk to you while the plug negotiations are happening between them and an NPC.  Never seen it cause a real problem, as I can just spacebar through the follower based deal usually before the plug deal scene actually starts a SL animation.

It's something I'm working on.

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A while ago somebody asked about incompatible followers and none were known, i Just tried vilja and she doesn't seem to work. Not recognized as follower at the beginning and when i add her via DF debug options, DF dialogue replaces everything else.

It's pretty much the first time i use a custom follower with quests and stuff, so if anybody has suggestions what to try or maybe even a knowing workaround i'd be grateful, if not i wanted at least report it.

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Since it seemed to work last time.... I'm bitchin about 9 failed attempts to download the latest file.  A few of them had less than 200 kbs to go.  Nothing like getting your hopes up (Ooo!  Ooo! Ooo!  It's gonna make it....  uh... oh... no).  So if the science holds true, my next attempt should work.




*sigh*  Bad Science.

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1 hour ago, Nazzzgul666 said:

A while ago somebody asked about incompatible followers and none were known, i Just tried vilja and she doesn't seem to work. Not recognized as follower at the beginning and when i add her via DF debug options, DF dialogue replaces everything else.

If you are still on 1.23 you probably need to click the "quest dialogue" debug option to stop Devious Followers from blocking all her other dialogue.  Later versions of Devious Followers don't override follower dialogue anymore - instead it just adds a few dialogue options.


Not sure if that means Vilja would work with later versions as I don't personally have her installed anymore to test.

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7 hours ago, Reesewow said:

If you are still on 1.23 you probably need to click the "quest dialogue" debug option to stop Devious Followers from blocking all her other dialogue.  Later versions of Devious Followers don't override follower dialogue anymore - instead it just adds a few dialogue options.


Not sure if that means Vilja would work with later versions as I don't personally have her installed anymore to test.

Thanks, that did do it for the dialogue but something is still wrong - there are no debts added, not even for removing devices. My guess would be that a quest didn't start but i don't want to start stuff via console when i'm not sure what i'm doing.

Does anybody know something i could try?

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The modder has built her dialog with a lot Blocking Dialog.... meaning it will likely not work with any mods that alter dialog.


I did look at it quickly.... it's a very complex mod but maybe if you change ALL the blocking dialog to Top Level in the CK it might work.


I potentially create an alternate dialog system for Blocking dialog followers.... but it would take time so won't be a while.


TLDR: she will not work.

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