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2 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:

1.  Hmmm, I've found that using the selection that says something like, "only the hardest will do" keeps them bound until I release them.  That selection seems to use iron zbf cuffs.


2.  Ralof is the stormcloak you can save in the helgen caves.  His sister, Gerda (I think), is the wife of Hod, the lumberyard owner.  There's a tree stump on the lumberyard island just across from the Inn.


3.  I'm using an alternative faces patch for HomeSweetHome V1.22 .  And I just realized I never updated AndYouGetASlave to the latest.


I haven't seen the effects you mention in the side note.  In fact, the whole ParadiseHalls, HomeSweetHome and AndYouGetASlave work marvelously well for me.  Welll, except that occasionally a HomeSweetHome slave will want to leave the building where I've left them unbound, despite having high submission, and a HomeSweetHome taskmaster.  They do get yanked back via HomeSweetHome though.


1. Yes, that is what I've been having to do, tie them up.


2. Ah, small island across from Riverwood's lumberyard, okay.  Odd how the guards said nothing about it in Riverwood, do they at all?


3.  Well, I read the xml and manually install based on the xml files of the FOMOD folder, so I saw patches for DD and HSH in there (as in 3.01), seems the patches in there are from it.  Though if those scripts were merged and an MCM menu determined if the patches were used, would make mod alterations easier when you only have to edit 1 version.



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20 hours ago, GuruSR said:

1. Yes, that is what I've been having to do, tie them up.


2. Ah, small island across from Riverwood's lumberyard, okay.  Odd how the guards said nothing about it in Riverwood, do they at all?


3.  Well, I read the xml and manually install based on the xml files of the FOMOD folder, so I saw patches for DD and HSH in there (as in 3.01), seems the patches in there are from it.  Though if those scripts were merged and an MCM menu determined if the patches were used, would make mod alterations easier when you only have to edit 1 version.



2.  I've found that guards in any city in which a number of slaves have been sold will tell you where current or next auction or pit fight will take place.  There's an MCM entry for AndYouGetASlave (AYGAS) which will force an event at a city of your choosing.  You might try this to get a pit fight started just to see what happens.  I'm assuming that you've sold a number of slaves to folks in Riverwood and that you have the AYGAS perk for attending pit fights.  The next perk after that allows you to enter slaves as fighters.  The slavery status page of the MCM will show what level of slavery a town has (I think a level of at least 3 is needed for auctions and pit fights, but don't quote me) and another status page shows what AYGAS perks you have been awarded.


Just in case you don't know, Auctioneers and Pit masters don't show up unless an event is imminent.  AYGAS perks are awarded as you sell slaves, enter auctions and have slaves do some social anti-distancing (prostitution).  Good thing my Skyrim hasn't been exposed to COVID-19, it'd spread like wildfire.


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On 4/18/2020 at 11:57 PM, Sucker343 said:

ok playing with this for for a while and I noticed after selling good number of NPCs, cities are crawling with them. As we know cities are already one of the heaviest part of this game already a more NPCs do not really help the case. After adding a bunch of NPCs first problem I noticed frames dropping 60 to 13. after a while I found in the log havok has 2GB memory limit and it is overloaded everytime I visit the city.

   Now this mod can't do anything to fix havok limitation but, what if Selling NPC to a nearby installment from a city increase Slavery at that city (Regional acceptance) as well as that place(Local acceptance)? that way slaves will be distributed and accepted evenly throughout skyrim without overcrowding cities with NPCs.

If there are too many NPCs spawning, decrease the slave sale rate in the MCM settings. Also, look into ways to improve performance and raise memory limits. There are several, like changing ini files and running ENB in performance mode.

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14 hours ago, Musje said:

If there are too many NPCs spawning, decrease the slave sale rate in the MCM settings. Also, look into ways to improve performance and raise memory limits. There are several, like changing ini files and running ENB in performance mode.

I have done everything I could but I found no solution for it. When it happens, frames drop from 60 to 10 and hdtskyrimmempatch.log flooded with same error 

[24-04-2020 10.22.32 PM]WARNING: havok in skyrim doesn't support address > 2gb

sometime it reach 1.6GB of log. If there is a way around I will definitely use it.


I wanted to increase slavery to max at cities and selling outside city gate do not count so I sold 2-3 slave to almost every NPC at solitude and I overpopulated the streets, brothel and jarls court. Now every time I show up there I get that error.

Then I was thinking why I should I sell it in cities only? Not that those miners do not need any release from their hard work time to time and the farmers can always use more cows. If they do people around that place will notice words spreads fast! other living nearby instalments desires one for them and perhaps want to buy some for themselves as well. business growing so fast Jarls have heard about it! and she is not happy! jars puts bounty to capture the culprit behind this. maybe If I could convince the jarl the benefits somehow I can make slavery official but why would she agree? sounds dumb. maybe if enough people of the city could agree to buy some and support me then jarl have no choice but to agree to slavery. People in city walls do not want to even talk about it, I will sell some at nearby village and at the docks and that mill over there when the see same those inside city walls will hopefully want to have some for their own as well. Yes it worked! now I have to make enough deals to some in city walls. It is done. Now time to convince the jarl. no one care about low life thieves and those bandits are already a problem. Taking them as slaves and put them to work is only logical solution. more then half of the citizen agree to it. Jarl will accept my proposal and Now I can openly sell anywhere near and at solitude.

It will evenly distribute slaves everywhere not just cities.

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On 4/24/2020 at 12:19 PM, tinkerbelle said:

2.  I've found that guards in any city in which a number of slaves have been sold will tell you where current or next auction or pit fight will take place.  There's an MCM entry for AndYouGetASlave (AYGAS) which will force an event at a city of your choosing.  You might try this to get a pit fight started just to see what happens.  I'm assuming that you've sold a number of slaves to folks in Riverwood and that you have the AYGAS perk for attending pit fights.  The next perk after that allows you to enter slaves as fighters.  The slavery status page of the MCM will show what level of slavery a town has (I think a level of at least 3 is needed for auctions and pit fights, but don't quote me) and another status page shows what AYGAS perks you have been awarded.


Just in case you don't know, Auctioneers and Pit masters don't show up unless an event is imminent.  AYGAS perks are awarded as you sell slaves, enter auctions and have slaves do some social anti-distancing (prostitution).  Good thing my Skyrim hasn't been exposed to COVID-19, it'd spread like wildfire.


I'll do more selling in Riverwood, just figured that Whiterun would have had pit fights, but I've never seen it do any of that.  So from the sounds of it, only certain locations offer pit fighting, because I spent 6 days in Whiterun and only saw 1 auction at the first day and 5 days later, was back, no pit fighting.  48+ slave level, so no idea why I'm not seeing it, but if Riverwood needs to be at level 4 for slaves, then I'll get them there and see what happens.



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Can you help me plz, when i sell slaves the progression of the cities does not change, 
and when i come back a few hours later the npc say to me 
"oh, i no longer own this slave", and when i leave a slave turn triks for me,
it disappeared a few hours later it is not even in my menu mcm


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Ran into a bug, that is causing grief with PAHE.


I *finally* saw a notice of the pit fighting at Riverwood from a guard, so I went there.  First there were two fighters, their "caps" are broken, hair eats them, the ground has a break in it as well.


Lastly, before I got to the actual place, I bought a slave back from someone in Riverwood who kept "following me" but as not owned by the player, she'd pop in, stand near me like she as my slave, then poof yanked back to her owner, then almost instantly walked in the nearest door and it repeated.  So I bought her back...  she's "destroyed" by this mod somehow, my last PAHE following slave is now the RED capped fighter in the pit fights.  The slave was in Riverwood, so not sure if that was a cause of it or not?  But her stats are toast.



Ground mess up, could be a clash with another mod in the area that alters this island a bit, maybe not?  There is a bit of changes from it by the Shark race mod.462594471_May7202022_05_57.jpg.5f9e97b8566d7cc2d5c85d4167da63eb.jpg


Red capped one on the left is my slave who I bought from someone in Riverwood, could explain why I couldn't find her.1504293918_May7202022_06_32.jpg.d5b390dd8a073ed16abbc8042e71f771.jpg

I'll watch the fight to see if she comes back to me afterwards, but it did ruin her stats, she has 100 for sex and only 10 for submission, the rest is 0.  Gerdur is going to mop the floor with her.  Will report after the pit fight if she comes back to me or not.


EDIT:  I did get my slave back, sort of, she still can't leave the pit fight, for some odd reason, but she still is my slave, so PAHE still can't move her.  Worst part was, the fights were unable to work properly due to the ground issue, they were stuck fighting air because they couldn't get near, add two (yes two) stupid thieves being arrowed and then raped by the guards and townfolk, caused one fight to attack the nearby thief, which then caused the guard to attack her after the fighting was over and yeah, Gerdur mopped the ground with them.


Fighters were stuck where they are during the fights, one did "pop" out of that area, only to also hit the thief up the hill some.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I think there's a bug in the "cheat mode", for having all perks. The madame perk is not properly activated.


I looked into it, and it seems you put the Madame perk condition as an AND , and a few conidtions below that, the PAH House condition and Cheat condition as OR.


This means, that setting a brothel will work just fine if adquiring the Madame Perk normally. Since it will fullfill the Madame Perk condition, and later the PAH House condition.


However, if you activate the cheat mode, you wont be able to set a brothel since it wont fulfill the Madame Perk condition, because is an AND condition above the other ones. In fact, if you achieve this perk and later will activate the cheat mode, you will fullfill the PAH House condition while being outside a house, because is an OR condition with the Cheat condition. 


the madame perk condition should be an OR condition along side the Cheat condition. And the PAH House condition should be an AND condition above the other two, because this should be always be mandatory.


This is how it is now; 




This is how i think it should be:





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Sorry to be a bother, this may already have been discussed but i promise i did read the whole 56 pages of this discussion and if my issue was there i flat out missed it. The problem i'm having is PAHE isn't registering PAH-HSH in Skyrim SE for me. Everything else is showing up in the list just fine. any help would be massively appreciated. i have ALL the requirements and all of the optionals for both PAH and PAH-HSH except Slavelight, and all the requirements for the optionals as well. used FNIS like i'm supposed to, and LOOT for the load order so... i'm lost here. Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated, especially since i'm fairly new to modding >.< again, sorry for the bother and thanks in advance for any info ya'll decide to sling my way

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Oddity when selling slaves in towns, doesn't always happen:


Slaves will return to where they were trained (cell) from Home Sweet Home, can't seem to tell them not to, though not always.  I can't figure out what differences there are, but for some reason, the slaves think they have to return to their "cell" from HSH after being sold.  Sold a slave to Senna in Markarth and found it going into Vlindrel Hall the next morning.


I'm also seeing slaves who were mine, run up to me as if they're following me and shouldn't be still.


AYGAS "Your slaves"  "Slave in unloaded area" doesn't count towards the Madame nor does it tell me which ones it's complaining about, I had to go to every location to find them to get the count back to 5/5, at 5/5 and it won't flag as being done.  Any way to fix that?



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On 5/21/2020 at 10:25 PM, GuruSR said:

Oddity when selling slaves in towns, doesn't always happen:


Slaves will return to where they were trained (cell) from Home Sweet Home, can't seem to tell them not to, though not always.  I can't figure out what differences there are, but for some reason, the slaves think they have to return to their "cell" from HSH after being sold.  Sold a slave to Senna in Markarth and found it going into Vlindrel Hall the next morning.


I'm also seeing slaves who were mine, run up to me as if they're following me and shouldn't be still.


AYGAS "Your slaves"  "Slave in unloaded area" doesn't count towards the Madame nor does it tell me which ones it's complaining about, I had to go to every location to find them to get the count back to 5/5, at 5/5 and it won't flag as being done.  Any way to fix that?



The first bug is an annoying one, it seems sometimes the AI packages stick to the slave when they are sold. I haven't found a fix for this. They are definitely unshipped from the HSH slot that holds the package. Maybe it sticks around when still running (for instance a stuck sandboxing routine). I can see if I can forcefully terminate such packages


Second one is a similar issue. Could be PAHE related also


3rd one: I will look into that. The unloaded area is a big issue, it's not just the NPC being unloaded but all references return nil and no properties can be accessed. But I didn't know it affected the perks, that's something needs fixing.


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On 5/18/2020 at 4:41 PM, tasedncrazed said:

Sorry to be a bother, this may already have been discussed but i promise i did read the whole 56 pages of this discussion and if my issue was there i flat out missed it. The problem i'm having is PAHE isn't registering PAH-HSH in Skyrim SE for me. Everything else is showing up in the list just fine. any help would be massively appreciated. i have ALL the requirements and all of the optionals for both PAH and PAH-HSH except Slavelight, and all the requirements for the optionals as well. used FNIS like i'm supposed to, and LOOT for the load order so... i'm lost here. Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated, especially since i'm fairly new to modding >.< again, sorry for the bother and thanks in advance for any info ya'll decide to sling my way

What do you mean by PAHE doesn;t register HSH, because it's the other way around? Load order shouldn't be too critical, but do place HSH below PAHE.

Do PAHE and HSH function normally otherwise?

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On 5/16/2020 at 7:03 AM, Merca9996 said:

I think there's a bug in the "cheat mode", for having all perks. The madame perk is not properly activated.


I looked into it, and it seems you put the Madame perk condition as an AND , and a few conidtions below that, the PAH House condition and Cheat condition as OR.


This means, that setting a brothel will work just fine if adquiring the Madame Perk normally. Since it will fullfill the Madame Perk condition, and later the PAH House condition.


However, if you activate the cheat mode, you wont be able to set a brothel since it wont fulfill the Madame Perk condition, because is an AND condition above the other ones. In fact, if you achieve this perk and later will activate the cheat mode, you will fullfill the PAH House condition while being outside a house, because is an OR condition with the Cheat condition. 


the madame perk condition should be an OR condition along side the Cheat condition. And the PAH House condition should be an AND condition above the other two, because this should be always be mandatory.


This is how it is now; 




This is how i think it should be:





You're right, I will fix that.  Thanks!


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On 5/8/2020 at 4:22 AM, GuruSR said:

Ran into a bug, that is causing grief with PAHE.


I *finally* saw a notice of the pit fighting at Riverwood from a guard, so I went there.  First there were two fighters, their "caps" are broken, hair eats them, the ground has a break in it as well.


Lastly, before I got to the actual place, I bought a slave back from someone in Riverwood who kept "following me" but as not owned by the player, she'd pop in, stand near me like she as my slave, then poof yanked back to her owner, then almost instantly walked in the nearest door and it repeated.  So I bought her back...  she's "destroyed" by this mod somehow, my last PAHE following slave is now the RED capped fighter in the pit fights.  The slave was in Riverwood, so not sure if that was a cause of it or not?  But her stats are toast.


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  Reveal hidden contents

I'll watch the fight to see if she comes back to me afterwards, but it did ruin her stats, she has 100 for sex and only 10 for submission, the rest is 0.  Gerdur is going to mop the floor with her.  Will report after the pit fight if she comes back to me or not.


EDIT:  I did get my slave back, sort of, she still can't leave the pit fight, for some odd reason, but she still is my slave, so PAHE still can't move her.  Worst part was, the fights were unable to work properly due to the ground issue, they were stuck fighting air because they couldn't get near, add two (yes two) stupid thieves being arrowed and then raped by the guards and townfolk, caused one fight to attack the nearby thief, which then caused the guard to attack her after the fighting was over and yeah, Gerdur mopped the ground with them.

  Reveal hidden contents



The fights are a bit iffy since they work dynamically, and especially when the place is changed by another mod it can cause issues. Maybe I can move them to an indoor setting, like the basement of an inn.


If you zone out and back in, can you move your slave then? Zoning out should completely reset the event.

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On 5/23/2020 at 1:10 PM, Musje said:

You're right, I will fix that.  Thanks!


You are welcome.


Btw, can you make that the dialogue "Ever dreamed of having a slave?" only appears if you have a slave with you? Because i have that dialogue even when i dont have any slave with me. Also, as an idea, maybe the option should only appear if you have slaves that you actually want to sell (maybe you can create an "Aygas slave for sell" Faction, and assign that faction to a slave with a dialogue), so the option wont appear for slaves that you are using as bodyguards, mules or prostitutes. This will also help to not sell the wrong slave, when you have multiple slaves with you with the same actor name.


And about the bug that doenst show the correct name of the slave in the dialogues (because it takes the actor names instead of the modified name)... maybe you can try to put that name in a variable, and print the variable in the dialogue? I dont know that much about CK scripting, but maybe that could be a workaround.



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I just finished the Civil War with the newest version. Evidently Aslfur has been placed in the slave pool. I got a letter from Gorm (the housecarl of Hjallmarch) telling me that he knew that I had killed him (no name given in the note). So I went to the Blue Palace and, lo and behold, Aslfur (the steward of Hjaalmarch) is missing. So far at least I haven't been charge with any crime but still the game appears to see missing royals as my kills. 


I thought that you'd like to know. I'll update you as this progresses. So far at least I don't know where he is as a slave.

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18 hours ago, Psalam said:



I just finished the Civil War with the newest version. Evidently Aslfur has been placed in the slave pool. I got a letter from Gorm (the housecarl of Hjallmarch) telling me that he knew that I had killed him (no name given in the note). So I went to the Blue Palace and, lo and behold, Aslfur (the steward of Hjaalmarch) is missing. So far at least I haven't been charge with any crime but still the game appears to see missing royals as my kills. 


I thought that you'd like to know. I'll update you as this progresses. So far at least I don't know where he is as a slave.

I assume this is a typo type of thing, but Gorm and Aslfur are usually in the Morthal Jarl's longhouse, not in the Blue Palace of Solitude.  But if you were looking in the Blue Palace, you wouldn't find Aslfur.


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21 minutes ago, tinkerbelle said:

I assume this is a typo type of thing, but Gorm and Aslfur are usually in the Morthal Jarl's longhouse, not in the Blue Palace of Solitude.  But if you were looking in the Blue Palace, you wouldn't find Aslfur.


Thanks for trying to be helpful. However, after the Civil War in which you've sided with the Stormcloaks all the "leaders" of the losing side (such as those mentioned above) can be found in the "basement" of the Blue Palace in Solitude. In a vanilla game they remain there (whereas if you side with the Imperials the losers are found at Ulfric's table in the Palace of the Kings). What AYGAS does is to add these NPCs to the slave pool over time.


In previous versions of AYGAS when some of them have been added to the pool the vanilla game would treat this as the player killing the NPC who had been moved. This, in turn, would result in the player having a 1000 septim bounty placed on his head (or other parts) and often in odd and unusual places. For example, in my first attempt at this Aslfur was again the first one added to the pool but the bounty was, IIRC, for Whiterun. Not Hjaalmarch where he was from nor Haafingar was he had just been. Anyway, Musje reported that she had corrected this for this version and I was simply reporting on my findings to date.


All of this can be found several pages back in this thread.

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so this project is still alive? I see author here but dunno when was last update, I'm quite fresh on LL.
Either way, I'm looking for extensions for HSH and PAH like "slave cart, torture framework, 0SA - 0Sex, Serial Strip Heretical Resurces, I'll take the display model, ZBF expansion pack, Beyong Skyrim Bruma" - Where do I find them? been looking a bit. Also I reinstalled PAH and HSH to make it notice some expansions but it sometimes can't see ZAZ animation pack why might it happen?

One more thing: DD - when slavery gets high devices appear around the town or do I need something to put slave in stocks for example? To make interactive BDSM work.

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11 minutes ago, Jelloxo said:

so this project is still alive? I see author here but dunno when was last update, I'm quite fresh on LL.
Either way, I'm looking for extensions for HSH and PAH like "slave cart, torture framework, 0SA - 0Sex, Serial Strip Heretical Resurces, I'll take the display model, ZBF expansion pack, Beyong Skyrim Bruma" - Where do I find them? been looking a bit. Also I reinstalled PAH and HSH to make it notice some expansions but it sometimes can't see ZAZ animation pack why might it happen?

One more thing: DD - when slavery gets high devices appear around the town or do I need something to put slave in stocks for example? To make interactive BDSM work.

Yes this is still alive. To find the mods you mentioned you can try Google. You can also look here:

There is a good description in here of how to use the site's search engine (IIRC it's in the second post).

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On 6/2/2020 at 10:48 AM, Psalam said:

Thanks for trying to be helpful. However, after the Civil War in which you've sided with the Stormcloaks all the "leaders" of the losing side (such as those mentioned above) can be found in the "basement" of the Blue Palace in Solitude. In a vanilla game they remain there (whereas if you side with the Imperials the losers are found at Ulfric's table in the Palace of the Kings). What AYGAS does is to add these NPCs to the slave pool over time.


In previous versions of AYGAS when some of them have been added to the pool the vanilla game would treat this as the player killing the NPC who had been moved. This, in turn, would result in the player having a 1000 septim bounty placed on his head (or other parts) and often in odd and unusual places. For example, in my first attempt at this Aslfur was again the first one added to the pool but the bounty was, IIRC, for Whiterun. Not Hjaalmarch where he was from nor Haafingar was he had just been. Anyway, Musje reported that she had corrected this for this version and I was simply reporting on my findings to date.


All of this can be found several pages back in this thread.

Ooops.  Sorry about that, chief, er, Psalam.  I played the Civil War quest once wayyy back when and haven't touched it since.  I've noticed that with just about every Bethesda game I've played more than once, that I don't repeat the main quest.  They just don't interest me.


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3 minutes ago, tinkerbelle said:

Ooops.  Sorry about that, chief, er, Psalam.  I played the Civil War quest once wayyy back when and haven't touched it since.  I've noticed that with just about every Bethesda game I've played more than once, that I don't repeat the main quest.  They just don't interest me.


No worries. I just thought it was prudent to answer at length for the benefit of those who were unaware of how the CW quest plays out or, more importantly, how the former leaders wind up as slaves in AYGAS.

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