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8 hours ago, Farass said:

Hi , I did some digging a while ago about this:


I tried to figure out why there is no collision with creatures. I think I may have made some progress. Did some testing and was actually able to get collision from creature - pc. I have attached the SheperdHard.nif from HentaiCreatures which is actually working in my game by linking to the attached Dog.xml. Haven't tested by removing the NiStringExtraData link in the .nif file, but should probably work too. Tried several other creatures too, but no luck. Then I realised that the ShepardHard.nif  BStrishape Dog, actually was a BSDismemberSkinInstance while other creatures BStrishapes were NiskinInstance. So I tried to convert the attached  dogHard.nif from MoreNastyCritters from NiSkinInstance to BSDismemberSkinInstance , and I actually got collision from the Dog shape with my pc. Only problem is the BSTriShape Dog is invisible in game. Anyone know how to fix this?


EDIT: Think I figured out how to make the body visible. Had to add partitions in BSDismemberSkinInstance and set this to SBP_32_Body. Now I have collision with the dog body. 

EDIT: Converted the penis mesh using same method , and voila! I have collision from both penis and dog body with the female body. Attached the new edited DogHard.nif


Some more digging led to getting the dog, shepard, werewolf, werebear and demon (from hentaicreatures) have collisions. So This leads me to believe that there are still limitations in the HDT-SMP SSE version that are not in the HDT-PE version. Also seems that the collisions work depending on the type of skeleton. Defined as NPC?

Well, if that is the case, then we should keep trying to find a way to do this, as HDT SMP won't be getting any updates in the near future. My nifskope knowledge doesn't help me with partition stuff, as I'm quite new to all of this, but I could still try to do something. If you could help me out with one question that I've been looking for the answer myself it would be nice: What's the difference between a BS shape and a Ni shape? All I know is that the BS one came later... When I played Oldrim, I wasn't as *cough* perverted *cough* as I am now, so I didn't get the opportunity to get the hang of HDT PE, what makes me quite a bit less able to solve this problem I guess. Thanks for the help, btw. I'll try to do what you did!

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9 hours ago, Saeros said:

I'm using SOS full (for males) and CBBE SE Special (for females), with the Caliente HDT-SMP .xml config files from Nexus .. and the latest XPMSSE.. all the armor/clothes is made for physics.

obviously all through MO2.. 


for now I do not use ENB, or modified .ini, just for lazyness ? (but, after your tip, I will look into bethini asap).

So, HDT-SMP FPS problems-->only in densely populated areas (major and minor cities, and some dungeons) and not always (this is what puzzles me) I have a FPS drop that make my game unplayable for my standards.


..can it be something related to CBBE xml files?






go to this side https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198/

and download the optional CBBE SMP Config v1.0.6, let it override hdt and set SOS collission to NONE, since then no fps drops more for me

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2 hours ago, AnnaShapard said:

go to this side https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198/

and download the optional CBBE SMP Config v1.0.6, let it override hdt and set SOS collission to NONE, since then no fps drops more for me

I used CBBE HDT-SMP config since version 1.03 (and SkyrimSE 1.5.39)..

I kept HDT installed until version 1.06.. I use HDT because I WANT collisions ?


after the announcement of the loss of interest in development by hydrogensayshdt, I spend time to modding my game with HDT installed (I've always had FPS drops since the beginning, but I waited)..

when the game was updated, I waited for all the mods I had installed to be updated.. and I came back to CBP (no more FPS drop but no collision?)..


now I'm trying to go back to HDT SMP .. but I would like to keep the collisions active and a decent in game FPS, otherwise I stay with CBP

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15 hours ago, Saeros said:

I'm using SOS full (for males) and CBBE SE Special (for females), with the Caliente HDT-SMP .xml config files from Nexus .. and the latest XPMSSE.. all the armor/clothes is made for physics.

obviously all through MO2.. 


for now I do not use ENB, or modified .ini, just for lazyness ? (but, after your tip, I will look into bethini asap).

So, HDT-SMP FPS problems-->only in densely populated areas (major and minor cities, and some dungeons) and not always (this is what puzzles me) I have a FPS drop that make my game unplayable for my standards.


..can it be something related to CBBE xml files?

I have read reports of fps drops unique to the CBBE-Physics body. Whether this is due to the increased rendering load of the high-poly body itself (irrespective of physics) or the provided xml's (which I doubt- if Ousnius had a hand in it I would trust that they are as close to optimal/perfect as they can be) I can't say because I personally prefer my UUNP body with my thousands of UUNP-converted outfits- I will cling to my UUNP body until someone pries my cold, dead labia off of it. :classic_tongue:


I normally run with 1 or 2 female followers, both sporting full body and earring (and sometimes hair) physics. I don't have any cloth physics outfits because I don't know how to make Oldrim xml's work with SMP-SSE and I don't personally care for capes or medieval-looking heavy armor, which are the only cloth-physics outfits I have found so far. If I knew how to make SMP xml's for SSE I would have many of the flouncy skirts and flowing gowns that I loved in Oldrim- but I don't, so I don't. :classic_blink:


Without SMP collisions, most of my long-ish hairstyles just sink right into my back, clipping and unclipping into my body randomly as I walk around. Once I copied body collision objects into my wig xml's, this problem went away- now my hair does not sink into my back or shoulders as I flounce around. It does, however, clip through my hands and elbows sometimes as I run, so I'm trying to find a way to make hand/arm/elbow collisions work with hair. I just wish there was an HDT-SMP-SE xml-writing guide somewhere that wasn't talking about Oldrim HDT-PE and was written in comprehensible English.


I have found HUGE differences in my framerate depending on location, not female body count. For example, we can enter the Dawnguard Sanctuary (after the end of the normal Brotherhood questline when it is no longer infested with enemies) and run a solid 58-60 fps, which is quite frankly astonishing to me given my ENB and SMP load and my antique i5 / DDR3 / GTX970 machine. On the other hand, we can walk through the Riften Market at 0300 when there is absolutely nobody else around except a guard or two, half of whom are male and therefore aren't affecting my SMP physics at all, and chug right down to 35-40 fps just due to being in the Riften Cell... yet we can walk right up the main street of Whiterun at 0300, all the way up to Dragonsreach and see a solid 55-58 fps the whole way. So there is just something about the way Bethesda made some cells that adversely affects fps.


Without the added load from 200+ mods including fps hogs like my 4k Textures, ENB and SMP physics, which Bethesda never envisioned when they released Oldrim in 2011, most of us can run a solid 60 fps or above and so we never notice the cell-specific fps drops because fps just isn't something we're tracking. So it's not that our mods cause the cell-specific framerate degradation, it's that they expose it because we are tracking our fps and can therefore see it happening. And finally, this problem was worse in Oldrim HDT-PE than it is in SSE.


Also, weirdly, I have found that my heading matters- I can stand in any one place outdoors or indoors, all by myself, and turn slowly around and watch my fps counter rise and fall depending solely upon where I am looking. This can't possibly be an SMP issue.


I know this wall of text isn't the response you were expecting, but it's my way of explaining why I think SMP is worth the small annoyances- any framerate at or above 25 fps is eminently playable - many videos and TV shows are produced at between 25 and 30 fps - and fps drops that don't go below 25 are almost undetectable unless you're displaying an FPS counter constantly like I am as I continue to try to fine-tune stuff.

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2 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

Without SMP collisions, most of my long-ish hairstyles just sink right into my back, clipping and unclipping into my body randomly as I walk around. Once I copied body collision objects into my wig xml's, this problem went away- now my hair does not sink into my back or shoulders as I flounce around. It does, however, clip through my hands and elbows sometimes as I run, so I'm trying to find a way to make hand/arm/elbow collisions work with hair. I just wish there was an HDT-SMP-SE xml-writing guide somewhere that wasn't talking about Oldrim HDT-PE and was written in comprehensible English.

Could you elaborate more on what you did to fix this? I've been trying to figure out these issues as well. Would love to get earrings and hair to stop flying through bodies

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2 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

I have read reports of fps drops unique to the CBBE-Physics body. Whether this is due to the increased rendering load of the high-poly body itself (irrespective of physics) or the provided xml's (which I doubt- if Ousnius had a hand in it I would trust that they are as close to optimal/perfect as they can be) I can't say because I personally prefer my UUNP body with my thousands of UUNP-converted outfits- I will cling to my UUNP body until someone pries my cold, dead labia off of it. :classic_tongue:


I normally run with 1 or 2 female followers, both sporting full body and earring (and sometimes hair) physics. I don't have any cloth physics outfits because I don't know how to make Oldrim xml's work with SMP-SSE and I don't personally care for capes or medieval-looking heavy armor, which are the only cloth-physics outfits I have found so far. If I knew how to make SMP xml's for SSE I would have many of the flouncy skirts and flowing gowns that I loved in Oldrim- but I don't, so I don't. :classic_blink:


Without SMP collisions, most of my long-ish hairstyles just sink right into my back, clipping and unclipping into my body randomly as I walk around. Once I copied body collision objects into my wig xml's, this problem went away- now my hair does not sink into my back or shoulders as I flounce around. It does, however, clip through my hands and elbows sometimes as I run, so I'm trying to find a way to make hand/arm/elbow collisions work with hair. I just wish there was an HDT-SMP-SE xml-writing guide somewhere that wasn't talking about Oldrim HDT-PE and was written in comprehensible English.


I have found HUGE differences in my framerate depending on location, not female body count. For example, we can enter the Dawnguard Sanctuary (after the end of the normal Brotherhood questline when it is no longer infested with enemies) and run a solid 58-60 fps, which is quite frankly astonishing to me given my ENB and SMP load and my antique i5 / DDR3 / GTX970 machine. On the other hand, we can walk through the Riften Market at 0300 when there is absolutely nobody else around except a guard or two, half of whom are male and therefore aren't affecting my SMP physics at all, and chug right down to 35-40 fps just due to being in the Riften Cell... yet we can walk right up the main street of Whiterun at 0300, all the way up to Dragonsreach and see a solid 55-58 fps the whole way. So there is just something about the way Bethesda made some cells that adversely affects fps.


Without the added load from 200+ mods including fps hogs like my 4k Textures, ENB and SMP physics, which Bethesda never envisioned when they released Oldrim in 2011, most of us can run a solid 60 fps or above and so we never notice the cell-specific fps drops because fps just isn't something we're tracking. So it's not that our mods cause the cell-specific framerate degradation, it's that they expose it because we are tracking our fps and can therefore see it happening. And finally, this problem was worse in Oldrim HDT-PE than it is in SSE.


Also, weirdly, I have found that my heading matters- I can stand in any one place outdoors or indoors, all by myself, and turn slowly around and watch my fps counter rise and fall depending solely upon where I am looking. This can't possibly be an SMP issue.


I know this wall of text isn't the response you were expecting, but it's my way of explaining why I think SMP is worth the small annoyances- any framerate at or above 25 fps is eminently playable - many videos and TV shows are produced at between 25 and 30 fps - and fps drops that don't go below 25 are almost undetectable unless you're displaying an FPS counter constantly like I am as I continue to try to fine-tune stuff   



I got AMD 8350 OC at 4.0GHZ with 32gig ddr 3 ram at 1600mhz instead of 1866mhz because it wouldn't boot with this Arock board. I have R9 390x OC edition from XFX at 1060 mhz  8gig with SDD from 512GB crucial. and 920 watt psu if you need testing let me know

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3 hours ago, Thenryb said:

This sounds lazy but is mostly me being daft, but what I would love to have is your hdtSkinnedMeshconfigs folder:)

The only two files that are active in that folder are the two I posted. The HDT Hair one is in its own subfolder under Data\meshes. So you already have everything that is in use in the folder. I won't post my entire folder (or contents) because it is chock full of old configs, backup copies, subfolders containing the plans for thermonuclear bras, experimental junk downloaded from various sources to try (without success) to get a clue how to make other stuff work (*cough*labia-to-schlong collisions*cough*).


3 hours ago, Thenryb said:

If you can follow Tonyo Allies demonstration of how to do that for UUNP you have a much faster ear in than do I

Sadly, I can't. :classic_wacko: That's why I've been asking here for a written guide.


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3 hours ago, Vyxenne said:


The only two files that are active in that folder are the two I posted. The HDT Hair one is in its own subfolder under Data\meshes. So you already have everything that is in use in the folder. I won't post my entire folder (or contents) because it is chock full of old configs, backup copies, subfolders containing the plans for thermonuclear bras, experimental junk downloaded from various sources to try (without success) to get a clue how to make other stuff work (*cough*labia-to-schlong collisions*cough*).


Sadly, I can't. :classic_wacko: That's why I've been asking here for a written guide.


Hello! Maybe I can help with? But since my posts constantly delete it is easier to discuss everything on our server.

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Hey guys, I can't get my SOS collisions to work... I'm using CBBE SE and its provided XMLs for SMP. Question: do I need to build the body using CBBE Special in bodyslide, or just the normal Physics one? And to use special, I need specific textures for the vagina, correct? Because I'm using Bijin skin from oldrim, and I don't think it supports it, there's a huge white line on the vagina, inspecting it in Bodyslide.


Edit: Wait... I need a cbbe-hdt-vag collision xml, don't I? I downloaded the all-in-one smp setup from oldrim, can I just copy over the XMLs?

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5 minutes ago, Redswift said:

Hey guys, I can't get my SOS collisions to work... I'm using CBBE SE and its provided XMLs for SMP. Question: do I need to build the body using CBBE Special in bodyslide, or just the normal Physics one? And to use special, I need specific textures for the vagina, correct? Because I'm using Bijin skin from oldrim, and I don't think it supports it, there's a huge white line on the vagina, inspecting it in Bodyslide.

The difference between CBBE Special and the others is that it has a vagina mesh included, so enabling collisions. So you NEED to have the Special body if you want collisions with vagina and schlong. I still haven't tried to figure out which textures work for the vagina just yet, I've just been living with a vagina with a missing texture :P .

Check if you have the labia per triangle shape in the CBBE.xml . If you don't, you may be using the wrong .xml

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16 minutes ago, E Boy said:

The difference between CBBE Special and the others is that it has a vagina mesh included, so enabling collisions. So you NEED to have the Special body if you want collisions with vagina and schlong. I still haven't tried to figure out which textures work for the vagina just yet, I've just been living with a vagina with a missing texture :P .

Check if you have the labia per triangle shape in the CBBE.xml . If you don't, you may be using the wrong .xml


The bijin skin I was using got released LITERALLY JUST NOW for SE, and it's compatible with CBBE Special. I'm probably the luckiest guy alive lol

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48 minutes ago, E Boy said:

The difference between CBBE Special and the others is that it has a vagina mesh included, so enabling collisions. So you NEED to have the Special body if you want collisions with vagina and schlong. I still haven't tried to figure out which textures work for the vagina just yet, I've just been living with a vagina with a missing texture :P .

Check if you have the labia per triangle shape in the CBBE.xml . If you don't, you may be using the wrong .xml

The Demoniac texture has around 4-5 different skin texture sets, all those have vagina texures....

Fair Skin Complexion

Fair Mature Skin

Real Girl + SG Head

SG Textures Renewal


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2 hours ago, Redswift said:


The bijin skin I was using got released LITERALLY JUST NOW for SE, and it's compatible with CBBE Special. I'm probably the luckiest guy alive lol

HAHA I was checking on my preset's amount of downloads and saw that right after answering you :P What a lucky boye


1 hour ago, jesseg said:

The Demoniac texture has around 4-5 different skin texture sets, all those have vagina texures....

Fair Skin Complexion

Fair Mature Skin

Real Girl + SG Head

SG Textures Renewal


Thanks for making me realise I was actually using outdated versions of all of those xD

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8 hours ago, Redswift said:

Hey guys, I can't get my SOS collisions to work... I'm using CBBE SE and its provided XMLs for SMP. Question: do I need to build the body using CBBE Special in bodyslide, or just the normal Physics one? And to use special, I need specific textures for the vagina, correct? Because I'm using Bijin skin from oldrim, and I don't think it supports it, there's a huge white line on the vagina, inspecting it in Bodyslide.


Edit: Wait... I need a cbbe-hdt-vag collision xml, don't I? I downloaded the all-in-one smp setup from oldrim, can I just copy over the XMLs?

Oldrim CBBE is incompatible with SSE CBBE. You should try to get rid of ALL your Oldrim CBBE stuff including xml's and use the new stuff from the SSE CBBE page, which includes SSE-working xml's.

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19 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

Oldrim CBBE is incompatible with SSE CBBE. You should try to get rid of ALL your Oldrim CBBE stuff including xml's and use the new stuff from the SSE CBBE page, which includes SSE-working xml's.


I did get it working, post right above yours, thanks anyways though :)


18 hours ago, Barragan said:

Custom race for player.


I already use Unique Character. So if I two different meshes in bodyslide, one without physics for NPCs, and one CBBE Special which I'll use. That'd work right? And is it possible that it'd create issues with HDT trying to apply on characters that don't have the appropriate meshes?

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