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I don't quite know why (maybe a reserved quest alias), but the quest wouldn't start while "A Night To Remember" was active. It gave an error on filling the quest aliases. After finishing that quest console-starting worked for me.

So if you currently are on Sanguine's quest, try finishing that first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I found a tome that taught me how to "Detect Sexmad."
What is sexmad? Is it a confliction? If so what happens to someone who is Sexmad, and who does it affect? Is it a part of a different mod that I missed?

I know this might not be the right place to ask this, but... I have nothing to say to that.

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This is romance mod alternative to amorous adventures?


It contains elements from both mods. Very similar to Romance and Amorous adventures with emphasis on romance.

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I'm not sure it counts as a romance mod. You can use persuasion to allow sex with someone, and with enough attempts, raise their relationship rank with you. This is similar to just doing a lot of favor quests for someone.  There isn't any dialog or other progressive steps that I'd call a romance.  AA does have a series of dialogs, some NPCs have more than others, but at least have something.

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I'm not sure it counts as a romance mod. You can use persuasion to allow sex with someone, and with enough attempts, raise their relationship rank with you. This is similar to just doing a lot of favor quests for someone.  There isn't any dialog or other progressive steps that I'd call a romance.  AA does have a series of dialogs, some NPCs have more than others, but at least have something.

Karl, the major difference with AA is that doing the quests nets no gains in relationship rank - something that can make an AA lover sound quite bizarre when their relationship rank is acquaintance, I've mentioned how off putting it can be but, Fox has no plans to change this as it could break something or prevent the player from doing a favour quest though to be fair most of the favours involved with AA lovers are required to complete in order to complete the AA quest or are listed as prerequisites. 


        A major advantage of SLEN over AA is the ability to back down when you want to - short of being in the act there's opportunity to tab out and head for the door while in AA you have exactly one chance per quest to say no to the lot of it. Another advantage is that NPCs can die and not break the mod's performance. If you run moonlight tales then it makes the matter worse but, it takes something like "Timing is Everything" or "When Vampires Attack" in order to keep Adrianne from being killed in a random vampire attack and there goes your quest chain. Don't get me wrong, Fox did an ace job creating AA and it does have some strong advantages over SLEN - nonsexual intimacy, the kiss animation isn't present in SLEN. Of course AA has brilliant stories which SLEN is pretty short on but for the most part both can run and tie in very well together. In 2.11 of AA there is a quest that is a bit irksome if you've done Dibella's Refuge but you can configure SLEN to not have the refuge quests and still enjoy the rest of it with no breaks of immersion.

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This is romance mod alternative to amorous adventures?





AA - a quest mod with the quest goal is making an NPC into a lover.  In other words, a "romance" mod.  No it doesn't bump the relationship rank, but considering the relationship has no practical value other than changing off-hand remarks ("hello my friend"/"I hope the wilds claim you") and allowing you to take stuff from the NPCs home, it's not a major setback.


SLEN - a "fuck me, please" mod.  You basically ask people to fuck you, and they can refuse or accept (based on several factors).  There is no "romance" to it.  Yes it can bump the relationship rank, but the only practical functionality of the relationship rank is to allow the PC to freely take stuff from the NPCs home and make future SLEN "fuck me" requests easier.  In other words, NOT a "romance" mod.


Both mods are really good, and SLEN has a nice feature for using sex to get training.  But again, AA=quest & romance, SLEN="please fuck me" (no romance).

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brilliant stories which SLEN is pretty short on


is why



I'm not sure it counts as a romance mod. You can use persuasion to allow sex with someone, and with enough attempts, raise their relationship rank with you. This is similar to just doing a lot of favor quests for someone.  There isn't any dialog or other progressive steps that I'd call a romance.  AA does have a series of dialogs, some NPCs have more than others, but at least have something.


and so


You basically ask people to fuck you, and they can refuse or accept (based on several factors).  There is no "romance" to it.  Yes it can bump the relationship rank, but the only practical functionality of the relationship rank is to allow the PC to freely take stuff from the NPCs home and make future SLEN "fuck me" requests easier.  In other words, NOT a "romance" mod.


said it more bluntly and clearly.


Setting aside AA's "disadvantage" using a custom faction and system to track romance progression, AA is a romance mod. It may not have branching dialogs with meaningful choices but given what we have to work with in Skyrim, it is about as good as it gets.  SLEN is merely dialog options. It isn't really all that much more than Sexlab Solutions is, romance wise. It is just a series of short, simple, easy, difficultly free favor quests. You get as much from SLEN as you get from a "run down to the docks and persuade Vitoria to send up my spices" quest but with some sexy instead of 2 load screens. (And with Solutions, you can bang the bride to be on top of it.) 


SLEN's romance is pretty much just what stories you make up in your head, the one liners in game are the same for every person. A good single player RPG does need features that SLEN provides so we can make up these stories, but that doesn't make it romance. As an example, I like using SLEN to butter up an NPC I would need to persuade for another quest, if that quest has an option that if the NPC is already favorable to you, you do not need the persuade check. Vitoria isn't this way, since you cannot do a favor quest for her, but if you buy a drink for Torbjorn Shatter-Shield or fetch the amulet he asks for, he will not need a persuade check when you ask him to pay the argonians on the docks more. The game could have an option that lets you find the amulet in exchange for paying them more, but it doesn't have any such system.  So I make it up.  Using SLEN, my sleep-with-everyone slut or Adonis-looking-gift-to-women Dragonborn can provide favor quests for any NPC, like Vitoria.


The kiss animations by Leito, and also by SirNibbles, are not part of AA either. This is why you need either NSAP or the newer animation loader mod and a package or two. SLEN could use them the same way, but there isn't a "just kiss me" option.

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         Karl, you're getting no disagreements from me so far and good tip with Torbjorn - I do something similar for DB's Kill Hern contract viz. working the combat mechanic of the AI data to mitigate some of Hern's protection by way of Hert and making my own story with high sneak and illusion skills. If you would like all the specifics on how to pull it off just message me but, it's kind of a distraction from the point outside what I've already mentioned.


     So yes, SLEN is good for story created in the player's imagination but as stated above it's not romance and at the same time it's not mindless sex category as it does require some skill in order not to fail the attempt as opposed to using matchmaker to take your pick in a crowd. In the romance category there's currently nothing being worked on that can compete with AA. That said SLEN is good for situations that AA doesn't handle - say you want to have a good distraction during Diplomatic Immunity before you go running for the documents well with SLEN just make sure your skills can pull it off and have fun with the opportunity. 


           If you're looking for an Either/Or response to the mods then I suppose I'm little help as I advocate running both at the same time for the purposes of getting the most out of a character. 

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Well, the question was if SLEN was a romance mod, and an alternative to AA.


It seems we've gone a little off track disagreeing on what defines a romance mod, and I hope we haven't scared off the oringal questor.



Do you use SLEN to raise the relationship of someone at the party if you don't have anyone there that likes you? Or just to get the "right" person?

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Well, the question was if SLEN was a romance mod, and an alternative to AA.


It seems we've gone a little off track disagreeing on what defines a romance mod, and I hope we haven't scared off the oringal questor.



Do you use SLEN to raise the relationship of someone at the party if you don't have anyone there that likes you? Or just to get the "right" person?


I didn't know there was a question at all. I tried the mod and liked it, thought I'd say so. Of course it's an entirely different mod than Amorous Adventures, doesn't mean it can't be my favorite either. There isn't a competition, or at least I wasn't aware of one. I like both mods and appreciate the work that goes into them.

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Well, the question was if SLEN was a romance mod, and an alternative to AA.


It seems we've gone a little off track disagreeing on what defines a romance mod, and I hope we haven't scared off the oringal questor.



Do you use SLEN to raise the relationship of someone at the party if you don't have anyone there that likes you? Or just to get the "right" person?


I didn't know there was a question at all. I tried the mod and liked it, thought I'd say so. Of course it's an entirely different mod than Amorous Adventures, doesn't mean it can't be my favorite either. There isn't a competition, or at least I wasn't aware of one. I like both mods and appreciate the work that goes into them.



We started a page back on a comment by nitras.

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Thanks karlpaws for the explanation, I haven't been following this thread. Literally all I did was try the mod and come here and post my feelings about it :) Generally if I'm commenting on a subject that has been ongoing I'd use a quote or at least direct it towards someone out of courtesy. Have fun gaming.

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Well, the question was if SLEN was a romance mod, and an alternative to AA.


It seems we've gone a little off track disagreeing on what defines a romance mod, and I hope we haven't scared off the oringal questor.



Do you use SLEN to raise the relationship of someone at the party if you don't have anyone there that likes you? Or just to get the "right" person?


     Not to be too flippant about the party but, Yes! It depends more on combat dynamic whom would be the target and what I've already done by way of Alternate Start from Arthmoor. If I started out in TG or have been sent in their general direction from DB then a quick chat with Maven usually gets things going properly - The default choice of giving a drink to start a scene is what inspired me to start this sort of thing. If I feel like taking my time and I haven't started as a High Elf then the best person in the room is Elenwen as her speechcraft is locked at 15 and her static level is 30 plus all the spells you'd expect from a nasty Thalmor mage encounter. Elisif is a good tertiary choice as she's set essential and slightly faster to deal with provided one became Thane in Solitude as she's going to be set to Ally from that debacle and if she increases that just makes all sorts of fun for AA or Solutions - having used both I prefer AA.


               To the original question SLEN is not a replacement for AA, strictly speaking it isn't romance though you can use it for the purpose. I would compare it to the real life differences between Dinner and a show ending however the fates decree and chatting someone up in a pub. :cool:

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Well, the question was if SLEN was a romance mod, and an alternative to AA.


It seems we've gone a little off track disagreeing on what defines a romance mod, and I hope we haven't scared off the oringal questor.



Do you use SLEN to raise the relationship of someone at the party if you don't have anyone there that likes you? Or just to get the "right" person?


     Not to be too flippant about the party but, Yes! It depends more on combat dynamic whom would be the target and what I've already done by way of Alternate Start from Arthmoor. If I started out in TG or have been sent in their general direction from DB then a quick chat with Maven usually gets things going properly - The default choice of giving a drink to start a scene is what inspired me to start this sort of thing. If I feel like taking my time and I haven't started as a High Elf then the best person in the room is Elenwen as her speechcraft is locked at 15 and her static level is 30 plus all the spells you'd expect from a nasty Thalmor mage encounter. Elisif is a good tertiary choice as she's set essential and slightly faster to deal with provided one became Thane in Solitude as she's going to be set to Ally from that debacle and if she increases that just makes all sorts of fun for AA or Solutions - having used both I prefer AA.


               To the original question SLEN is not a replacement for AA, strictly speaking it isn't romance though you can use it for the purpose. I would compare it to the real life differences between Dinner and a show ending however the fates decree and chatting someone up in a pub. :cool:



You originally said to message you if I wanted to know how you handled the party, but since it involves using the mod in creative ways, I think others might like to know.


As it is, you've completely lost me.  Usually at the party you can either speak to one of the guests, if you have done something for them and they like you, and have them interact with Razelan (with only one of 3 or 4 events - insult Elenwen, insult the empire/praise Ulfric, proposition the female).


I'm not sure why you talk about Elenwen's level and spells, or Elisif being essential. I thought you meant to just sex up a party goer and have that person interact with Razelan.  Is there something else you've found you can do?

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Ah, the combat mechanics - this comes down to the NPC assistance package in the AI data you find in the CK when looking at the records for the NPC. This information is under the AI data tab, the short of it is this is what relationship rank you would need to have with the NPC in order for them to help you out if a fight were to break out. The confidence level is also useful as it tells you the possibility of that NPC running away from a fight. For reference Elenwen is set to helps Allies so you would need +3 in order to mitigate threat and gain assistance should the worst happen. Slightly outside the context if an NPC is set to Helps nobody or has a confidence lower than average they're effectively useless without changing at least one of the factors in their AI Data. So here's the breakdown:




Helps Friends and Allies. +1 or better relationship rank and you're good

(Best case and something that modders should use when making a follower)


Helps Allies. +3 or better (Not impossible to win over but, it will take time with SLEN)


Helps Nobody. (Self explanatory but, to the point if they had some relationship at +4 they would sit by and watch their love get butchered in front of them as above, useless.) 




    Foolhardy will fight anything and won't back down, this is what Lydia is set to for an example. Brave fights unless overwhelmed e.g. if Faralda were your ally then it would take spawning a large group of high grade draugr death overlords next to her hostile before she would run for cover. Average is if the AI thinks the NPC will win they fight if not expect the NPC to bolt for the door. 


         Now that's done, the idea with having a go at the party guest list is to stop the NPC from assisting anyone whom would attack and to cause the NPC to render assistance should you get attacked. The idea being if the worst should happen then you will have a very nice bit of someone at your back and the bonus of keeping one's own aroused number under control while finishing the lovely mess Delphine got you into. As a side possibility you may want to try, with the mod "Everybody Loves Dovahkiin" you can turn NPCs into followers at configurable relationship ranks (among other benefits) and use SLEN to turn a guest into a follower. With that it would be rather amusing to have the ambassador not only follow you out but have a nice chat with Delphine about the whole experience.  :lol:

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Hi great mod thank you for your work! Any plans to add some peeing action in dialog?


There is no peeing dialogue line in this mod. maybe you meant Maria Eden prostitution mod and Puppet master. :)

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( a lot of things I already knew )


         Now that's done, the idea with having a go at the party guest list is to stop the NPC from assisting anyone whom would attack and to cause the NPC to render assistance should you get attacked. The idea being if the worst should happen then you will have a very nice bit of someone at your back and the bonus of keeping one's own aroused number under control while finishing the lovely mess Delphine got you into. As a side possibility you may want to try, with the mod "Everybody Loves Dovahkiin" you can turn NPCs into followers at configurable relationship ranks (among other benefits) and use SLEN to turn a guest into a follower. With that it would be rather amusing to have the ambassador not only follow you out but have a nice chat with Delphine about the whole experience.  :lol:


Ah, so you sex up a few new allies in case you have trouble sneaking past the guards in the next room?


I should probably challenge myself more, but I always have Malborn sneak in a hooded thalmor robe and disguise kit (master of disguise mod).


I have started using the Manipulator mod for extreme behavorial modification... easy way to make a follower or spouse, probably some day I'll just steal all the jarls and housecarls and put them in a harem, and see how broken the game gets. Might just see if the ownership feature of the mod works in the embasy. Nice place, if a bit remote.

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Hello, i have a question / idea to suggest:


When the charm attempt success it feels a little bit weird that the sex scene happens right there. I mean, sometimes you are in the middle of the whiterun market and the things go like 

"Hello beautiful"

"Shut up and fuck me"

"ok, lets do it!"


And you go right there in the middle of the day with kids and everybody else watching you have sex.

So my suggestion is: could it be possible to add an option like "amorous adventures" has that allows you to tell the NPC "follow me to a private location for love making" ?

Or even better, that the NPC tells you (when available) "ok, you convinced me. Why do not we meet at my place so we can have some fun" or something like that and you need to follow her / him to their home before the sex scene happens


Just my 2 cents!


Great mod, i am enjoying it a lot so far

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Hello, i have a question / idea to suggest:


When the charm attempt success it feels a little bit weird that the sex scene happens right there. I mean, sometimes you are in the middle of the whiterun market and the things go like 

"Hello beautiful"

"Shut up and fuck me"

"ok, lets do it!"


And you go right there in the middle of the day with kids and everybody else watching you have sex.

So my suggestion is: could it be possible to add an option like "amorous adventures" has that allows you to tell the NPC "follow me to a private location for love making" ?

Or even better, that the NPC tells you (when available) "ok, you convinced me. Why do not we meet at my place so we can have some fun" or something like that and you need to follow her / him to their home before the sex scene happens


Just my 2 cents!


Great mod, i am enjoying it a lot so far


Try doing a search in the thread for "follow" and you'll see that this has been suggested/discussed numerous times.  Beamer has made it pretty clear that it won't be added.  His belief is basically:  if you want to sex up someone out of sight of others, then ask them out of sight of others.  Personally I don't care either way, but sometimes the "follow" is nice.  If this is a major issue for you, try using "Submit".  Submit has a follow option in it's seduction functionality.  Make sure to get the modified version (check the last few pages of that thread) that has fixes by WaxenFigure and a modification by another person (unfortunately forgot their name) that allow you to use 4 and 5 person animations. 

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Hey BeamerMiasma, not sure you're still working on this, but I have minor bug report:


I had noticed some weird behavior when hitting up random NPCs and ultimately tracked it down to this mod itself.

For leveled actors (say guards or bandits), SLEN always reads their gender as male.

This is due to using:

iSex = target.GetActorBase().GetSex()

instead of:

iSex = target.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex()

GetActorBase() always returns a male "default" actorBase for leveled actors. GetLeveledActorBase() on the other hand will return the correct base with correct sex (for non-leveled actors, it behaves identical to GetActorBase()).

This issue occurs in slenMainController, slenMcmScript, and probably other places.


It's simple enough for me to fix for myself, but I thought I'd throw it out there, so others can benefit too.

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