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Mass Effect Andromeda

Darkening Demise

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There is some stories iv'e read about how they are still using animation techniques from the 2000's(same from the old ME1), but can't remake their systems yet because of time and budget constraints.


Then look You once the fight animations in Conan Exiles!  :P 

This game is up to date, Unreal 4 engine, But the faces, not worth mentioning. 

The fight animations, Underground, there is Skyrim better.  :lol:

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Let's not forget the animation quality also depends on the animator skill.

The inside info says they use maya, but still work around skeletons, not roll joints.

Also Montreal is heavy on dev companies, maybe the best ones are taken?


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I saw the launch trailer and noticed some of the enemy race guys with the handle bar on their heads look like a ripoff of dominion troops from star trek ds9 lol. Later on in the trailer there are these weirdo furry people standing next to a human character and they look like the dumbest attempt to make a gender neutral character I have ever seen. You can only kinda tell what they are by looking at their faces... or can you? HA! this game is going to be shit they will lose big time on it this is simply not the time for liberal bullshit in entertainment. When societies decline people turn to entertainment and if these companies think they can stand over us on their soapboxes they are in for a big surprise. People everywhere in the world are sick and tired of politics. They keep poking at people and the people are gonna poke back at some point. Games won't sell if they are full of this crap and dlc sales will slump too, if people expect more shit to be in future titles they might just stop giving a dam about gaming and turn to other forms of entertainment like anything at all besides gaming. Already sports of most kinds are in decline I think stuff like gambling picks up in bad times oh and drug use.

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HA! this game is going to be shit they will lose big time on it this is simply not the time for liberal bullshit in entertainment.


Then why bring it up constantly? I always see the people that say 'hurr durr politics have no place in my games' constantly talking about politics.


Faces look bad? hurr durr the libtards SJW are responsible for that!

Animations look bad? hurr durr the libtards SJW are responsible for that!

Mediocre games getting good reviews? hurr durr the libtards SJW are responsible for that!


Seriously. The gaming industry has largely been releasing low quality copy paste for quite some time now. Or do you want to tell me that rehashed games sold for full price (CoD, Ubisoft's open world games) are also a SJW conspiracy? What about microtransactions in premium games? Peer-to-peer based multiplayer in multiplayer games? What about Sony, MS and Nintendo who charge you money for simply using online features? Sponsored content featured in youtube channels without disclosure? What about Microsoft wanting to seize control over the PC gaming market with the now failed games for windows live or Win 10? What about valve not giving a fuck about consumers? Or that consumers themselves are quick to forget anything bad a company did to them as long as their new product looks shiny? Publishers only sending review copies to people they trust will generate even more hype?


It's all about the money, friend. Andromeda will sell like sliced bread and even if it is shit, people will buy the next game because they will have forgotten being scammed when the next game releases. DLC sales? Don't be silly, they'll sell a season pass alongside the game. Mainstream media outlets like IGN will generate a lot of clicks either way, doesn't matter if the game is actually good or not. Youtubers will jump on whatever opinion is popular to get more clicks and exposure or will simply continue doing what their current audience expects of them.

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22:55, those are some of the worst facial animations I have ever seen


What gives there to these Facial animations suspend ???

I would say nothing, he talks only, or should he laugh or maybe cry or should the saliva drop from the mouth!  :lol: 

But you got thee a own goal shot, look at the video from 45:40 next!  ;) 

These animations are just perfect.  :P

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/signed, GrimReaper

However, there's a systematic flaw in your interpretation that people will buy the next game because they will have forgotten being scammed when the next game releases.


The majority of customers that buy a game simply don't remember the game that came before, that's due to the fact that a gamer generation that plays games extensively statistically lasts a mere five years before it gets largely replaced by the next generation cos a great many folks move on to other pastures afterwards, shifting the focus more and more on things like education, jobs (oh, how rare they've become), girl- or boyfriend and family and future planning. Not by chance the cycle of game releases of a series often correlates with the 5-year lifespan of such a gamer generation.
In brief, many if not most of the customers of the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda have no memory of the old trilogy whatsoever. They haven't forgotten anything that came before because they didn't play it. They are newcomers in the genre that sense their personal gamer awakening and most likely don't even meet the required M17+. Hello parents! We, however, are the exception of the rule, not the rule. We will go fuckin extinct over time like the dinosaurs, one by one. We are akin to Liam Kosta aboard the frigate 'Tempest' fueled by profit, the lone antique idealist in a vast galaxy that once was made by idealists but not anymore - stellar bucks now rule the universe. Reapers everywhere. 'Fuck', a label created by the Protheans to give voice to their disapproval.


I for one remember everything, especially the legal and court fees those of us that were involved had to pay in the lost case vs BioWare in connection with the crippled ME3 ending. Since then I know that Commander Shepard wasn't the only moron in the galaxy, far from it, or as the anti-Tron in Tron might have said: I don't fight for the users anymore... in the open, exposed ^^
Have a nice day in space space balls and remember, there's enough space in space for all of us :lol:

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FO4 "fell well below many peoples expectations" simply because many folks had too high expectations on that very game from start.



Very true. A lot of us expected it to be good, for instance. Not that Bethesda generally have problems clearing that particular bar in my experience, but in this case it seems I should have set my expectations on "kinda crappy".


Which is more or less my expectation for future Bethesda games, to be fair. Never let it be said I never learn from my mistakes.


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FO4 "fell well below many peoples expectations" simply because many folks had too high expectations on that very game from start.



Very true. A lot of us expected it to be good, for instance. Not that Bethesda generally have problems clearing that particular bar in my experience, but in this case it seems I should have set my expectations on "kinda crappy".


Which is more or less my expectation for future Bethesda games, to be fair. Never let it be said I never learn from my mistakes.




But what do you want to play THEN? (RPGs)

If all games so something are of shit, and very many boycott the solo RPG game industry?

What do you think will happen, I can tell you.

One game company after another must close and the time of the solo RPGs tends to the END.

Then there are only MMOs or those of me hated Asian games, ANIME says hello.  ;)


edit: but me it does not matter, I will be this year 60 and my future of RPGs (NEW) is over.

But your future is in the stars and I wish you all the best.  :lol:


If you're unlucky. :P



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But what do you want to play THEN? (RPGs)

If all games so something are of shit, and very many boycott the solo RPG game industry?

What do you think will happen, I can tell you.

One game company after another must close and the time of the solo RPGs tends to the END.

Then there are only MMOs or those of me hated Asian games, ANIME says hello.  wink.png



Brand loyalty is a terrible thing - so easy to abuse. If Bethesda are determined to cut corners to the point where there's no difference between the games they make and games we don't like, where then lies the benefit in supporting them with our custom?


About the worst thing you can do is reward a company that fails to satisfy your requirements. That just reinforces them in their behaviour, and they'll carry on milking you for as long as you keep trusting them.


edit: but me it does not matter, I will be this year 60 and my future of RPGs (NEW) is over.

But your future is in the stars and I wish you all the best.  laugh.png


You're not so much older then me, and we've both lived through numerous cases of The End Of All Gaming. The consolidation of all the little games companies into big studios, DRM, censorship, there's always something on the horizon.


Something will crop up. It always does.


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But what do you want to play THEN? (RPGs)

If all games so something are of shit, and very many boycott the solo RPG game industry?

What do you think will happen, I can tell you.

One game company after another must close and the time of the solo RPGs tends to the END.

Then there are only MMOs or those of me hated Asian games, ANIME says hello.  wink.png



Brand loyalty is a terrible thing - so easy to abuse. If Bethesda are determined to cut corners to the point where there's no difference between they games they make and games we don't like, where then lies the benefit in supporting them with our custom?


About the worst thing you can do is reward a company that fails to satisfy your requirements. That just reinforces them in their behaviour, and they'll carry on milking you for as long as you keep trusting them.


edit: but me it does not matter, I will be this year 60 and my future of RPGs (NEW) is over.

But your future is in the stars and I wish you all the best.  laugh.png


You're not so much older then me, and we've both lived through numerous cases of The End Of All Gaming. The consolidation of all the little games companies into big studios, DRM, censorship, there's always something on the horizon.


Something will crop up. It always does.



Which company will meet these requirements, but do not say Bethesda!

Oblivion, Skyrim, SSE, Fallout 4 and at the edge TESO, not exhilarating.

CDProject TW1, TW2 a huge flop, Both games had to new be revised!


So tell me which Companies?


One thing is for me all SAFE, the old games were and are still better.  ;)


it will something crop up.  :lol:



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Which company will meet these requirements, but do not say Bethesda!

Oblivion, Skyrim, SSE, Fallout 4 and at the edge TESO, not exhilarating.

CDProject TW1, TW2 a huge flop, Both games had to new be revised!


So tell me which Companies?


I'm not sure that's a fair question, to be honest. Could you have predicted Firaxis when MicroProse was shuttered? Or that Bethesda would pick up the baton from Interplay and Black Isle? 


Personally, I have high hopes for CDPR and Cyberpunk 2077, but you never do know.


Something will come up. Hell, Bethesda may even get their act together. But I'm damned if I'll pre-order anything from them.


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At least they are slightly more scrupulous than Bethesda was with FO4.


Bethesda: "Buy a season pass."

Player: "But what I don't if I'll like the game enough to buy DLCs.  You'll already have my money."

Bethesda: "Buy it anyway."


3 months later...

Player: "Where's all of the extra content you promised with the season pass?"

Bethesda:  "What season pass?"

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EA is not doing Season Pass because it wants more money.  First, ME:A will have MP micro-transactions.  At least for now, players will not stand for having to pay for both Season Pass and micro-transaction.  Maybe future generations will be indoctrinated into accepting it, but not right now.  FO4 does not have micro-transactions.  Second, selling 3-4 million Season Pass over a year is not as profitable as selling 20+ million DLC + micro-transactions over 2-3 years.  If ME:A is popular enough to warrant a sequel EA will sell even more DLC by cutting contents out of ME:A2 and sell them as ME:A DLC into year 3 or 4.  It's also much easier to sell DLC in ME:A than FO4.  ME:A is not moddable so EA can do as many weapons, armors and companions as the market willing to pay.  Why cap your profit potential with a Season Pass?

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First things first. Never invest your bucks in a season pass or monthly prepayments, that's giving a company a credit at zero interest rate based on nothing but future expectations, Xmas for any CEO. That's pure speculation, folks, similar to investments in futures on the stock markets, something for those with insider knowledge only. You have none, well, then don't do it or you might find it fatal, losing most if not all of your investments or getting a fuckin booby prize for the little ones at the end of the day, that is. Awesome, huh? No, it isn't, it's foolish. So, never invest in something you don't have the faintest idea of. The future is uncertain and hope is irrelevant, remember?

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