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Don't you worry, Feliks, take your time and enjoy your vacation. I thank you very much and I'm grateful that a modder would take time to speak to a newbie like me. Like I said in my other posts...such a total newbie; can't even link them properly...I'm looking for someone to do a mod of Anise from Anise's cabin in Skyrim.


What is your scenario ? Begin by that, you cannot program if you have no ideas about what you need to do.


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here's not my idea:




and ofc scroll down for part 6:




see the guy made a pretty good scenario that's being illustrated through screenshots. Still it's just a play that happened in his thoughts and this was as far as he went to portray it game wise. The only other mod that comes close on par with the shots is dark investigations. That mod has scripted events, however they don't use the SL framework and it does have a good story, but scenes are sparse.

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Don't you worry, Feliks, take your time and enjoy your vacation. I thank you very much and I'm grateful that a modder would take time to speak to a newbie like me. Like I said in my other posts...such a total newbie; can't even link them properly...I'm looking for someone to do a mod of Anise from Anise's cabin in Skyrim.

A mod of her how? You've asked twice but not given any actual details, those are needed if you actually want something to happen.


Please don't be quite so bashful, go ahead and state what you'd like to see. You may have an idea that will be of interest to many others.


Well, to be honest I would Anise to be a M.I.L.F or in her case elderly lesbian Domme who enslaves my Bosmer character when she goes into anise's basement and discovers Anise's secret...secret letter. the choice is enslavement or fighting and killing Anise.


The mod should also include a journal detailing Anise's loneliness and sadness and give the option for my character to volunteer to alleviate Anise's sadness.


The mod should also include the ability of my Bosmer lesbian character to persuade convince her spouse to be a servant to Anise as well. Failure to do so would result in severe punishment, whipping tattooing and even branding. Maybe Anise will be mean enough to brand her/them anyways.


The mod should include a series of quests where my Bosmer character is sent out/pimped out to please lonely and/or elderly women across Skyrim...including Valerica, Serana and female vampire/werewolves. I understand this will require Devious Devices...probably ALL of them and other Sex lab prerequisites.


I'm a little new at this and cannot seem to post a quote from another topic but if you read my profile you will see that I already posted a topic requesting this mod and someone sent me a link here in this thread.


I would like this to be more than just simple slavery/prostitution/Domme/pimping mod. My character...and her spouse should be sent out to collect alchemy ingredients and items for Anise to enchant  plus work on Anise's cabin...her crops...other mundane stuff which is not necessarily adult-rated...but makes for an immersive mod.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a very simple request. I've been looking far and wide is a certain outfit. I am a fan of Huniepop, and I wanted to make a Beli mod. So far, I have everything I need, the audio files and everything else I need, I have besides her outfit. And it is aggravating. Like, beyond belief. You think there would be a belly dancer mod out there, but nope. I was just hoping if you could make the outfit, and let me use said outfit for my own mod. I'll post a picture just for reference.


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If you have a little bit of time, a simple request :


Lighting armor : An armor made of little parts of transparent glass. The goal is to be almost naked but with armor and enchantments.

- the armor always emit light on the body and on the surrundings (I hate to be in the dark and to have to use torch or magic)

- 3 sets of armor (ligt, medium, heavy)

- all parts can be enchanted like a normal armor

- The parts are visible but translucent and very small

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Yet Another Mod Idea:


You've heard of "Follower Goes on a Trip", where your follower goes and does bounty quests on their own, and can, possibly end up captured if they fail.


OK, this is kinda builds on that...maybe two mods at once


Follower Goes on a Devious Trip

Follower Goes on a Trip and fails...ends up with, shall we say, extra "armor" that does not easily come off.  (maybe sent back home without their armor/gear, or be bound and caged at the enemy camp...)


Devious Follower Goes on a Trip

Follower Goes on a Trip and succeeds...ends up with, for example, a bandit leader chained up...possibly entertaining themselves with them, or entertaining you with them.

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Yet Another Mod Idea:


You've heard of "Follower Goes on a Trip", where your follower goes and does bounty quests on their own, and can, possibly end up captured if they fail.


OK, this is kinda builds on that...maybe two mods at once


Follower Goes on a Devious Trip

Follower Goes on a Trip and fails...ends up with, shall we say, extra "armor" that does not easily come off.  (maybe sent back home without their armor/gear, or be bound and caged at the enemy camp...)


Devious Follower Goes on a Trip

Follower Goes on a Trip and succeeds...ends up with, for example, a bandit leader chained up...possibly entertaining themselves with them, or entertaining you with them.


I like this idea a lot, and it may not be too hard if you can tie it into Sexlab Submit.

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There was a mod that came out from japan that was meant to be a sexual version of follower goes on a trip on what happen if they get capture but I couldn't get it to work.

A mod like that would be good. The issue is when does the scene play.

It is kind of pointless to have it play off screen since you will not be there to see it, so I guess the only choice is to have the scene plays when PC is about to rescue to the follower, but that might lead to NPC aggro issues.

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  • 2 months later...

I have this idea about giving gifts to improve relationships with extra personality tags on the npc:


Vainglory - jewelries, accessories

Muscle Brain - weapons, armors

Party Lads - Liquors, skooma

Big Eater - FOODS

Book worms - books, spell tomes



Just a thought.

P.S: is this thread still alive?

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Neat Idea. I honestly don't know if this is still alive. I think we lost some posts in the rollback that I didn't think to save. I've been otherwise incapacitated with some issues, including a failure of my old computer. This computer is the replacement and a wonderful upgrade, but appears to already be suffering from another critical problem. I haven't even moved all of my files over yet. I am continuing to fix things on my end, if people want to request more things from me I'm always down, it might just take a while for me to reply or act on it.

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any chance you could make a tickle mod you know get stripped how you end up tied to the front of the shop in whiterun


the idea is there would be corrupt gaurds that would go upto the player and say that you commited a crime with the basic gaurd options ie go to jail or i would rather die


if the player picks go to jail the gaurd takes them to the center of the town and ties the player up and tickles them a bit


if the player picks the i would rather die option then the gaurd backs off saying something like im not a fighter he goes away then the player gets a bounty


if the player has a follower then both player and follower get tied and tickled



since your op says you cant animate then you could ask if you could use the animations for the mod




on get stripped only tickle thing i saw was the walkthrough


if you do make this mod any chance of it being for a few citys with a mcm option to turn off a city if you want to go in for quests without the corrupt gaurds getting to you ?

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hi feliks!


a tiny piece of background info: my current mod count is 200+ (it was a pain to get it running)


now i saw under your can/can't: training section : MCM


here's the first thing i thought of:


while MCM is great and all (as any skyrim player will likely agree with me ;) the one MAJOR flaw it has is that the player needs to reconfigure it on EVERY new save. this means every time i add a mod that requires a new save, i need to go through a TON of menus and submenus. while some have export/import options, most don't. it's a major pain in the behind and takes a good half an hour (and i'm pretty quick by now).


so here's the mod/utility request (it's a really challenging one, if not impossible) :


a program (mod or utility) that let's you set default settings


sounds simple enough...i know it's most likely not, i know that ;)


this concept could be expanded to include the possiblity of getting presets from the forums, instead of going through all the settings yourself (think skytweak: a painful lot of settings, though it has import options)


another reason this would be mind-blowingly awesome, is that it would make it soo easy to just test mods. just grab the mod, throw it in your install, and see how it works with your other mods, which now are correctly configured



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Stealth quest to steal underwear from female NPCs' homes. You can fulfil quest missions in one of 3 ways:


1) seduce the mark who will give panties willingly in return for services rendered

2) sneak them from her wardrobe without her knowing

3) get caught in the act and be disciplined. If you please her sufficiently, she might give you the item


When you have fulfilled sufficient number of missions, panties will be combined into armour or powerful mage's robes--or lingerie of seduction (sex allure spell)




Seduction quest to seduce married women (or men). You can fulfil in one of 3 ways:

1) successful seduction (get item as reward, something intimate)

2) forcible seduction (blackmail or intimidate the person being seduced)

3) get caught in act by angry spouse and forced to do humiliating acts

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hi feliks!


a tiny piece of background info: my current mod count is 200+ (it was a pain to get it running)


now i saw under your can/can't: training section : MCM


here's the first thing i thought of:


while MCM is great and all (as any skyrim player will likely agree with me ;) the one MAJOR flaw it has is that the player needs to reconfigure it on EVERY new save. this means every time i add a mod that requires a new save, i need to go through a TON of menus and submenus. while some have export/import options, most don't. it's a major pain in the behind and takes a good half an hour (and i'm pretty quick by now).


so here's the mod/utility request (it's a really challenging one, if not impossible) :


a program (mod or utility) that let's you set default settings


sounds simple enough...i know it's most likely not, i know that ;)


this concept could be expanded to include the possiblity of getting presets from the forums, instead of going through all the settings yourself (think skytweak: a painful lot of settings, though it has import options)


another reason this would be mind-blowingly awesome, is that it would make it soo easy to just test mods. just grab the mod, throw it in your install, and see how it works with your other mods, which now are correctly configured






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Hey folks I've got some good and bad news. and then more bad news. It's been a bad few days on my end.


Good news: while I'm definitely not back into the old dominate Skyrim through code mindset I did get some work done on like... five or six different mods, i was having trouble focusing on one.


Bad news: I am currently without a computer. This is incredibly frustrating because this is becoming a longer struggle than it should. My last computer (on which I did the work for CANS and started a few other mods) long suffered a hardware problem, it was manageable for some time but eventually needed to be serviced (this interfered with the complete overhaul of CANS) and the problem seemed solved. It came back with a vengeance (and friends) a little over a month ago. So we replaced the computer since to replace the part was incredibly difficult since the model is no longer in production and you can only buy the parts either second-hand or with a computer attached. This computer was far more reliable, hardy, and all around better. Judging from reviews (positive and negative) no one seemed to have a hardware problem with this particular model for a few years after purchase, a driving factor at this point. Mine made it three days. And it wasn't a small problem that could be managed and dealt with either. It was either a failing hard drive or severely faulty connection inside, either way, the result was the BRAND FUCKING NEW computer would arbitrarily and without warning shut itself down. Usually several times in quick succession. No pattern, no relation to what was open or happening. The current plan is to wait for my refund, and then purchase a new one (because amazon has weird replacement policies).


Hopefully I'll have a new and functioning computer in a week. It could possibly take two, at which point there's a whole separate issue that could delay me getting back on my feet a few more days.



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Hey folks I've got some good and bad news. and then more bad news. It's been a bad few days on my end.


Good news: while I'm definitely not back into the old dominate Skyrim through code mindset I did get some work done on like... five or six different mods, i was having trouble focusing on one.


Bad news: I am currently without a computer. This is incredibly frustrating because this is becoming a longer struggle than it should. My last computer (on which I did the work for CANS and started a few other mods) long suffered a hardware problem, it was manageable for some time but eventually needed to be serviced (this interfered with the complete overhaul of CANS) and the problem seemed solved. It came back with a vengeance (and friends) a little over a month ago. So we replaced the computer since to replace the part was incredibly difficult since the model is no longer in production and you can only buy the parts either second-hand or with a computer attached. This computer was far more reliable, hardy, and all around better. Judging from reviews (positive and negative) no one seemed to have a hardware problem with this particular model for a few years after purchase, a driving factor at this point. Mine made it three days. And it wasn't a small problem that could be managed and dealt with either. It was either a failing hard drive or severely faulty connection inside, either way, the result was the BRAND FUCKING NEW computer would arbitrarily and without warning shut itself down. Usually several times in quick succession. No pattern, no relation to what was open or happening. The current plan is to wait for my refund, and then purchase a new one (because amazon has weird replacement policies).


Hopefully I'll have a new and functioning computer in a week. It could possibly take two, at which point there's a whole separate issue that could delay me getting back on my feet a few more days.




sorry to hear thqat dont buy machines from amazon buy them from legit stores so you dont get screwed over

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Hey folks I've got some good and bad news. and then more bad news. It's been a bad few days on my end.


Good news: while I'm definitely not back into the old dominate Skyrim through code mindset I did get some work done on like... five or six different mods, i was having trouble focusing on one.


Bad news: I am currently without a computer. This is incredibly frustrating because this is becoming a longer struggle than it should. My last computer (on which I did the work for CANS and started a few other mods) long suffered a hardware problem, it was manageable for some time but eventually needed to be serviced (this interfered with the complete overhaul of CANS) and the problem seemed solved. It came back with a vengeance (and friends) a little over a month ago. So we replaced the computer since to replace the part was incredibly difficult since the model is no longer in production and you can only buy the parts either second-hand or with a computer attached. This computer was far more reliable, hardy, and all around better. Judging from reviews (positive and negative) no one seemed to have a hardware problem with this particular model for a few years after purchase, a driving factor at this point. Mine made it three days. And it wasn't a small problem that could be managed and dealt with either. It was either a failing hard drive or severely faulty connection inside, either way, the result was the BRAND FUCKING NEW computer would arbitrarily and without warning shut itself down. Usually several times in quick succession. No pattern, no relation to what was open or happening. The current plan is to wait for my refund, and then purchase a new one (because amazon has weird replacement policies).


Hopefully I'll have a new and functioning computer in a week. It could possibly take two, at which point there's a whole separate issue that could delay me getting back on my feet a few more days.






sorry to hear thqat dont buy machines from amazon buy them from legit stores so you dont get screwed over



Well, so far I haven't been screwed (except for the faulty machine). Also this advice comes a bit late to prevent the problem.

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hi feliks!


a tiny piece of background info: my current mod count is 200+ (it was a pain to get it running)


now i saw under your can/can't: training section : MCM


here's the first thing i thought of:


while MCM is great and all (as any skyrim player will likely agree with me ;) the one MAJOR flaw it has is that the player needs to reconfigure it on EVERY new save. this means every time i add a mod that requires a new save, i need to go through a TON of menus and submenus. while some have export/import options, most don't. it's a major pain in the behind and takes a good half an hour (and i'm pretty quick by now).


so here's the mod/utility request (it's a really challenging one, if not impossible) :


a program (mod or utility) that let's you set default settings


sounds simple enough...i know it's most likely not, i know that ;)


this concept could be expanded to include the possiblity of getting presets from the forums, instead of going through all the settings yourself (think skytweak: a painful lot of settings, though it has import options)


another reason this would be mind-blowingly awesome, is that it would make it soo easy to just test mods. just grab the mod, throw it in your install, and see how it works with your other mods, which now are correctly configured







yeah..well...problem is, as far as i understand the mods theselves need to support fiss....witch most don't...so it's cool, but pretty useless :(

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hi feliks!


a tiny piece of background info: my current mod count is 200+ (it was a pain to get it running)


now i saw under your can/can't: training section : MCM


here's the first thing i thought of:


while MCM is great and all (as any skyrim player will likely agree with me ;) the one MAJOR flaw it has is that the player needs to reconfigure it on EVERY new save. this means every time i add a mod that requires a new save, i need to go through a TON of menus and submenus. while some have export/import options, most don't. it's a major pain in the behind and takes a good half an hour (and i'm pretty quick by now).


so here's the mod/utility request (it's a really challenging one, if not impossible) :


a program (mod or utility) that let's you set default settings


sounds simple enough...i know it's most likely not, i know that ;)


this concept could be expanded to include the possiblity of getting presets from the forums, instead of going through all the settings yourself (think skytweak: a painful lot of settings, though it has import options)


another reason this would be mind-blowingly awesome, is that it would make it soo easy to just test mods. just grab the mod, throw it in your install, and see how it works with your other mods, which now are correctly configured







yeah..well...problem is, as far as i understand the mods theselves need to support fiss....witch most don't...so it's cool, but pretty useless :(



He brings that up because this idea was previously discussed on this thread and that's probably as close as you're gonna get. An external tool would need to know how each and every individual mod stored each and every individual option, be able to detect which mods with menus (or other methods of configuration) were installed, and then store each and every single one of those variables in an external file.


So to create this tool or mod you need to:

1. Compile a list of every single configurable mod ever released

2. Figure out on an individual basis how each of those mods stored their options

2a. Include all current methods of storing data externally or in ways not available in vanilla skyrim.

3. Ensure each of those options can be easily manipulated without a hard dependency

4. Detect which mods from that list were installed

5. Read all of their data

6. export it to an external file


And that's just saving the data. You basically have to do it all in reverse to load that data, and then you'd need to update the entire system every single time a new mod with configurations is released.


So, due to the overwhelming amount of work it would take, and the wild variation in how different mods store different data, I will not be taking this project.  If there's some masochist out there who wants to take it they can.

But the simple ideas all have glaring flaws:


Store all global variables -- impossible to tell which ones are important configuration variables and which are related to progress, quests, or other systems

Store all script properties -- Would cause immediate and widespread CTD's upon loading, not to mention all of the issues above

Read only variables stored with utilities such as storageutil, FISS, or one of the several json utilities -- ignores all internal data, and many of the problems above.


And each of these simplistic methods of attack exclude data stored in any of the other methods.

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hi feliks!


a tiny piece of background info: my current mod count is 200+ (it was a pain to get it running)


now i saw under your can/can't: training section : MCM


here's the first thing i thought of:


while MCM is great and all (as any skyrim player will likely agree with me ;) the one MAJOR flaw it has is that the player needs to reconfigure it on EVERY new save. this means every time i add a mod that requires a new save, i need to go through a TON of menus and submenus. while some have export/import options, most don't. it's a major pain in the behind and takes a good half an hour (and i'm pretty quick by now).


so here's the mod/utility request (it's a really challenging one, if not impossible) :


a program (mod or utility) that let's you set default settings


sounds simple enough...i know it's most likely not, i know that ;)


this concept could be expanded to include the possiblity of getting presets from the forums, instead of going through all the settings yourself (think skytweak: a painful lot of settings, though it has import options)


another reason this would be mind-blowingly awesome, is that it would make it soo easy to just test mods. just grab the mod, throw it in your install, and see how it works with your other mods, which now are correctly configured







yeah..well...problem is, as far as i understand the mods theselves need to support fiss....witch most don't...so it's cool, but pretty useless :(



He brings that up because this idea was previously discussed on this thread and that's probably as close as you're gonna get. An external tool would need to know how each and every individual mod stored each and every individual option, be able to detect which mods with menus (or other methods of configuration) were installed, and then store each and every single one of those variables in an external file.


So to create this tool or mod you need to:

1. Compile a list of every single configurable mod ever released

2. Figure out on an individual basis how each of those mods stored their options

2a. Include all current methods of storing data externally or in ways not available in vanilla skyrim.

3. Ensure each of those options can be easily manipulated without a hard dependency

4. Detect which mods from that list were installed

5. Read all of their data

6. export it to an external file


And that's just saving the data. You basically have to do it all in reverse to load that data, and then you'd need to update the entire system every single time a new mod with configurations is released.


So, due to the overwhelming amount of work it would take, and the wild variation in how different mods store different data, I will not be taking this project.  If there's some masochist out there who wants to take it they can.

But the simple ideas all have glaring flaws:


Store all global variables -- impossible to tell which ones are important configuration variables and which are related to progress, quests, or other systems

Store all script properties -- Would cause immediate and widespread CTD's upon loading, not to mention all of the issues above

Read only variables stored with utilities such as storageutil, FISS, or one of the several json utilities -- ignores all internal data, and many of the problems above.


And each of these simplistic methods of attack exclude data stored in any of the other methods.



thanks for the explanation feliks! :D


i figured it's not gonna happen -.-'


just to clarify: if we assume (basically) every mod actually used FISS, such a tool would be possible, right?

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