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 Just a heads up, if you use this with Sexout Strapon Sex you might run into issues with Positioning

getting stuck on previous sex partners. So if you have a 3 way with Bill and Ted, and then suck off

Carl, Positioning still thinks you are having sex with Bill and Ted (as indicated when you toggle actors)

 Strapon Sex is pretty old, and hasn't been updated for ages. I didn't have this problem with the updated

Sexout Sex.


 Animation 2302 (?) Amra 3 way anal/vaginal still has a problem with the vaginal actor suffering from

Limpus Dickus; it just lays there on his belly like a sleeping ferret.

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How big shoudl/could be nvse save file? I just started new game and it is at 174kb already and 1,94mb for normal save, it is probably little too much? With Sexout 95 beta 5 I had about 120kb for nvse saves even after 4-6 hours of gameplay. Still not sure if it is Sexout doing it, but I only updated it yesterday for new game and also ''Unethical Deeds EE'' by nkAlex.

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@Panthercom: Things should work better when I rework the sexout end phase. The penis issue will be with the animation itself, so I guess you should tell Amra.


@LukeDuke: That sounds like too much, could you upload the .nvse cosave and I can hopefully figure out what mod is guilty.

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A quick question on the callbacks for actor X. I can't make "refMoveXTo" work. If I'm reading the documentation right I think it should. I started poking around sexout.esm and noticed a couple of things.




In the script "SexoutNGMain" I found the following:


; New vars for moveto

ref refMoveATo

ref refMoveBTo

ref refMoveCTo


refMoveXto has not been set up.


Then in the script "SexoutNGCleanupEffectSCRIPT"


elseif (actorX == self)

set bInit to 40

set cbActor to actorX

set CBDialog to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Started::CBDialogX"

set CBSpell to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Started::CBSpellX"

set CBDispel to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Started::CBDispelX"

set CBItem to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Started::CBItemX"

set CBPack to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Started::CBPackX"

set CBMoveTo to 0


And lastly in script "fnSexoutResetQuestVars"


set SexoutNG.ActorX to 0

set SexoutNG.cbDialogX to 0

set SexoutNG.cbSpellX to 0

set SexoutNG.cbItemX to 0

set SexoutNG.cbPackX to 0


It is not listed either




Is this an oversight or is their a specific reason for the omissions?


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@LukeDuke: Can't spot anything out of order, sexout builds the the animations database on init, which is stored in the cosave and takes up ~150KB. It does not otherwise really store anything, so it shouldn't increase from sexout alone. I wouldn't worry unless it starts growing significantly.


@packprof: I'm guessing an oversight, I'll fix it for next version and we'll see if it blows up :P.

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So, I was trying to create a workaround for "bDontRedress{?}" flags not working on NPCs and came to a conclusion that it' just better to fix Sexout as well :)

I bit of poking around lead me to the SexoutNGUndressSpellSCRIPT script, where the problem lays:



 elseif 200 == nStage
    ; Redressing
    let nStage := 1000
    ; Remove nude bodysuit if any
    if MaleBodySuit
        actor.RemoveItem MaleBodySuit, 1, 1
    foreach element <- items
      if eval(element["key"] != 6)
        ; skip pipboy
        if 2 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 0 == bRaped)
          let item := element["value"]
          DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): Equipping '%n' on %n (%i)" nActID item actor actor
          actor.EquipItem item 0 1



Here after the line "actor.RemoveItem MaleBodySuit, 1, 1" being executed the actor reevaluates his inventory and puts on some clothes. So, the quickest solution would have been to force him to unequip it right after — something like this:



 elseif 200 == nStage
    ; Redressing
    let nStage := 1000
    ; Remove nude bodysuit if any
    if MaleBodySuit
        actor.RemoveItem MaleBodySuit, 1, 1
    if 2 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 0 == bRaped)
      foreach element <- items
        if eval(element["key"] != 6)
          ; skip pipboy
          if 2 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 0 == bRaped)
            let item := element["value"]
            DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): Equipping '%n' on %n (%i)" nActID item actor actor
            actor.EquipItem item 0 1
      let item := actor.GetEquippedObject 2
      if GetType item && IsFormValid item
        if 3 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 1 == bRaped)
          DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): UNequipping '%n' on %n (%i)" nActID item actor actor
          actor.UnequipItem item 0 1



But then I thought that it would be also nice to have an optional clean-up function so that the actors get redressed when they're out of Player's sight (unless you'd like half of the Mojave walking around naked, which is probably a legitimate wish, so, optional :) )


From some more poking around I've figured out that the PC doesn't get released until the "SexoutNGUndress" is dispelled, so, the most direct approach of using the same spell didn't work, I had to add an additional spell "SexoutNGRedress" cast from inside the undress spell and receiving actor's items via NX vars. Kinda ugly, I know, but I'm not aware enough of Sexout internals to suggest a better one without much digging.


Final versions would be:

Stage 200 in SexoutNGUndressSpellSCRIPT:



 elseif 200 == nStage
    ; Redressing
    let nStage := 1000
    ; Remove nude bodysuit if any
    if MaleBodySuit
        actor.RemoveItem MaleBodySuit, 1, 1
    if 2 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 0 == bRaped)
      foreach element <- items
        if eval (element["key"] != 6)
          ; skip pipboy
          if 2 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 0 == bRaped)
            let item := element["value"]
            DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): Equipping '%n' on %n (%i)" nActID item actor actor
            actor.EquipItem item 0 1
      let item := actor.GetEquippedObject 2
      if GetType item && IsFormValid item
        if 3 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 1 == bRaped)
          DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): UNequipping '%n' on %n (%i)" nActID item actor actor
          actor.UnequipItem item 0 1
      if eval actor != PlayerRef
        if 1 ;== SexoutNG.bAutoRedressAbandonedActors
          foreach element <- items
            let idx := element["key"]
            let item := element["value"]
            let strNXKey := Sv_Construct "Sexout:Temp:Items:%.0f" idx
            actor.NX_SetEVFo $strNXKey item
          Sv_Destruct strNXKey
          actor.CIOS SexoutNGRedress






scn SexoutNGRedressSpellSCRIPT
ref rActor
ref rItem
int iStage
float fRedressCheckTimer
array_var arrEntry
array_var arrItems
string_var strNXKey

begin ScriptEffectStart
  SetDebugMode 1
  let rActor := GetSelf
  let iStage := 0
  let fRedressCheckTimer := 0
  DebugPrint "SexoutNGRedress spell cast on %n (%i)" rActor rActor

begin ScriptEffectUpdate
  ;; Check if actor is out of Players sight (check every 10 seconds)
  if iStage == 0
    let fRedressCheckTimer += ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
    if fRedressCheckTimer < 10
    let fRedressCheckTimer := 0
    if PlayerRef.IsInInterior
      if rActor.GetInSameCell PlayerRef
        let iStage := 10
      if rActor.HasLoaded3D
        if rActor.GetDistance PlayerRef > 12000
          let iStage := 10
        let iStage := 10
  ;; Redress actor
  elseif iStage == 10
    let arrItems := rActor.NX_GetEVFoAr "Sexout:Temp:Items:"
    if eval (arrItems)
      foreach arrEntry <- arrItems
        let strNXKey := arrEntry["key"]
        if eval (strNXKey != "Sexout:Temp:Items:6")
          let rItem := rActor.NX_GetEVFo $strNXKey
          if GetType rItem && IsFormValid rItem
            DebugPrint "SNGRedress: Equipping '%n' on %n (%i)" rItem rActor rActor
            rActor.EquipItem rItem 0 1
    rActor.NX_ClrEVFo "Sexout:Temp:Items:" 2
    let arrEntry := Ar_Null
    let arrItems  := Ar_Null
    Sv_Destruct strNXKey
    let iStage := 20
    Dispel SexoutNGRedress



Practically almost untested, only a couple of runs, but seems to work fine. Here's a quickfix file attached. Could we probably get it integrated into Sexout? :)





And a quickfix to the quickfix: stages 110, 200 in SexoutNGUndressSpellSCRIPT should read:



  elseif 200 == nStage
    ; Redressing
    let nStage := 1000

    ; Remove nude bodysuit if any
    if MaleBodySuit
      actor.RemoveItem MaleBodySuit, 1, 1
    if (2 == nGSRedress || (1 == nGSRedress && 0 == bRaped)) && 1 == nFlag
      foreach element <- items
        if eval (element["key"] != 6)
          ; skip pipboy
          let item := element["value"]
          DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): Equipping '%n' on %n (%i)" nActID item actor actor
          actor.EquipItem item 0 1
      let item := actor.GetEquippedObject 2
      if (GetType item) && (IsFormValid item)
        DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): UNequipping '%n' on %n (%i)" nActID item actor actor
        actor.UnequipItem item 0 1
      if eval actor != PlayerRef
        if 1 ;== SexoutNG.bAutoRedressAbandonedActors
          foreach element <- items
            let idx := element["key"]
            let item := element["value"]
            let strNXKey := Sv_Construct "Sexout:Temp:Items:%.0f" idx
            actor.NX_SetEVFo $strNXKey item
          Sv_Destruct strNXKey
          actor.CIOS SexoutNGRedress

  elseif 110 == nStage
    ; Waiting on main spell to indicate naked time is over
    let nFlag := call fnSexoutGetFlag actor "Undress" 1

    if nFlag == 0
      ; wait
      let fDelay := 0.1
    elseif 1 == nFlag || 2 == nFlag
      ; 1 - redress; 2 - no redressing
      let nStage := 200
      DebugPrint "SNGUndress (%g): Unknown undress flag %g on %n (%i)!" nActID nFlag actor actor
      let fDelay := 1


(changed nFlag check, otherwise "bDontRedress{?}" options did, well, literally nothing). Reuploaded file.

That function is now kinda messy, I would probably consider rewriting it...



PS. I've noticed that this weird backwards notation (i.e. "if (1 == some long expression)" instead of "if (some long expression == 1)") in conditional statements is quite popular among Fallout modders. Is there any particular reason for that besides hurting people's brains? Because normal notation works just as fine...


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PS. I've noticed that this weird backwards notation (i.e. "if (1 == some long expression)" instead of "if (some long expression == 1)") in conditional statements is quite popular among Fallout modders. Is there any particular reason for that besides hurting people's brains? Because normal notation works just as fine...

I prefer it if the longer expression is quite complex, especially in a script with the compiler override on. Other than that, it's one of prideslayer's preferences so you'll find it in a lot of NG scripts.

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That's "automatic" for C/C++ developers :) . Because it is too easy to invert == and = in this language. "1 = something" will not compile where "something = 1" would.


Unfortunately, haven't ever gotten around to C/C++, I know a bit of BASIC, Visual Basic/VBA, Fortran, php, Matlab, C#. C# is my favorite :D

Well, all kinds of languages which you can easily "read and translate with a dictionary" :D

Oh, now also GECK %)

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Odessa, awesome!



Unfortunately, haven't had time to test it properly, the fix might have introduced a bug with bDontUndress{?} flags. I've noticed today NPCs randomly redressing/undressing during "kiss" and some other non-pen animations in SexoutSex. But that might just as well be a bug/workaround from SexoutSex misfiring, haven't had an opportunity to test clean calls yet :(

Disregard that, must be a Sexout Sex thing, everything seems to work as expected from my calls.




Another small thing: can you add a check to force the PC out of combat stance before starting animations? This sometimes happens to an unarmed PC when he's in the fistfight mode when starting sex — some of the animations end up mixed with the unarmed stance animation, and the result is looking, well, funny :)



PS. If you're going to copy code from my fix, please don't forget to remove some "SetDebugMode 1" lines. I forgot them there and they keep spamming to the console :)


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Any idea what might cause this error:


pos: player still not sexout in use. aborting


I know it's with sexout positioning, but for some reason my GECK isn't playing well with MO so I can't open the esp and look myself. It feels like something I could figure out if I just new some more about the error.




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Can't help you with the error, but you can always look at the plugin in FNVEdit. There's also a rather long-standing bug the MO author refuses to address where certain plugins break the GECK when active while launched through MO. Try deactivating all your plugins (not the mods, just the plugins) and see if the GECK will load.

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From memory, the positioning control quest is started by a sexout start callback, but these fire a little before the animation is setup. So, it waits until call fnSexoutActorInUse is true before activating. If it still isn't true after ~5 seconds it assumes something went wrong at sexout end, shows that message and aborts. I would need a debug log to say more.


Did an animation actually play okay?


The plan for next beta is to add a sexout event when actor-in-use becomes true, and have positioning trigger on that, which should simplify things.

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Thanks, I can start GECK from MO now. It still won't load sexout.esm or anything dependent on that, but you've gotten me closer.


Yes, animations start fine. It's only the positioning that doesn't work and animations align up OK so it's not a big deal. It didn't start happening with this version, but I upgraded to the beta to see if it fixed the problem. Since it didn't I thought I'd ask about it.


The strange thing is, if i load from a save that's in the middle of sex (casm loves doing that) positioning works fine, and not just for that act. It continues to work until I load another save.



This console output file was started by the mod AutoSCOF.
9/8/2015 20:12:31
SexoutNGMAIN: Version 2.10.95b7
SexoutNGMAIN: Sexout Quest: 14000DC0
SexoutNGMAIN: SexoutNG Quest: 14019333
SexoutNGMAIN: SexoutBegin: CIOS 140027A8
SexoutNGMain: SexoutNGFinishNow: CIOS 1406E548
SexoutNGMain: SexoutDPV CIOS 14064770
SexoutNGMain: SexoutNGDPMe CIOS 140B16CA
SexoutNGMain: Dump NX Vars: AddItem 140BB4ED 1
Sexout Position 2.2 - August 24 2015 - loaded at index (hex) 57 or (dec) 87
Sexual Assault: Version June 27 2015 - Loaded at index (hex) 4A or as (dec) 74
SexoutAmra Initialized. Version: 7
__UD: Unethical Deeds EE v1.0 beta 1 is loaded at index 0x21 (033)
FalloutTTWQuestOverhaul v.1.12 HOTFIX#1 loaded at index (hex): 1E or (dec): 30
Debug mode enabled
You should see this debug message
CSES: Starting for: Courier(00000014)
Sexout Version is: '95(b7)
fnCSE (9): from Courier (00000014) on Courier (00000014)
fnCSE (9): is actor
fnCSE (9): CV0
fnCSE (9): CV0 a1:'Flash' (0602802A)
fnCSE (9): CV0 b1:'Courier' (00000014)
fnCSE (9): CV0 c1:'' (00000000)
fnCSE (9): CV0 x1:'' (00000000)
fnCSE (9): CV0 a2:'Flash' (0602802A)
fnCSE (9): CV0 b2:'Courier' (00000014)
fnCSE (9): CV0 c2:'' (00000000)
fnCSE (9): CV0 x2:'' (00000000)
fnSoCSv: Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start::' -> Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start:9::'
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:: Courier (00000014)
fnCSE (9): Returning 1
fnSNNXA: T:Courier (00000014), K:Sexout:Start:9::
fnSNNXA: Final A:Flash(0602802A)
fnSNNXA: Final B:Courier(00000014)
fnSNNXA: Final C:(00000000)
fnSNNXA: Final X:(00000000)
CSES: Normalize finished, checking sanitizer.
: fnSexoutGetArArgs Courier(00000014), Sexout:Start:9::
info: Got NULL, skipping
NGSAN: Validating animation choices
fnSoRandAct: In randomizer
fnSoRandAct: 2 actors, skeletons: MF
: fnSexoutGetArArgs Courier(00000014), Sexout:Start:9::
info: Got NULL, skipping
Sexout Random Picker: 168 animations possible for these actors
Sexout Random Picker: 109 animations left after filtering on flag: vaginal
Sexout Random Picker: 101 animations left after filtering on plugin: *Any* (No furniture)
Sexout Random Picker: 99 animations left after filtering against black list
Valid anim choices: 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 607, 609, 631, 632, 633, 634, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 721, 723, 901, 902, 903, 904, 906, 931, 932, 933, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 612, 613, 614, 615, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 714, 716, 717, 721, 722, 723, 740, 741, 742, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 931, ...
932, 933, 934,
fnSAN: Actor: Courier (Sexout:Start:9::), isAnal: 0, isOral: 0, isVaginal: 1
NGSAN (9): Returning 0.000000: SUCCESS
CSES: SES done with CSE=1 SAN=0.000000, Stage=0 SEU next.
CSES: ActorB validity is 1
CSES: ActorA validity is 1
CSES (9): initializing actors
CSES (9): init actorA Courier (00000014), Flash (0602802A), Courier (00000014)
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Flash (0602802A)
fnSoCSv: Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start:9::' -> Flash (0602802A) 'Sexout:Started::'
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:9:: Flash (0602802A)
CSES (9): init actorB Courier (00000014), Courier (00000014), Courier (00000014)
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Courier (00000014)
fnSoCSv: Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start:9::' -> Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Started::'
CSES (9): clearing selfkey
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:9:: Courier (00000014)
CSES (9): kickoff
CSES (9): Transitioning from 0 -> 1000
CSES (9): Transitioning from 1000 -> 1001
fnSAL: 0602802A (Flash) initial lock state: 0
fnSAL: 0602802A (Flash) final lock state: 1 0
Scaling A from 1.000000 to 1.0
fnSAL: 00000014 (Courier) initial lock state: 0
fnSAL: 00000014 (Courier) final lock state: 1 0
Scaling B from 0.830000 to 1.0
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Flash (0602802A)
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Courier (00000014)
SexoutNGBES (9): SES: Setting global hook vars.
SexoutNGBES (9): SES: Global hook triggered, SES moving to BES stage 0.
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.166000 0 -> 10
SexoutNGPCQ: PCFd1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NGCBQ1: Casting Start PosControl (57000AE8) on Courier (00000014)
soAPS: Start
soAPS: Start
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.187000 10 -> 11
SexoutNGBES (9): Casting undress on player.
SNGUndress (9): Found Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit (000425BA) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Added Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit (000425BA) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Found Single Shotgun (000E393B) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Added Single Shotgun (000E393B) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Found Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Added Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Found Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Added Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 0 -> 10
SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit' from Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Single Shotgun' from Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Eyeglasses' from Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Eyeglasses' from Courier (00000014)
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.062000 11 -> 12
SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 10 -> 100
SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 100 -> 110
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.219000 12 -> 13
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 1.076004 13 -> 14
Pos: Player still not sexout in use. Aborting
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 1.061005 14 -> 100
soAPs: Done Init for Flash
soAPS - Plugin: Sexout.esm, anim: 638
soAPS: ActorA is: Flash. mX: -0, mY: 0, mZ: 0, heading: 319
Sexout: Flash (0602802A) PlayIdle SNG638A
SNGUndress (9): Found Brahmin-Skin Outfit (00018DE5) on Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Added Brahmin-Skin Outfit (00018DE5) on Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Found .22 Revolver (0600080A) on Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Added .22 Revolver (0600080A) on Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 0 -> 10
SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Brahmin-Skin Outfit' from Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Removing '.22 Revolver' from Flash (0602802A)
soAPs: Done Init for Courier
soAPS - Plugin: Sexout.esm, anim: 638
soAPS: ActorB is: Courier. mX: -0, mY: 0, mZ: 0, heading: 319
Sexout: Courier (00000014) PlayIdle SNG638B
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.047001 100 -> 101
SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 10 -> 20
SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 20 -> 100
SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 100 -> 110
Sexout: Courier (00000014) PlayIdle SNG638B
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 34.990345 101 -> 200
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.030998 200 -> 201
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.280998 201 -> 300
NGK Knockdown Flash 212
NGK Knockdown Courier 432
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.560989 300 -> 301
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:: Courier (00000014)
NGClean (9 0): Started on 'Flash' (0602802A)
NGClean (9 20): T=Flash (0602802A) CBD=SexMvFAfterVaginalGive (560024E3)
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Flash (0602802A)
NGClean (9 20): stage 0 -> 20 for Flash (0602802A)
NGClean (9 0): Started on 'Courier' (00000014)
NGClean (9 20): T=Courier (00000014) CBD= (00000000)
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Courier (00000014)
NGClean (9 20): stage 0 -> 20 for Courier (00000014)
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.032001 301 -> 1000
NGClean (9 30): stage 20 -> 30 for Courier (00000014)
NGClean (9 30): stage 20 -> 30 for Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 110 -> 200
SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit' on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Single Shotgun' on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Eyeglasses' on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Eyeglasses' on Courier (00000014)
SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 110 -> 200
SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Brahmin-Skin Outfit' on Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Equipping '.22 Revolver' on Flash (0602802A)
SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 200 -> 1000
SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 1000 -> 2000
SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 200 -> 1000
SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 1000 -> 2000
NGClean (9 31): stage 30 -> 31 for Courier (00000014)
NGClean (9 31): stage 30 -> 31 for Flash (0602802A)
NGClean (9 40): stage 31 -> 40 for Courier (00000014)
NGClean (9 40): stage 31 -> 40 for Flash (0602802A)
NGClean (9 200): stage 40 -> 200 for Courier (00000014)
NGClean (9 200): stage 40 -> 200 for Flash (0602802A)
NGClean (9 1000): stage 200 -> 1000 for Courier (00000014)
NGClean (9 1000): stage 200 -> 1000 for Flash (0602802A)
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 2.442966 1000 -> 1001
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.030998 1001 -> 3001
fnSoNXClr Sexout:TFlags Flash (0602802A)
fnSAU: 0602802A (Flash) initial lock state: 1
fnSoAC: Removing 1 LEGACY: Sexout Actor Token(14000ADE)'s from Flash(0602802A)
fnSAU: 0602802A (Flash) final lock state: 0
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Flash (0602802A)
Rescaling A to 1.000000
fnSoNXClr Sexout:TFlags Courier (00000014)
fnSAU: 00000014 (Courier) initial lock state: 0
fnSAU: 00000014 (Courier) final lock state: 0
fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Courier (00000014)
Rescaling B to 0.830000
SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.000000 3001 -> 3002
SexoutNGPCQ: PCFe1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SexoutNGPCQ: PCFe2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NGCBQ1: Casting Finish PosControl (57000AEC) on Courier (00000014)
Pos: Finish - WTF!? PosControl not running?
fnSAVa: Lock present but invalid, clearing.
fnSoAC: Removing 1 LEGACY: Sexout Actor Token(14000ADE)'s from Courier(00000014)
NGCCBQ: Act 9, Starting conversation SexMvFAfterVaginalGive (560024E3) on Flash (0602802A). Attempt: 1
NGCCBQ: Success- Act 9, StartedConversation: SexMvFAfterVaginalGive (560024E3) with Flash (0602802A) on attempt 1


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Thanks, I can start GECK from MO now. It still won't load sexout.esm or anything dependent on that, but you've gotten me closer.


Yes, animations start fine. It's only the positioning that doesn't work and animations align up OK so it's not a big deal. It didn't start happening with this version, but I upgraded to the beta to see if it fixed the problem. Since it didn't I thought I'd ask about it.


The strange thing is, if i load from a save that's in the middle of sex (casm loves doing that) positioning works fine, and not just for that act. It continues to work until I load another save.




This console output file was started by the mod AutoSCOF.

9/8/2015 20:12:31


SexoutNGMAIN: Version 2.10.95b7

SexoutNGMAIN: Sexout Quest: 14000DC0

SexoutNGMAIN: SexoutNG Quest: 14019333

SexoutNGMAIN: SexoutBegin: CIOS 140027A8

SexoutNGMain: SexoutNGFinishNow: CIOS 1406E548

SexoutNGMain: SexoutDPV CIOS 14064770

SexoutNGMain: SexoutNGDPMe CIOS 140B16CA

SexoutNGMain: Dump NX Vars: AddItem 140BB4ED 1

Sexout Position 2.2 - August 24 2015 - loaded at index (hex) 57 or (dec) 87

Sexual Assault: Version June 27 2015 - Loaded at index (hex) 4A or as (dec) 74

SexoutAmra Initialized. Version: 7

__UD: Unethical Deeds EE v1.0 beta 1 is loaded at index 0x21 (033)

FalloutTTWQuestOverhaul v.1.12 HOTFIX#1 loaded at index (hex): 1E or (dec): 30

Debug mode enabled

You should see this debug message

CSES: Starting for: Courier(00000014)

Sexout Version is: '95(b7)

fnCSE (9): from Courier (00000014) on Courier (00000014)

fnCSE (9): is actor

fnCSE (9): CV0

fnCSE (9): CV0 a1:'Flash' (0602802A)

fnCSE (9): CV0 b1:'Courier' (00000014)

fnCSE (9): CV0 c1:'' (00000000)

fnCSE (9): CV0 x1:'' (00000000)

fnCSE (9): CV0 a2:'Flash' (0602802A)

fnCSE (9): CV0 b2:'Courier' (00000014)

fnCSE (9): CV0 c2:'' (00000000)

fnCSE (9): CV0 x2:'' (00000000)

fnSoCSv: Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start::' -> Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start:9::'

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:: Courier (00000014)

fnCSE (9): Returning 1

fnSNNXA: T:Courier (00000014), K:Sexout:Start:9::

fnSNNXA: Final A:Flash(0602802A)

fnSNNXA: Final B:Courier(00000014)

fnSNNXA: Final C:(00000000)

fnSNNXA: Final X:(00000000)

CSES: Normalize finished, checking sanitizer.

: fnSexoutGetArArgs Courier(00000014), Sexout:Start:9::

info: Got NULL, skipping

NGSAN: Validating animation choices

fnSoRandAct: In randomizer

fnSoRandAct: 2 actors, skeletons: MF

: fnSexoutGetArArgs Courier(00000014), Sexout:Start:9::

info: Got NULL, skipping

Sexout Random Picker: 168 animations possible for these actors

Sexout Random Picker: 109 animations left after filtering on flag: vaginal

Sexout Random Picker: 101 animations left after filtering on plugin: *Any* (No furniture)

Sexout Random Picker: 99 animations left after filtering against black list

Valid anim choices: 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 607, 609, 631, 632, 633, 634, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 721, 723, 901, 902, 903, 904, 906, 931, 932, 933, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 612, 613, 614, 615, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 714, 716, 717, 721, 722, 723, 740, 741, 742, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 931, ...

932, 933, 934,

fnSAN: Actor: Courier (Sexout:Start:9: :), isAnal: 0, isOral: 0, isVaginal: 1

NGSAN (9): Returning 0.000000: SUCCESS

CSES: SES done with CSE=1 SAN=0.000000, Stage=0 SEU next.

CSES: ActorB validity is 1

CSES: ActorA validity is 1

CSES (9): initializing actors

CSES (9): init actorA Courier (00000014), Flash (0602802A), Courier (00000014)

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Flash (0602802A)

fnSoCSv: Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start:9::' -> Flash (0602802A) 'Sexout:Started::'

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:9:: Flash (0602802A)

CSES (9): init actorB Courier (00000014), Courier (00000014), Courier (00000014)

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Courier (00000014)

fnSoCSv: Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Start:9::' -> Courier (00000014) 'Sexout:Started::'

CSES (9): clearing selfkey

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:9:: Courier (00000014)

CSES (9): kickoff

CSES (9): Transitioning from 0 -> 1000

CSES (9): Transitioning from 1000 -> 1001

fnSAL: 0602802A (Flash) initial lock state: 0

fnSAL: 0602802A (Flash) final lock state: 1 0

Scaling A from 1.000000 to 1.0

fnSAL: 00000014 (Courier) initial lock state: 0

fnSAL: 00000014 (Courier) final lock state: 1 0

Scaling B from 0.830000 to 1.0

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Flash (0602802A)

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Courier (00000014)

SexoutNGBES (9): SES: Setting global hook vars.

SexoutNGBES (9): SES: Global hook triggered, SES moving to BES stage 0.

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.166000 0 -> 10

SexoutNGPCQ: PCFd1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NGCBQ1: Casting Start PosControl (57000AE8) on Courier (00000014)

soAPS: Start

soAPS: Start

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.187000 10 -> 11

SexoutNGBES (9): Casting undress on player.

SNGUndress (9): Found Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit (000425BA) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Added Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit (000425BA) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Found Single Shotgun (000E393B) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Added Single Shotgun (000E393B) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Found Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Added Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Found Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Added Eyeglasses (000340FD) on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 0 -> 10

SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit' from Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Single Shotgun' from Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Eyeglasses' from Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Eyeglasses' from Courier (00000014)

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.062000 11 -> 12

SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 10 -> 100

SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 100 -> 110

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.219000 12 -> 13

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 1.076004 13 -> 14

Pos: Player still not sexout in use. Aborting

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 1.061005 14 -> 100

soAPs: Done Init for Flash

soAPS - Plugin: Sexout.esm, anim: 638

soAPS: ActorA is: Flash. mX: -0, mY: 0, mZ: 0, heading: 319

Sexout: Flash (0602802A) PlayIdle SNG638A

SNGUndress (9): Found Brahmin-Skin Outfit (00018DE5) on Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Added Brahmin-Skin Outfit (00018DE5) on Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Found .22 Revolver (0600080A) on Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Added .22 Revolver (0600080A) on Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 0 -> 10

SNGUndress (9): Removing 'Brahmin-Skin Outfit' from Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Removing '.22 Revolver' from Flash (0602802A)

soAPs: Done Init for Courier

soAPS - Plugin: Sexout.esm, anim: 638

soAPS: ActorB is: Courier. mX: -0, mY: 0, mZ: 0, heading: 319

Sexout: Courier (00000014) PlayIdle SNG638B

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.047001 100 -> 101

SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 10 -> 20

SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 20 -> 100

SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 100 -> 110

Sexout: Courier (00000014) PlayIdle SNG638B

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 34.990345 101 -> 200

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.030998 200 -> 201

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.280998 201 -> 300

NGK Knockdown Flash 212

NGK Knockdown Courier 432

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.560989 300 -> 301

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Start:: Courier (00000014)

NGClean (9 0): Started on 'Flash' (0602802A)

NGClean (9 20): T=Flash (0602802A) CBD=SexMvFAfterVaginalGive (560024E3)

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Flash (0602802A)

NGClean (9 20): stage 0 -> 20 for Flash (0602802A)

NGClean (9 0): Started on 'Courier' (00000014)

NGClean (9 20): T=Courier (00000014) CBD= (00000000)

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Started:: Courier (00000014)

NGClean (9 20): stage 0 -> 20 for Courier (00000014)

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.032001 301 -> 1000

NGClean (9 30): stage 20 -> 30 for Courier (00000014)

NGClean (9 30): stage 20 -> 30 for Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 110 -> 200

SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit' on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Single Shotgun' on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Eyeglasses' on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Eyeglasses' on Courier (00000014)

SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 110 -> 200

SNGUndress (9): Equipping 'Brahmin-Skin Outfit' on Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Equipping '.22 Revolver' on Flash (0602802A)

SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 200 -> 1000

SNGUndress (9): Courier (00000014) undress stage transition from 1000 -> 2000

SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 200 -> 1000

SNGUndress (9): Flash (0602802A) undress stage transition from 1000 -> 2000

NGClean (9 31): stage 30 -> 31 for Courier (00000014)

NGClean (9 31): stage 30 -> 31 for Flash (0602802A)

NGClean (9 40): stage 31 -> 40 for Courier (00000014)

NGClean (9 40): stage 31 -> 40 for Flash (0602802A)

NGClean (9 200): stage 40 -> 200 for Courier (00000014)

NGClean (9 200): stage 40 -> 200 for Flash (0602802A)

NGClean (9 1000): stage 200 -> 1000 for Courier (00000014)

NGClean (9 1000): stage 200 -> 1000 for Flash (0602802A)

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 2.442966 1000 -> 1001

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.030998 1001 -> 3001

fnSoNXClr Sexout:TFlags Flash (0602802A)

fnSAU: 0602802A (Flash) initial lock state: 1

fnSoAC: Removing 1 LEGACY: Sexout Actor Token(14000ADE)'s from Flash(0602802A)

fnSAU: 0602802A (Flash) final lock state: 0

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Flash (0602802A)

Rescaling A to 1.000000

fnSoNXClr Sexout:TFlags Courier (00000014)

fnSAU: 00000014 (Courier) initial lock state: 0

fnSAU: 00000014 (Courier) final lock state: 0

fnSoNXClr Sexout:Core:Cleanup Courier (00000014)

Rescaling B to 0.830000

SexoutNGBES (9): SEU: Stage 0.000000 3001 -> 3002

SexoutNGPCQ: PCFe1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SexoutNGPCQ: PCFe2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NGCBQ1: Casting Finish PosControl (57000AEC) on Courier (00000014)

Pos: Finish - WTF!? PosControl not running?

fnSAVa: Lock present but invalid, clearing.

fnSoAC: Removing 1 LEGACY: Sexout Actor Token(14000ADE)'s from Courier(00000014)

NGCCBQ: Act 9, Starting conversation SexMvFAfterVaginalGive (560024E3) on Flash (0602802A). Attempt: 1

NGCCBQ: Success- Act 9, StartedConversation: SexMvFAfterVaginalGive (560024E3) with Flash (0602802A) on attempt 1




Strange. I got GECK to work through MO and it recognized Sexout mods just fine. Perhaps the difference is I was using Powerup for GECK? Not sure, never really did much with it once I set it up the last time I had Fallout and GECK installed.


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My PC can no longer engage in Sexout acts, I keep getting a message the actor is in use. In doing some digging, it would appear the flag "Sexout:Flags:InUse" is turned on for the player in my save. I can go back and find an older save where it is turned off. Every thing works ok for a bit and then it gets stuck on again. This is now the second time this has happened. I've tried to manually reset the flag but it is a no go. PC undresses and then stops. Maybe it is something other than this flag.

Attached are three logs

"goodsavedebug.txt" everything working fine.

"badsavedebug.txt" flag on, actor in use message

"badsavemodifieddebg.txt" modified flag, get to undress phase and get's stuck...no animation playing, can hear sounds.


As always your help is appreciated.




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Back again after a while.
I installed Sexout again in order to try out the updated mods and some new ones.
One strange problem I keep running into is that male NPCs do not take off their underpants. I tried a male PC to see if the results were the same but at least masturbation seems to work as it should.

I have been installing bodies and Breeze's pack again, and though the last did improve the textures (the bodies looked rather weird first) the problem persist.
(also gave MCM a try, playing with the options but nothing seems to work)

Edit; never mind, may have found me answer on this thread in an earlier post.

Edit 2: nope the problem persists even when I use Sexout-94-Stable-Release-UPGRADE-from-93--without-Breeze-fixes.fomod



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Back again after a while.

I installed Sexout again in order to try out the updated mods and some new ones.

One strange problem I keep running into is that male NPCs do not take off their underpants. I tried a male PC to see if the results were the same but at least masturbation seems to work as it should.


I have been installing bodies and Breeze's pack again, and though the last did improve the textures (the bodies looked rather weird first) the problem persist.

(also gave MCM a try, playing with the options but nothing seems to work)


Edit; never mind, may have found me answer on this thread in an earlier post.


Edit 2: nope the problem persists even when I use Sexout-94-Stable-Release-UPGRADE-from-93--without-Breeze-fixes.fomod



First, what do you mean NPCs don't take off their underpants? During sex or when you undress them?


Second, if your PC behaves differently from the NPCs, do they belong to different races? Because addon races may have their own body files elsewhere.


Last, check whether you have an outfitmerect.nif file under data\meshes\armor\SexoutBodysuits.

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