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I had read on here about having to wait sometimes, so at the ceremony I just waited. Didn't have to use "T" to wait... just waited. It progressed through all stages fine.


Thanks, Alploochra for confirming that the Ravena quest doesn't say "bugged" in the OP. I went and looked several times and then figured it's just me missing it because I'm old :)


Without having to read through over 60 pages (sorry) is there a list of quest names so we have a reference for those cases where we might have to kick it by using setstage? I mean, that's how I fixed that first skirmish with Armin and actually I had to use it to get the Yngride Revenge quest too. Beyond the somewhat lumpy start, I'm having fun with this. It's a different way to pass the time :)


But the list of quest names would be helpful as I'm not always sure what to search for to get the quest ID so I can sqv to see where it is and/or setstage to push it to the next stage of the quest.


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It was flagged "bugged - not to try" for months, and was still reported as a new bug every other day, that's why faithful Corrupters were quick to say "read the OP". ;)
It changed only two days ago when the last test build was uploaded.


Console quick tips for betatesters:

"help AFS" will give you all the mod's quests and assets. So you can find your quest ID. useful if it doesn't start.

as explained just above
"getstage <QUESTID>" will give you the quest stage
"setstage <QUESTID> <STAGENUMBER>" will get you to a specific stage, and you can't revert, so save before.

there's also
"showquesttargets" that will give you all your active quests (and so you can quickly find your stuck one, instead of going through all the mod quests)
"player.sqs <QUESTID>" that will give you all this quest's stages and if accomplished or not. Some quests have blank or choice stages, but it's still a good tool.


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I had read on here about having to wait sometimes, so at the ceremony I just waited. Didn't have to use "T" to wait... just waited. It progressed through all stages fine.


But the list of quest names would be helpful as I'm not always sure what to search for to get the quest ID so I can sqv to see where it is and/or setstage to push it to the next stage of the quest.

How long did you have to wait? I waited for a good 15 minutes while I got some tea to sip and some Babybels to munch on, and nada.


A list of quest names would have saved me an ungodly amount of time. I had to resort to 'help afs', then the number of the quest line stage, then abcdef...etc..


For the sake of testing it, it might be beneficial to release a list of all the quest codes to reference.

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A list, like, what you get when typing "help afs" ? O_o

And "showquesttargets" is even quicker as it only gives back the quests you've actually begun.


A list of every stages with descriptions would be a far too long work for far too little benefits.

Yeah, like I'd go:


help afs

help afs1

help afs1a

help afs1b

help afs1c




help afs1f (I see AFS1FollowKatalia)

getstage afs1followkatalia (get...dunno, let's say 50)

setstage afs1followkatalia 60


I had to do that process for everything I found an issue with. On the plus side I didn't have to beg for help on this topic, but on the downside I used a LOT of time lol.


And no, not every stage, but rather every quest code like the above example, AFS1FollowKatalia.

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Why do you do all th... Aren't you using pageup and pagedown to browse the alphabetical list ?


And no, not every stage, but rather every quest code like the above example, AFS1FollowKatalia.

You get that with "help afs".



there's also
"showquesttargets" that will give you all your active quests
(and so you can quickly find your stuck one, instead of going through all the mod quests)
"player.sqs <QUESTID>" that will give you all this quest's stages and if accomplished or not. Some quests have blank or choice stages, but it's still a good tool.
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Why do you do all th... Aren't you using pageup and pagedown to browse the alphabetical list ?


there's also

"showquesttargets" that will give you all your active quests

(and so you can quickly find your stuck one, instead of going through all the mod quests)

"player.sqs <QUESTID>" that will give you all this quest's stages and if accomplished or not. Some quests have blank or choice stages, but it's still a good tool.


Because I didn't know these existed until now. :V

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I dont follow the topic. My current internet connection is very bad... You will need to take care of AFS whitout me for now... I will see how i can fix that.

I dont follow the topic. My current internet connection is very bad... You will need to take care of AFS whitout me for now... I will see how i can fix that.

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Okay, got a question in regards to the Vulkos-Quest, whether its a bug or a "feature"




When Ascula gives me the choice "near or far" I naturally went for teh far option after I tried the other one ... but then I go to Phage and when I do as told and ask for teh heart the quest simply fails. And after that no char seemed to get me back on track...is that intended? Is the "near option" the only way to progress? Or did I miss something...



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I think I found some bugs which I didn't have last time I played through most of the mod.


For afs2sidequestcyrodiil stage 90 the quest journal points me to Cidnha Mine within Markarth for "Last Valley Redoubt". It's proooobably not supposed to do that.


Second, Judgment doesn't seem to be working properly. Didn't encounter that quest the first time I went through this, though.

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The kennels aren't working properly in my game. Well, for starters I never found the kennels in the previous playthrough nor did I find them this time. I had to use movetoqt to get in, and, well, when I tried to leave instead of the floating text saying "To Skyrim" or whatever, I got "To                         ". Entering/exiting results in an infinite loading screen.

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