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Got it:  SexSl Volkar under attack by [sPELL < (3301516D)>]


Seems to come from Sexlab stop combat? (Hex 33 in LO)

i hope its not against the roles - i didnt rly repost the mod, just esp


try replacing original one with this

Thats the version which requires DLCs btw


i'm going to write that mod author what i did there - to let him know.

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Got it:  SexSl Volkar under attack by [sPELL < (3301516D)>]


Seems to come from Sexlab stop combat? (Hex 33 in LO)

i hope its not against the roles - i didnt rly repost the mod, just esp


try replacing original one with this



i'm going to write that mod author what i did there - to let him know.



I am considering adding this mod to the incompatible list.  I just had a look at the code it uses and it calls setplayerteamate() for each sex act.  We trap that call for all the sex slaves as well as Andrew and I expect that it will cause havok and multiple CTDs.  Also, most follower mods trap that call as well and I expect it will do no good for them as well.


Just for you Aqqh, here is the source of the modification I made above


Edit:  Also, how did you get it open in CK?  I had to remove all the unnecessary dependencies to keep CK from crashing.


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it requires all DLCs and sexlab.

i didn't rly dig very deep into it, i didn't bother to unpack bsa. or even install that bsa tbh...

i just copied the esp...

so i don't rly know why those dlcs are needed.


just had a look in tes5edit then ticked "No Hit Event" flags in magic effects that are in use there.

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I read the description and I loved, too bad that recommending not have Wet and Cold, The Dance of Death, Perkus Maximus, Immersive Creature (supposedly need to be removed) and Frostfall, Sexlab Lover's Comfort (supposedly need to be Disable) and I do not want remove that mods, but even so could install and test?

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Sex Slaves might run fine with any or all of those mods. I've used them all. The only problems show up when too many at once are placing demands on your system. Get rid of the ones which add the least to your fun, then give it a try and see how it plays on your install. The STEP Wiki (on its own site) and the modding guide in the technical support section will help you optimize your game.

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I read the description and I loved, too bad that recommending not have Wet and Cold, The Dance of Death, Perkus Maximus, Immersive Creature (supposedly need to be removed) and Frostfall, Sexlab Lover's Comfort (supposedly need to be Disable) and I do not want remove that mods, but even so could install and test?


Give it a try, but if you insist on wet and cold and lovers comfort, I don't have much hope.

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So everything seems to work as planned until CTD upon entering Sanguine's Pleasure Palace. It CTDs during the load door between the Palace and the dungeon where I had just spoken to the dremora slave trainer. Any idea on why this is happening or a way to work around it so I don't have to go in there to complete main quest?

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So everything seems to work as planned until CTD upon entering Sanguine's Pleasure Palace. It CTDs during the load door between the Palace and the dungeon where I had just spoken to the dremora slave trainer. Any idea on why this is happening or a way to work around it so I don't have to go in there to complete main quest?


If you are running Sexlab 1.6, try the 1.6 patch that shuts off sex moans in the download section, but I don't have much hope for that.


Turn off cell scans in MCM.  If that helps, you are overloaded.


There is nothing weird in there (same meshes as the blue palace), so I am guessing that you are just overloaded.  Check your papyrus log.


Finally, some high persentage of these CTDs can be eliminated with a good save game clean, especially if you are adding and removing mods.

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Great work, I just wanted to inquire about a hiccup, or potentially actual problem I encountered with this tzolloman that seems to have cause a previous stir before. I did an alternative method to bringing 1 female companion with me by convincing Vess into submission when I initially meet her, checked mcm to confirm and all seems to look good. The tzolloman seems unimpressed though when i bring her to the inn and the journal says I should try without a companion, but it seems like I can't dismiss the tied up vess. Thank you in advanced!

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So everything seems to work as planned until CTD upon entering Sanguine's Pleasure Palace. It CTDs during the load door between the Palace and the dungeon where I had just spoken to the dremora slave trainer. Any idea on why this is happening or a way to work around it so I don't have to go in there to complete main quest?


If you are running Sexlab 1.6, try the 1.6 patch that shuts off sex moans in the download section, but I don't have much hope for that.


Turn off cell scans in MCM.  If that helps, you are overloaded.


There is nothing weird in there (same meshes as the blue palace), so I am guessing that you are just overloaded.  Check your papyrus log.


Finally, some high persentage of these CTDs can be eliminated with a good save game clean, especially if you are adding and removing mods.



I figured out a workaround by coc qasmoke into game then adding the teleport spell (thanks for that btw) to the palace so it would have most of that info ready. Then it worked upon tele in with my main except it still always CTD if I talk to the dremora first. So by tele in mia starts atking me and after defeating her I go back to dremora and he acts as though we already spoke and sent me up after mia so no issues there.

One issue I am having now is that quest to talk to sasha but her exclusive dialogue options don't show up she just speaks like every other slave but still has the marker saying she's waving you over.

Another small annoyance is some followers after being converted to slave (or all I only tested one to see what you made then got back out to skyrim) they still retain the original follower voice.

That's fine, then they have this one voice come in every time you go near them that sounds like that nympho characters voice, and when you speak to them or when they are doing the deed they jump between that voice and the other girls voice that sounds like moster instead of master.


It's like high pitch slightly distorted voice then deep british voice, making her seem like a robot/jukebox follower and is un-immersive as f***. You might check all the generic female voices and make sure they only get replaced by one voice actor instead of multiple. 


Other than that I say great mod and good work. :)




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So everything seems to work as planned until CTD upon entering Sanguine's Pleasure Palace. It CTDs during the load door between the Palace and the dungeon where I had just spoken to the dremora slave trainer. Any idea on why this is happening or a way to work around it so I don't have to go in there to complete main quest?


If you are running Sexlab 1.6, try the 1.6 patch that shuts off sex moans in the download section, but I don't have much hope for that.


Turn off cell scans in MCM.  If that helps, you are overloaded.


There is nothing weird in there (same meshes as the blue palace), so I am guessing that you are just overloaded.  Check your papyrus log.


Finally, some high persentage of these CTDs can be eliminated with a good save game clean, especially if you are adding and removing mods.



I figured out a workaround by coc qasmoke into game then adding the teleport spell (thanks for that btw) to the palace so it would have most of that info ready. Then it worked upon tele in with my main except it still always CTD if I talk to the dremora first. So by tele in mia starts atking me and after defeating her I go back to dremora and he acts as though we already spoke and sent me up after mia so no issues there.

One issue I am having now is that quest to talk to sasha but her exclusive dialogue options don't show up she just speaks like every other slave but still has the marker saying she's waving you over.

Another small annoyance is some followers after being converted to slave (or all I only tested one to see what you made then got back out to skyrim) they still retain the original follower voice.


This is the nature of things.  All npcs have a voice type and making them a sex slave does not change that.  There is sex slave dialog for most of the vanilla voice types, but sadly, we don't have access to the vanilla voice actresses.  If I did this over again from scratch, I would not have any sex slave dialog for vanilla voice types because it mostly sucks. And sounds terrible.  I hate having Lydia as a follower and hearing the differences between her vanilla voice and the sex slave voice.


That's fine, then they have this one voice come in every time you go near them that sounds like that nympho characters voice, and when you speak to them or when they are doing the deed they jump between that voice and the other girls voice that sounds like moster instead of master.


It's like high pitch slightly distorted voice then deep british voice, making her seem like a robot/jukebox follower and is un-immersive as f***. You might check all the generic female voices and make sure they only get replaced by one voice actor instead of multiple. 

This is on my todo list already, but it's at the bottom of the priority.  Want to have a go at it?  It's pretty easy.  Just unfuz and listen to all the dialog lilnes and copy the identically named file from either miajenny or miatrudy.  Won't have time for this for some time.


Other than that I say great mod and good work. :)




Great work, I just wanted to inquire about a hiccup, or potentially actual problem I encountered with this tzolloman that seems to have cause a previous stir before. I did an alternative method to bringing 1 female companion with me by convincing Vess into submission when I initially meet her, checked mcm to confirm and all seems to look good. The tzolloman seems unimpressed though when i bring her to the inn and the journal says I should try without a companion, but it seems like I can't dismiss the tied up vess. Thank you in advanced!


That alternate method you tried will not work.  Restart the quest from scratch.  She has to come with you and then pass through the slave dressing thing before Tz will talk to you.  As an aside, can you tell us how you got into this so we can prevent it from happening to other players?

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is it possible to marry your slaves or are they do they just stay as slaves?


There is a faction you have to set, don't remember which one.  But, it is easy enough to add through dialog.  Ask me again once I get Andrew finished.  I think that would be a nice thing.

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There is a faction you have to set, don't remember which one.  But, it is easy enough to add through dialog.  Ask me again once I get Andrew finished.  I think that would be a nice thing.

Maybe this could be that cure for Sex Slaves?

Make her fall in love. Real one not through daedric tricks. Marry her.


This way it wont be too simple. You wont be able to cure everyone. And cured ones wont just "go home".


Btw its PotentialMarriageFaction. Niri and Vess should have those if you do NOT enslave them.

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Great work, I just wanted to inquire about a hiccup, or potentially actual problem I encountered with this tzolloman that seems to have cause a previous stir before. I did an alternative method to bringing 1 female companion with me by convincing Vess into submission when I initially meet her, checked mcm to confirm and all seems to look good. The tzolloman seems unimpressed though when i bring her to the inn and the journal says I should try without a companion, but it seems like I can't dismiss the tied up vess. Thank you in advanced!


That alternate method you tried will not work.  Restart the quest from scratch.  She has to come with you and then pass through the slave dressing thing before Tz will talk to you.  As an aside, can you tell us how you got into this so we can prevent it from happening to other players?



I actually went through the dress her up sequence, sorry I forgot to mention. but yeah, she's all dressed up in the prisoner clothes after the deal and that's when I tried talking to tzolloman. checked mcm again and it does say I have one follower with me (I'm assuming its vess), and he won't talk to me still. Is it in any relation with AFT? (Confirmed I do not have any other followers except Vess at the time)

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I actually went through the dress her up sequence, sorry I forgot to mention. but yeah, she's all dressed up in the prisoner clothes after the deal and that's when I tried talking to tzolloman. checked mcm again and it does say I have one follower with me (I'm assuming its vess), and he won't talk to me still. Is it in any relation with AFT? (Confirmed I do not have any other followers except Vess at the time)

No, she shouldn't be your follower at that point.

There is nothing in this mod that would allow you to recruit her as follower until you find the Jarls daughter (before that both Vess and Niri should not even have the faction that is necessary to recruit npc as follower).


So either some mod of yours is doing unintended things

Or you got some other follower waiting for you somewhere (but tbh if you do then Jorlan should refuse to talk to you as well)

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I actually went through the dress her up sequence, sorry I forgot to mention. but yeah, she's all dressed up in the prisoner clothes after the deal and that's when I tried talking to tzolloman. checked mcm again and it does say I have one follower with me (I'm assuming its vess), and he won't talk to me still. Is it in any relation with AFT? (Confirmed I do not have any other followers except Vess at the time)

No, she shouldn't be your follower at that point.

There is nothing in this mod that would allow you to recruit her as follower until you find the Jarls daughter (before that both Vess and Niri should not even have the faction that is necessary to recruit npc as follower).


So either some mod of yours is doing unintended things

Or you got some other follower waiting for you somewhere (but tbh if you do then Jorlan should refuse to talk to you as well)



Thank you for your advice! You were right, I noticed the problem to occur when I enter the inn, and there was Hoth behind the crime. Like a Taylor Swift song, he couldn't let go of me when I told him no and was giving me the puppy eyes. I took care of him by writing another song about him and he got tired of me and went away. 


TL;DR: Custom follower hoth was a menace with what living in the inn, uninstalled him.

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does sound interesting cause I just can't do the whole "enslave" niri or vess, niri trusted you and vess pretty much suffered through the whole thing even though she was a bandit but yeah even in a game I can't do the whole "enslave" thing, I just love jenn, sasha and linda though :3 they're my babies, also does linda have any scenes like jenn and sasha have with each other?, would be funny to see linda and sasha argue over who has the bigger bust XD

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does sound interesting cause I just can't do the whole "enslave" niri or vess, niri trusted you and vess pretty much suffered through the whole thing even though she was a bandit but yeah even in a game I can't do the whole "enslave" thing, I just love jenn, sasha and linda though :3 they're my babies, also does linda have any scenes like jenn and sasha have with each other?, would be funny to see linda and sasha argue over who has the bigger bust XD


Sadly, we no longer have access to the actress who did Linda, so we are focusing all our efforts on Sasha and Jenny because I can still get a bit from them if I beg a lot.


I know you guys need more voice actors.   I saw this today and did not know if you asked here.



would love to see Linda and others flushed out even more :)


Thanks for the heads up, but it clearly sez that it's must be PG stuff and we ain't that.  Guess I could try anyway.

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TL;DR : Way to Reset Skyrim Sex Slave follower count?


Hi, it's late but I've been recently enjoying this mod but I encountered a problem.

- I am using V52-1_Loose btw.


Even though I have no followers following me at all, in the MCM menu, I have (1) Skyrim Sex Slave follower with me at all times. This is even true for my other profiles which didn’t even start the main quest. Number of followers = (1)


Is there any manual command or fix that dismisses or resets my follower count?


This is causing another issue as well. I can’t seem start Episode 2 ‘Dark Possession’ due to the issue. Volkar keeps on saying that “I need a non-sexslave female follower” even though I have no sexslave follower following me around….


Thanks for a great mod btw, I got chills down my spine on some of the scenes… very well executed!


UPDATE: I've tried uninstalling the mod and cleaning the game with Save cleaner and it doesn't work!!

What happens is that, the first time I load the game it will say Number of follower = (0), which is correct but the 2nd time I boot the game, it will say number of followers = (1) !! again! This is really bothering me and preventing me from starting episode 2 :( ...


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TL;DR : Way to Reset Skyrim Sex Slave follower count?


Hi, it's late but I've been recently enjoying this mod but I encountered a problem.

- I am using V52-1_Loose btw.


Even though I have no followers following me at all, in the MCM menu, I have (1) Skyrim Sex Slave follower with me at all times. This is even true for my other profiles which didn’t even start the main quest. Number of followers = (1)


Is there any manual command or fix that dismisses or resets my follower count?


This is causing another issue as well. I can’t seem start Episode 2 ‘Dark Possession’ due to the issue. Volkar keeps on saying that “I need a non-sexslave female follower” even though I have no sexslave follower following me around….


Thanks for a great mod btw, I got chills down my spine on some of the scenes… very well executed!


UPDATE: I've tried uninstalling the mod and cleaning the game with Save cleaner and it doesn't work!!

What happens is that, the first time I load the game it will say Number of follower = (0), which is correct but the 2nd time I boot the game, it will say number of followers = (1) !! again! This is really bothering me and preventing me from starting episode 2 :( ...


Just make sure cell scans is turned on and go to a new location.  Problem solved.  If that does not solve you problem, you really do have a follower somewhere that you don't know about.


The number of followers is counted each time you change cells.



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TL;DR : Way to Reset Skyrim Sex Slave follower count?


Hi, it's late but I've been recently enjoying this mod but I encountered a problem.

- I am using V52-1_Loose btw.


Even though I have no followers following me at all, in the MCM menu, I have (1) Skyrim Sex Slave follower with me at all times. This is even true for my other profiles which didn’t even start the main quest. Number of followers = (1)


Is there any manual command or fix that dismisses or resets my follower count?


This is causing another issue as well. I can’t seem start Episode 2 ‘Dark Possession’ due to the issue. Volkar keeps on saying that “I need a non-sexslave female follower” even though I have no sexslave follower following me around….


Thanks for a great mod btw, I got chills down my spine on some of the scenes… very well executed!


UPDATE: I've tried uninstalling the mod and cleaning the game with Save cleaner and it doesn't work!!

What happens is that, the first time I load the game it will say Number of follower = (0), which is correct but the 2nd time I boot the game, it will say number of followers = (1) !! again! This is really bothering me and preventing me from starting episode 2 :( ...


Just make sure cell scans is turned on and go to a new location.  Problem solved.  If that does not solve you problem, you really do have a follower somewhere that you don't know about.


The number of followers is counted each time you change cells.



Oh, thank you!!

I didn't know what that function was about!




I also noticed a weird bug(?) I encountered.

Whenever I teleported to Mia's Pleasure Palace (where the twins and "made" slaves are..)

I seem to randomly get 2 followers according to the MCM menu. If I simply teleport back out to somewhere else... the follower count goes to 0 again.

Was this intended or some weird bug I'm getting....


Thank you a/w :D


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