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I was wondering if this mod currently have any cure or reset of the addiction system ?? So far this mod is very nicely done.

You gradually "cure" yourself over time by not eating skooma or sleeping tree sap.

The amount "cured" per time period can be modified in the MCM settings.



Thanks so i guess i will bump up the recovery a bit. I was afraid i got this character stuck on skooma forever.




I did not make this mod as a main content^^ I feel like I have to say this, the addiction is not ment bo be reached in a day. The scale I had in mid was 7, 14 and 21 day for stage five, depending on the choosen speed. The recovery, on default would take double that time. Addiction is something that comes over time. It starts with a habit and then increases. Later it´s some to life and struggle with. Finally with a lot effort and a strong will one can get rid of it again. With this in mind, it´s not the goal to get on stage 5 as quick as possible but using the advantages of the drug when appropiate without getting to addicted in the first place.


This was just an expanation of my view of this mod, nothing more. :D

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I was wondering if this mod currently have any cure or reset of the addiction system ?? So far this mod is very nicely done.

You gradually "cure" yourself over time by not eating skooma or sleeping tree sap.

The amount "cured" per time period can be modified in the MCM settings.



Thanks so i guess i will bump up the recovery a bit. I was afraid i got this character stuck on skooma forever.




I did not make this mod as a main content^^ I feel like I have to say this, the addiction is not ment bo be reached in a day. The scale I had in mid was 7, 14 and 21 day for stage five, depending on the choosen speed. The recovery, on default would take double that time. Addiction is something that comes over time. It starts with a habit and then increases. Later it´s some to life and struggle with. Finally with a lot effort and a strong will one can get rid of it again. With this in mind, it´s not the goal to get on stage 5 as quick as possible but using the advantages of the drug when appropiate without getting to addicted in the first place.


This was just an expanation of my view of this mod, nothing more. :D



Having played with it a little bit, only up to "regular," I think the mechanics of it are very nice.


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I did not make this mod as a main content^^ I feel like I have to say this, the addiction is not ment bo be reached in a day. 



Pretty sure most of us, in this section of the forum, use a mod like this for the prostitution part, rather than the skooma part. :D

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I did not make this mod as a main content^^ I feel like I have to say this, the addiction is not ment bo be reached in a day. 



Pretty sure most of us, in this section of the forum, use a mod like this for the prostitution part, rather than the skooma part. :D



A new character unfortunate enough to happen onto skooma can find herself being forced.guided into the prostitution part.. Of course, it might be nice if the skooma was free or very cheap when it came form the mod's dealers until the player character was addicted.


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I did not make this mod as a main content^^ I feel like I have to say this, the addiction is not ment bo be reached in a day. 



Pretty sure most of us, in this section of the forum, use a mod like this for the prostitution part, rather than the skooma part. :D



A new character unfortunate enough to happen onto skooma can find herself being forced.guided into the prostitution part..

Especially on higher difficulty levels, where consuming half your inventory's worth of buff effects is sometimes necessary, and damn isn't this mod's Skooma a nice buff for most characters ;)

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I did not make this mod as a main content^^ I feel like I have to say this, the addiction is not ment bo be reached in a day. 



Pretty sure most of us, in this section of the forum, use a mod like this for the prostitution part, rather than the skooma part. :D



A new character unfortunate enough to happen onto skooma can find herself being forced.guided into the prostitution part..

Especially on higher difficulty levels, where consuming half your inventory's worth of buff effects is sometimes necessary, and damn isn't this mod's Skooma a nice buff for most characters ;)


And those skooma salesmen might someday market it to the poor player character that way. "This will help you, Dragonborn. No. No. You don't owe me anything, I just want to help.

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Very good and well-balanced mod! I was looking for something like this. :)


Withdrawal effect could be more detrimental though. In current version I can just ignore even stage 4.


P.S. Sorry, my English is bad.


Keep in mind that the withdrawals are suppressed for a couple of hours after drinking skooma. So if you drink four or five a day you will never notice the withdrawals.

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Well, my Dragonborn is a warrior, so magicka damage is not a problem. Stamina is crucial only in combat - but in the middle of the battle I don't have time for "natural" sramina regeneration and always use potions. So basically my character can be a drug addict without even noticing it. :P


I don't want to bother you, but... maybe, you can make optional .esp with more hardcore effects? I can do it myself, but after next patch my changes will disappear.

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Well, my Dragonborn is a warrior, so magicka damage is not a problem. Stamina is crucial only in combat - but in the middle of the battle I don't have time for "natural" sramina regeneration and always use potions. So basically my character can be a drug addict without even noticing it. :P


I don't want to bother you, but... maybe, you can make optional .esp with more hardcore effects? I can do it myself, but after next patch my changes will disappear.


I agreed, could be great had one hardcore version. I dont try it in game yet because i dont had any real reason for use, for i read about effect even some food give similar buffs.


On my vision i think the skooma must be more llike more anfetamines  and less like the canabis. When you drink skooma you can become one man army and take one bandit lair by you self...... for short time, so if want mighty again you need take more skooma  ( the hook ), then come the withdraw, you become weak like kitten and if want go out of city you need take skooma ( the dependency ) or endue the withdraw on safe of one city but you need pay you room, pay you food for 3 to 5 days if any type of income  ( this with help of hardcore mods ) and when you dont had money for eat and skooma then you need sell you body ( the downfall ).


So i think you need big buff for worth the use the drug, heavy defuff for justify the consume and when you downfall the without money for eat and sleep the you need sell your body for eat,, sleep and skooma and can go out and make quest, kill bandit and save the world.




On fallout 3 NV the moder Odessa made one very similar mod to this called shake  the dope. Give addiction to jet and on downfall you can/need sell you body for more jet.


In that mod is really hardcore because you cant sleep and suffer of allusitions on withdraw. And is even the vanilla jet is very useful, even before that mod i take jet because could make the diference beteewn liif or death.

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Trying the mod out went into the worker house after talking to the owner took some time before my PC had sex then one of the girls keep tell me you got to leave over and over I went out the door cam back in end up with my PC having sex on a green screen I quit the game and had to reload from a early save then try again was told to leave as my PC went out the door a client start have sex with her she was having sex in midair and after she landed back on the ground the quest log did not show the any more I had to go back to a early save and start the quest all over again. 


I don't know what mod i should be running with this mod here is a list of what I got running 


Active Mod Files:

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  HearthFires.esm
04  Dragonborn.esm
05  ApachiiHair.esm
06  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
07  actorEvents.esm
08  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
09  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.59]
0A  SexLabAroused.esm
0B  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
0C  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.2]
0D  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
0E  BeeingFemale.esm  [Version 1.14]
0F  SexLab Attraction.esm
10  Inn Girls Resources.esm
11  daymoyl.esm
12  Brawl Bugs CE.esp
13  SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp
14  Chesko_Frostfall.esp
15  MF_RadiantProstitution.esp
16  MF_SpectatorCrowds.esp
17  RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
18  MilkModNEW.esp
19  PuppetMaster.esp
1A  SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
1B  SexLabMatchMaker.esp  [Version 5]
1C  RaceMenu.esp
1D  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
1E  SkyUI.esp
1F  zzLSAR.esp
20  Devious Deviants.esp
21  sanguinesDebauchery.esp
22  SDpatch - dawnguard.esp
23  SDpatch - dragonborn.esp
24  SDpatch - frostfall.esp
25  Tame Beast.esp
26  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
27  SOS - B3lisario UNP Addon.esp
28  SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
29  SC07SexLabRandomAttack.esp
2A  zzEstrus.esp
2B  EstrusChaurus.esp
2C  RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp
2D  RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp
2E  RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp
2F  FNISspells.esp
30  zzLSARAddon.esp
31  ApachiiHairStyles.esp
32  ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp
33  SexLab_DibellaCult.esp
34  NoNakedComments.esp
35  dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
36  SOS - Shop.esp
37  Apropos.esp
38  MoreNastyCritters.esp
39  SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
3A  SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp
3B  titkit.esp
3C  SexLabAnimalSex.esp
3D  SexLabAnimalSexDawn.esp
3E  SexLabAnimalSexTame.esp
3F  SexLabNudeCreatures.esp
40  SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp
41  SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp
42  HentaiCreatures.esp
43  SexLab-Stories.esp
44  SexLab-StoriesDevious.esp
45  BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp
46  SexLab Approach.esp
47  sexlab_WearAndTear.esp
48  animal_mansion.esp
49  immersive wenches.esp
4A  a0ne[1].esp
4B  CollegeDaysWinterhold.esp
4C  RND_AnimalLoot.esp

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I had the same "leave now," comment repeated over and over at the brothel. This has happened to me during vanilla game situations in the same type of building, even when the npc was an ally well at least no trespassing was commited. It maybe a time of day issue when doors get locked flag that maybe inherent to the building and the npc ai see the flag or the npc just doesn't like the way you look :). Funny I saved game and killed the NPC at the brothel and a client had sex with her and she was alive again. I did this 3 times and she kept comming back to life during sex. AFter the the 3rd time she got wonky, I exited and reloaded save all was well again. Guffel do you have any future plans in mind for this mod?

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Hey, LOVE the mod, just have a really quick question!


The withdrawl symptoms are there and I have the 3 active effects in my spell book. Only thing is that I cannot see what the debuff is. for example if I am currently dependent and I wait a day in game I cannot see if I have the debuff (-20% stamina regeneration or something like that) in my spell book but I know it is there. I am not sure if that is something you just haven't implemented yet or not I just was a little bit confused.

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Hey, LOVE the mod, just have a really quick question!


The withdrawl symptoms are there and I have the 3 active effects in my spell book. Only thing is that I cannot see what the debuff is. for example if I am currently dependent and I wait a day in game I cannot see if I have the debuff (-20% stamina regeneration or something like that) in my spell book but I know it is there. I am not sure if that is something you just haven't implemented yet or not I just was a little bit confused.


As I wrote in the OP the effects can be displayed, because if they would all effects would be shown even the none active ones. Therefore I decided to hide all. For the detailed effects look in the spoiler in the OP.

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Liking this mod a lot...

Tested it & complements most my other mods I use a lot.


Couple of tweeks to the brothel part would make it better IMO to enhance the atmosphere.

A suggestion, make it so the PC has to be naked/or wear some selected clothing to trigger the scenes. As my fully armoured warrior doesn't look so seductive to be working there.

Also an idea for the extension of the brothel part, after servicing a certain number of customers instead of getting the standard skooma reward, you get the option of a quest to aquire/rob a shipment to which you get a better skooma reward.


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I truly enjoyed your dangerous nights, I see this one could be expanded into a full blow quest, of prostitution, and rape, punishment, enslavement, and general all around adult fun too.


  Your doing great work :)

That would be nice, but please not too much enslavement. LL is already full with enslavement mods.



btw is there the possiblity to make the positive skooma effects last longer? The boost and everything feel more like a normal potion than a drug. In my opinion they are simply too short to justify a regular usage.

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I like the way the mod is going however there might be a problem with Realistic Needs & Diseases. (Just need someone else to confirm it). That's too say RND has it's own weird and not totally useful effects, (i.e. carry weight increase and extra speed at the expense of no Mana or Stamina at the same time. Actually quite rubbish unless you've run out of Apple Pies and are tired at the bottom of a extra long Mod dungeon - erm just saying like). RND's script for that effect seems to override yours. Well in my experience - just need someone else to confirm this.


(If confirmed, maybe put in an RND detection or tick option and a counter effect in your script to bring your effects back into line).

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Nevermind, fixed it...and it is compatible with the mod that adds skooma dealers, too


what did you do to fix it? I cant find the dealers and when I do help (insert dealer name) they don't even show up in the console, its last in the load order too. don't understand :/


to be clear, I cant get this to work. the drug dealers don't say anything and I cant start a conversation with them. also the added ones don't appear in the console. any help would be great.

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Perhaps you could increase (just by a little!) the amount of skooma that drops from bandits and the like to help the addiction along.

I just tried out Slave Town today (http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/991-wipslave-town-a-player-slavery-mod/), and when I got put in the dungeon, wandering around, I found the stash of Skooma and I don't mind saying I actually squeaked a bit at the bounty.

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