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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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A scattered list.


Over Population that nobody seems willing to care about.
People who pick on those weaker than them.

Lots of Flies at once. I enjoy spiders.
Chronic Indignation.
Oil Seed Rape Allergies, they grow it everywhere here and density causes hayfever in people that wouldn't usually be effected.
Overcooked Food
Clever people trapping others in their victim complex.
Lack of change or improvement in the political dynamic in hundreds of years.
The fact you can't call vegan cheese - cheese. Yet with milk it is fine.

Double standards :)

Seeing TV's dumped at the side of the road in the country.

Fanatical Collectivists of all designations or ideologies.
The entire SJW debate and all uses of the term.

The us Vs them psychology.
Calcium Mimics used in the water supply left over from wartime and lack of calcium.

That's my list right now.

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My former next door neighbor who decided to rent her house out to a group of idiots that think is o.k. to play their music so loud that I can hear it inside my house and own frikin' roosters...

Tell them once and if they don't listen, find the worst possible music you can conceive of, turn it up real loud and then go to work/out whatever. It worked for me, I got into an argument but it worked. They sound like they love their music, so it should have more effect. If its a flat, put your speakers against their wall of course, to spare your other neighbors. It can just be as simple as them moving their speakers from your wall so to reduce the volume a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, this is Nexus and I'm not really annoyed. in fact a bit amused ^^.


Not sure if asked before but I'd be glad for a mod capable of correct this f**kibng bug in Voeld post vault ativation when the climate don't change at all. It's weird AND annoying.

I wasn't sanctionned but must read the rules before re-entgernig the nexus just because of what I've set in bold (with the typo). Even if I had consenred partially this word ^^.


Link : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5483562-request-of-mods/page-16&do=findComment&comment=51964527

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None of my browsers want to remember what I typed here, if I try to drag a picture here. It was related to the post above this one, and it's 

a quote from "Johnny Dangerously" which they censor on TV like the farts in Blazing saddles.

It's so sad.

But mostly (as I recall) I wanted to compliment a post above and rant on about paying tons

for a cab ride I won't need soon, to satisfy a medical rule, and then it got eaten and here I sit retyping.


So not speaking to anyone in particular, here is my picture.


"This post has been edited" (Tattletale)


Some of the hottest people I've known couldn't shut their damn mouth, it's like they needed to build up dishy stories.

  They made a TV show (a whole lineup of TV shows) about what people do privately...

I rant too easily. Anyway see picture, it has so many meanings.



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What pisses me off?


My misanthrophy being out of control, my conviction that what we call reality is a damn joke and that there's no other real meaning in life other than to reproduce without boundaries.

It pisses me off the fact that we keep destroying, polluting, corrupting and I am part of that. It pisses me off the sole fact of being human and no matter how hard I try not being part of this or how hard I try to cover my eyes in front of reality, I always end up lying to myself. It pisses me off the awareness of not being able to change anything, no, going vegetarian is not going to save the planet from an ever growing race who is always hungry, always thirsty, always in need of something that doesn't exist and more demanding as time passes. It pisses me off seeing people trying to stop other people from changing though, even if their goal is meaningless sometimes changing for the better is the most noble thing the human race can aspire to.

It pisses me off the awareness of not being really better than anyone else followed by my inability to have a normal relationship because of it. I'm too lazy to lie to everyone and put a fake smile on my face while being forced to have social relationships, loneliness is crippling but I'm too used to it and too mad to pretend to be someone else.  

...and yet I find myself wanting to be a kid again, when the world was big and full of unknown things.


I'm a positive man, I see the glass half full - partly because that glass is empty most of the time - I try to live my life trying to find a meaning in beautiful things like art. My inspirational model is Jimi Hendrix and I find in his message of love absolute truth.

You know what pisses me off the most? My opinion doesn't matter and all my words are worth nothing, even to me

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This is so far out in left field this is the only forum I could find to vent in... Which makes it all the worse because the prior rant actually had substance...


LESBIANS - For the love of all that's unholy, the definition of a lesbian is a WOMAN that likes other WOMEN, Not a man with breasts, not a woman with a horse penis, not a woman getting it on with a machine or a plant, and definitely not any combination of all of them. Why the FUCK can't uploaders figure out how to properly title their stuff???

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The ephemeral pointless existence of humanity.... psst do I sound cool yet? lol


I really don't like people who don't use their turn signals I guess, I don't really get mad at much I just wanted to post for the above lame ass joke.

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"Don't call us, we'll call you."

"Your over qualified." "I have your minimum education requirements and no experience in the position how the hell am I over-qualified?"

It mans that they want a idiot that is cheaper

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Things that piss me off is these 3 things.


1. When people assumes the worst stuff about you so they give little to no hope for you.


2. When 95% of a game community use the same heroes, skills, outfits, and play style because they seen it off of a video and it's completely broken and kills the game fun.


3. When people think they're better with the most brain dead playstyle that makes a game boring as fk.

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