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tried it again at a different inn.  with the method you suggested (same method i was picking before).


still nothing it says something about "take a moment to get your bearings" then nothing.  i am just a regular patron after i pick the bounty, i have tried anywhere from nothing to huge no difference as far as the innkeeper.

i am attaching my log file.  i sure appreciate you taking the time to try and help me

Sorry, sometimes I disappear for a few days.


You have a major problem with the estrus mod, unless the estrus mod normally comes with broken scripts. But that shouldn't affect this I don't think.


The last few lines are about sexlab defeat, which may or may not play well with SD+, but I can't see anything that stands out here.


I have problem with this mod.


I pick  slave start-item only hood-and captured again by bandit. Everything was perfect. Bandit enslaved me.

But after 2day he was killed by mudcrab during taking me "out" Enslave end and all item was removed. But immerslave quest is still in qestlog and all bandit and wolf are non-hostile to me. Even if I atack them they ignore me totaly. I can run into fortress with 12bandit and  butcher them, all ignore me. I tryed play with removing  factions(from wiki or even check faction list ingame) but its dont help me.

If I start new game all working but if I pick enslaved with bandit still same problem?


Can anyone help?

Factions have always been wonky. At this point (that you're talking about) it's SD+ taking care of things, but it's complicated by whatever LAL does with bandit factions (I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure it adds you to the bandit faction, because that's the LAL bandit start. I'm not happy about the immerslave quest not at least getting completed, that's not good. 

So you could offer options such as:


- I am freshly enslaved (set exposure to 1)

- I am learning about serving my masters (set exposure to 10 or 20)

- I am a veteran slave (set exposure to 80)

- I am a complete slave and couldn't imagine the world otherwise (set exposure above 100)

That's a great idea, I'll take a look at it when I can.

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I had no clue how make bandit normal I start fresh game it was new save anyway. But with quest staying I have still problem. But I didnt find any trouble with it. Main quest working too. I just went to helgen and use body. I tryed I escape but still in dangerous situation-no item and next time with DD item. Still same result.

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I'm sorry, I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but I'm having the issue that when I interact with the statue of Mara, there's no option to start captured. I have the trying to escape, escaped and safe, and escaped but still in danger options, I'm just missing the recaptured option. I think this might be a dialogue mod problem, not a problem with this mod, as I'm also not getting any subtitles for anyone's speech when it's not from the vanilla game. I dunno what I'm doing wrong, but any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

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Are there any plans to add a random choice?


If I choose random it doesn't include immerslave options, just default LAL options. Can we have a random slave start option?


I'll add it to the list of possibilities. Not sure when I'll update again.

I'm sorry, I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but I'm having the issue that when I interact with the statue of Mara, there's no option to start captured. I have the trying to escape, escaped and safe, and escaped but still in danger options, I'm just missing the recaptured option. I think this might be a dialogue mod problem, not a problem with this mod, as I'm also not getting any subtitles for anyone's speech when it's not from the vanilla game. I dunno what I'm doing wrong, but any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

Most likely load order. Make sure LAL is next to last, IS is last, only weather mods afterward.


Under the "fucking help me make this work" section in the main post there's a mention of this, look for the quote by Doomsman. 

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I'm sorry, I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but I'm having the issue that when I interact with the statue of Mara, there's no option to start captured. I have the trying to escape, escaped and safe, and escaped but still in danger options, I'm just missing the recaptured option. I think this might be a dialogue mod problem, not a problem with this mod, as I'm also not getting any subtitles for anyone's speech when it's not from the vanilla game. I dunno what I'm doing wrong, but any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

Most likely load order. Make sure LAL is next to last, IS is last, only weather mods afterward.


Under the "fucking help me make this work" section in the main post there's a mention of this, look for the quote by Doomsman. 



Thanks for the help! It didn't actually... help, though. I had LAL as next to last, with only IS after it, no weather mods at all, just as the post and LOOT suggested. I went back and made dang sure that's how I had it before I posted. I'm thinking this might be a problem with one of my other mods because I'm missing the subtitles, and I /think/ I'm missing dialogue options from some other people, as well. Maybe I should just go back and re-download Fuz Ro D-oh?

I have no idea what I'm doing.

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I'm sorry, I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but I'm having the issue that when I interact with the statue of Mara, there's no option to start captured. I have the trying to escape, escaped and safe, and escaped but still in danger options, I'm just missing the recaptured option. I think this might be a dialogue mod problem, not a problem with this mod, as I'm also not getting any subtitles for anyone's speech when it's not from the vanilla game. I dunno what I'm doing wrong, but any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!

Most likely load order. Make sure LAL is next to last, IS is last, only weather mods afterward.


Under the "fucking help me make this work" section in the main post there's a mention of this, look for the quote by Doomsman. 



Thanks for the help! It didn't actually... help, though. I had LAL as next to last, with only IS after it, no weather mods at all, just as the post and LOOT suggested. I went back and made dang sure that's how I had it before I posted. I'm thinking this might be a problem with one of my other mods because I'm missing the subtitles, and I /think/ I'm missing dialogue options from some other people, as well. Maybe I should just go back and re-download Fuz Ro D-oh?

I have no idea what I'm doing.



Okay! So I re downloaded LAL, IS, and FRD, turned all of my dialogue-related mods off, ran the game to see if it would change anything, then reactivated them when it didn't, switched from SKSE 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 and back again, deleted my save game and started a new one, and nothing helped. And now for some reason the statue of Mara is not visible. I'm just makin' stuff worse! I really don't know what I'm doing.

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Ok, so.. What is this 'Horny Horker Inn', and why won't it work for me??? What Do I need for it?

Sorry, I broke the Horny Horker Inn on purpose trying to get my Creation Kit to quit crashing and then forgot to unbreak it. It's some LAL thing (maybe not an Inn from LAL, but an option - I forget where it comes from and google's no help), and due to dependencies on a quest that LAL changed I'm not sure if I could get it back. I may just kill off the option. Sorry for your troubles.





Okay! So I re downloaded LAL, IS, and FRD, turned all of my dialogue-related mods off, ran the game to see if it would change anything, then reactivated them when it didn't, switched from SKSE 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 and back again, deleted my save game and started a new one, and nothing helped. And now for some reason the statue of Mara is not visible. I'm just makin' stuff worse! I really don't know what I'm doing.


Are you using mod organizer or something else? Mod Organizer has given people some problems but lately it hasn't given me any, and it keeps me from leaving unwanted stuff in my install folder. All I can think of is that you've got something crazy going on. Sorry I can't be of more help, but without being there I can't offer any more guidance. Good luck?!


Very minor comment about the Shipwreck start - I would expect the slaves on the ship to have collars :)


They are fully decked with gear except for a collar.

Ha, didn't even think of it. I'll throw one in the inventory list next update (again, whenever that is). 

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Whoa, I didn't think you would implement it so quickly!


I'm so used to "in the next update" being at least a week later, if not months. Fantastic!


Now to test it...


Edit: If you choose the extra "everything but bum and breast" exposed option, you can't choose random master/mistress

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Edit: If you choose the extra "everything but bum and breast" exposed option, you can't choose random master/mistress

Sorry, should be fixed in version 0.9.8b. Let me know if there are any other problems.


I start new game with newest version and quest now normaly end. Thx for update :)

Good to hear!

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This might be different for others.


With the Captured Dreams submissive start, a lot of the stuff in the display cases gets tossed around when you go upstairs. Normally they stay in place if you enter this cell from the front door. At least that's how it is for me, others may not have this issue.


Perhaps making both options teleport your character outside?

Another thing about the CD start I was curious about , is there a purpose behind the twelve hour time skip?

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This might be different for others.


With the Captured Dreams submissive start, a lot of the stuff in the display cases gets tossed around when you go upstairs. Normally they stay in place if you enter this cell from the front door. At least that's how it is for me, others may not have this issue.


Perhaps making both options teleport your character outside?

Another thing about the CD start I was curious about , is there a purpose behind the twelve hour time skip?


I don't normally use the Immerslave CD start, but items pop out of their display cases in CD all the time without the start for me, pretty sure it's a CD issue at the root.


The CD start was built by the creator of CD and a way to interface into it was supplied to Immerslave, if you want the event to be changed, or you want to ask a question about how it works, you should go talk to Vel in his thread, since it's his implementation.



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This is a great alternate start mod, thanks for making it!  Been having fun with it, though I do have a couple of suggestions for it.  Since a relatively recent DD update split plug sets into individual plugs, could you change the punishing plug set into both a vaginal and anal plug, or make them each individually selectable?  And the hood you currently use has clipping issues when worn in conjunction with a blindfold or gag.  Could you change it to one of the latex hoods out there, like the leather hood from TS Gimp Hood which you linked in your awesome CD mod?


Also, since there are now red/white/ebonite versions of several pieces now (corset, restrictive gloves) could you look into adding a set choice for the slave gear you start equipped with?


I'm looking forward to everything new you add to your mods!

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What do you have to do to complete the ImmerSlave quest? I asked for help to get away from my master and they helped me with the collar but the quest is still on "Take a moment to get your bearings".

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This is a great alternate start mod, thanks for making it!  Been having fun with it, though I do have a couple of suggestions for it.  Since a relatively recent DD update split plug sets into individual plugs, could you change the punishing plug set into both a vaginal and anal plug, or make them each individually selectable?  And the hood you currently use has clipping issues when worn in conjunction with a blindfold or gag.  Could you change it to one of the latex hoods out there, like the leather hood from TS Gimp Hood which you linked in your awesome CD mod?


Also, since there are now red/white/ebonite versions of several pieces now (corset, restrictive gloves) could you look into adding a set choice for the slave gear you start equipped with?


I'm looking forward to everything new you add to your mods!

You can go to the extras page and choose a vag plug instead of both. I don't have the other option. This was asked for by someone interested in the private needs mod. 


I hate the hood clipping! (I always pick hood + locked blindfold) I have looked at other options and it looks as if the gimp hood has the same model (judging from videos) but if you try it out and it doesn't, let me know and I'll see if I can't work around the issue. I haven't done 3d modeling in a long time and I'm not going to start now (at least not on this project).


And I knew at some point someone was going to ask about all those other options (especially color). I may incorporate those options at some point, especially because I have to fix the plugs (not your issue, but I went with a new set of plugs provided by DD and they don't work anything like mine did, so I'm going back to mine plus a new vag one I put in - the plugs I use are somewhat debilitating vs. the current no-problem plugs that just prevent sex). 


What do you have to do to complete the ImmerSlave quest? I asked for help to get away from my master and they helped me with the collar but the quest is still on "Take a moment to get your bearings".


I started this mod a long long time ago. In small pieces. So I am not definite on every specific at this point. But I am fairly sure that the Immerslave quest does not involve "take a moment to get your bearings". I know I sound like a dumbass saying I'm not sure if it involves that, but I've incorporated pieces of LAL into my mod so in some cases one thing may call another and that may be a message that's pulled up.


I believe that is LAL or LADL or Requiem. At one point I could've told you exactly but it's been a while and I work on a lot of projects at once (IRL) so my memory isn't perfect. I'm pretty sure if you go to the quest section you'll see Immerslave either not completed with an objective like removing the gag, or completed. The quest is called Immerslave. Any other quest name will not be involved with this.


But yeah, if you're seeing that for a while after the beginning you have a problem. And Immerslave may be the culprit depending on the start you chose and how Immerslave interacts with it. But I'm thinking it isn't, until I get some proof otherwise.

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This is a great alternate start mod, thanks for making it!  Been having fun with it, though I do have a couple of suggestions for it.  Since a relatively recent DD update split plug sets into individual plugs, could you change the punishing plug set into both a vaginal and anal plug, or make them each individually selectable?  And the hood you currently use has clipping issues when worn in conjunction with a blindfold or gag.  Could you change it to one of the latex hoods out there, like the leather hood from TS Gimp Hood which you linked in your awesome CD mod?


Also, since there are now red/white/ebonite versions of several pieces now (corset, restrictive gloves) could you look into adding a set choice for the slave gear you start equipped with?


I'm looking forward to everything new you add to your mods!

You can go to the extras page and choose a vag plug instead of both. I don't have the other option. This was asked for by someone interested in the private needs mod. 


I hate the hood clipping! (I always pick hood + locked blindfold) I have looked at other options and it looks as if the gimp hood has the same model (judging from videos) but if you try it out and it doesn't, let me know and I'll see if I can't work around the issue. I haven't done 3d modeling in a long time and I'm not going to start now (at least not on this project).


And I knew at some point someone was going to ask about all those other options (especially color). I may incorporate those options at some point, especially because I have to fix the plugs (not your issue, but I went with a new set of plugs provided by DD and they don't work anything like mine did, so I'm going back to mine plus a new vag one I put in - the plugs I use are somewhat debilitating vs. the current no-problem plugs that just prevent sex). 


What do you have to do to complete the ImmerSlave quest? I asked for help to get away from my master and they helped me with the collar but the quest is still on "Take a moment to get your bearings".


I started this mod a long long time ago. In small pieces. So I am not definite on every specific at this point. But I am fairly sure that the Immerslave quest does not involve "take a moment to get your bearings". I know I sound like a dumbass saying I'm not sure if it involves that, but I've incorporated pieces of LAL into my mod so in some cases one thing may call another and that may be a message that's pulled up.


I believe that is LAL or LADL or Requiem. At one point I could've told you exactly but it's been a while and I work on a lot of projects at once (IRL) so my memory isn't perfect. I'm pretty sure if you go to the quest section you'll see Immerslave either not completed with an objective like removing the gag, or completed. The quest is called Immerslave. Any other quest name will not be involved with this.


But yeah, if you're seeing that for a while after the beginning you have a problem. And Immerslave may be the culprit depending on the start you chose and how Immerslave interacts with it. But I'm thinking it isn't, until I get some proof otherwise.



Well, I bought a leather hood from Tessa in CDS, and after putting on a harness ballgag and a blindfold, I attempted to put on the hood, but it would not equip.  Doesn't stack with one of those, I guess?  Shame.


As for the plugs, I do know about the vaginal plug on the second page, but I was hoping for an individual anal plug as well, since plug sets don't have proper models anymore.  I have seen black soulgem and daedric soulgem plugs in the game.  Those don't do what you want?  I haven't really played around with them yet, but their descriptions seem to fit a bit with your ideas.  Or maybe the shock piercings?  I dunno.


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Apologies, but I seem to have the same problem AlexandraShemesh had earlier in this thread. When starting a new game, I only get the "No, I want ot escape this very cell.", "Ecaped and relatively safe" and "Escaped but still in danger" start options (plus the "Surprise me" variant), but not any recaptured or still cpatured or whatever option.

And before you ask, I use MO (v1.3.3) and yes, LAL is 2nd to last in load order, IS is last, and there are absolutely no mods after them. ;)


Did anyone ever find out what causes this?

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I'm sorry, I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but I'm having the issue that when I interact with the statue of Mara, there's no option to start captured. I have the trying to escape, escaped and safe, and escaped but still in danger options, I'm just missing the recaptured option. I think this might be a dialogue mod problem, not a problem with this mod, as I'm also not getting any subtitles for anyone's speech when it's not from the vanilla game. I dunno what I'm doing wrong, but any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!


Apologies, but I seem to have the same problem AlexandraShemesh had earlier in this thread. When starting a new game, I only get the "No, I want ot escape this very cell.", "Ecaped and relatively safe" and "Escaped but still in danger" start options (plus the "Surprise me" variant), but not any recaptured or still cpatured or whatever option.

And before you ask, I use MO (v1.3.3) and yes, LAL is 2nd to last in load order, IS is last, and there are absolutely no mods after them. ;)


Did anyone ever find out what causes this?

Wow im an idiot and read alexandra's problem wrong. You now have to have sd+ to even see the recaptured option, so people dont start those quests and immediately die and then come here and post (without sd thise options are useless)




Just had a great idea for a request!  Would it be possible to add a new game start, where you find yourself at the beginning of the Damsel in Distress quest in Deviously Cursed Loot?  The level of bondage your character starts in is so extreme!

Depends if author made it easy to hook into.

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Well I don't post a lot, but I will say that I love Loverslab site, and all the great modder here, you guys and gals have done amazing work and I enjoy all the mods you have put up and shared with the rest of us and I say a big thank you!!


Now about this mod, used it a few times on new games and I love it, and on the last two new games at the beginning of the game I would have bloated saves and a papyrus log of a gig after about 10 mins of play (after you sleep in bed). Well the other night in fact two nights, I was trying to figure what was causing the problem. I have over 200 mods running and enb. I have just about all the sexlab mods to do with bdsm and slavery, so I have a tons of mods with scripts. Well after trying to get a pap log to open that was a gig a bit. I found that it was sneak tools causing the problem with a ton of stack dumps. I think it the hood that hides your identity, the script/spell for that function. I also noticed when building my load, that bash didn't like the mod either, every time I did a rebuild patch, Y-bash would throw up a warning that it could not read files in it, or something like that.  Anyways just giving what I have found. I did a short test last night without sneak tools and it's patch installed, and everything (all the mods) seem to be playing together great so far ( keep my fingers crossed), with a pap log of 46k, after 15 mins of play and a save that is the same size at the beginning (in the cell setting up the player and setting all the options in the mods).


Again just want to say THANK YOU for all the great mods! 


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Awesome mod, using it since i've discovered this part of Skyrim modding. ;)


I have a little problem with my latest installation though. All the scenarios work like a charm, except the one being enslaved by a forsworn. If I choose this start all the forsworn in the cave, except the owner, will start attacking me. I've tried to play around with the eqipped devices and even possible other mod that could trigger this behaviour, doesn't seem to be fixable by myself though.


I'd really like to play the forsworn scenario since I'm playing thievish, archerish kind of characters and the forsworn armor is a great early boost. ;)


And ideas of how to fix this?

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