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5 hours ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

This phenomenon is also occurring with the mod Sexy Bandit Captives, it has to do with something the Civil War code is doing, not DCL or SBC or any other mod whose NPCs get pulled into Whiterun.


I do not have SBC, just DCL. Hopefully, there is a fix or one will appear soon.

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3 hours ago, bumzel said:

are you saying people in France go "HEY WOMAN, YOURE BORN TO SERVE MENS COCKS, GIVE ME UR PUSS PUSS" and if they deny they get forced? LMFAOOO


This part of Misogyny (which is separately configurable), not exactly. The part where a girl gets the blame and the punishment for being abused is quite on point, according to few stories I heard.


It is also unrealistic to have sex in front of kids with the kids just staring undisturbed. Or while we are talking immersion, the dragonborn should be the only one raping everyone else (seriously, imagine an ordinary bartender trying to abuse that girl in an armbinder. Suddenly: FUS!!) . Immersion only matters so much her to begin with :P


Anyway, seriously, the MCM is extremely detailed. You can adjust nearly every feature with ease, and except for misogyny, in order to get no quests you simply go to the "events" tab and remove quest things, and you can also remove flash bangs which are the "rapist in a chest" you mentioned. The MCM takes less than 10 minutes to get familiar with as a first timer, and takes less than 5 minutes to set if you already know it

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Never played with follower but much to my surprise, when I picked one game starts crashing right after loading, tried few different followers, no other follower mods installed, disabling Cursed Loot, fixes the issue, anyone has an idea what could be causing this?

Load order sorted using Mod Organizer.






Apparently Leah seems to be working fine for now. maybe it's something with vanilla followers?

Edit 2: nope, with Leah I get random CTDs and everytime ANY event triggers I get to watch my lovely wallpaper once again.

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I was explaining why DF doesn't support a rape mechanic of its own, and why I use DCL to do some of that when I was reminded of a long standing wish...



Could we get some kind of option, or tickbox, for Misogyny, so that it is gated by your detailed rape conditions - regardless of whether rape as a feature is enabled at the top-level?


That would allow a choice between proximity-rape, to highly configurable dialog-threat-of-rape.

It would give a kind of Horrible Harrassment feature in  DCL for a reasonably low investment of effort.


In rape, there's also a "top-level" arousal value that gates proximity rapes (not the one you configure into the conditions as "Aroused"), so you could in some cases have rape enabled, but only on very high arousal + conditions, and also have Misogyny sharing the conditions but for any arousal level (or using the "Aroused" condition, set to some lower value).


This would make the two different Arousal values in the rape MCM even more useful than they currently are.



Motivation for this:

I just wish there was a way to make Misogyny less of a completely random thing, and more immersive - connected to being naked, or bound, or other states that might make an NPC more inclined to push their luck - and that would finally explain how they can magically stick a belt on you if you don't comply.



I don't know if others would like this, but it seems somewhat plausible as a feature that could be done.

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6 hours ago, thedarkone1234 said:

This part of Misogyny (which is separately configurable), not exactly. The part where a girl gets the blame and the punishment for being abused is quite on point, according to few stories I heard.

You don't need to go to France. A woman wears a pretty outfit, and even a lot of women will not have any sympathy if she gets harassed by men in an extremely scary way. Sure, it's not rape, but there is humiliating verbal abuse, and possibly invasive touching. It is certainly intimidating.


In some cases, scenarios that begin with catcalls and aggressive "chatups" have led to women being dragged into cars or vans by gangs of men and driven off to be raped.

This happens in civilised western cities, like the one I live in. It happened a couple of times here in the last year. Statistically, I guess that's not very often, but it has a chilling effect on how many women view their freedom to walk around the CBD alone - never mind the seedier parts of town.


While the scenarios in Skyrim, LL, DCL, whatever, are unrealistic and fantastic in many ways, it is only that fantastical nature that renders them an entertainment rather than a depiction of horror.



I think it's important that we keep Skyrim mods sufficiently divorced from reality so that they aren't a "rape training simulator for would-be rapists". It has to be possible for any reasonable person to say "No matter how dumb you are, there is no way you could confuse this game with reality".



I think what Kimy did in DCL, and what some others have done with "sexist" elements is - through humor - helps to highlight the inequalities of the real world.

It's a joke that works because at some level, it's not a joke, it's what really happens, and jokes with a grain of truth in them tend to be funnier.



Men do not have to worry about whether the clothes they wear are going to lead to them being followed by creepy stalkers when walking down the street, and do not have to deal with awful people who think that the existence of visible cleavage entitles them to stare and comment on it. They do not have to deal with weirdos rubbing against them on the train, or long creepy-disturbing stares, or bosses that talk to their chest (my face is up here), make unsettling dirty jokes and propose work trips where you're stuck alone with them in a strange city.


It's one thing to have that stuff in a game, which is a sort of "safe space", and another for it to be real.



In one way I'm glad that many posters think these things simply aren't happening; I hope that means they would never do them themselves.


But actually those things are happening. Human trafficking disproportionately targets vulnerable women.

Rapes happen, and in an innocent until proven guilty trial, her word vs his regarding consent, the accused must be found not guilty - there's a fairness in that - but also an inequality.



It's good to keep an awareness of the real horrors when we play these games that turn them into comedy, or titillation.

It's like a horror movie. If the horror is too real, it's not fun to watch any longer.



P.S. I think that thing about France was supposed to be a joke, but it was in stunningly bad taste. There's more correlation between sexual inequality and poverty and poor education than there is religion. Also, I hope that if religion comes up again, the posts will be immediately nuked out of existence. I don't think that posts full of bigotry against any religion or lack of religion have any place here.

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On 6/21/2019 at 2:47 PM, Starphyre said:



"Please remove half the content of this mod, that I could just zero out in the MCM, but other than that I like your mod!"


Chief, it's up to you to set up the mod the way you like. Don't ask Kimy to massively change a mod of this complexity because you don't want to set quest weights to zero and uncheck or check boxes.

People often forget that all reviewers are just assholes that criticize a person's work. I will admit a bit of positive feedback is welcome too so it isn't as depressing as the local news. Still people can learn a lot from criticism and there are twenty bazillion ways to write yourself out of a plot hole in a fictional medium. Sadly there are the same amount of ways for fans to excuse the artist's mistakes. I will be on the forefront in saying KIMY clearly doesn't know what Keep It Simple Stupid is. Still this is Kimy's ship in a bottle with Skyrim being the bottle. At best Kimy listens to some of our suggestions, at worst we are just houseflies to them. Just my two cents.


Here is to hoping this isn't the ship that breaks the bottle. Oh who am I kidding, we're totally breaking Skyrim.☠️

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4 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

P.S. I think that thing about France was supposed to be a joke, but it was in stunningly bad taste. There's more correlation between sexual inequality and poverty and poor education than there is religion. Also, I hope that if religion comes up again, the posts will be immediately nuked out of existence. I don't think that posts full of bigotry against any religion or lack of religion have any place here. 

Probably a first, but 100% agree with you.  I nearly reported it, but I too gave the benefit of the doubt to its being 'bad humour' rather than the often utter ignorance that seems to prevail in some parts of the world, fueled by others' inflammatory remarks for their own ends.  Anyway I'll definitely do that if that comes up again. 

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1 hour ago, TeaAndBiscuits said:

Hey! What mods are you using to make Skyrim look so good?

Quite a lot of mods. I think there are about twenty just for fruit and vegetables :) Probably my "landscape" shots are better than these, because DynDOLOD makes everything better, but I had edited these up to post on a "your char" thread, then didn't bother.

I use the trusty Caffeine ENB with the recommended weather, mist, and smoke etc for it, plus about 140GB of texture packs, and ELFX (interiors only) with ELE Lite squashed on top of it.

Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water 2, and (Really) Blended Roads.

Also, a lot of armors you will find on LL if you hunt around - pretty much anything for UUNP that I could find a Bodyslide for and liked the look of.

Framerates are pretty good, but level loads are sluggish, especially the first load of a session.

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Hi, quick question.


So I just installed this mod (after installing DD Assets + Integration + Expansion + Devious Followers) with Mod Organizer and this mod overwrites some files. Now there is a Meshes catalogue in this pseudo mod Overwrite at the bottom of Mod Organizer lists. Should I leave them like that or are these files suppose to be moved somewhere? 

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1 hour ago, Aerth said:

So I just installed this mod (after installing DD Assets + Integration + Expansion + Devious Followers) with Mod Organizer and this mod overwrites some files. Now there is a Meshes catalogue in this pseudo mod Overwrite at the bottom of Mod Organizer lists. Should I leave them like that or are these files suppose to be moved somewhere? 

I think what you're looking for is a Bodyslide in MO tutorial...

Try this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/359543542243784721/


If your bodyslide created output files and they're showing up in your Overwrite, then you should "Create a new mod" from them using the right click menu on the Overwrite folder. Then enable that mod, as they're disabled by default.


However, I'm not sure that's what you've got. "Meshes catalog"? Is that just a meshes folder? Or a file called "meshes catalog.txt"?


You need to understand Overwrites yourself. Look at some guides. While some tutorials suggest dragging files from overwrite to an existing mod to assign them there, I strongly recommend you don't do that. Always make a new mod for them, and name it very clearly to indicate what is in it.


Don't run multiple tools before doing this, as that means you have mixed outputs, and you will get things like FNIS output merged with Bodyslide output, which is not so fine when you want to re-FNIS. Run one tool, then create an output mod from the results, then repeat for the next tool that generates outputs.


The more cleanly you keep output files partitioned, the easier things are to fix when you remove a mod, or need to regenerate data.

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10 hours ago, TeaAndBiscuits said:

Hey! What mods are you using to make Skyrim look so good?

For a more realistic ENB with softer lighting use Rudy ENB + ELFX. It's also compatible with all the popular weather mods. Caffeine is based on Rudy's but has the very blue shaders of snapdragon and very high contrast overall. I suggest trying both to see which one you like best with your current setup. Also remember that modern ENBs are very configurable. You can bring up the menu with shift-enter and adjust to your heart's content.

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Just wondering if you changed the introductory quest for Live another life, or if I am thinking of another mods questline.


I loved the Premium line devices you got from doing that quest.


I just completed the Live another Life starter where you are a captured princess, but that didn't use the Premium devices. Was that content removed or am I thinking of something else?

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Hey peeps, i bumped into an odd issue ever since skyrim and following, skse's recent update. Even tho i have not changed any mods etc, the text/subtitles when doing quests like Chloe and others skip. They literally appear for about 1/2 a second then the next one does the same.


Anyone got any ideas what could be causing this?

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1 hour ago, Addramyr said:

Hey peeps, i bumped into an odd issue ever since skyrim and following, skse's recent update. Even tho i have not changed any mods etc, the text/subtitles when doing quests like Chloe and others skip. They literally appear for about 1/2 a second then the next one does the same.


Anyone got any ideas what could be causing this?

Do you have Fuz Ro Doh? without that any 'silent' dialog skips very quickly.

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8 hours ago, saltshade said:

For a more realistic ENB with softer lighting use Rudy ENB + ELFX. It's also compatible with all the popular weather mods. Caffeine is based on Rudy's but has the very blue shaders of snapdragon and very high contrast overall. I suggest trying both to see which one you like best with your current setup. Also remember that modern ENBs are very configurable. You can bring up the menu with shift-enter and adjust to your heart's content.

I did try Rudy and Vividian, and I have a soft spot for Antique Dragon - I really love the insane over-saturated look, the deep deep blue skies that are almost black - but Caffeine has a lot of different color tables, so to say it replicate the "blue" shaders of Snapdragon is correct, but missed an important detail. Snapdragon and Caffeine (and Ancient Dragon) all have a choice of different color tables out-of-the-box, and Caffeine can be used to replicate the looks of other popular ENBs reasonably well with minimal effort. In fact, I prefer the Caffeine fake-bleak more than actual Bleak.


How you set up your weather probably makes more difference than what ENB you use in terms of distinctiveness. Some older ENBs aren't much more than a color LUT and a few ambient light settings away from each other. You can get the same results by tweaking Snapdragon or Caffeine. Modern Snapdragon is fast enough to play if you turn off dynamic DOF.


I think Vividian was an exception in older ENBs, because it is closely tied to weather mods, it has a very predictable outcome. They're made to work together, but still ... Vividian is pale and washed out compared to Antique Dragon  :) 


A realistic ENB can be nice too. Real ENB is still a solid choice. I'm not sure Rudy is realistic, but sure, it is more subdued than default Caffeine, or Antique Dragon, which are extremely saturated. With the wrong skin texture, Caffeine can look awful, producing glowing red skin from many light sources.


I couldn't go back to 2D sky and 2.5D weather though. Real Clouds (though mocked by MXR) works almost infallibly, and when the clouds are low over the mountains it's effective and quite realistic. Other nice touches are Waves for Realistic Water 2, and Revamped Exterior Fog.


Good texture packs are clearly important too, and there are so many choices now. Everyone uses some amount of SMIM I think, but beyond that ... (Real) Blended Roads is a standout though, due to the availability of bridges/bridge replacements. Real Roads got a bit sabotaged when its bridge support was suddenly yanked off the Nexus (though you can work around that if you try).


One thing I think is a worthwhile "tip", is to use Simply Bigger Trees, with the slow animation patch, and Realistic Aspens (you can still get it), and avoid SFO for anything but a bit of ground cover (take out all the trees and grass). I also use Tamriel Reloaded without grass and trees. SFO's trees just don't look right.

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