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I don't know if this has been brought up before, can't seem to find anything about it looking through the thread anyways.  But whenever a cursed loot event results in my character being raped, the rapists keep gloves, boots, and helmets (or anything in place of those) on.  When I get into a sex animation through another mod, like sex lab solutions or eager npcs, they follow the settings I have in the sexlab MCM menu for stripping.  Is this a known issue?  I tried cursed loot a long time ago (at least 6 months back) and didn't have this happen with the rape scenes.  But this time around it has been happening on every single rape event caused by the mod.

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Hi, is it possible to to add a function to disable exhibitionist suit (from bondage adventure too)? Because i don't like HDT tits, and sometimes (in my curret character) they become flat.

You should be able to pick a non-HDT version of the suit when you build your Bodyslide (at least it's an option for the UUNP Special body).

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Bug report.


When player has equipped chastity belt and function progressivebondage() has called when equipfullset it permanently tries to equip vaginal piercing.

Instead of full set will be equipped only arm cuffs, leg cuffs and collar. Same trouble with chastity bra and nipple piercing.



Bool Function progressivebondage(actor a, int theme, int itemstoadd = 1)
	; Remove clothing unless disabled via MCM. Devious devices are so much nicer to look at on an undressed character! 
	If dcumenu.enableundress
		if !dcumenu.useflashbanganimation
			strip(a, true)			
			strip(a, false)			
	int i = 1
	while i <= itemstoadd
		debug.trace("Equipping an item on " + a.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName())
		if !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousLegCuffs)
			 dcur_equiprandomlegcuffs(a, theme)		
		elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousArmCuffs)
			dcur_equiprandomarmcuffs(a, theme)						
		elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousCollar)
			dcur_equiprandomcollar(a, theme)					
		elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousPiercingsVaginal) && dcumenu.useVPiercing
		elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousPiercingsNipple) &&  dcumenu.useNPiercing
		elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousBra) &&  dcumenu.useBra
			dcur_equiprandombra(a, theme)						
		elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousBelt) &&  dcumenu.useBelt
			dcur_equiprandombelt(a, theme)			




I changed code to this and all working fine.



	elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousPiercingsVaginal) && dcumenu.useVPiercing && (!a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousBelt))
	elseif !a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousPiercingsNipple) &&  dcumenu.useNPiercing && (!a.WornHasKeyword(libs.zad_DeviousBra))




How to reproduce this bug:

1. Set "allways force full set" option

2. Equip player with any chastity belt.

3. Trigger standard cursed loot event.


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A few bugs i encountered:


1. Sleeping in the Bannered Mare bed triggered a "Devious doors...locked doors only!" event and equipped several devices. Additionally, this event did not respect the worn restraints threshold. There was nothing about this or related to DD in general in the log at this time.


2. You can still find rare keys in containers when "container key drops enabled" is disabled in the escape options.

About the first point: sounds like it's similar to my thing were a trap was triggered by dialogue. As mentioned, i think it's somehow related with changes in DDi, but not entirely sure. Couldn' reproduce yet with logging activated, though.




I also hit something like it, sometimes I can trigger the trap effect by skipping dialogue quickly with TAB or by using it to get out of talking by some NPC's (Vendors mostly). I was also able to trigger it (rarely) by messing with the backpack added by AFT.


Maybe it's some other mod messing with Cursed Loot, but I noticed that sometimes it mentions my character name as the container that triggered it.

(The trigger traps on locked doors only is on, in my case)


I also have not been able to trigger it with logging enabled.

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I agree with Kimy 100% on not breaking up the mod.  It's a huge benefit to have these consolidated features.  It's why I use this instead of Devious Chests and Dangerous Nights.  The mods work fine, but I can't pass up the opportunity to reduce plugin total, not to mention a talented mod author who continues to provide support.


We should be all about added features and compatibility patches at this stage of the game.

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For some reason, after adding the mod to NMM I try to activate it and it gets to about 50% and then stops with the message "the mod was not activated". Cant figure out why.


That happens to me sometimes. Just close NMM and reopen it and try again. Usually works after doing that.


Thanks for that, it worked! Dont know why I didnt try it earlier

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For some reason, after adding the mod to NMM I try to activate it and it gets to about 50% and then stops with the message "the mod was not activated". Cant figure out why.


That happens to me sometimes. Just close NMM and reopen it and try again. Usually works after doing that.


Thanks for that, it worked! Dont know why I didnt try it earlier



No probs.


I don't know the exact cause of why it doesn't work, but at least there's a workaround to fix it.


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I already posted this somewhere, anyway. NMM sometimes gets the plugin list wrong and believe that skyrim.esm is not activated. That leads to multiple issues with mods requiring it to be enabled. Restarting NMM fixes how the software sees the plugin list and thus enable the mod to be loaded. This kind of trouble usually occurs when a third party software edit the plugin list, like wrye bash or LOOT.


To know if NMM is "clean" or not, go in the plugin tab and see if skyrim.esm is detected as activated or not. It's quite easy to see, since all other plugin will be yellow with a warning sign next to them.

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Hi, is it possible to to add a function to disable exhibitionist suit (from bondage adventure too)? Because i don't like HDT tits, and sometimes (in my curret character) they become flat.

Disable breast node scaling in DDI. That fixes the flat breast issue.



Still flat breast




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Hi, is it possible to to add a function to disable exhibitionist suit (from bondage adventure too)? Because i don't like HDT tits, and sometimes (in my curret character) they become flat.

Disable breast node scaling in DDI. That fixes the flat breast issue.



Still flat breast


Have you built the zipsuit using the appropriate BodySlide files?


CBBE BodySlide

UUNP BodySlide


I can't speak for the CBBE version, but I'm fairly certain the UUNP version has an option to build without HDT physics.

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So what about the ability to choose what kind of devices will be put, and what does not, we are talking about specific devices, rather than on the overall list. As well as choosing what will be in bondage adventure(still don't wanna get transparent zip suit in bondage adventure or from random event)

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I got curious so I gave this mod a whirl.

For some odd reason, whenever the player character sleeps, she will strip naked entirely before doing so. I'd prefer that feature not to occur. I don't have serial strip installed so I can't put the blame on that one. 

There's an option to always sleep naked.  Uncheck it.

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I got curious so I gave this mod a whirl.

For some odd reason, whenever the player character sleeps, she will strip naked entirely before doing so. I'd prefer that feature not to occur. I don't have serial strip installed so I can't put the blame on that one. 

There's an option to always sleep naked.  Uncheck it.


Thank you. After taking tedious checking, I found it in rape. I didn't expect it to be there.

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Hi, is it possible to to add a function to disable exhibitionist suit (from bondage adventure too)? Because i don't like HDT tits, and sometimes (in my curret character) they become flat.

You should be able to pick a non-HDT version of the suit when you build your Bodyslide (at least it's an option for the UUNP Special body).



THANKYOU!!! *Runs back to hole*

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Two bug reports with Sasha:


1. A trap went off and gagged us both.  Sasha, as my dom, kept insisting to speak with me, but when I tried to speak with her my only dialog option was Mmph!  She eventually locked me in 987345 devices but I managed to get a restraint key and ungag myself, then I could talk to her.  She should probably not be so insistent on talking to me if I can't, you know, talk.


2. I regularly get this error in my Papyrus logs:

ERROR: Cannot call HasKeyword() on a None object, aborting function call
[dcur_sashaQuest (9709ED52)].dcur_sashaquestscript.GetIsOutdoors() - "dcur_SashaQuestScript.psc" Line 227
The bug is that this final check isn't inside the ()s after the nullcheck on GetCurrentLocation: libs.PlayerRef.GetCurrentLocation().haskeyword(dcumenu.loctypedwelling).  Should be a simple fix!
I'm also trying to figure out why Sasha is getting 5 exposure every 30 seconds or so, any ideas?
[slaUtilScr <sla_Framework (0A04290F)>]: Sasha got 5 exposure for 
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I'm also trying to figure out why Sasha is getting 5 exposure every 30 seconds or so, any ideas?
[slaUtilScr <sla_Framework (0A04290F)>]: Sasha got 5 exposure for 



Ah, this is intended - it's here in the clocktickscript:

; increase her arousal and store in global value for dialogue
libs.Aroused.UpdateActorExposure(Sasha, 1)
And it looks like her exposure rate is 5, so that mystery is solved!
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