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The new features in 4beta1 look amazing, can't wait to try them - been checking back regularly hoping for the updated version for dremora, before I perform the necessary clean save upgrade. Just wanted to check if you're now bugfixing other things, if there's going to be a substantial delay due to other fixes I might just bite the bullet and deal with the dremora exclusion. (And perhaps I'll get lucky and the next version won't require a clean save! One can hope.)

Apologies for the eager excitement in this post - definitely please work and release at your own pace. I'm just wondering whether to keep waiting :P


Sorry about that. Found a couple more things that needed attention and couldn't get them done yesterday. There's no fix for the NPC Only When Nude option yet as I'm not sure if this is a bug in Aroused Redux or something that needs to be handled in AC now.


I'm packing the mod now and will have it uploaded shortly.

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The new features in 4beta1 look amazing, can't wait to try them - been checking back regularly hoping for the updated version for dremora, before I perform the necessary clean save upgrade. Just wanted to check if you're now bugfixing other things, if there's going to be a substantial delay due to other fixes I might just bite the bullet and deal with the dremora exclusion. (And perhaps I'll get lucky and the next version won't require a clean save! One can hope.)

Apologies for the eager excitement in this post - definitely please work and release at your own pace. I'm just wondering whether to keep waiting :P


Sorry about that. Found a couple more things that needed attention and couldn't get them done yesterday. There's no fix for the NPC Only When Nude option yet as I'm not sure if this is a bug in Aroused Redux or something that needs to be handled in AC now.


I'm packing the mod now and will have it uploaded shortly.



*bounces with excitement*


Thanks Rebel for all your work!

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About to upload SexLab Aroused Creatures v04.0 Beta 02 which addresses a couple of issues.


Thing about dremora is that they are not technically creatures, they are NPCs and use NPC SL animations. The problem is that they share a class, Daedra, with seekers who are creatures. I really don't want to start providing individual conditions for races. So dropping daedra (and any other races that don't fit the round hole) into a thread and letting SL do as it will is as far as it goes. So the new direct invitation system will not provide the mating/oral option for daedra and will instead just use any available animation. I've tested dremora again just now to make sure I haven't inexplicably broken it again while asleep.


The new Clean Actors option (under Other Settings) should not be necessary. In all the time I have tested and played with the later version of this mod I have never come across a situation where it could not automatically recover from a failed engagement process given a few minutes. If you find you have to use this to get AC working with a particular NPC or creature or the PC then there is something going wrong that this option will not fix. If you have to use this more than once in a playthrough then it is not just going wrong it is straight up broken and you'll have to start thinking about sharing your papyrus log to find out what it is. You can always clean the PC in the MCM but you will have to use the target select key on an NPC or creature for them to show up as an option.


v04.0 Beta 2

  • Added: Clean Actor option to manually remove Aroused Creatures magic effects and factions.
  • Fixed: Pursuit quests allowed to overrun if the mod is disabled in the MCM while a pursuit is active.
  • Fixed: Aggressive Animation Toggles page exceeding permitted number of MCM options.
  • Fixed: Dremora being ignored... again.

Edit: LL seems to be having a slight problem with uploads right now. I'll keep trying.

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dont know if its a problem from sexlab1.61 or this mod but i noticed :


1 : some animation are playing but actor are like : floating , in the air .

2 : sometime animal are violently vibrating , making the animation impossible to enjoy .

3 : got penis animal not appearing anymore , even if i do sexlab animation clean then clear and re register in creature framework .

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dont know if its a problem from sexlab1.61 or this mod but i noticed :


1 : some animation are playing but actor are like : floating , in the air .

2 : sometime animal are violently vibrating , making the animation impossible to enjoy .

3 : got penis animal not appearing anymore , even if i do sexlab animation clean then clear and re register in creature framework .


Floating animations and jittery creatures are issues with SexLab and/or other mods or settings interfering with it. I would search the tech support forum for people having similar issues and compare their experience with yours - see is you have any common mods or configurations that might be contributing to this.


The missing nude meshes for creatures is an ongoing issue with Creature Framework. There is a lot of discussion about this in the More Nasty Critters support thread. Personally I have found it necessary to use the re-register all mods option in the Creature Framework MCM at the beginning of every session.

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About to upload SexLab Aroused Creatures v04.0 Beta 02 which addresses a couple of issues.


Thing about dremora is that they are not technically creatures, they are NPCs and use NPC SL animations. The problem is that they share a class, Daedra, with seekers who are creatures. I really don't want to start providing individual conditions for races. So dropping daedra (and any other races that don't fit the round hole) into a thread and letting SL do as it will is as far as it goes. So the new direct invitation system will not provide the mating/oral option for daedra and will instead just use any available animation. I've tested dremora again just now to make sure I haven't inexplicably broken it again while asleep.


The new Clean Actors option (under Other Settings) should not be necessary. In all the time I have tested and played with the later version of this mod I have never come across a situation where it could not automatically recover from a failed engagement process given a few minutes. If you find you have to use this to get AC working with a particular NPC or creature or the PC then there is something going wrong that this option will not fix. If you have to use this more than once in a playthrough then it is not just going wrong it is straight up broken and you'll have to start thinking about sharing your papyrus log to find out what it is. You can always clean the PC in the MCM but you will have to use the target select key on an NPC or creature for them to show up as an option.


v04.0 Beta 2

  • Added: Clean Actor option to manually remove Aroused Creatures magic effects and factions.
  • Fixed: Pursuit quests allowed to overrun if the mod is disabled in the MCM while a pursuit is active.
  • Fixed: Aggressive Animation Toggles page exceeding permitted number of MCM options.
  • Fixed: Dremora being ignored... again.

Edit: LL seems to be having a slight problem with uploads right now. I'll keep trying.


Ah, to be thwarted by yet more technical issues! Curses!


Edit: Thanks for the upload! :D



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dont know if its a problem from sexlab1.61 or this mod but i noticed :


1 : some animation are playing but actor are like : floating , in the air .

2 : sometime animal are violently vibrating , making the animation impossible to enjoy .

3 : got penis animal not appearing anymore , even if i do sexlab animation clean then clear and re register in creature framework .


Floating animations and jittery creatures are issues with SexLab and/or other mods or settings interfering with it. I would search the tech support forum for people having similar issues and compare their experience with yours - see is you have any common mods or configurations that might be contributing to this.


The missing nude meshes for creatures is an ongoing issue with Creature Framework. There is a lot of discussion about this in the More Nasty Critters support thread. Personally I have found it necessary to use the re-register all mods option in the Creature Framework MCM at the beginning of every session.



ah , damn . well thk for the anwser , i will keep looking .


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Just an update with my problem, the new clear actor menu item didn't work. However, while digging around, I found a couple sexlab debug spells. Casting one of them, I think the "myself" one, got things unstuck, the "animation" sequence started and continued to the end normally and things got properly cleared out. Now to off to figure out why animations themselves are not working. I though I did a proper FNIS, clear sexlab animations, and re-reg creature frameworks.....need a easy one button push to do all of that. LOL


I dug though my logs and found the relevent lines that may, or may not be, of interest.
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:17PM] [slac] Sinding not aroused (7)
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:17PM] [slac] Scan Duration: 0.481995secs
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:17PM] [SIC_WEN08Script <SIC_WEN08 (16514063)>]OnUpdate()
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:18PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:18PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetName() on a None object, aborting function call
        [SexLabQuestFramework (0A000D62)].sslactorlibrary.ValidateActor() - "sslActorLibrary.psc" Line 369
        [SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActor() - "sslThreadModel.psc" Line ?
        [SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActors() - "sslThreadModel.psc" Line ?
        [SexLabQuestFramework (0A000D62)].sexlabframework.StartSex() - "SexLabFramework.psc" Line 2963
        [SexLabQuestFramework (0A000D62)].sexlabframework.QuickStart() - "SexLabFramework.psc" Line 2967
        [Active effect 5 on  (0002ABBD)].sslEffectDebug.OnEffectStart() - "sslEffectDebug.psc" Line 25
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:18PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp78"
        [SexLabQuestFramework (0A000D62)].sslactorlibrary.ValidateActor() - "sslActorLibrary.psc" Line 369
        [SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActor() - "sslThreadModel.psc" Line ?
        [SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)].sslthreadcontroller.AddActors() - "sslThreadModel.psc" Line ?
        [SexLabQuestFramework (0A000D62)].sexlabframework.StartSex() - "SexLabFramework.psc" Line 2963
        [SexLabQuestFramework (0A000D62)].sexlabframework.QuickStart() - "SexLabFramework.psc" Line 2967
        [Active effect 5 on  (0002ABBD)].sslEffectDebug.OnEffectStart() - "sslEffectDebug.psc" Line 25
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:18PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor() -- WARN -- Was in AnimatingFaction but not in a thread
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:18PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Techwolf) -- TRUE -- MISS
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:18PM] [SIC_WEN08Script <SIC_WEN08 (16514063)>]OnUpdate()
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:18PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Techwolf] SetActor([Actor < (00000014)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)>]
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:19PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Sinding) -- TRUE -- MISS
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:19PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Sinding] SetActor([Actor < (0002ABBD)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias003 on quest SexLabThread00 (0A061EEF)>]
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:19PM] [SIC_WEN08Script <SIC_WEN08 (16514063)>]OnUpdate()
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:20PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - CreatureRef: [Race <WerewolfBeastRace (000CDD84)>]
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:20PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Selecting new creature animations - []
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:20PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Creature Genders: [1, 0, 1, 0]
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:20PM] SEXLAB - GetByRaceGenders(ActorCount=2, RaceRef=[Race <WerewolfBeastRace (000CDD84)>], MaleCreatures=1, FemaleCreatures=0, ForceUse=False)
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:20PM] SEXLAB - GetByRace(ActorCount=2, RaceRef=[Race <WerewolfBeastRace (000CDD84)>])
[01/11/2016 - 08:14:20PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - KhajiitRaceM.WerewolfBeastRaceC
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Just an update with my problem, the new clear actor menu item didn't work. However, while digging around, I found a couple sexlab debug spells. Casting one of them, I think the "myself" one, got things unstuck, the "animation" sequence started and continued to the end normally and things got properly cleared out. Now to off to figure out why animations themselves are not working. I though I did a proper FNIS, clear sexlab animations, and re-reg creature frameworks.....need a easy one button push to do all of that. LOL


I dug though my logs and found the relevent lines that may, or may not be, of interest.


Unfortunately the issue appears to be with your SexLab installation. Actors are not being properly removed form the animating faction - the exact circumstances aren't clear from the log fragment you've posted. I would recommend reinstalling and making sure everything is overwritten.


If you see this happening again - a animation working with an actor and then SLAC failing with the same actor reported as "engaged" - you should post a full log to so we can try and track down the root cause.


The clean actor option is not going to work in this case as it can't (and shouldn't) alter the animating faction. Re-running FNIS, clearing animations and regregistering creature framework are probably not going to help.

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WOW Love the new version!  Excellent work Rebel!


Just a bit of warning to everyone Bahow's Get Stripped! Again! can conflict with SLAC.  Nothing worked for my PC but worked fine for the NPC's so I enabled the debug and discovered that my PC had been assigned an unmarked quest (riften) by Get Stripped and it marked her as "busy" therefore she was ignored.  As soon as I disabled that mod SLAC started working for my PC again.  Bahow put a lot of excellent work into that mod so I may re-enable it and finish the mini quests and see if it is still conflicting. 

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Hey Rebel,


great to see your still working on this mod. I really like how the new code is working instead of the old cloak spell.


I was wondering if it would be possible to make SLAC more compatible with devious devices. Maybe it's just me, but when my PC is wearing a belt, then mostly oral animations are played (if availble), wich is ofc correct. However, when there is a gag aswell the animation gets kind of random and ignores gag and belt. Maybe it would be possible to abort the animation, like the dialoge that shows up while talking to npcs: "Aroused Animal has lost interest in you"


if this is how it should be working and my game is wonky then sorry. :D


cheers stroga

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WOW Love the new version!  Excellent work Rebel!


Just a bit of warning to everyone Bahow's Get Stripped! Again! can conflict with SLAC.  Nothing worked for my PC but worked fine for the NPC's so I enabled the debug and discovered that my PC had been assigned an unmarked quest (riften) by Get Stripped and it marked her as "busy" therefore she was ignored.  As soon as I disabled that mod SLAC started working for my PC again.  Bahow put a lot of excellent work into that mod so I may re-enable it and finish the mini quests and see if it is still conflicting. 


I'll take a look at this and see if it needs a specific exception. The busy failure actually means that the actors is in a quest scene. Scenes are only supposed to last as long as necessary but It seems some mods keep actors in scenes permanently as a means of controlling behaviour, monitoring changes in condition and attaching scripts. I'd be very surprised if this didn't conflict with other mods and maybe even with certain vanilla stuff as well.


Hey Rebel,


great to see your still working on this mod. I really like how the new code is working instead of the old cloak spell.


I was wondering if it would be possible to make SLAC more compatible with devious devices. Maybe it's just me, but when my PC is wearing a belt, then mostly oral animations are played (if availble), wich is ofc correct. However, when there is a gag aswell the animation gets kind of random and ignores gag and belt. Maybe it would be possible to abort the animation, like the dialoge that shows up while talking to npcs: "Aroused Animal has lost interest in you"


if this is how it should be working and my game is wonky then sorry. :D


cheers stroga


This is a little frustrating but I'm reluctant to treat it in SLAC directly. This issue is that checking equipment slots is expensive in terms of performance and in order to function correctly SLAC has to check actors every few seconds.


DDi handles additional filtering based on equipped items but filtering for creature animation is relatively new so support may be limited right now. Also there are only a very limited number of animations for individual creatures, this can result in no appropriate animations being found and SL will then default to any enabled animation.

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About to upload SexLab Aroused Creatures v04.0 Beta 03.


The new Allow Actors in Scenes option is purely to provide some level of compatibility with mods that keep actors in quest scenes for extended periods. While enabling this will allow Aroused Creatures to function with such a mod it will also allow it to potentially break vanilla quests and perhaps even block main quest progress. Use with caution.

  • Added: Option to allow actors currently involved in quest scenes to be engaged as victims or attackers. Other Settings -> Compatibility -> Allow Actors in Scenes.
  • Added: In-place version update support. Clean saves should no longer be necessary.
  • Fixed: Unable to toggle Allow Follower options.
  • Fixed: Direct creature invite blocked by the global cooldown.
  • Fixed: Failed pursuits chaining endlessly.
  • Notes: Cooldown is now triggered at the end of failed pursuits to allow victims time to escape their pursuer's engage radius. Pursuit can still chain if the CD is very low.
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I love what you're doing with this mod, but I have a question about the aggressive animations, in 4.0 alpha 3 there was a new mcm page to toggle which animations are aggressive and which aren't, is that page gone in beta 3? Because I can't see it and I'm note sure if it's something I did. This is on a fresh savegame, if it helps any.

Another question, would it be possible to add support for those fancy group sex animations they added recently to More Nasty Critters? I'm not fully certain which creatures all have those animations, but at least skeevers have multiple threesome and one foursome animation available.


Past that the mod has been very stable for me, especially the new pursuit option works nicely, unless it's a crowded place, I had it a couple times in interiors that the animal in question lost interest in the pursued npc because another npc stood in the way and didn't want to move.








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I love what you're doing with this mod, but I have a question about the aggressive animations, in 4.0 alpha 3 there was a new mcm page to toggle which animations are aggressive and which aren't, is that page gone in beta 3? Because I can't see it and I'm note sure if it's something I did. This is on a fresh savegame, if it helps any.

Another question, would it be possible to add support for those fancy group sex animations they added recently to More Nasty Critters? I'm not fully certain which creatures all have those animations, but at least skeevers have multiple threesome and one foursome animation available.


Past that the mod has been very stable for me, especially the new pursuit option works nicely, unless it's a crowded place, I had it a couple times in interiors that the animal in question lost interest in the pursued npc because another npc stood in the way and didn't want to move.


The missing animation toggles is a bug. I'll upload a fix shortly.


unfortunately there is no real fix for pathing issues during pursuit as it's an issue with the game. You'll also occasionally see creatures running away from the victim on the roads around Whiterun or even running ahead of them. The only thing you can really do to mitigate this is extend the duration of the pursuit (AC MCM -> PC/NPC Settings) to give them time to sort it out.

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Using b4, it looks like something is missing to keep unavailable creature types from being selected from scenes.  Frost Atronachs don't have any animations and aren't valid actors, but they're still pursuing.  The NPC runs, they chase, and when they catch their target they both just walk away.


Here are a few snippets from the logs:

[slac] A nearby Potent Frost Atronach senses your arousal
[slac] Potent Frost Atronach (female): playername(selected 15-92) - 0.618042secs
SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Potent Frost Atronach) -- FALSE -- They are a creature type that is currently not supported (AtronachFrostRace)
Info: SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[0] AddActor(Potent Frost Atronach) - AddActor(Potent Frost Atronach) -- Failed to add actor -- They are not a valid target for animation
[slac] Skipping animation filtering for Daedra (Potent Frost Atronach)
[slac] no animations found for Potent Frost Atronach / playername
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WOW Love the new version!  Excellent work Rebel!


Just a bit of warning to everyone Bahow's Get Stripped! Again! can conflict with SLAC.  Nothing worked for my PC but worked fine for the NPC's so I enabled the debug and discovered that my PC had been assigned an unmarked quest (riften) by Get Stripped and it marked her as "busy" therefore she was ignored.  As soon as I disabled that mod SLAC started working for my PC again.  Bahow put a lot of excellent work into that mod so I may re-enable it and finish the mini quests and see if it is still conflicting. 


I'll take a look at this and see if it needs a specific exception. The busy failure actually means that the actors is in a quest scene. Scenes are only supposed to last as long as necessary but It seems some mods keep actors in scenes permanently as a means of controlling behaviour, monitoring changes in condition and attaching scripts. I'd be very surprised if this didn't conflict with other mods and maybe even with certain vanilla stuff as well.



I believe the way Bahow wrote the mod, he anticipated the PC staying in town, in this case Riften, until the quests involved were completed.  

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