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@Panthercom: The script is still crashing during the threesome scanner, after rewriting it. I do not know why. Possibly NVSE bug, I need to investigate it more.




    ; ** Double Timed?
    if eval (rStalker.NX_IsUsingSkeleton "_male")
        Print "SA: Checking for threesomes, if you don't see 'SUCCESS' below, the fucking engine screwed up"
        let Local_Stalkers := GetRefs 42, 0
        foreach entry <- Local_Stalkers
            let rActor := *entry
            PrintD "checking: " + $rActor + " or " + (GetFormIDString rActor)
            if 0 == rActor.IsSpellTarget SexAssaultRapistSpell
                ; Pass
            elseif rActor == rStalker
                ; Pass
            elseif 0 == rActor.NX_IsUsingSkeleton "_male"
                ; Pass
            elseif eval (call fnSexoutActorInUse rActor)
                ; Pass
                PrintD "checking dist"
                let iDist := rActor.GetDistance rVictim
                if iDist > 500
                    ; Pass
                    let SexAssaultPreRape.rRapistB := rActor
                    rActor.Dispel SexAssaultRapistSpell
                    PrintD "SA: RE - Adding threesome stalker: " + $rActor
    Print "SA: SUCCESS - Threesome check successful. Yay."




You can try this version, in which stalker threesomes are simply disabled.




(Outdated attachment removed)

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 The new version with 3somes disabled is much more reliable.


 The first attempt at usage got me a NGSAN 12.0 error, possibly because

my companion killed a Bighorner that was stalking me. All Sexout animations

stopped working after that.


 I restarted the game and toggled animals off, then visited a few areas both

indoors and outdoors. The swarming behavior seems to have calmed down,

and when I got a message saying I had been overpowered a sex act followed

every time. I'll try it with Populated Casinos switched on next; that's a pretty

good mod for stress testing.



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  • 2 weeks later...

What critter? The ones that have none should be blocked by SA. Robots, OWB cyberdogs, ravens, brahmin.


There is a bug where the 3-some scanner sometimes crashes for no apparent reason in the OP version, resulting in no sex from stalking. Please use the beta I posted above.

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 Hey Odessa, is there any way you could add a rape block timer, that would give the player

a time-out (not like the rape knockout) between successive sex acts? The player would still be

mobile. It would be useful for both stalkers and combat to prevent 'clusterfuckery' (literally),

other NPCs being too close when the sex starts and causing glitches, and enable fleeing if

the player wishes. It wouldn't stop combat. If I had to pick a preset time I would say 12 seconds,

or a range of 3 to 15 seconds if the time was variable. A side benefit would be to prevent WTF

errors with Positioning; which occur 100% of the time if there isn't enough of a break between

successive sex acts (that's a limitation of Positioning).


EDIT: Another idea; counterbalance the time-out by forcing the player to limp for it's duration.



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SCR is a over bloated pregnancy and tacky clothing mod with syphilis, and I carved it out of Assault with a kitchen knife  and it works gr8!

All the mods I've used from Lovers Lab that use SCR, actually only uses like 10 or less references from that ginormous pig beast and most of those are duplicate references, usually the dildo reference. So why use it I ask you all?      HUH?!


Anyways great work Odessa. Everything seems to work gr8 =D Bad work SCR creator! That must a took 2 decades to type all that stuff in. Holy Crud!

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SCR facilitates use of all the sex toys, new outfits, drugs and items. It also includes lots of useful form lists for intermod communication, such as clothing eval, bed positioning angles, creatures, etc. It offers mcm debug support for any mod, and clears up NX variables after others are removed, and has useful features for companion support. The pregnancy stuff is there so that other mods can support or make use of it.

Just because most mods only reference a small amount of it each doesn't mean it isn't useful, and just because some of it isn't used much yet doesn't mean its not useful- Halstrom is opening doors for other modders to easily do new stuff. I would never have started modding FNV without the (probably 100s of hours) work he's put into SCR, and the world of Sexout would be a lot more boring without it, even if only other modders really appreciate it, since its a framework. Of course its not perfect, but its always improving.


Please keep your ignorant criticism to yourself, you're not going to win any friends with it.

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SCR is a over bloated pregnancy and tacky clothing mod with syphilis, and I carved it out of Assault with a kitchen knife  and it works gr8!

All the mods I've used from Lovers Lab that use SCR, actually only uses like 10 or less references from that ginormous pig beast and most of those are duplicate references, usually the dildo reference. So why use it I ask you all?      HUH?!


Anyways great work Odessa. Everything seems to work gr8 =D Bad work SCR creator! That must a took 2 decades to type all that stuff in. Holy Crud!


SCR does what it does very well. Hal has been maintaining it for years, and of all modders I know, he is one of the most open about adding support and features if someone's mod needs it.


What you're whining about isn't a valid concern.

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SCR is a over bloated pregnancy and tacky clothing mod with syphilis, and I carved it out of Assault with a kitchen knife  and it works gr8!

All the mods I've used from Lovers Lab that use SCR, actually only uses like 10 or less references from that ginormous pig beast and most of those are duplicate references, usually the dildo reference. So why use it I ask you all?      HUH?!


Anyways great work Odessa. Everything seems to work gr8 =D Bad work SCR creator! That must a took 2 decades to type all that stuff in. Holy Crud!

Coming up on 3 years actually, and a lot of it is other modders submissions too, when you know how community modding works, feel free to write a replacement for it anytime you like :P
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Bladejinn... Wow.. win friends much?


What nobody told you that is clearly posted in many threads if you took just a little bit of time to read, is Halstrom is slimming down the mod now that  new resources have been implemented into Sexout that allow for a newer and slimmer mod. You'd know that had you asked before deciding to condemn someone's work. ;) .



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Ok so, Installed this yesterday to try it out. Worked great for the most part and added some inetersting dynamics to the game :) Anywho, I've run into a bit of an issue. Whenever I used the 'concede' key it seems that no animations, or attempts for that matter, will work afterwards.


Also, I'm fairly noobish with modding so please forgive my ineptitude. I was simply wondering if anyone might have any ideas as to why this would happen?

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It could be the mysterious issue with the threesome finder crashing the script. Try the beta version in this post: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/28569-sex-assault/?p=953580

I had thought this may be the issue as well when I noticed the debug info from the console occasionally stating a third actor being present but being listed as 'none'. Much research and other methods of repair had all failed.


Strange that this issue only presented itself if I tried to use the concede function. Otherwise I haven't had any other problems except some invisible outfits from Sexout Store (most likely installation error on my end). If all else fails I'll revert to an older (MUCH older, there goes my progress with OWB) save file before I realized something was broken. Also will have to remember not to touch that darn button.


Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Does this other version you recommend trying have any different requirements? Will I be able to simply deactivate my old version and use this one or are there some other installation methods I should be aware of?


My thanks again for your support and all the fantastic work. Please let me know if there is anything in particular with this other version that you would like test feedback about.

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No special requirements. You can just overwrite the old version with the beta and load your game :).


I don't think the concede key is the problem, all it does is skip the defense check part of the scripts, otherwise its the same code.

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Although the concede key may not be the root of the problem I do believe at this point that it is involved in some manner or another. I say this because I have only seen this problem consistantly when trying to use it, every time in fact. I'll need to take a closer look at the console and do some more testing this evening on what actually happens when pressing the key.


Once in a while a sleep/wait rape will go wrong as well. When this happens it seems as though the character is woken/interupted and the offending actor is missing. Player character is movable and can interact with the environment with no difficulties and no armor/equipment stripping is done. This also seems to break animations and attempts thereafter as well. This also requires further testing.


I think I'll hold off on trying the new version until I have had a chance to play around with this problem a bit more. As I mentioned, modding is still quite new to me and even using the console and trying to sift through the information it provides is something I am only just now trying to learn. Who knows maybe I'll find something interesting that can help you with further work! On the other hand it could very well be, and most likely is, something I've messed up myself without knowing :)


Gotta say though, I'm really liking the attention you ( and others from what I've seen so far) pay to this forum. Very good to know that someone actually gives a shit about others, pardon my language.

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 If you're in a room with 20 guys, and two rape you and the rest ignore you, doing

a console command 'resurrect' on one of the guys ignoring you will probably trigger

a rape from that NPC afterwards. I'm not sure what that behavior is a symptom of, but

that's what consistently happens in my game.


 The different percentage chance for day/vs/night is a bit cumbersome indoors, some

locations (like Gomorrah) don't allow waiting and prevent checking the time as a side

effect. Day vs night differences outdoors make a lot of sense in (semi) civilized areas,

but don't make as much sense when it comes to Fiends, Legionaires, (too) friendly dogs

etc. out in the wasteland.

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@FLN1: It could be that some other mod is checking for the 'X' key (or whatever key you rebound to it) at the same time, and that causes a problem.


I think the sleep/wait problem may be because the world updates when you do, so the NPC that got picked may have been moved to another cell. Except, there is a brief delay before the anim call, so not sure why it isn't detected. Not sure what I can do about this, may be better to disable if for the time being.


@Panthercom: Personally I like the way when it gets to ~9 pm, suddenly you need to keep close eye on everyone, I think it adds an extra gameplay mechanic watching the clock. At the moment it is  x0.25 chance during day time for humans/non-feral ghouls (only), and x1 chance at night. I guess I could change that to a slider?

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 It's a bit hard finding a balance between being ignored and being swarmed, and the day/night

time difference makes it more difficult to find a good overall setting. I do think some other changes,

such as forcing a pause between successive attacks will make swarming less of a problem.

 How much time does an NPC wait after a failed combat rape before they try again? How much

time after a successful combat rape before they try again, not counting sloppy seconds?

I see there are some adjustment sliders for this sort of thing, but I'm under the impression they

only affect stalkers, from my own experiences.

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