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Has anyone seen any issues where all functions of the mod cease to work? I've tested both stalkers and combat at 100% and neither seem to happen. I've tried clean save, deactivating and reactivating the mod, etc. to no effect. FNVEdit appears to think everything is fine as well.

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You need to be more specific than that:


- What version of the mod are you using? if old upgrade.

- What version of Sexout NG and SCR are you using? if old upgrade.

- Do you get any messages in the console when sex is meant to start? try enabling debug in SexAssault MCM

- Does sex started by other mods work?

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Has anyone seen any issues where all functions of the mod cease to work? I've tested both stalkers and combat at 100% and neither seem to happen. I've tried clean save, deactivating and reactivating the mod, etc. to no effect. FNVEdit appears to think everything is fine as well.

Do NPCs ever approach your character while crouching and then turn around and return to where they came from? About 2-3 week ago I noticed a new bug in my installation where at a certain point all SO animations stop playing. Didn't find a way to fix it other than reverting to an older save, and still don't know which mod or combinations of mods is causing this.

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Same bug. At some point ALL Sexout modules stop to work. No animations started, no enemies approach, no sex initialized after conversation in other mod, not usual sex nor assault or stalker rape. Not with humans nor with creatures. Just like ALL sexout functions just stopped to work.
I localized that point at one case and can repeat that. Group of monsters, in my case it was radroaches (modifed, from Silent Hill mod) and in other case - group of ghouls (Hell on Earth, using ghouls from MonsterMod - in usual Ghoul groups and lists). They tries to attack me, then there should be an Assault from them. On console there are some lines like
"Aborting due 9.1"
actorA blah-bla-bla and my char name
actorB blah-bla-bla in my case cockroach or ghoul name

actorC blah-bla-bla <missing>

And after that ONLY loading previous save could resolve problem.

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First time caller; long time listener


I've noticed the same "Stuff's stopped working" affect on both the June29 and the July27beta versions.  On the June29, I do get the "Get molested" indicator at the very start.  I'm running Sexout .85, NVSE 4.2beta4, NX15, and have had the required Common Resources installed.  And once 'whatever' happens uhh... happens, sex in all mods just stops.  I'll get some action sometimes, but mostly not.  Have to advise that I'm running 'population' mods adding extra NPCs, too, such as Mojave Reloaded and rePopulated Wasteland (and just just because I don't know if it's important, those are .esm's or.esp's-with-.esm-headers)


The Sexout mods I'm running are Wear-and-Tear, ClothingEval, Smaller Talk, and Check Me Out.  Otherwise I'm running Lust (but not when doing these screen captures) and (sometimes) Soliciting.  Funny thing, when I was running Spunk last weekend  (I've back stepped to Lust because I missed Nymphomaniac :blush:  ) I'd get readouts indicating some actual sex happened, with the indicators of where and the volumes and all that, but nothing happened in game.  I'd just be standing around.  Didn't even get the "someone's looking at me odd" messages, or any of it.


I've included a screencap of the console, and then I flipped on the debug mode for Assault, and screencapped that, too.  I hope this helps.  There's a reference missing or not connecting in the Rapist script?  Maybe?  I'm only good enough to screw things up in mods, not to figure out how to fix anything, and can't even guess why other mods are also affected, or is Assault is the culprit.




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@MadGad: Aborting 9.1 is a sexout error:






Probably would have responded earlier if the original message had that full error (NGSAN). Didn't know what mod was giving you the error until that last post.

A 12.0 abort happens when the actors specified aren't in the same cell.
9.1 happens when the randomizer couldn't pick an act for the involved actors.
9.3 means sex between the actors is impossible, usually due to a sextype that can't be satisfied with one or more actor conditions is selected.

Debugging any of them, if they persist, will require you to turn on sexouts debug mode in MCM (regular, not the scanner) and capturing the full output with SCOF.



Which suggests that sexout doesn't recognize the mod added creatures for animations, but they fool sexassault because they count as ghoul or something. I think there is a new sexout function I can use to validate them for that.



On general sexout not working:

If all animations have stopped for all mods, this is a sexout issue not sex assault. A common cause is an act that didn't finish properly, try casting Sexout NG Finish Now on the player via console: "Player.CIOS XXXXXXXX" (replace XXX with the formid code, which is printed to console whenever you load game). If that doesn't work and sexout is broken only for 1 savegame, you need to report it in the NG thread.



@fusil1er: That doesn't look right! It would appear the RE spell is running on a non-actor (no name?) which I didn't think was possible. Maybe GetSelf returned 0.. somehow. I can add a check for it in next version.

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@randompeep: it should be 120 real seconds, but the timer starts when sex does, not when it ends (so animation duration effectively changes it). It is currently a spell effect so its awkward to make it adjustable, but I could switch it over to an NX like stalker cool down- I'll put that on my to-do list.


@Halstrom: Sure, changed stalker cool down hours to a float with 0.2 increments. I forget that some people use non-default timescale. Note: cool down is based on GameDaysPassed and the game engine sometimes does weird stuff like sending you back in time by a few minutes, so using the minimum setting might feel a little inaccurate sometimes.


New beta (barely tested)


- Stalker cool down hours now more adjustable in MCM.

- Minor MCM bugfix (you might have noticed some text confusion if checking another plugin before SA)


(attachment moved to OP)

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So I did a fresh install of all sexout related things including this mod, did a fresh save, and funnily enough it seems as if the mod is now working for companions but not for the player character. Here is some screenshots from console output. This is while using the August 12th file. Also I did try the Player.CIOS XXXXXXXX which had no apparent effect.


Any ideas why it only doesn't affect the player character? Thanks in advance for any help.



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That debug actually implies that it is working as intended, although it may be a bit misleading without knowing the script. It comes from the potential stalker+victim scanner. Heres how it works:


- Potential victims is an array (list), and the first entry is always the player.

- I then scan the player's cell (location) and add companions to the victims array, printing that debug message for each one.

- Next time the scanner updates, I clear all entries except the player from the victims array, then repeat. (in case companions leave player)


So, you never see a debug message "Player is a potential victim" because they always are- as far as the scanner is concerned, and you will see the same message about companions being added repeat.


Try setting the stalk rate to 100% and cooldown to 0, then visit a busy location you haven't visited in a while (cooldown changes are not retroactive) at night. ;)

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New stable version in OP -  (this version was formerly the August 12 beta above)



New AI for stalkers. Previously all stalkers used the same strategy, and I felt they were too predictable and easy to defeat. Strategies are now dynamic, and they are capable of refining them via learning.


- A stalker's initial strategy is picked randomly, but after the first success, they remember it.

- Thereafter, their strategy is the one stored with a minor random variation. The stored strategy is refined based on subsequent success and failure.

- The stored strategy is based on their name, so generic NPC (eg: called "Powder Ganger") follow the wisdom of the crowd.


I think they are a lot better at taking you by surprise now, and makes for a much more paranoia inducing experience xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.EQjgXw8CzK.png.


- Also some extra validity checks.

- Stalker cool down hours now more adjustable in MCM.

- Minor MCM bugfix (you might have noticed some text confusion if checking another plugin before SA)

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@MadGad: Aborting 9.1 is a sexout error:






Probably would have responded earlier if the original message had that full error (NGSAN). Didn't know what mod was giving you the error until that last post.


A 12.0 abort happens when the actors specified aren't in the same cell.

9.1 happens when the randomizer couldn't pick an act for the involved actors.

9.3 means sex between the actors is impossible, usually due to a sextype that can't be satisfied with one or more actor conditions is selected.


Debugging any of them, if they persist, will require you to turn on sexouts debug mode in MCM (regular, not the scanner) and capturing the full output with SCOF.



Which suggests that sexout doesn't recognize the mod added creatures for animations, but they fool sexassault because they count as ghoul or something. I think there is a new sexout function I can use to validate them for that.



On general sexout not working:

If all animations have stopped for all mods, this is a sexout issue not sex assault. A common cause is an act that didn't finish properly, try casting Sexout NG Finish Now on the player via console: "Player.CIOS XXXXXXXX" (replace XXX with the formid code, which is printed to console whenever you load game). If that doesn't work and sexout is broken only for 1 savegame, you need to report it in the NG thread.



@fusil1er: That doesn't look right! It would appear the RE spell is running on a non-actor (no name?) which I didn't think was possible. Maybe GetSelf returned 0.. somehow. I can add a check for it in next version.


Tried doing as suggested and while it seems that the AI loves Sunny Smiles they are not at all interested in my player character. I tried dumping sunny off and heading off by myself but had no luck there either. Attached are two screenshots from when I was alone.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Is anyone getting NGSAN (1) 12.0 errors on sleep/wait rape? Normal stalkers / combat rape seem to work as intended.


SexoutNG core 2.6.85

SexoutNG data 2.6.81

SCR 20140707.4


NVSE version 4 revison 2 (beta 3)



After the error Sexout seems to lock up, no longer allowing any sex acts.


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dumb question... but...

I've never seen stalkers rape other npcs (Besides companions) in this version. Was that disabled? or am I just not lucky enough to witness it?



Also, any plans to put in some sort of "interruption" feature? Like in xlovers (where you held block to get them to stop screwing. It wouldn't work if they were doing it consentually) where they grumble at you and might rape you instead if you interrupt them... or like in Sexlab Defeat where it's the same idea but with a messagebox and activation.

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@Knabber: if sexout has stopped working, you can try casting SexoutNGFInishNow via console, the code is printed to console every time you load game: Player.CIOS XXXXXX


However, if that doesn't work you may have hit a known issue with Sexout '85. All you can do is either wait for a fix, load a game before it happened, or make a clean save without sexout- so losing progress in all sexout mods. Sorry.


@rylasasin: there is no NPC-NPC stalking except companions.

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The following fix seems to work:


Add the following snippet to SexAssaultSleepWaitQuestScript at line 115:

elseif rActor.GetInSameCell player == 0
		  ; Avoid NGSAN (1) 12.0 errors
		  let iCanBeRapist := False
elseif rActor.NX_IsUsingSkeleton "NVRaven"
		  ; Ravens are causing a NGSAN (1) 9.1 error
		  let iCanBeRapist := False

it basically adds two more checks to see if an actor can be a rapist.

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The GetInSameCell player was in a previous version- I removed it because in outdoor areas, it fails whenever you are seperated by a cell boundary, which I noticed happening quite often (I believe at any time there are 25 cells loaded in an exterior, and they aren't that big). The NGSAN check was added in '85 and uses the same method to validate, it should be changed to GetDistance or something, I reported it in the sexout thread.


I am aware of the raven bug. I left it in because I enjoy the 'raven is acting peculiar' messages for stalkers. I'll add it to the sleep/wait one.

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@Knabber: if sexout has stopped working, you can try casting SexoutNGFInishNow via console, the code is printed to console every time you load game: Player.CIOS XXXXXX


However, if that doesn't work you may have hit a known issue with Sexout '85. All you can do is either wait for a fix, load a game before it happened, or make a clean save without sexout- so losing progress in all sexout mods. Sorry.


@rylasasin: there is no NPC-NPC stalking except companions.


Awww. Well I hope that gets (re) added in sometime soon.


Truth be told, NPC-NPC stalking was the only reason I even ran BrutalRapers in the first place.  :-/

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The GetInSameCell player was in a previous version- I removed it because in outdoor areas, it fails whenever you are seperated by a cell boundary, which I noticed happening quite often (I believe at any time there are 25 cells loaded in an exterior, and they aren't that big). The NGSAN check was added in '85 and uses the same method to validate, it should be changed to GetDistance or something, I reported it in the sexout thread.


I am aware of the raven bug. I left it in because I enjoy the 'raven is acting peculiar' messages for stalkers. I'll add it to the sleep/wait one.


I added the cell check as a workaround, to get the mod working again, as (at least in my case) a NGSAN error would cause sexout to stop working - permanently.

The only way to get it working again would be a clean save (untested), losing all sexout related data in the progress.


As for bug reports, maybe open an issue on the Sexout repo? However I'm not sure how often prideslayer checks these.


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