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Apologies if this has been asked before, but is it possible to enable more than 7 stages of message progression? Some newer animations (such as SAP's great oral anims) have as many as 13 stages, but my version of Apropos (I have not yet updated to most recent one) only recognizes 7 stages.


Many thanks!

Apologies if this has been asked before, but is it possible to enable more than 7 stages of message progression? Some newer animations (such as SAP's great oral anims) have as many as 13 stages, but my version of Apropos (I have not yet updated to most recent one) only recognizes 7 stages.


Many thanks!

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Apologies if this has been asked before, but is it possible to enable more than 7 stages of message progression? Some newer animations (such as SAP's great oral anims) have as many as 13 stages, but my version of Apropos (I have not yet updated to most recent one) only recognizes 7 stages.


Many thanks!

Apologies if this has been asked before, but is it possible to enable more than 7 stages of message progression? Some newer animations (such as SAP's great oral anims) have as many as 13 stages, but my version of Apropos (I have not yet updated to most recent one) only recognizes 7 stages.


Many thanks!


That's new to me Grimbold. I had no idea they had so many now.


Whose anims? Link?

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Thanks for the swift reply, Gooser. Here is the link you request:




They are great anims, but some of them (the 3 standing ones) do not seem work at all with Apropos (no idea why), while the great sapOral (which does work with Apropos) has 13 stages which goes way beyond what seems to be the 7 stage limit in Apropos. Is there a way to increase this limit at our end?


Many thanks

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Thanks for the swift reply, Gooser. Here is the link you request:




They are great anims, but some of them (the 3 standing ones) do not seem work at all with Apropos (no idea why), while the great sapOral (which does work with Apropos) has 13 stages which goes way beyond what seems to be the 7 stage limit in Apropos. Is there a way to increase this limit at our end?


Many thanks


Ah, doesn't look like there's any SLAL pack that includes these. Probably why they haven't shown up on my radar.

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Sorry baby, that's never happened to me before...


#3 on the list of "Biggest Lies Told By Men To Their Sexual Partners".


(right after, "Sure, I'll call you..." and "You were the best...")



That's what women tells me...


I suddenly feel the need to consume alcohol to drown my sorrow.

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Sorry baby, that's never happened to me before...


#3 on the list of "Biggest Lies Told By Men To Their Sexual Partners".


(right after, "Sure, I'll call you..." and "You were the best...")



That's what women tells me...


I suddenly feel the need to consume alcohol to drown my sorrow.



I'm already mailing billiedovakin a bottle of vodka. I'll send you one, too. And here's a virtual hug. "There, there."


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Hey, gooser. I need your help and opinion about something that's been happening to my PC. I have Defeat installed and my character dies mid-assault, right in the middle of the sex scene. Screen gets blurry, fades to black, then she's back at my last save. With help from a lot of people I've gotten both Defeat and DA working properly together. Goubo believes that it might be something else affecting my character. Let me link our last post.


Do you think that might be the cause of my PC's early death?

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Hey, gooser. I need your help and opinion about something that's been happening to my PC. I have Defeat installed and my character dies mid-assault, right in the middle of the sex scene. Screen gets blurry, fades to black, then she's back at my last save. With help from a lot of people I've gotten both Defeat and DA working properly together. Goubo believes that it might be something else affecting my character. Let me link our last post.


Do you think that might be the cause of my PC's early death?


Probably not. Apropos doesn't apply damage over time (to any stat), it merely reduces the rate of recovery.

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Hey, gooser. I need your help and opinion about something that's been happening to my PC. I have Defeat installed and my character dies mid-assault, right in the middle of the sex scene. Screen gets blurry, fades to black, then she's back at my last save. With help from a lot of people I've gotten both Defeat and DA working properly together. Goubo believes that it might be something else affecting my character. Let me link our last post.


Do you think that might be the cause of my PC's early death?


Probably not. Apropos doesn't apply damage over time (to any stat), it merely reduces the rate of recovery.



Thank you for clarifying that. I can check that off the list and continue to see what's happening to cause my PC's death during assault.

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Hey, gooser. I need your help and opinion about something that's been happening to my PC. I have Defeat installed and my character dies mid-assault, right in the middle of the sex scene. Screen gets blurry, fades to black, then she's back at my last save. With help from a lot of people I've gotten both Defeat and DA working properly together. Goubo believes that it might be something else affecting my character. Let me link our last post.


Do you think that might be the cause of my PC's early death?


Probably not. Apropos doesn't apply damage over time (to any stat), it merely reduces the rate of recovery.



Thank you for clarifying that. I can check that off the list and continue to see what's happening to cause my PC's death during assault.


DO you have SexLab Util 1 installed?





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I have changed my character's name while playing. However, the [playername] value did not change for me.


Is there a solution?




I'm using SKSE's GetDisplayName (a method on Actor) now so any renaming should work.  I need details, like a log.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New version of Classic:


1. Fix detection of DremoraRace
2. A little code cleanup.
3. Add support for Apropos descriptions for stages 8-13.
4. Add MCM support for toggling stages 8-13.
5. Add support for MMF, MMMF, MMMMF, MMMMMF descriptions
6. Add descriptions for MMF, MMMF, MMMMF (non-consensual).
7. Add Synonym: {OPENING} -> opening, hole, orifice, passage. Needed to write descriptions where the body part is non-deterministic.
8. Add Synonym: {QUIVERING} -> quivering, trembling, shaking, unsteady, twitching, hesitant, shuddering, quaking, shivering.
9. Add Synonym: {HORNY} -> lustful, horny, eager, demanding, aroused, excited, lecherous, lewd, rabid
10. Add Synonym: {GENWT} -> sore, abused, tender, gaping, used, raw, stretched, flooded, saturated, swollen, pliant, tingling, burning. Used to describe, Generally, the Wear and Tear during a scene, unrelated to the actual W&T state of the actor. Useful in non-consensual descriptions, particularly gangbangs (e.g. MMMF)
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