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SKSE 1.7.1


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http://skse.silverlock.org/Updated with 1.7.1 changes. Continue discussing :D1.7.0:- added Game.GetFormEx that works for formIds >= 0x80000000- added UI.Open/CloseCustomMenu- added Actor.ReplaceHeadPart, ActorBase.GetNumOverlayHeadParts, GetNthOverlayHeadPart, GetIndexOfOverlayHeadPartByType- added Math.Log- added Ingredient.GetIsNthEffectKnown- fixed SetPlayerTintMaskColor alpha- enabled previously-temporary Papyrus plugin API - it isn't what I wanted it to be, but I don't think I have the time to do it the right way- added ActiveMagicEffect.GetMagnitude- added Art.Get/SetModelPath- added many MagicEffect and Tree functions- added ModEvent and UICallback, see associated .psc for details- added ObjectReference.Get/SetDisplayName- added Enchantment.SetNthEffectMagnitude/Area/Duration- added Form.SetPlayerKnows- added Enchantment.GetBaseEnchantment- added Perk.GetNextPerk- added ActorValueInfo, see ActorValueInfo.psc for details- added LeveledActor/Item/Spell, see associated .psc for details- added Game.Get/SetPlayerExperience, GetExperienceForLevel- added ObjectReference.GetEnableParent, Get/Set/CreateEnchantment, GetNumReferenceAliases, GetNthReferenceAlias- fixed Get/SetGoldValue for AlchemyItems- added DefaultObjectManager- thanks to sheson: added configuration of some initial pool sizes	[Memory]	DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB= <default heap initial allocation size in megabytes, vanilla size is 512>	ScrapHeapSizeMB= <scrap heap size in megabytes, vanilla size is 256>


- fixed IsValidRace for armor races

- added MagicEffect.GetCasting/DeliveryType

- fixed crash when calling UpdateWeight on non-facegen Actors

- GetTotalItemWeight computed correctly for non-players

- added Potion.IsPoison, GetUseSound

- added Weapon.GetTemplate

- added Ammo.IsBolt, GetProjectile, GetDamage

- added Game.GetDialogueTarget

- added SKSETaskInterface::AddUITask

- serialization understands deleted forms

- added SKSEMessagingInterface

- plugin messages sent on save, preload, postload, delete

- WornObject.GetDisplayName returns base form name if no display name is present

- added WornObject, ObjectReference.GetPoison

- DirectX SDK now required for compilation

- fixed WornObject slot/mask lookup

- added NetImmerse.SetNodePosition

- added Actor.GetFurnitureReference

- added Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef

- added NetImmerse.GetRelativeNodePositionX/Y/Z

- added Actor.Set/ResetExpressionPhoneme/Modifier

- added Form.HasWorldModel, Get/SetWorldModelPath/NumTextureSets/NthTextureSet/SetWorldModelNthTextureSet

- added HeadPart.IsExtraPart

- added Form.IsPlayable

- added ObjectReference.GetAllForms

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So Sheson's memory patch was added officially. Nice. I'm using a recompiled steam_loader skse file at the moment. Good to see they added it AND seems like a bunch of other stuff was added as well..

I LOVE stability. Can't wait for a beta/Official release.

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When using SKSE 1.7.0 Sheson memory fix, don't forget to set DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB to "disired_value + 256".

Unlike all the previous patches, setting blocks to 512 and 256 in SKSE will actually result in 256 and 256 blocks.

Simply saying: if you want block 1 to be 512(as recommended), you should set DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768

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I don't think that the SKSE alpha is even working properly on that memory fix

I can only use 512 on the first Block and also VMMap shows 512 on that first block (768 => CTD)

With SMEE or your patch I can set 768 and I also get 768 in VMMap and it doesn't CTD on startup

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Actually the + 256 was always there hidden in shesons code

SkSE team always show the real settings the reason VMMap doesn't show it is it's reserved by game engine for animations. if I recall correctly

So nothings actually different except the real setting is used by SkSE all the others just copied Sheson code

SkSE team checked the code then made their corrected version.


Still a marvelous find by Sheson tthats allready changed modding as Nexus is only getting about 20% of its usual traffic


People are actually playing more than modding which shows how much it's changed the games stability.


SkSe is an Alpha because of many other changes not Shesons Code which is a simple setting that depends on what sort of rig you've got.


It's those other changes causing any crashes or wrong setting for your rig.

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Using 1.7a with SSME  normal reading from Memory Blocks Log http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50471/?.  Default settings of SSME 512/256 seems to be more than enough so far, so will probably tweak downwards too 448 or 384 even.  Have also removed safetyload and showracemenu_precachekiller.  Pretty stable game so far. Tried using the skse.ini settings for the internal skse sheson patch, but it did not seem to make any difference in the log file.  SSME shows a good reading in the log though, so I'll stick with it until the SKSE patch shows to be functional in Memory Block Log, or some other log if anyone can show me what to look for.

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try doing -forcesteamloader on your skse shortcut



actually did crash on





but didnt crash on





ps +256 is annoying


Instead of using the what does and don't crash your system, try looking for a peak memory used in memory block log.  It should help you adjust your settings to your real requirement.  Checkout http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50471/? and see if that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
- fixed SetPlayerTintMaskColor alpha


This right here interests me.  I'm trying to set up a mod that introduces gradual (but perpetual) changes to certain tintmasks.  I discovered, to my chagrin, that the modifications to SetTintMaskColor require UpdateTintMaskColor to implement them, and this causes the entire tint (maybe every last tint, in fact) to be completely reloaded, resulting in performance chug.


Really all I was after was alpha control over two face overlays (RGBA textures) and went with replacing tintmasks.


Is the above function documented?  Does it give an in-game result right away or does it still require UpdateTintMaskColor() which reloads every tint?  Am I even asking the right person? ;p



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I've used skse for a while now then out of no where it stops working like 20 mins ago I was playing skyrim before then. Get back on my virus scanner removes it now I try to reinstall I get a (Error opening file for writing) I have to either (Abort Retry or Ignore). Even tried dropping the skse launcher into the folder then I get permission needed.




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I've used skse for a while now then out of no where it stops working like 20 mins ago I was playing skyrim before then. Get back on my virus scanner removes it now I try to reinstall I get a (Error opening file for writing) I have to either (Abort Retry or Ignore). Even tried dropping the skse launcher into the folder then I get permission needed.




never mind fixed issue

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Most of the numbers on this thread go over my head, but I installed the new SKSE (1.7) today and have noticed an immediate improvement in stability and gameplay. I have had only one CTD since upgrading (many hours of play). This would have seemed like a miracle yesterday. So far so good. 


Since writing the above I have had a couple more CTDs on load and also a weird black screen in game, but my game usually recovers from the latter. On balance, I still think that SKSE 1.7 gives more stability, but am curious to hear others' views.

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I use SSME for 2 weeks now and i play everyday np at all it workes perfectly solve my CTD sometimes and long laoding times i even had with safetyload, its all gone now.


I have a skyrim map of over 30gb my safes are 25mb i use all 4k textures my game is very heavy enhanched with high end graphics textures 170 mods installed, but NO PROBLEM becouse of SSME(sheson patch)

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When using SKSE 1.7.0 Sheson memory fix, don't forget to set DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB to "disired_value + 256".

Unlike all the previous patches, setting blocks to 512 and 256 in SKSE will actually result in 256 and 256 blocks.

Simply saying: if you want block 1 to be 512(as recommended), you should set DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768


Uriel, truly you are 'the sharpest-sighted Spirit of all in heaven'.


Thank you. That 768 has made a lot of difference to my game.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

what are other people using for their settings.


Im using


DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=3328 (3072+256)


Game runs really smooth.

And MCM's seem to install quickly.

only issue i have ever seen is when in race menu. (ECE at new game start or using "ring of change")

it takes a while (1-3 minutes usually, Never CTD though) when switching between genders only. i doubt the problem has anything to do with my ridiculous amount of hair and eyes because their respective menus move quickly with no loading or lag.

Also that lag is present between gender switch regardless of memory patch settings.

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When an application clearly says alpha, it means it's not yet stable.

It's stable.



For some, but not for everybody, and I'm seeing that some are reporting issues. Which is why I have to wait until it's finally an official stable release.

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So I put this....




DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB= <default heap initial allocation size in megabytes, vanilla size is 512>

ScrapHeapSizeMB= <scrap heap size in megabytes, vanilla size is 256>


....where exactly?


Sorry, but it's not mentioned at all on silverlock or I wouldn't be asking. :lol: I think it would be wise if they added it somewhere.

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