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Okay, I retested but this time I waited for about ~1 minute after loading game before I started my script, and your debugprints appeared.


This time it took a while longer before I got an error, my character had done multiple ZAZ boxed bitch anims in a row without trouble, then after a brief break I had regular sex, and I think the error happened at the end of it. (Meanwhilst the other 4 girls are passing around)


Makes for some interesting reading ;)


the first error I spot actually doesn't involve the player character. There's a case somewhere of Veronica being specified as an NCR trooper's cumtgtactor while she's probably not involved in the act. Things seem to slowly unravel from there.

You've certainly been putting spunk through its paces with this. For one thing, it seems I need even more accurate/extensive readouts than I already have to distinguish between several end hooks occurring at approximately the same time, and possibly some extra safety checks to make sure the act index is re-checked before removing an act from my tracked acts array, as another may've already been erased while the end hook was active. I'll also be adding a deepdump on trackedacts for every start/end/orgasm just to stay on top of things. We'll get there, eventually.


I've also followed one of the other discussions, where pride says to maybe wait a second after InUse has already greenlighted an actor for new use, and I think this'll also affect the reliability of spunk - the end hooks after all are still spells that need a few frames to get everything done, especially because atm they also need to idle a bit for the orgasm spells to do their thing. Including clearing some nx vars etc before new ones are set, so no matter how much I tighten up the handling, and I will, there's always going to be some room for error if end hooks don't get enough time to complete. We may need to look into some type of sexout-wide notification there.

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I'd like to avoid it becoming some defacto rule that you must wait after checking InUse, and am working on a solution to that. Not sure when it'll be ready, just letting you and Odessa know. It's a tricky issue. As I explained to Odessa though, it's not a new issue, it's always been this way. It's more likely to impact mods now since UDFs are synchronous while spells are async.

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Yeah, I kinda have to use spells there, just to stage my script sequences a bit and make sure there's no noticeable lag. And I have to keep my end hook idling a while if my orgasm stuff is running, otherwise some intel gets cleaned up that shouldn't yet.  I can certainly tighten up a few things, but not all without sexout itself intervening a little.

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@sleepy_soul: I don't use tokens. There is a setting to determine how long cum is tracked, not sperm - that's internal. Also, if this mod is to move forward, I can't bother to track down bugs in previous versions that may've already been fixed or replaced by new bugs. Please update. And if you have console spam, log it and post the log.


Sorry for the delay - log file attached. The 'Error in script 4f00c299' console spam occurs shortly after the game is loaded, and seems to persist throughout.


Ran with a short 5 minute session starting in Goodspring's General Store, then walking outside to Goodsprings to get assaulted via Sexout Assault stalkers.


Using SexoutNG BEta v2.6.8b2 framework, and experimental SCR v5.26.1.

Spunk Log.zip

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Sorry but that's not a spunk log - you trigger that through spunk's mcm menu.


All I can tell is that SmellCleanUp is in some kind of loop when it shouldn't be but how things get to that point is unclear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I'm seeing there is a failure to find a target actor and location for the spunk spurt being created for the Chuck guy, leading to the nvse error when trying to perform a function on this unknown target actor. That stuff's calculated at sex start, really, which isn't part of this log, but I imagine this may have something to do with an anim or combo of anims that isn't provided for in the part of the system detecting those details from the anim number, actors involved, and A/V/O. I'll eventually change that to a system looking it up in Sexout's internal act details array, but if this is a mix & match type job, that too won't really clear this sort of thing up.

Ehm, I see there's also quite a bit of masturbating going on. I'm not sure if I actually accounted for that in the orgasm spell, which may explain the missing target actor. 

There are also cases where one character is both ActorA and ActorB, or both ActorB and ActorC. Again, this will create problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still getting this debugging message issue in the old version, it seems to only happen outdoors in GoodSprings so far, but I'm trying to debug Pregnancy's interaction with Spunk but everytime I go outdoors in GoodSprings my console fills with Spam error messages and it seems I can't do any debugging outdoors with Spunk loaded :)


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I'm still getting this debugging message issue in the old version, it seems to only happen outdoors in GoodSprings so far, but I'm trying to debug Pregnancy's interaction with Spunk but everytime I go outdoors in GoodSprings my console fills with Spam error messages and it seems I can't do any debugging outdoors with Spunk loaded :)



Yeah, I'll be updating soonish. Spunk isn't up to date with the current NG beta atm ("start"/"started" vars), and some flaws have been fixed in the past month in the unpublished version I'm testing nowadays.

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Updated to 0.7


Spunk 0.7 has the foundation for a bunch of functionalities I wanted to get in from the get-go. I couldn't get them in before or update more frequently because everything's starting to hang together pretty tightly.

Note that Spunk 0.7 is the first version that requires a spunk-free clean save. I tried to avoid it as much as possible, but there was too much leftover crap in there, and it was time to clean house. For those unfamiliar with clean saves: load up a save without spunk in your LO, save, then load up that save with the new version of spunk.

In fact, you may want to try a super-clean save to get rid of some nx vars that'd otherwise get stuck: first load up with the earlier version, turn off all main functionalities in the 'general' mcm window, wait in-game until you're notified it's all off, save, exit, load up that save without spunk, save, exit, load up that save with new spunk. Things shouldn't completely break with just a regular clean save (this is required though), but those nx vars will only be recalculated as the functionalities are applied to those actors, who are no longer tracked so that may take some time to set itself right.

Don't say I didn't warn ya. Well, on to the main show.



I bring you: orgasms. Well, they were always in there, but now they're starting to matter!

- per-actor arousal tracking during an act, triggering orgasms at value 100


(for modders: EVFL "SO:Arousal", "SO:Arousal:Diff", "SO:Arousal:Mult")

- per-role count and xp tracking. Every actor will now have nx vars stuck on them telling us how many times they've been assfucked (count) or how good they are (xp) at licking. That shit matters. No readouts as yet though.

 (for modders: XP is tracked by the evfl "SO:XP:RoleString" - see other documentation on what those rolestrings can be - xp is handed out at start (+1) for each role the actor's engaged in, and also whenever an actor is involved in making another actor orgasm (variable value). Per-role count is eVFL "SO:Count:RoleString" and only ups by 1 for each role per act.



- tracking of number of orgasms during the current act (EVFL "Spunk:Act:TimesCum"), as well as total for the entire game (EVFL "SO:Orgasms")

- arousal gain is calculated using the per-role xp of the actor & the other actors involved; if you're less experienced than the person doing it to you, you'll get to orgasm quicker; and the other way around. Another factor is the arousal multiplier - you can set that differently for male and female in MCM, and I'm hoping to add some perks later on that'll let you manipulate that for the player permanently. Also affected by time passed in relation to how long the act's supposed to last etc.

- all spurts are now created on orgasm, so if you turn on arousal tracking, smells, shaders, cum & sperm tracking can kick off mid-act. If you don't turn arousal on, orgasms are handed out to all actors who are able to have one at the end of the act, as was the case up to now.

- with arousal tracking on, no specific duration set by the calling mod, and the act duration not set to 'fixed' (mcm), every orgasm triggers a check to see if the act should continue or not.

Hard checks include whether or not the orgasming actor is able or allowed to call it quits (eg no bound ZAZ actor), is more likely to call it quits (eg the dominant partner in a bound zaz act), whether it's just masturbation, and whether or not the act has gone on long enough (the duration spread variable that you can set in MCM marks a period of time to both sides of the sexout default time variable). If none of that applies, some more calculations go on that take into account the orgasming actor's age and endurance, disposition to their partner, times cum during the act, previous orgasm strength, xp for the role, times their partners came during the act, etc etc. Some of this may need some more tweaking - we'll see how it plays out.

- Orgasms have different strengths, and each come with buffs if you turn that on. Failure to be brought to orgasm (if the actor could've expected one) also comes with debuffs.

- For NPCs, you can also turn on an option to have orgasms or lack thereof affect some of their AI-related actor values, like confidence, aggression and energy. I'm not sure yet whether all of that actually works. Orgasms, lack thereof or rape also affect the 'mood' AI variable, for both NPCs and the player (happy, sad, angry etc). If this works as expected, it should still be pretty subtle.

- There's also an option to have orgasms or not affect disposition toward the actor who got you off or was supposed to. Note that disposition changes are permanent; there's no point in trying to track them to reverse them later on because they can be affected by a lot of other stuff too.

- What else... oh, right, the first perks are trickling in. 'Insatiable' increases the chance the 'continue or not' check opts to continue the act. 'Are you experienced' should translate any per-role xp gain into game xp gain (small values though). I like the idea of adding more perks as time goes on, apart from . A few nice icons for them would be very welcome. One thing I'd like to get in, aside from straight buffs & debuffs to arousal gain (similar to frigid v nympho) is using perks to select preferences for specific roles, and have those affect arousal gain etc too. And, ehm, well, I should probably look into an automated way of selecting preferences for NPCs too. The work, the work, the work.

- assorted fixes, tweaks, entire re-writes of whatever, and some updates to keep in pace with NG

As always, this is still a WIP. It's impossible for me to test for each and every situation that spunk may encounter, that's what bug reports are for. And as always, a bug report is only useful if it includes one of spunk's logs. Otherwise it just sets me on a wild goose chase.

Overview of new MCM options:
Under general, arousal tracking is now available, on by default.
Under arousal, we have:
- "fix act duration": spunk will not mess with the duration an act's supposed to have. It already doesn't if the calling mod used NG's "duration" var to set it anyway, but this is some extra safety in case you encounter problems with a specific quest mod or something.
- "arousal multiplier - female" and "arousal multiplier - male"; exactly what's on the tin. Because they're multipliers, "1" is the standard, neutral value.
- "post-sex buffs": use orgasm and frustration buff and debuff spells
- "post-sex ai buffs": toggle on the ai-related element of orgasm and frustration buff and debuff spells. If off, those would be SPECIAL buffs & debuffs only.
- "Avg post-sex buff duration": how long (in real mins) post-sex buffs and debuffs are supposed to last. This may still vary depending on orgasm strength.
- "Post-sex disposition factor": how much disposition is gained or lost from orgasm or frustration.
- "Arousal cooldown factor": how much arousal dissipates per second after sex
- "Act duration variation" : amount of seconds that spunk is allowed to vary from sexout's default time, making the act last longer or shorter. Max value is set to default time itself, so increase that if you think this setting's max value is too low.

On the whole, you shouldn't set sexout's default time to a very small value. Best results are expected if it's at least a minute.

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The only thing still in Lust that I'm not making plans for in Spunk is people approaching you based on their or your lust value. Perks'll get covered. Not sure about soulless sub though.

I may sneak in an auto-masturbation option in a later update of Spunk.

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Hmm, yeah the approach thing probably would be better handled by existing plugins if they are modded to watch the NX Lust variable.

Auto Masturbate possibly needs a 0-100 MCM slider for the chances of occurrence, and a separate slider for NPC's. The buffs should drive the players to Masturbate or intitiate sex somehow.

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So, I'm trying your mod (which sounds awesome btw) but I don't see any of the shaders and I get a lot of errors like these:

SpunkSpStartHook on Fiona, 00000014: stage 5

Error in script 52004725

Attempting to call a function on a NULL reference or base object
    File: SexoutSpunk.esp Offset: 0x04EE Command: Let

SpunkSpStartHookScpt:anim count fail



This is my load order:



JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
TTW - Fellout.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two Perks Per Level.esp
More Perks.esp
Better Tag Skills.esp
Supercharged Traits.esp
Sprint Mod.esp
Type3 Leather Armors.esp
NVT3Tattered Suits.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
TTW Perk Overhaul.esp

Total active plugins: 85
Total plugins: 85



It's the release version of sexout (not beta), version 2.6.3a of TTW (not sure if that matters). I use the type 3 body ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/4280/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34702/? (though to be honest I don't remember if it was the Cali or Berry version I installed).


Here's the log.


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Ah, yeah, spunk 0.7 needs NG 2.6.85.

What's going on there is that it can't find NG's spelltarget to retrieve some information from. It reads that from the "Sexout:Started::" nx vars that are fairly recent, older versions of NG don't have that.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't see any shaders no matter what i do. I'm officially at a loss. I'm usually not an idiot when modding my Games but i don't know what i'm doing wrong here. First i thought it might have something to do with my custom race so i started a completely new game with vanilla caucasian and jumped Doc Mitchell but nothing, no matter how often i fuck him or in what act, or no matter how high i set the options in Spunk, no shaders show up.


I feel like an Idiot because i usually fix things like that myself but i have no idea what's going wrong.



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