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SexoutNG - Stable Release '97

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Sidfu, open your console while the NPC in question is in your view.

Click on the NPC while in console and you should see a bunch of numbers and their name appear at the top of the screen.


Type inv (this will show you their inventory)


Using the codes that you can now see in the command list...


Type removeitem XXXXXXXX Y


(X is obviously the code for the item you want to be removed and Y is the amount of items the NPC possesses. Also only type the parts coloured red.)

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I recently reverse engineered some wsex packages that have gamblers randomly wander around the Gomorrah courtyard fucking Hookers. Works beautifully. The only problem is that sometimes leaving the area and returning will cause issues. There are far too many sex acts going on and at different times to be able to exit when nothing at all is happening.


The 'fix' I came up with was to create a conditional greeting. It only starts if the npc you are currently approaching has one of sexouts undress tokens in their inventory. The actual dialogue doesn't matter as you don't even see it, however the embedded script contains the two lines 'RemoveAllItems' and 'Resurrect'. Ingame this actually works better than I had intended, you point at the npc, they flash briefly and resume their normal routine.


(Now obviously this 'could' potentially cause some issues if the faulty NPC you are aiming at is carrying stuff you don't want to be 'vanished' from the game. But for generic *fucktoys* it works like a charm. It also has the added bonus of letting you force interrupt NPC that are in the act of banging each other, you know if you get bored waiting for your turn)

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Removing items that way with sexout is 'dangerous'. NX settings are going to get left in undetermined states, cleanup scripts/stages are unlikely to run, etc. I realize you said wsex, but if attempting something like that with sexout, you'll just want to use the SexoutNGFinishNow spell.


I've contemplated using the scanner to just clear everything in a new cell whenever it's loaded, but haven't tried it yet.

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Clearing a cell when loaded would be awesome. That is what I wanted to do actually reset a cell on load, couldn't figure out it's done though so I settled on that method instead.


What does the sexoutNGFinishNow spell do? Because the reason I needed to do this was to get NPC's that had been stopped mid sex but not actually doing anything at all now, to restart their schedules/packages etc.

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I have been getting an odd error.  NG is looking for NVSE Extender V11 but I have V12 installed.  NG is seeing it as Version 0 and now all the animations just skip and Y for masturbation does nothing.  Anyone still have V11 around or can NG get updated to recognize V12?

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is there anyway to turn off the auto zoom out camera? would like to see the sex using http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55334/?

also are u gonan add a item or something say like  a debug gun we can use ingame to force remove sexout tokens that get stuck on npc? cause for me console removing the tokens dont always unbug the npc. it seems to be the same 3 tokens getting stuck which are the endsex and the remove clothes token. the sex start token will get stuck at times when u try to start sex if they have the endsex token sometimes.

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also are u gonan add a item or something say like  a debug gun we can use ingame to force remove sexout tokens that get stuck on npc? cause for me console removing the tokens dont always unbug the npc. it seems to be the same 3 tokens getting stuck which are the endsex and the remove clothes token. the sex start token will get stuck at times when u try to start sex if they have the endsex token sometimes.


If you check 5 posts up, Prideslayer explains how to fix it. I believe the ID for the spell is printed to console on game start.

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Greetings. I am new to all of this so forgive me if I ask for too much, but, I wish for compatibility with FNV Sexual Innuendo. The reason for this is because it allows sex with companions, even non New Vegas ones. There is a darker reasoning behind this involving the Nekomimi Project and Sisterly love, which is all I will explain of that. You can find Sexual Innuendo and it's two companion/ recommended mods on Nexus mods, which are named: FNV Sexual Innuendo, Humping the Mojave - FNV Sexual Innuendo Expansion, and Sexual Innuendo and Humping the Mojave - Alignment Fix. I would post links directly to these mods, but apparently I can't, so...

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Thanks nyaallich. I should've probably read more closely on the FAQ as well. Silly me. And I tried posting links with the chainlink, and it told me I wasn't allowed to yet. I'm guessing I have to be higher rank than Junior in order to post links, but all's well that ends well.

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Well this is odd....just installed the most recent versions of SexoutNG and the common resources but when I initiate a scene with a npc they both kinda phase into each other and just stand there.  Though for some reason the animations for animals are fine, but my character is just phased into them while they do their animation.  Help?


Hope you don't mine me stepping in to try to help Pride, :unsure:


Updated the NVSE version.  Not sure if that is the issue but unless Pride states otherwise it is worth a try and won't hurt anything. Remember to use the 4.2b4 version. It isn't necessary as the older version will work for Sexout itself. However I have heard that some of the mods are going to use the newer 4.2b4 version. While you are at it updated the NVSE Extender to the NVSE Extender 12. Again not needed for Sexout but other mods might use some of the resources provided by these. (Hence the comment or newer). Also I believe the Extender 12 is only compatible with 4.2b4


Chances are if you have all the above installed correctly ( all the Sexout requirements) and updated. The issue you are having isn't with SexoutNG it is with some other mod causing this animation problem as in your post you state the creatures work properly. Might be another mod that is interfering with the human animations.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking at "SexoutNGRandomizeScript" to modify the random picker, and I noticed that the algorithm for all ranges is:


set Anim to Min + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (Max - Min))



set Anim to 201 + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (203 - 201))





scn SexoutNGRandomizeScript
int anim
  elseif (1 == isOral)

          if bActorAmale

            ; B blows A 201-220, 301-320, 401-420, 501-520

            ; 201, 202, 203, 401, 402

            if rndValA < 80

              set Anim to 201 + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (203 - 201))


              set Anim to 401 + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (402 - 401))





This means that there is only a 1% chance to get the upper bound of any range: (GetRandomPercent=99 / 99) == 1


I presume this is a mistake. The max value in the ranges refers to a valid animation in all human cases (I didn't check creatures).


Using NVSE, one could instead use: Rand Min (Max + 1)


(Note: I am using the current beta, but posted here because I presumed this wasn't introduced by it)

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I was looking at "SexoutNGRandomizeScript" to modify the random picker, and I noticed that the algorithm for all ranges is:


set Anim to Min + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (Max - Min))



set Anim to 201 + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (203 - 201))





scn SexoutNGRandomizeScript
int anim
  elseif (1 == isOral)

          if bActorAmale

            ; B blows A 201-220, 301-320, 401-420, 501-520

            ; 201, 202, 203, 401, 402

            if rndValA < 80

              set Anim to 201 + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (203 - 201))


              set Anim to 401 + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (402 - 401))




This means that there is only a 1% chance to get the upper bound of any range: (GetRandomPercent=99 / 99) == 1


I presume this is a mistake. The max value in the ranges refers to a valid animation in all human cases (I didn't check creatures).


Using NVSE, one could instead use: Rand Min (Max + 1)


(Note: I am using the current beta, but posted here because I presumed this wasn't introduced by it)


That shouldn't actually be what's happening. This:

            ; B blows A 201-220, 301-320, 401-420, 501-520
            ; 201, 202, 203, 401, 402
            if rndValA < 80
              set Anim to 201 + ((GetRandomPercent / 99) * (203 - 201))
Will lead to this from say values 0..5 for GetRandomPercent


set Anim to 201 + ((0 / 99) * 2) == 201 + (0.00 * 2) == 201.00 == (rounded) 201

set Anim to 201 + ((1 / 99) * 2) == 201 + (0.01 * 2) == 201.02 == (rounded) 201

set Anim to 201 + ((2 / 99) * 2) == 201 + (0.02 * 2) == 201.04 == (rounded) 201

set Anim to 201 + ((3 / 99) * 2) == 201 + (0.03 * 2) == 201.06 == (rounded) 201

set Anim to 201 + ((4 / 99) * 2) == 201 + (0.04 * 2) == 201.08 == (rounded) 201

set Anim to 201 + ((5 / 99) * 2) == 201 + (0.05 * 2) == 201.10 == (rounded) 201




Is that not what's happening?


edit: fixed math.

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