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Massively votes TESO be biggest FLOP!


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Grim, see what I meant earlier by saying that even if TES does become or is currently a really good game, people will forever label it as bad due to the initial bad critiques?


Very hard to shake off bad publicity of any sort when it comes to games at least. ._.



You only get one chance to impress your potential customers during the BETA/Launch in this genre, some will even remain passive until launch to the end of the free month to see if certain aspects of the game get either fixed or improved upon. BUT, if not then you start seeing the mass exodus of players happen. Will the bugs in ESO evenutally get fixed? I would hope so, but there are some game companies just could not figure out what was causing the bugs and would try to swipe it under the rug (Looking at you Funcom).


One question comes to mind about us players when figuring out whether to buy a MMO or not seems to be on false pretense, when the hell did it become 'ok'

 to let these companies release buggy MMO games especially when they are charging additional fees on top of it? Really its mind boggling to me that there are people here and other forums that would be so gullible and to actually think that the said company is looking out for them as a player? REALLY?




Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and am not condemning any single particular person for this post. This is my personal honest opinion about this game, Feel free to continue reading if you wish. ***snipped



That's all fine and dandy, but again why make excuses for the shortcomings of a game company releasing a MMO out onto the market AND is charging additional 15$ just to play while they try to fix and add more content in to make the game better and actually should of released in initially. This isn't a one time incident either, many companies try to 'milk' as much money from gullible players as they possible can, hell you all heard of these 'Founder Lifetime Packs', pay all that money up front. To me that just means that said company does not have much confidence in their product to succeed.


The longer us players are willing to make excuses for these companies, the more of this same shaddy business practices will continue so in that I would ask please for the love of all that is right do not be tempted and cave into your impulses to make irrational decisions. All of you by now know these companies show you what they want you to see but they will of course never show you all the unfinished areas in the game and it will be to late when you do finally stumble upon it because you would have already handed over your money.


Be smart people, the MMO genre will remain stagnant and as long as us players fall for their cheap tricks the trend will continue.

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Many people are dumb.... COD fanbase is an example....Pay overpriced creap from some single player maps and shot online in some maps..... To me when you spend 60 dollars for a corridor shooter that don't change nothing between sequel you are just stupid...


If more Angry People trow shit on games when those are bad done maybe the dev focus to return to make decent games....no more no less..


I hope it fails honestly? why? because make mistakes help to learn and improve....



Generalizing and calling an entire playerbase stupid just because they like to play a game that you don't like? That's what smart people do. Except not.


Well is smart pay more than 60 bucks for a game that consist only in the 12 small maps changed and some new weapon?... ok....*shrugs* Is because of people like that that today we have games with a shiny graphic but a complete lack of depth....and this is sadly not an opinion *sigh*


And not considering the DLC......


Yes you are right... is wrong call them dumb...better refer to them as monkeys..

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Well is smart pay more than 60 bucks for a game that consist only in the 12 small maps changed and some new weapon?... ok....*shrugs* Is because of people like that that today we have games with a shiny graphic but a complete lack of depth....and this is sadly not an opinion *sigh*


And not considering the DLC......


Yes you are right... is wrong call them dumb...better refer to them as monkeys..



Multiplayer games don't need many maps to be good. MOBA games mostly only have 1 map and many, many people play them. A multiplayer game has a different depth to it than your typical RPG. People play games for different reasons. Some play it just to have some fun, others want to compete against other players, there are people who enjoy a good story more than anything etc.



There are games for every kind of taste out there. Calling people stupid or monkeys because they play games for obviously different reasons than you do is completely delusional, sorry. You want the entire video game industry to cater to your wishes and demands, otherwise they are greedy assholes and the consumers of their products stupid monkeys. You realize how this sounds?

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COD is a scam.... now people are beginning to wake up....but trust me when i say i have many friend that was COD fanatics and in the end they blame theirself to be fallen in a so obvious trap....


Puchase at full price a game poor of content and short is never a good idea and if you think they add  a lot of dlc about it dosn't help... Now call me childish but for me is not smart at all spend 60 dollars every year to get a short corridor shoter game with minor changes and also puchase all the dlc you will hand to have spent a lot of money every year...and for what in the end?...There are a lot of better shooter multiplayer game around.. with more content also...


Mobas are free....is not the same thing....


Now again call me childish...But if someone think i am childish to think is dumb falling in a marketing tactic like that...if the same people that accused me then will end to cry like MANY DO!


"but.. this game is not improved at all...there is lack of innovation....is the same thing over and over again...."


i will gladly slap your face :)


Sorry but is cause those kind of people that now we have dumbed down streamlined crap that comes out with fancy trailer all cinematics and stuff and then are bad game poor of content and with the huge lack of depht.....


And if those sort of person continue over and over again to puchase this bad crap to complain after they will never end with strip down element from game and rpg...or make bad rushed title as a long the same smart person are ready to waste dollar in a blind fanboys because they don't even care to have a game.. they want to have a BRAND... is like fashion no more no less....



So yes.. i call them stupid...


this video is a parody but explain so well that kind of people... now tell me again to don't call them stupid?...


EA is well know to do this things....Zenimax is stepping in the same road..

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COD is a scam.... now people are beginning to wake up....but trust me when i say i have many friend that was COD fanatics and in the end they blame theirself to be fallen in a so obvious trap....


Puchase at full price a game poor of content and short is never a good idea and if you think they add  a lot of dlc about it dosn't help... Now call me childish but for me is not smart at all spend 60 dollars every year to get a short corridor shoter game with minor changes and also puchase all the dlc you will hand to have spent a lot of money every year...and for what in the end?...There are a lot of better shooter multiplayer game around.. with more content also...


Mobas are free....is not the same thing....


Now again call me childish...But if someone think i am childish to think is dumb falling in a marketing tactic like that...if the same people that accused me then will end to cry like MANY DO!


"but.. this game is not improved at all...there is lack of innovation....is the same thing over and over again...."


i will gladly slap your face :)


Sorry but is cause those kind of people that now we have dumbed down streamlined crap that comes out with fancy trailer all cinematics and stuff and then are bad game poor of content and with the huge lack of depht.....


And if those sort of person continue over and over again to puchase this bad crap to complain after they will never end with strip down element from game and rpg...or make bad rushed title as a long the same smart person are ready to waste dollar in a blind fanboys because they don't even care to have a game.. they want to have a BRAND... is like fashion no more no less....



So yes.. i call them stupid...



It would only be a scam if people wouldn't know what they buy when they buy Call of Duty. But they do. When you get Call of Duty you know what you are paying for. People buy it every year because they want more, just like you would buy a game like Morrowind every year. Humans are like that, they know what they enjoy and they want more of the same thing because they know they will enjoy it. Innovation always bears the risk of not enough people liking what you do so companies - companies want to make money, that's nothing new and it isn't inherently wrong - rely on what was successful in the past. Chances are people will like it again. Until they become oversaturated, of course. This may or may not happen with Call of Duty, but it hasn't to do with people realizing they were scammed or something like that. It's simply because they've had too much of the same thing and will move on.


MOBAs are free yes but this wasn't my point. My point was that even a game with one single map can be a good game so your point about 12 maps being not enough is essentially moot because the number or size of the available maps does not imply anything about how good or bad the game / content is.


In the end, it all boils down that you're angry because the market does not cater to your needs and nothing else. That is, by all means, understandable but don't try to glorify that by fantasizing about the oh so stupid sheep and your superior knowledge about the ultimate truth.

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Your last statement was not so accurate... is true the market don't care but its also true that kickstarter help the devs willing to make true RPG..Is not a question of being superior or inferior....When i play a RPG i expect to play an RPG not a dumbed down idiotic interactive movie... You can promise me banana and then give me kiwi... It's just unfair and idiotic...


Like is idiotic develop RPG for people that dislikes RPG.... I don't care what the market think since people are ready to voice their complain and make the difference even if there are a lot of blind fanboys around ready to shallow garbage just because at the brand...



After dragon age 2 bioware reputation fallen down the hill...Mass effect 3 and SWTOR fails almost did them a finishing blow.. Why do you think they are now basically begging to hope to have their old fanbase back?...


Is just a matter of Quality.. over Quantity... I prefer 200 times have 2 nice Apples than 100 Rancid ones..


Is also the reason why we have labeled kind of games.. RPG,Shooter;Action RPG,Action,Adventure,Puzzle,Real time stragery and i can go on....


And also Zenimax reputation is going down to the hill...Don't understimate this factor...By this very reason EA lost a LOT of money recently...So we are not a minority like you claim.... But a vast group of person that have reasonable expectation by a title..... I think TESO will go Free to play soon...You will see..


Of course.. the people willing to spend a lot of money for streamlined poor of content crap and pay so much money for it in my eyes is dumb... Because in fact it is....


Reused assets...Poor maded game filled with glitch...No costumer support at all... Or even simply release a title of a brand that dosn't even is a game of that brand....


Or do you think TESO is a TES?......


It have the name... but is not a TES...

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Open World? Sorry...


I've seen Let's Plays that went beyond the Beta, and the world was not open. Open would mean you can walk from High Rock to Black Marsh, from Morrowind to the Summerset Isles and experience the whole landscape in between. What you get in TESO are slices of the lands. Of course within these slices, you can walk around freely. But all that ends even when you want to dive for example, which you cannot do. Again, no open world.


Before its launch, TESO was said to have all of Tamriel accessible to the player which is nothing but a blatant PR lie.


All other aspects were mentioned, but I have something to say about opinions in a discussion and about the strange notion that an opinion would be invalid by its very nature - mostly because someone claims to have access to an objective view on things: Face it folks, there's no objectivity in anything. Objectivity is the erroneuous belief that observations can be made without an observer. We have not only eyes but a brain behind them (biologically seen the eyes even are an extension of the brain), and that brain interpretes and judges right at the very moment we perceive something. Anything.


When we talk, we exchange not only messages (on various levels - text, facial expression which is lacking online, tone etc.) but also parts of our socialisation, our connotations of anything we ever experienced, our cultural imprints and whatnot. Short: We exchange ourselves as a co-message (and often this co-message is dominant, which the recipient cannot know which again starts a fight of sorts). No one has access to objectivity, unless he is some kind of Ubermensch.

Yeah good points. Consensus is a slippery eel too. Most of us give it plenty of weight all the time we're happily swimming with the tide,  but when we find ourselves against it consensus is often rendered a weak and feeble thing - we have nice pejoratives like  'sheeple' for that sort of thing. 


The thing about MMOs, especially these days,  is that by their nature they survive or die by to consensus. If enough people say a modern  MMO is a failure because it's not good enough to justify the subs, it will invariably carry the taint pretty much for the remainder of whatever constitutes it's life cycle, doesn't seem to matter if it embraces a cash shop and opens it's doors down the line, more often than not there's still the taint of failure nibbling at the edge of your perception of it.


Zenimax have got much bigger problems than just retention or getting over some major bugs from what I can see, they're going to have to figure a way to lose that awful price gouging rep. If they're not careful they might find themselves unable to even give the damned thing away. I mean, can you imagine what a cash shop would be like in their hands? Gives me the shivers just to think of it. 

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Also talking about "Innovation!"


Is always awesome how PR made a campaign to justify cut contents in the game and Stripping RP elements from RPG...where i hear that? oh yes.....BIoware....


"People that dislike dragon age 2 are people that afraid to change" bioware staff defending dragon age 2..


"Ah people that complain on our game are just 4 chan trolls" Bioware staff defending dragon age 2


Innovation should be change thing for the better but is a fact how some ip became just streamlined stupid crap.....




Innovation?..... is like from human become a monkey and call it evolution.....

But the sad part is how some people defend this mess using the same phrases taken from the random PR guy used to damage control.....


Now how is inherent to TESO?....

Look at what they did with the IP....

Now i want ear you call this mess EVOLUTION

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For me - ESO is pretty much a mediocre MMO and a mediocre ES game.


It's been a long time since I've been grapped by a MMO - but that's because after having played quite a lot of them; the ones that dare to try something actually new do it with low quality or silly decisions and the ones who try to thread the safe route do it by being ultra safe and therefore boring because they go up in an established market against established competitors.

ESO does the latter and while there are minor invoations in regards of the class system - the pure nature of cookie cutter set ups will make the class system rather limited and dull for many players. Sure you can play your spell caster with a 2h sword and spec health all the way - but to be honest - people will go for the synergy between class and abilities (at least those who want to be effective in end-game) and end up as traditional classes  with a very limited skill set.

I like the crafting and the PvP has potential - but the rest feels too safe and too similar to the other MMOs of the same type to warrant much attention unless you're not affiliated with existing MMOs and are dying to play a new one.


And it has nothing to do with the hater/fanboi battles that always trail MMOs - there were doomsayers at WoW launch as there were 'this game will never go F2P' people in Rift, SWTOR etc.

The market will tell eventually but I fail to see much of an actual foundation for a subscription based ESO for years to come. (Especially when we know there'll come another Elder Scroll single player game).

How the F2P model will be for ESO - well; that is IMO the biggest question regarding it's future. LOTR:O model or the GW2 model?

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Zenimax have got much bigger problems than just retention or getting over some major bugs from what I can see, they're going to have to figure a way to lose that awful price gouging rep. If they're not careful they might find themselves unable to even give the damned thing away. I mean, can you imagine what a cash shop would be like in their hands? Gives me the shivers just to think of it. 


It already has a cash shop.


There's not much in it at the moment, only the abillity for owners of the standard edition to upgrade to the Imperial Edition, or buy just the horse that comes with the Imperial Edition (guess that's why horses are so expensive to buy with in-game currency).


But that's going to change, nobody quite knows what will get added, the only thing that has been said is "items, services and fun stuff", and hell only knows if any of those things could be unlocked by playing rather than paying (the "services" certainly won't be though).


So yeah, there's a cash shop, and that means Zenimax is not just double dipping, not just tripple dipping, but quadruple dipping.


1 Game must be purchased.

2 Day-0 DLC must be purchased to have the full game.

3 There's a sub fee.

4 There's a cash-shop.



Not only is that a shamefur dispray of greed, which would be bad enough, but it tells me something even worse: I don't think Zenimax has any faith in the product. When a company is this desperate to grab the money upfront, it's usually because they expect the bubble to burst.

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Also talking about "Innovation!"


Is always awesome how PR made a campaign to justify cut contents in the game and Stripping RP elements from RPG...where i hear that? oh yes.....BIoware....


"People that dislike dragon age 2 are people that afraid to change" bioware staff defending dragon age 2..


"Ah people that complain on our game are just 4 chan trolls" Bioware staff defending dragon age 2


Innovation should be change thing for the better but is a fact how some ip became just streamlined stupid crap.....




Innovation?..... is like from human become a monkey and call it evolution.....

But the sad part is how some people defend this mess using the same phrases taken from the random PR guy used to damage control.....


Now how is inherent to TESO?....

Look at what they did with the IP....

Now i want ear you call this mess EVOLUTION

>Posts a picture of Planescape:Torment

>claims RPGs were like that in the past


Lel. No, they were not. Planescape:Torment was one of a kind, a gem - for some. Yet there is no denying that this game had it's fair share of flaws, mainly the player doing more reading than actually playing the game. I don't mind to read, but if I really want to read, I'll grab a book and not a game. Just like when you watch a movie, there are certain conditions you expect a move to fulfill. Reading a lot is not one of them.

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There's not much in it at the moment, only the abillity for owners of the standard edition to upgrade to the Imperial Edition, or buy just the horse that comes with the Imperial Edition (guess that's why horses are so expensive to buy with in-game currency).




Except they're not. You get your mount in ESO way faster than in most other MMORPGs.

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Also talking about "Innovation!"


Is always awesome how PR made a campaign to justify cut contents in the game and Stripping RP elements from RPG...where i hear that? oh yes.....BIoware....


"People that dislike dragon age 2 are people that afraid to change" bioware staff defending dragon age 2..


"Ah people that complain on our game are just 4 chan trolls" Bioware staff defending dragon age 2


Innovation should be change thing for the better but is a fact how some ip became just streamlined stupid crap.....




Innovation?..... is like from human become a monkey and call it evolution.....

But the sad part is how some people defend this mess using the same phrases taken from the random PR guy used to damage control.....


Now how is inherent to TESO?....

Look at what they did with the IP....

Now i want ear you call this mess EVOLUTION

>Posts a picture of Planescape:Torment

>claims RPGs were like that in the past


Lel. No, they were not. Planescape:Torment was one of a kind, a gem - for some. Yet there is no denying that this game had it's fair share of flaws, mainly the player doing more reading than actually playing the game. I don't mind to read, but if I really want to read, I'll grab a book and not a game. Just like when you watch a movie, there are certain conditions you expect a move to fulfill. Reading a lot is not one of them.


Then you dislike rpg..... Also in morrowind you have to read LIKE A LOT....this is the distinctive feature of rpg that are all about lores and narration..

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Then you dislike rpg..... Also in morrowind you have to read LIKE A LOT....this is the distinctive feature of rpg that are all about lores and narration..



Would you like to watch a movie where you have to read all the time? I am not saying I don't like to read, just that games are not the right medium for that. A videogame has certain advantages over a movie or a book, the most important being the interactivity. If a game is all about story and no gameplay it shouldn't have been a game in the first place, a book or a movie is a much better choice for that.

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Then you dislike rpg..... Also in morrowind you have to read LIKE A LOT....this is the distinctive feature of rpg that are all about lores and narration..



Would you like to watch a movie where you have to read all the time? I am not saying I don't like to read, just that games are not the right medium for that. A videogame has certain advantages over a movie or a book, the most important being the interactivity. If a game is all about story and no gameplay it shouldn't have been a game in the first place, a book or a movie is a much better choice for that.


And this statement proof my point... Rpg are not supposed to be Just videogames...


Lore and storytelling are the primary things in a RPG games that focus more in interactivity and gameplay are Action game...Not rpg....



Some people claim but its just a game! I want quote something wrote in another forum


"I never understood this argument.  It's not even an argument!  What if Tolkien decided, "It's only a children's book.  It doesn't need fully functional languages, or fleshed out anthologies and histories, or geological consistencies."  Don't you see?  That's what gives his universe depth!  It's what makes up the rich tapestry of good fiction!  That sort of commitment to depth in storytelling should be our goal, here.  There is art in the science."




And of course there are other example of rpg rich of narrative and lores....


Baldur's gate saga

Icewind dale saga..


Even the witcher that focus mainly on action have solid lores benhind...((is based on a series of book after all)


Also check about this on the whole tes online cyrodil is not a jungle! XDpost-192502-0-16900000-1398515403_thumb.jpg

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Would you like to watch a movie where you have to read all the time?


Yes! They are called 'Foreign language films with subtitles' and are often much more enjoyable than bad dubbing.


I've been keeping out of this discussion as my opinions on this whole genre of game probably isn't relevant but I can't let this pass.


Sorry, but I have a deeply ingrained suspicion of anyone who 'doesn't like to read' and suspect I have no common point of reference with them.


If this type of game is for the 'non-readers', to me it says it all.

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Actually there is quite a bit of reading in this, when talking to quest givers there's spoken dialogue and then also a next to them that contains all the dialogue they're speaking.  There's also plenty of books on shelves (one per shelf, but there are quite a number of shelves in this game) and also lore books just lieing around in the world.  Gotta becareful if reading in a hostile area though, otherwise you might get stabbed in the ass.

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Then you dislike rpg..... Also in morrowind you have to read LIKE A LOT....this is the distinctive feature of rpg that are all about lores and narration..



Would you like to watch a movie where you have to read all the time? I am not saying I don't like to read, just that games are not the right medium for that. A videogame has certain advantages over a movie or a book, the most important being the interactivity. If a game is all about story and no gameplay it shouldn't have been a game in the first place, a book or a movie is a much better choice for that.



Well, I only read this thread now and then for my own amusement and I really don't want to get into heavy arguing but...really? Of course different people -> different tastes and opinions but for me, an RPG should ALWAYS concern itself first with the world, story, lore and characters of the game, and only then things like gameplay. Yes, I know some will rain down hell onto me for this, because surely a game without gameplay isn't a game.


But my opinion stands: In an RPG I can really overlook bad gameplay-design more easily than if the story is rubbish, the NPCs bland, the world and its lore empty and non-existing. I don't consider myself a "hardcore"-RPG-Gamer though, as I haven't played RPGs prior to Baldurs Gate and I still kinda like the new generations like Dragon Age 2 (which gets lots of hate for the wrong reasons by mostly self-proclaimed elitists^^ again my opinion only). Of course part of the reason why I think DA2 quite a good game is that is was set in the world of Thedas, whcih had some great lore established in Dragon Age Origins. The same for the Elder Scrolls, I sometimes spent some gaming-hours simply reading the lore-books in Morrowind, which made me a fan of the world til this very day...


A game without gameplay might not be a game at all, okay, fair point. But an RPG without a good story and everything else is ... just an empty shell without any worth... my 2 cents, keep on bickering :lol:


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Actually there is quite a bit of reading in this, when talking to quest givers there's spoken dialogue and then also a next to them that contains all the dialogue they're speaking.  There's also plenty of books on shelves (one per shelf, but there are quite a number of shelves in this game) and also lore books just lieing around in the world.  Gotta becareful if reading in a hostile area though, otherwise you might get stabbed in the ass.


funny, that ass-stabbing actually happened to me last night. damn bandits.

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" I still kinda like the new generations like Dragon Age 2"


Self explanatory ..... I am not telling RPG don't need gameplay... But gameplay in RPG should work to enhance the roleplay.... If a RPG get streamlined because favour more the gameplay it lose RPG Elements that is the case of dragon age 2... Dragon age 2 focus only in the gameplay and totally rape and rip off roleplay elements from the first title....In the end is bland and have a huge lack of depth.. Is not about being elitist but about preserve a genre of games..... When i buy an rpg i want to play an rpg not a stramlined piece of garbage....


But i imagine for the new generation of player ready to waste 69 bucks in sequel shot with recycled asset is hard to understand


And we are not Elitist we just want keep RPG..RPG

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" I still kinda like the new generations like Dragon Age 2"


Self explanatory ..... I am not telling RPG don't need gameplay... But gameplay in RPG should work to enhance the roleplay.... If a RPG get streamlined because favour more the gameplay it lose RPG Elements that is the case of dragon age 2... Dragon age 2 focus only in the gameplay and totally rape and rip off roleplay elements from the first title....In the end is bland and have a huge lack of depth.. Is not about being elitist but about preserve a genre of games..... When i buy an rpg i want to play an rpg not a stramlined piece of garbage....


But i imagine for the new generation of player ready to waste 69 bucks in sequel shot with recycled asset is hard to understand


now you are acting like those assholes from No Mutants Allowed

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" I still kinda like the new generations like Dragon Age 2"


Self explanatory ..... I am not telling RPG don't need gameplay... But gameplay in RPG should work to enhance the roleplay.... If a RPG get streamlined because favour more the gameplay it lose RPG Elements that is the case of dragon age 2... Dragon age 2 focus only in the gameplay and totally rape and rip off roleplay elements from the first title....In the end is bland and have a huge lack of depth.. Is not about being elitist but about preserve a genre of games..... When i buy an rpg i want to play an rpg not a stramlined piece of garbage....


But i imagine for the new generation of player ready to waste 69 bucks in sequel shot with recycled asset is hard to understand


now you are acting like those assholes from No Mutants Allowed

Yes of course because call Elitist who want RPG stays RPG is good manners right? No right is just another PR insult labeled toward a community that wants keep RPG... RPG and used also by people that don't understand there is nothing elitist but only the will to keep and preserve a genre... i was not offending her by the way.. What i basically mean is this...It is pointless make rpg for people that dislike rpg...that's why dragon age 2 failed....Is self explanatory because there are people more and less interested in rpg.. But who loves RPG have certain expectation that game like DA2 or TESO don't give..

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