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Massively votes TESO be biggest FLOP!


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Why changing a scheme if it works? After that scripted Skyrim trailer was released every manchild in the world started to beat his cock, the same is true for the new DA3 trailer. EP1C, AKSHUN, WHEN YOU PUSH A BUTTON SOMETHING AWESOME HAS TO HAPPEN, YOU'RE THE ONLY WHO CAN DO IT, DORITOS, MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!1111


I have some faith in my countrymen from CDPR, but I'm much more interested in CP2077 than in TW3. Also, there's Obsidian.


Same here.. at least someone is still willing to make roleplay games for roleplayers...

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I dunno if it's an oversight or just laziness, all I'm saying is it shouldn't be there.


Some Dunmers having yellow eyes and some not due to being poor copies sounds like a poor explanation for the sake of explanation (is it official, btw?).


To me lore is like evolution: it can progress but not backtrack; once established can be developed further but not backward.



Like, dunno, a vampire dunmer having glowing yellow eyes instead of the usual red ones? Never saw someone complaining about that.

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Vampire are different in every province... Vampire in morrowind belongs to multiple clans with different tracts and powers.... Vampire in skyrim are mostly clanless aside Volkinar vampires.... Even vampire in cyrodill are clanless.


Since vampirism is a curse per se.... Is normal if a creature get changed after turning in vampire.... They are undead after all...There is no reason to complain theyr eyes changing colors....

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Like, dunno, a vampire dunmer having glowing yellow eyes instead of the usual red ones? Never saw someone complaining about that.





That's nice and all, but you know that you play a soul shriven in ESO? That basically means: You get sacrificed, your corpse staying on Nirn and most likely bein resurrected as an undead to fight in Mannimarcos army and your soul is claimed by Molag Bal. You neither have a body nor a soul. The thing you are is something created by Molag Bal, a copy. Your new body obeys the daedric laws, meaning you can't die and simply reform.


That beats being a vampire, I think.


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That don't explain why even merchants dunmer have silver gold or pink eyes... some also green..


Like I already said several times, the Dunmer NPCs I have seen in the game all have red or red-ish eyes. I won't say that there isn't a single Dunmer NPC with another eye color than red but if I think about how much effort they put into giving so many Dunmer the correct eye color I can't help but think that this is an oversight on their part, but not intentional.

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That's nice and all, but you know that you play a soul shriven in ESO? That basically means: You get sacrificed, your corpse staying on Nirn and most likely bein resurrected as an undead to fight in Mannimarcos army and your soul is claimed by Molag Bal. You neither have a body nor a soul. The thing you are is something created by Molag Bal, a copy. Your new body obeys the daedric laws, meaning you can't die and simply reform.

You're just being silly right now.


It's been said already that vampirism is a curse, a curse that changes you into a fucking vampire. So yeah, of course your appearance is altered accordingly! You also transform into a werewolf after getting infected with Lycanthropy and guess what, nobody's complaining about that either!


The whole Molag Bal thing is a straw man that some random dude came up with offhand and you're repeating it like some revelation. How is that supposed to explain the same changes on some random NPCs? I bet it's part of some bigger picture and Zenimax totally gave it thought.

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Quote from the ESO wiki

"Dark Elves (Dunmer) in The Elder Scrolls Online are capable of having white eyes, despite Azura's curse which turned their eyes red like "fire"." if the game maker whats to change things then take it up with them.

if your seeing "pink" or any other shade of red then maybe it is your video card.

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You're just being silly right now.


It's been said already that vampirism is a curse, a curse that changes you into a fucking vampire. So yeah, of course your appearance is altered accordingly! You also transform into a werewolf after getting infected with Lycanthropy and guess what, nobody's complaining about that either!


The whole Molag Bal thing is a straw man that some random dude came up with offhand and you're repeating it like some revelation. How is that supposed to explain the same changes on some random NPCs? I bet it's part of some bigger picture and Zenimax totally gave it thought.



I haven't seen a dunmer NPC without red eyes yet. There may be some, but keep in mind that there are many more NPCs than there are in any other Elder Scrolls game. Mistakes happen and you can tell that they wanted to give every dunmer the right appearance, otherwise there wouldn't be so many dunmer with red eyes. If they just didn't care, they wouldn't have tried and you would see many more dunmer with different eye colors.


By the way, the whole lore of the elder scrolls universe is made up by random dudes who like pulling things out of nowhere. The soul shriven are part of the new lore but blend in perfectly with the rest of the games.



What the soul shriven are.



What happens to daedra when they "die".

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Oh, so it's surely an oversight, it HAS to be, because Zenimax CARES! I'm so sure about it.





By the way, the whole lore of the elder scrolls universe is made up by random dudes who like pulling things out of nowhere.

Wat? Please elaborate what do you mean by random dudes.

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The random dude is correct about dunmer... the azura curse is also well portayed in morrowind... 


Also define bitching an absolute legitimate and logical debate about lore that should be respected in a rpg is a sad thing someone don't care about rpg...if you don't like this debate feel free to leave the thread unless you have argument to say...


Also the soul shriven thing.....


We already told that this thing of dunmer having eye different from red afflict also normal npc.... Merchant's,, town folks... even guard.... So this is just again a bland apologism created to defend a mess at every cost... Like the transcription error about cyrodill being a jungle...

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LMAO and the lesson is???


Who said there was a lesson? I just countered the statement made by a company that "thinks" they can make games, which you posted. Besides ZeniMax Online Studios never did create any games prior to being handed ESO by the main company. But since you so clearly want it to be a lesson..... Feel free to take it anyway you like.





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Not even mention that this...

<<Warning: incoming bullshit....>>

Quote from the ESO wiki

"Dark Elves (Dunmer) in The Elder Scrolls Online are capable of having white eyes, despite Azura's curse which turned their eyes red like "fire"." 


Enforce only the argument TESO don't give a shit about lores.. That change is not even explained.. its just forced inside for the sake to have "lol i am a dumner with fucking white eyes.....i am so cool..."

That proof TESO again is not a tes.... But just a stupid mmo themepark...souless...that don't even respect the lore..


I will never consider TESO canon..... It kill the lores.... 


Now here is the explanation of why dunmer must have only red eyes is part of their background destroy a thing like that mean destroy the entire dunmer culture and this not utterly sucks but also RUIN the lore.



"Around the time the Dwemer dissappeared, these 3 Chimer advisors used the Heart of Lorkhan under Red Mountain to become immortal.  At this time the Daedric prince Azura laid her curse upon the already-exiled Chimer for the advisors' sacrilege. The supposed murder of Indoril Nerevar Moon-and-Star by the summoning ritual made by the Tribunal, Azura appeared, with Indoril dead, and her words hissed: ' May the eyes of the Changed Ones be turned as red as this volcanic ash, and may their skin be as blackened as their hearts. The accursed drawn, blood from the master spilled, and a curse shown in the race of these folk, forever-more'. This led to the hiding of Vivec in the Ministry of Truth and the recession of the cultures of the now accursed Chimer. Azura withdrew from the mountain, and there upon the now-Dunmer lay with ashen souls, and would reflect change in the Eras to come."

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The facts is.. they indeed demolished the lores... do they listen? they did in past... A lot of people complained oblivion for have too much similiar cave and dungeon they somewhat improved it on skyrim...A lot of people complained about cyrodill felt like a too much generalistic setting with skyrim they maded a more defined setting, a lot of people complained at the lack of a first person camera in TESO and they added it.. The question is..how much of this thing will had the chance to change if no one complained?


Why we debate complain?... Two reason...one is Sharing and discuss... the other is.. is noone ever complain we will get the same garbage over and over again... Why they should care about lore?... They made a game called THE ELDER SCROLLS online..... So they should care about the Tes lore or you will have something different of what you expect......


I am sure if you go in a restaurant and you order some nice beef meat but they give you pig meat instead you will be very upset.... That is the very concept because the complain happen... 





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It doesn't matter whenever the game is being made by Zenimax or Bethesda, what matter is the game itself; in case it would good, despite being developed by the former, ppl certainly wouldn't condemn it to fail. Don't be ridiculous.


Well you did say "Zenimax" made the game right? wtf would they know about lore and why would they care? they are a media company not a game maker, it will be "their" failure not Bethesda's. 

Wait, are you saying that because the game is not made by the devs who created the franchise, then they shouldn't care about lore? 0_o Then why the fuck even calling it TES and not, say, "Kingdom of Holy Cock"?



People complain, you complain about complaining. Whatever floats your boat.

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Well you did say "Zenimax" made the game right? wtf would they know about lore and why would they care? they are a media company not a game maker, it will be "their" failure not Bethesda's. and by the way "Zenimax" is the main company last I read. but anyway I just don't see the sense of complaining about a game your not going to play anyway. most in this thread played the beta, condemned it to fail and have already stated they will not "PAY" the subscription for it or play this godawful mess. it seems silly to me to complain about having to "pay" a $15.00 monthly subscription ($180.00 per year) but yet you can go out and blow 5 grand on a new video card just so you can say you got the bigger, better card that plays the latest games. Bethesda games have been complained about since there time began, nothing has changed and nothing will change and which is why they still use netimmerse/gamebryo they do not like change either. Zenimax making ESO is the sole reason it is doomed in the first place. If you can't and/or won't change what is done why complain about it. Have they ever listened before? and so far I haven't seen much of a discussion in here, only opinion force feeding and sometimes backing it up with a video or picture. But I'll leave you to it.


ZeniMax Online Studios is a subdivision of ZeniMax, at least get that right. I never said or claimed anything else. And wtf??? is up with your claim that I didn't play in the beta? I played in the beta, and I've also played in several other closed betas from different gaming companies. Perhaps you can go out and blow 5k on a new graphics card. But don't claim that everyone else can do that. So stop with your pathetic accusations towards me. Or are you nothing more than a troll now days?

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Wait, are you saying that because the game is not made by the devs who created the franchise, then they shouldn't care about lore? 0_o Then why the fuck even calling it TES and not, say, "Kingdom of Holy Cock"?


They call it that to capitalize on the name, naturally.

Anyway - much lore is often change in the computer game industry - so the fact they did for ESO is hardly a surprise IMO.

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Oh, so it's surely an oversight, it HAS to be, because Zenimax CARES! I'm so sure about it.





By the way, the whole lore of the elder scrolls universe is made up by random dudes who like pulling things out of nowhere.

Wat? Please elaborate what do you mean by random dudes.


I would say so, because the majority of the dark elves do have red eyes. I haven't seen a single dunmer NPC without red eyes yet, but I haven't seen every single NPC in this game so I can't say if there are some that don't have red eyes. I can repeat that as often as you want, I don't really know why you want me to repeat 2 sentences like a broken record, but if it makes you happy, sure, why not. The uesp wiki has a very incomplete gallery of NPCs you can find in the game and surprise, all dunmer have red or black eyes.



Random dudes who happen to work for the company that owns the IP, of course. The lore of the elder scrolls is completely made up, it's a work of fiction. Regarding the three pictures you posted earlier, the first is a dunmer, the second an altmer and the last is a bosmer. So I am not entirely sure what you are doing here, tbh.

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Same here, people issue, like in RL, most (or even if not, just 1% can easily put all down and trash it as lon,g it is endorsed/ok for the publisher (pk, harrasement etc).

Then, a MMO TES ?

So far, I played quite some MMORPG, but the best experience/memory came while upon private server, with either friends (previous met, or selective entry (sic).

RPG playing does require both will and memory, at last some (ahem, you are not the character you are playing, still, he is living, he is not ? > Immersion).

On tha

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Same here, people issue, like in RL, most (or even if not, just 1% can easily put all down and trash it as lon,g it is endorsed/ok for the publisher (pk, harrasement etc).

Then, a MMO TES ?

So far, I played quite some MMORPG, but the best experience/memory came while upon private server, with either friends (previous met, or selective entry (sic).

RPG playing does require both will and memory, at last some (ahem, you are not the character you are playing, still, he is living, he is not ? > Immersion).

On tha

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Same here, people issue, like in RL, most (or even if not, just 1% can easily put all down and trash it as lon,g it is endorsed/ok for the publisher (pk, harrasement etc).

Then, a MMO TES ?

So far, I played quite some MMORPG, but the best experience/memory came while upon private server, with either friends (previous met, or selective entry (sic).

RPG playing does require both will and memory, at last some (ahem, you are not the character you are playing, still, he is living, he is not ? > Immersion).

On tha

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Same here, people issue, like in RL, most (or even if not, just 1% can easily put all down and trash it as lon,g it is endorsed/ok for the publisher (pk, harrasement etc).

Then, a MMO TES ?

So far, I played quite some MMORPG, but the best experience/memory came while upon private server, with either friends (previous met, or selective entry (sic).

RPG playing does require both will and memory, at last some (ahem, you are not the character you are playing, still, he is living, he is not ? > Immersion).

On tha

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