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If this turning happens with fade (not instant) then it could be another mod also tries to change setting that prevents your character from fading out and there is a conflict. It also could be that fading out is enabled in some profiles and not in others, changing profiles fast would cause this. If it's not fading then it seems some other problem that I don't know how to help with.

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I happen to had debug enabled and noticed a lot of switching between profile 2 and 12 (I had profile 2 set as default if no other profile was active).

Also never understood the use of- and how to use these profiles, only that profile 1 was important for the IFPforSL addon mod.


Anywhere I can find some more information on how to make use of these 20 profiles?

[edit] nvm, I checked the game mod on nexus and found a forum thread with presets for this mod

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  • 1 month later...

Uploaded 2.0, changelog is on first page.


To create a profile for SL you can try add this below "; Normal profiles" in the configuration text file:


+settween fRotationFromHead 1 0.2
-returntween fRotationFromHead 0.2
+set bHeadtrack true
-return bHeadtrack
+set fNearClip 0.001
-return fNearClip
Maybe something else can be improved with the profile, also I didn't test if the profile worked :P


If there's a problem or the profile didn't work for SL animations let me know.

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When i am in 1st person and move while looking backward the head isnt there is a "black hole" i cant fix the clipping since there isnt any mcm and i cant understand anything with the new setup way how can i fix the clipping ?? it used to be something like toggle 1st or something like that...

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Just installed it and started a new game.  Running it with Untamed, and when I used the Mating Call shout on the first wolf pack and started to strip, I got a modal winforms dialog box with 'Pure Virtual Function Call Error', and couldn't click the 'OK', or do anything other than use Task Manager to kill the process.  Removing the Immersive First Person Plugin and trying the same action did not have the error re-occur.  I haven't tried again to see if it re-occurs, will do that this afternoon.  Anything else I can supply to help debug this?

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So, some third party mods, such as Devious Devices, used to use Immersive First person to trigger profiles camera events via script. Will these 3rd party mods still work with 2.0? Or would all that be broken now?

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All those mods are broken when it comes to 2.0 volfin, there is no more papyrus used. But you can create a profile in 2.0 with condition of character having a keyword. Tell that to those mod authors.


The attached camera has been removed, but I wrote the mod from start to be as flexible as possible so it should be trivial to re-enable it. Also this time if the camera is on another actor all the profiles will base their conditions on that other actor. I will think about re-enabling this for next version.


If you have a crash and you think is caused by any of my mods, you can enable crash dumps in SKSE configuration. Then use online crash dump analysis and send me the result, I need at least exception offset, module base addresses and registers. I can tell you with pretty good accuracy what may have caused the crash even if it wasn't my mod except if it was a stack / memory corruption or something like that.

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The new version is very smooth. I had ditched Immersive First Person view a while ago to make room in my load order. Great to be able to use it again :)


One small issue to report so far.


I don't know if it is my ENB setting, but I noticed a strong flickering of some textures in the far distance when I am in FP view using 2.0. It is particularly visible on distance clouds and mountain texture.


Going back in 3rd Person view stabilizes the textures.


Any idea if there is a workaround I could try to reduce the effect?

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I tested the SL addon and it does work. I personally have a thing I need to change on it.


I changed the following value at the top of the configuration file.

!set fPositionOffsetVertical -0.5

now when the SL addon activate I would like it to lower the camera another 0.2 so that it is -0.7.

Is this what I would add to the bottom of the SL addon to reflect that.

-settween fCameraViewOffsetVertical 0 -0.2
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The new version is very smooth. I had ditched Immersive First Person view a while ago to make room in my load order. Great to be able to use it again :)


One small issue to report so far.


I don't know if it is my ENB setting, but I noticed a strong flickering of some textures in the far distance when I am in FP view using 2.0. It is particularly visible on distance clouds and mountain texture.


Going back in 3rd Person view stabilizes the textures.


Any idea if there is a workaround I could try to reduce the effect?


Hi skyrimll,


here's the sticky info from the nexus page:



Flickering distance objects (mountains).


This is caused by low near distance setting. It's either this or not seeing things that are close. Open configuration file (Data/SKSE/Plugins/FirstPersonPlugin.txt), under [Main] there is +set fNearClip 0.01 instead of 0.01 try setting something like 1.0 - 3.0 or maybe even higher. This will fix flickering mountain but it will make nearby objects clip (if you look down you might see it). You'll have to reload configuration file with reload hotkey if you set it or by restarting skyrim.




Haven't tried it myself yet as I am just about to test it, so can't confirm.

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Budroi set tween sets a value over time.


-settween fCameraViewOffsetVertical 0 -0.2


this would set camera offset from character vertical center to 0 over -0.2 seconds when you leave profile.


You want this in SL profile:

+settween fPositionOffsetVertical -0.7 0.2

-returntween fPositionOffsetVertical 0.2

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Try instead then set head track false and add this in SL profile:


+settween fExtraRotationFromCamera 1 0.2

-returntween fExtraRotationFromCamera 0.2


Thanks, It fixed my "bounce"/unsteadly head rotation XD

But now, there's wierd "chin" blocking the view (it's minor actually, but sometime disturbing)


But anyway thanks for this mod XD


edit: it actually nose, not chin :P


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Budroi set tween sets a value over time.


-settween fCameraViewOffsetVertical 0 -0.2


this would set camera offset from character vertical center to 0 over -0.2 seconds when you leave profile.


You want this in SL profile:

+settween fPositionOffsetVertical -0.7 0.2

-returntween fPositionOffsetVertical 0.2


Thanks, I will try when I am off work.


Try instead then set head track false and add this in SL profile:


+settween fExtraRotationFromCamera 1 0.2

-returntween fExtraRotationFromCamera 0.2


And this should resolve my last remaining issue as well.


Thanks again.

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i tested v2.0 for a bit

after some tweaking i got it to work alright.

headtracking works fine during usual usage... when using FNIS animations (including sexlab and others) it very much depends on the direction the actor is facing compared to standard camera direction (even when iFaceCrosshair is set to 1)

setting fRestrictAngleHorizontal and fRestrictAngleVertical to 360 sometimes helps (after moving the mouse to a certain position)... sometimes it doesn't


another problem i found is that the "set bHeadtrack 0" combined with "gofirstperson" does not realy work. im getting weird results here. camera moving left/right all the time


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Is there going to be an MCM Menu or other "Configurator tool"? Cause im unfamiliar with the variables in the txt file, and due to enb, i cant alt-tab to tweak on fly.

No, but there is a documentation on configuration included.




I'll try the camera being weird in vanilla first person.

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