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asking a female follower to bang the PC does not use any of the female first options, despite all being ticked.

Female PC? Female first does apply to the player and if they are female they are the one that will be placed first.


By the way...this is for creature or not? i don't know witch tags i need to chose) 

No, creature tags count as 2p animation but also for multiple animations. These options are only for human NPCs.

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asking a female follower to bang the PC does not use any of the female first options, despite all being ticked.

Female PC? Female first does apply to the player and if they are female they are the one that will be placed first. 


ohh i see, so female first is restricted just to female PC? then if i play male and want a female follower to assume receiving position.. cause you know, "let me bang you" does just that... but then if i want the female follower to still be in the receiving position but active in the animation, basically cowgirl, i assume i'd use "would you bang me", however this option doesn't seem regulated by any animation options, the female is in the male position every time as of now.

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Female first will put female in first position because this is how the gender order is supposed to work, tags are a different thing.


If a case where the aggressor is a female on a female player, the victim will always be in the first position and the aggressor second no matter if female first is enabled or not because she is the victim and she is a female, so in this case if there is no Lesbian tag the aggressor will do the player with a strapon.


In a case where the aggressor is female on a male player, female first does count as it will move the aggressor in first position and if you want cowgirl to work the right way the female needs to be in first, if female first is disabled roles will be inverted and the male will take the role in the female and if there is no cowgirl tag the female aggressor will do the male player with a strapon.


And the option "Bang me" and "Ill bang you" just puts the player either in victim slot or aggressor slot (it's consensual but I use victim and aggressor as slot 1 and slot 2), if the player is female and female first is enabled, she will take the role of the victim and be first if the partner is male.


I know, quite a mess to understand, got some headicks figuring all of that out and coding it for different gender combination scenarios... it's not perfect yet probably.



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It's not because of SexLab but my function for validating NPCs for multiple animation will check for gender tag, I can add an option to validate by number of actor if you want, it should then play any 4p animation no matter the genders....


Yes that was it.  See it in the new version. THANKS :).


I'm having an issue with the animation tags, I can add tags all day long without a problem, but cannot remove tags at all, tried using the "z" key without any success, can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?


<edit> whats worse, if I try to edit the tags after enabling aninmations in NSAP and SLAL as soon as I try to do anything on the animations page  I CTD. instantly. I'm using the  latest version of defeat and latest versions on sexlab <1.60b> and yes, ran FNIS


Try your default 'default' key.  Mine is 'R'.  So just hover over the tags line on the defeat MCM page (don't enter the actual list) until it's highlighted, and hit your default key.


No idea on the CTD. Sorry.


got it figured out, was the "R" key, as for the CTD, I was starting a new game, started game with old version, enabled everything, then "updated" to the new version, that fixed that



Thanks, I had the same problem when starting a new game.  If I tried to edit the tags in any way i get CTD.  Will enable old version and then update.  Thought Goubo might want to know your's wasn't an isolated issue.



thanks for letting me know it wasn't just me, lol  after the day I had, its good to know I wasn't going batty. And thanks Tontoman for the suggetstion to use the R key

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And the option "Bang me" and "Ill bang you" just puts the player either in victim slot or aggressor slot 


Yeh, that's pretty much what i observed, "I'll bang you" makes it so player is the one doing the giving, while "Bang me" puts the player on receiving regardless of what options are selected.


Will you expand on also having more combos for them options?

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I'm gonna add a difficulty slider for the struggle for Player as aggressor as well as an option to disable the struggle on knocked down victims.


It would be appretiated :)


Also (and i dont know if someone else is having this problem too) when you fail to fill the bar and you go "ragdoll" i can't find a way to draw my weapon (or attack for that matter) once i get up. 

That is, i can move, jump, press keys to access inventory or spells, but no matter how many times y try pressing mouse button or R my weapons keep sheathed, meaning i can't attack any more

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My female PC yelded bandit, striped him, and via "Nice body.." or similar branch want to initiate sex. Regardless of setting "Female First" always played bandit as passive. So i made a quick look at scripts.
In topic script used calling: Consensual(Victim, Player).
In function Consensual() used

    TheScene = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.ConsTag, SupressTags = McmConfig.ConsSupressTag, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.ConsRequireAllTag, FemaleFirst = McmConfig.ConsFemaleFirst, IsAggressive = False)

But SexLabScene expect FemaleFirst as string, so parameter will be interpreted as "FALSE" or "TRUE" as String type and sorting of actors will be never performed regardless of settings in MCM:



    Bool SortActors
    If (FemaleFirst != "")
        If (FemaleFirst == "RapePvic")
            SortActors = McmConfig.RapeFemaleFirstPvic
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "KOPvic")
            SortActors = McmConfig.KOFemaleFirstPvic
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "TiedPvic")
            SortActors = McmConfig.TiedFemaleFirstPvic
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "FoMPvic")
            SortActors = McmConfig.FoMFemaleFirstPvic
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "FoFPvic")
            SortActors = McmConfig.FoFFemaleFirstPvic
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "MultPvic")
            IgnoreGT = McmConfig.MultipleIgnoreGTPvic
            SortActors = McmConfig.MultipleFemaleFirstPvic
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "RapePagg")
            SortActors = McmConfig.RapeFemaleFirstPagg
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "NecroPagg")
            SortActors = McmConfig.NecroFemaleFirstPagg
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "TiedPagg")
            SortActors = McmConfig.TiedFemaleFirstPagg
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "FoMPagg")
            SortActors = McmConfig.FoMFemaleFirstPagg
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "FoFPagg")
            SortActors = McmConfig.FoFFemaleFirstPagg
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "MultPagg")
            SortActors = McmConfig.MultipleFemaleFirstPagg
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "RapeNVN")
            SortActors = McmConfig.RapeFemaleFirstNVN
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "TiedNVN")
            SortActors = McmConfig.TiedFemaleFirstNVN
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "FoMNVN")
            SortActors = McmConfig.FoMFemaleFirstNVN
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "FoFNVN")
            SortActors = McmConfig.FoFFemaleFirstNVN
        Elseif (FemaleFirst == "MultNVN")
            SortActors = McmConfig.MultipleFemaleFirstNVN
    If SortActors
        Positions = SexLab.SortActors(Positions)



Kind Regards

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My female PC yelded bandit, striped him, and via "Nice body.." or similar branch want to initiate sex. Regardless of setting "Female First" always played bandit as passive. So i made a quick look at scripts.

In topic script used calling: Consensual(Victim, Player).

In function Consensual() used

    TheScene = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.ConsTag, SupressTags = McmConfig.ConsSupressTag, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.ConsRequireAllTag, FemaleFirst = McmConfig.ConsFemaleFirst, IsAggressive = False)

But SexLabScene expect FemaleFirst as string, so parameter will be interpreted as "FALSE" or "TRUE" as String type and sorting of actors will be never performed regardless of settings in MCM:


Kind Regards

Thanks, you are right, femalefirst is indeed ignored... oversight on my part.


Does the current version have a disable prostitution dialogue option ?

No, why? It's hidden so just don't use it?


How to turn off voice of dead body which always moans when fuck it via necrophilia?

They should be quite with the last version of sexlab.




I'm gonna add a difficulty slider for the struggle for Player as aggressor as well as an option to disable the struggle on knocked down victims.


It would be appretiated :)


Also (and i dont know if someone else is having this problem too) when you fail to fill the bar and you go "ragdoll" i can't find a way to draw my weapon (or attack for that matter) once i get up. 

That is, i can move, jump, press keys to access inventory or spells, but no matter how many times y try pressing mouse button or R my weapons keep sheathed, meaning i can't attack any more


The 2 options are already added.

For your other problem try to go in first person mode and unnequip your weapon.



Yeh, that's pretty much what i observed, "I'll bang you" makes it so player is the one doing the giving, while "Bang me" puts the player on receiving regardless of what options are selected.


Will you expand on also having more combos for them options?


Yeah I will add support for the registered follower, maybe. :P

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The strangest thing happened. I have been playing Skyrim with 16-20 FPS (I use over 230 mods) and I noticed that when NPC vs NPC was triggered the victim never did any of the defeat animations and the aggressor would just ignore them and keep fighting eventhough I had all the correct settings. THEN tonight I was testing one of my animations and by mistake hit the "HOME" button on my keyboard and immediately FRAPS said that instead of the usual 16 FPS I now had 60 and  sexlab defeat started working perfectly...I found out that the "Home" button is a hotkey to toggle "FPSLimiter" in the ENB series! To my surprise I got instant 60 FPS just by ppressing a button by mistake. Now I have been playing for two hours straight enjoying this BEAUTIFUL mod (My personal favorite mod of all time of course.) and man I hope I can find time to animate now that I have a fast running game lol :lol:

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The strangest thing happened. I have been playing Skyrim with 16-20 FPS (I use over 230 mods) and I noticed that when NPC vs NPC was triggered the victim never did any of the defeat animations and the aggressor would just ignore them and keep fighting eventhough I had all the correct settings. THEN tonight I was testing one of my animations and by mistake hit the "HOME" button on my keyboard and immediately FRAPS said that instead of the usual 16 FPS I now had 60 and  sexlab defeat started working perfectly...I found out that the "Home" button is a hotkey to toggle "FPSLimiter" in the ENB series! To my surprise I got instant 60 FPS just by ppressing a button by mistake. Now I have been playing for two hours straight enjoying this BEAUTIFUL mod (My personal favorite mod of all time of course.) and man I hope I can find time to animate now that I have a fast running game lol :lol:

Lol thanks man, glad you can enjoy my mod in the best conditions now, especially with animations you've created. :)


Might be an odd feature request, but is there any way to have whether or not an attack was blocked affect knockdown chance? 

Not odd at all actually, good idea. (and doable)

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As per request here I came to report as Defeat triggering Simple Slavery with some chance to trigger DAYMOYL (I am one of that rare breed of people for whom it works flawlessly), which in turn can trigger Simple Slavery as well, is the setting I am using. Unfortunately I can't give you feedback in regards to v 5.3 as I am still using the 5.2.2 (waiting for the Captured Dreams update before updating my whole setup) but on that version everything seems to be working banging well. Both the ratios set (yes I did manually count the number of triggered events and compared them to values in MCM settings during two days of play-through), as well as the transitions to Simple Slavery both with and without prior devious devices equipped on my character worked without a hiccup. Than again I am still using the outdated Sexlab Framework v1.59

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Hello, Goubo, let me thank you first for the great stuff you create. I use both Defeat and Tools and they work fine for me. I had some issues with Tools, but I solved them.

However... I've already reported it in the Tools' thread - there's a problem I've encountered just lately and I have no idea how this happened and how to deal with it. Shortly: seems that Defeat and Tools borrowed a hotkey from SexLab and... they won't give it back. I set the "0 )" key for advancing the stage in SL animation and it worked find until recently. Now when I press it while an SL animation is played I get the Tools' menu with anims to select. When pressed with no animation being played - I get the Defeat options menu (which I set "H" for). Strangely enough, the keys I mapped for Defeat and Tools work as well (the problem persist even though I rebind all the keys again). So finally I had to change the SL key.

On second thought, maybe it turned out to be something good... Probably I can bind the two keys for Defeat and Tools to something else, as I have the universal "zero" key for both of them ;).

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The strangest thing happened. I have been playing Skyrim with 16-20 FPS (I use over 230 mods) and I noticed that when NPC vs NPC was triggered the victim never did any of the defeat animations and the aggressor would just ignore them and keep fighting eventhough I had all the correct settings. THEN tonight I was testing one of my animations and by mistake hit the "HOME" button on my keyboard and immediately FRAPS said that instead of the usual 16 FPS I now had 60 and  sexlab defeat started working perfectly...I found out that the "Home" button is a hotkey to toggle "FPSLimiter" in the ENB series! To my surprise I got instant 60 FPS just by ppressing a button by mistake. Now I have been playing for two hours straight enjoying this BEAUTIFUL mod (My personal favorite mod of all time of course.) and man I hope I can find time to animate now that I have a fast running game lol :lol:

The ENB code is doing that?


I have been wondering for a hell of a long time why I was getting limited FPS after visiting vendors to sell items and finally discovered that pressing HOME or END would invoke a cap on my FPS (almost always 1-7 FPS). I was Alt-Tabbing away and then back into the game to reset the FPS when that happened until I finally associated it with those keys.


Now I know where to look to fix that.


Thank you.

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Cheers, I want to do a observation,

I will say first, I do not have a powerful pc, I have 250 plugins and I have heavy mod (frostfall, cloak of skyrim, wet and cold, etc), so I know sometimes I will have some conflicts.

I install defeat 3.5.2, but when I defeated in battle only appears the bar, I have two follower but never knocked out (I made sure to have the correct options in defeat menu), to reduce mods I uninstall sexlab eager because I have sexlab confort, and when I returned to play, it worked, as much as agressor and victim (also the follower option agressor or victim), but here is where I want to ask.

The follower as aggressors, I have two followers, let's say they go to rape a X victim, if they do a thresome, no problems, but if the message says they are go to rape, but only one take part, the other stays as waiting their turn, but the first end and the second does nothing. The bad thing is that the second follower It stays there, You can not talk to him, if you go away does not follow you, if teleports, He walks to where the person who was going to rape it's found. Why is this happening?

another thing, if you rape a person asleep in a bed, when it ends the person is under the bed, any way to fix this, and the disabling teleport from sexlab It is a great option for me, but to work properly sexlab defeat, must be disabled, there any way for that option not work with rape, and so we can use it without problem with this mod

and a question, follower as agressor, It could be done only when they have a certain number of aroused.


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The strangest thing happened. I have been playing Skyrim with 16-20 FPS (I use over 230 mods) and I noticed that when NPC vs NPC was triggered the victim never did any of the defeat animations and the aggressor would just ignore them and keep fighting eventhough I had all the correct settings. THEN tonight I was testing one of my animations and by mistake hit the "HOME" button on my keyboard and immediately FRAPS said that instead of the usual 16 FPS I now had 60 and sexlab defeat started working perfectly...I found out that the "Home" button is a hotkey to toggle "FPSLimiter" in the ENB series! To my surprise I got instant 60 FPS just by ppressing a button by mistake. Now I have been playing for two hours straight enjoying this BEAUTIFUL mod (My personal favorite mod of all time of course.) and man I hope I can find time to animate now that I have a fast running game lol :lol:

The ENB code is doing that?


I have been wondering for a hell of a long time why I was getting limited FPS after visiting vendors to sell items and finally discovered that pressing HOME or END would invoke a cap on my FPS (almost always 1-7 FPS). I was Alt-Tabbing away and then back into the game to reset the FPS when that happened until I finally associated it with those keys.


Now I know where to look to fix that.


Thank you.

Very happy to help my friend. Yeah I was like whoa! What the hell just happened!? Then looked up ENB hotkeys and found out lol sweet deal.

Regarding fps; remember to limit your fps to 60 or 59. Skyrim engine is designed to run at 60, any more could cause problems and will with some mods.

Yeah I have it at 60 and haven't had a single problem except wanting to play rather than mod lol jk but yes you are very correct thank you for the heads up :)
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