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[WIP] Radiant Prostitution 0.81b (Oct 29th)

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Found one "bug".

Sometimes the dialogue option "What did you say" (or so), after a client approached my toon, shows up to late, or not at all.

Resulting an NPC, that follows me around in slow walking speed and as soon he he get's close to me toon, autostarts dialogue.

if the client jumped directly into the prostitution dialogue via auto initialized dialogue, there's no such problem.


Happend before and after the sex act and is mainly caused, when the mentioned dialogue option took to long to show up.

The npc can be stopped, from following my toon, by talking to the inn keeper to stop working.


Besides that: Worked like a charm so far. Didn't have to opportunity to try the 2 new missions, but i guess, they'll work as well, as the rest did...

Found the problem: missing vaginal sex dialogue for female client/male prostitute. 


As for the general comment of flashing dialogue and/or prompt just after finishing dialogue... try to ignore them as much as possible. It's usually caused by the fact that the topic fragment is executed after the line is done, and sometimes when u spam it to close it asap the previous behavior get executed again. This is particularly apparent with the forcegreet behavior. I don't really know what to do with this. 


However, the rest does not yet work like a charm (see the last 2 pages). I'm reading all comments and working on it. Issues WILL be addressed. Hang on tight.

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I'd like to see an option that actually lets the player choose every time if they don't like what the NPC chooses rather than just being flat out rejected 9/10 times without being able to have a say.



Er, not really sure about having a say...let's remember, the player/prostitute is a 'product,' and the client isn't going to pay for something that they don't want. 

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I'd like to see an option that actually lets the player choose every time if they don't like what the NPC chooses rather than just being flat out rejected 9/10 times without being able to have a say.



Er, not really sure about having a say...let's remember, the player/prostitute is a 'product,' and the client isn't going to pay for something that they don't want. 



Remember, this is a fantasy game. If someone is soliciting a prostitute they're rarring to go. They probably aren't going to be completely turned off just like that. They may pay a bit less if you don't give them what they want but they probably aren't going to just straight up tell you to fuck off.

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@XunAmarox: You are absolutely right, this is a fantasy GAME and as such, some design choices have to be made by the author that may or may not appear realistic to some people. In this case, the chance of turning the client away by refusing his/her first offer is actually 50%. I'm quite happy with the way this works.

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Very cool. I use realistic Needs & Realistic Taverns so the rewards are just a little more than the price of a room and meal.


Some players who don't and are using the vanilla 10g for a night for a room may see it as a bit too large of a reward. I haven't tested if your rewards scale based on the price of goods. If they don't, you could use the Global "RoomCost" as well as GetGoldValue() to get a base value of some basic food items to adjust this mods economy to whatever mods the player has loaded.

That's a good idea. However, unless I'm very mistaken GetGoldValue return the base value of an item (the CK value) whereas mod that adjust the economy often only make the vendor trade ratio harsher. Some do change the base value but that usually turns out full of inconsistencies when new items are introduced. As for the room cost, I'm using realistic room rental, which makes the room cost vary from inn to inn (between 50 and 200g). However, it uses a different set of global and RoomCost is still at 10 but ain't used. Anyway, bottom line is I made the reward entirely configurable in the setting file so that user can decide what is appropriate. MCM will come in due time but I like the bat file method when settings stuff across new game.


If you're interested, the formula for merchant pricing is available in uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim



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i think found a bug, in home delivery i finished everything (everything is checked out) but the quest is still active making it impossible to contine. i`m not offered anymore work at the inn

(riften) dont know if it is the same for other places.

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@XunAmarox: You are absolutely right, this is a fantasy GAME and as such, some design choices have to be made by the author that may or may not appear realistic to some people. In this case, the chance of turning the client away by refusing his/her first offer is actually 50%. I'm quite happy with the way this works.


You should at least give people a choice and give it a percent setting so the user can decide what's right for them.

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@jbezorg: I was using GetIsPlayableRace but I missed that one (one of the most important!). It should have a similar effect shouldn't it?


On second thought... GetIsPlayableRace may exclude Sanguine if dremora isn't made playable... and we wouldn't want that!

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Love that new version, having the possibility to serve food and drink is nice. Though one of my customer get out of the tavern as I was getting his order, so I had to run after him in the streets of solitude to deliver his food. XD Maybe you could make it so they won't leave until they got their order ?

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I may have found another bug. If I change the load order, the game crah.

This may be related to the amulet DiBella. When my follower wear one, the game instantly crash. when I load my save and when he did wear it the game takes a few seconds to close. (another NPC wear one in an other city)


If i replace the esp at the same load order, the game launch normaly.


(Google translate powered)

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i think found a bug, in home delivery i finished everything (everything is checked out) but the quest is still active making it impossible to contine. i`m not offered anymore work at the inn

(riften) dont know if it is the same for other places.


Same thing happened to me, in Markarth.  The quest is no longer active now (several side-quests later), but there's still no work for me at the inn.


EDIT: Found the problem, and it isn't the Home Delivery quest.  The "Are you still offering work" topic has no matching topic info if GetFactionRank(mf_ProstituteFaction) is > 1.0.  If I change the appropriate conditional to >= 1.0, the innkeeper starts offering work again.

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Found the problem: missing vaginal sex dialogue for female client/male prostitute. 



As for the general comment of flashing dialogue and/or prompt just after finishing dialogue... try to ignore them as much as possible. It's usually caused by the fact that the topic fragment is executed after the line is done, and sometimes when u spam it to close it asap the previous behavior get executed again. This is particularly apparent with the forcegreet behavior. I don't really know what to do with this. 


However, the rest does not yet work like a charm (see the last 2 pages). I'm reading all comments and working on it. Issues WILL be addressed. Hang on tight.

Now that you mention it... vaginal was only rarely requested. Only 2 times, rest was anal.

Delphine immedialy wanted my toon to lick her and the drunken guy prefered a wet pussy.

And oral was actually never requested from males, but i did test your mod only for ~30min.


And i wasn't acting trigger happy, to make the dialogue option show up.

i actually wanted it to trigger, to see if the npc stops following me after i fullfilled his wish, so i moved a few meters, let him/her close up, start auto dialogue and the same again, if the dialogue option didn't show up after 5s, after the npc finished saying w/e he/she said. The dialogue option doesn't show up for me, before the npc has finished speaking his initial sentence.

But in the end: fullfilling the npcs wish, didn't stop them from following me. So a dialogue option, like "Sorry, but i'm busy. But maybe later.", to stop your added behaviour, would be nice.


Just to have it mentioned: The following npc "bug" does not occour if i stay in the tavern. Only happens if i'm outside.

Happend in the inn too, if i go inside, after the bug occoured outside. Then the next best npc i pass by, in the tavern, starts following my toon, even tho this npc is not interessted in my toon.



Feature request: Any way, you could add support for PrivateNeeds? When the player gives a blowjob, increase the dirtiness values. if the players does vaginal or anal increase is slightly less.

So you could work with them as well, so customers reject the players toon, if he/she is to dirty. Even the inn keeper could say no, until the player took a bath.

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While waiting for update i took a trip to Riften (the bee and the barb?) in the inn i got approached by this thieves guild girl(dont remember name),got her to follow, but she wont talk to you, just follow, so you cant advance. :-/

I havent done the thieves guild quest yet so its normal she has nothing to say to you.

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i think found a bug, in home delivery i finished everything (everything is checked out) but the quest is still active making it impossible to contine. i`m not offered anymore work at the inn

(riften) dont know if it is the same for other places.


Same thing happened to me, in Markarth.  The quest is no longer active now (several side-quests later), but there's still no work for me at the inn.


EDIT: Found the problem, and it isn't the Home Delivery quest.  The "Are you still offering work" topic has no matching topic info if GetFactionRank(mf_ProstituteFaction) is > 1.0.  If I change the appropriate conditional to >= 1.0, the innkeeper starts offering work again.




Where do you find the file or change it ?


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He mentioned it:


The "Are you still offering work" topic has no matching topic info if GetFactionRank(mf_ProstituteFaction) is > 1.0.  If I change the appropriate conditional to >= 1.0, the innkeeper starts offering work again.


Just edit the conditions.


Haven't done it myself yet, but he's pretty clear on what to change and where.

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In the CK, select the mf_Prostitute_Handler quest.  Go to Player Dialogue tab.


Select the mf_Prostitute_StartAgain branch.

Select the mfStartAgainTopic.


There are 2 responses that start "Of course... You know the drill".  One of these checks rank == 0, the other checks rank == 1.  Change the '== 1' to '>= 1'.


There is a 3rd response with "Of course... I even have a new job".  DON'T change that one.


I'm sure you can do much the same with TES5edit.  If those instructions aren't explicit enough for you, then I'd advise waiting for the author to patch it.

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I love your mod very much. Thank you. Playing with mail character as a mail whore. Enoying very much. I love when npc's ask me to lick ther pussies or suck their dicks. So, now you know that my character is bisexual. One thing that I not alowed npc's is to f*** my ass. LOL. my ass is belong to me. present playing as a pussy licker or cock sucker brings less money, but, I'm not running for money, rather enjoyment.


Thanks again for wonderful mod.

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In the CK, select the mf_Prostitute_Handler quest.  Go to Player Dialogue tab.


Select the mf_Prostitute_StartAgain branch.

Select the mfStartAgainTopic.


There are 2 responses that start "Of course... You know the drill".  One of these checks rank == 0, the other checks rank == 1.  Change the '== 1' to '>= 1'.


There is a 3rd response with "Of course... I even have a new job".  DON'T change that one.


I'm sure you can do much the same with TES5edit.  If those instructions aren't explicit enough for you, then I'd advise waiting for the author to patch it.


Clear instructions, thanks. I'd found the equivalent in TES5edit but your confirmation of my poking is welcome.

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In the CK, select the mf_Prostitute_Handler quest.  Go to Player Dialogue tab.


Select the mf_Prostitute_StartAgain branch.

Select the mfStartAgainTopic.


There are 2 responses that start "Of course... You know the drill".  One of these checks rank == 0, the other checks rank == 1.  Change the '== 1' to '>= 1'.


There is a 3rd response with "Of course... I even have a new job".  DON'T change that one.


I'm sure you can do much the same with TES5edit.  If those instructions aren't explicit enough for you, then I'd advise waiting for the author to patch it.



Can you make a similar explanation for dummies in the TESVEdit?... please

"One of these checks rank == 0, the other checks rank == 1.  Change the '== 1' to '>= 1'."

Cant find these parameters


ok i have to wait i guess

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