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Follower Slavery Mod (FSM) (19/05/2024)

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***As of Version 1.310 FSM requires PowerofThree's Papyrus Extender***




Have you ever been enslaved and found your defeated followers hanging around as if nothing has happened? Not any more - FSM  allows your Followers to be enslaved when you are.  Will you leave them to their fate, or search the cities, towns and wilds of Skyrim and rescue them from Slavery?


FSM is highly configurable - using a combination of the MCM and FSM JSON files you can control

  • Which NPCs are potential Masters for enslaved Followers
  • Which Locations (Bandit, Warlock or Vampire camps) Follower slaves can be sent to
  • The Outfits that slaves will be dressed in, Male and Female slaves have their own outfit sets
  • Whether slaves will be used as Sex toys, selectable both on the gender of the slave and that of the Master
  • The animation tags selected if slaves are used as Sex toys, based both on the gender of the slave and that of the Master
  • Whether Toys & Love or Sexlab is used for sex scenes
  • The chance that Masters will sell their slaves on to new Master
  • How quickly the slave's gear is sold by their Master
  • The chance that slaves will escape, and whether they will steal back any remaining gear
  • How soon after enslavement rumours will start to circulate of the slave's location

FSM's masters.json file comes pre-loaded with over 100 male NPCs, 80 female NPCs and 100 locations (Bandit camps and Warlock or Vampire lairs).


A built in audit report makes it simple to identify records in the JSON and edit them as you wish. The individual groups of Masters (NPC Male, NPC Female, Bandit Camps, Warlock Lairs, Vampire Lairs) can also be disabled/enabed during the game via the MCM.


Similarly the SlaveOutfits.json file includes 21 pre-loaded female outfits (including 3 "Toys" and 17 "Devious Devices" outfits) and 16 male outfits. Individual outfits can be enabled/disabled via the MCM and again there is an audit report to allow you to easily modify or add your own choice of outfits.


Animation tags for each gender combination can be edited in the AnimationTags.json file. 


It is also possible to have FSM enslave your own selection of potential Followers/Hirelings when the game is loaded, allowing users to create their own early game scenarios based on finding and rescuing slaves.



There are a number of methods by which Followers can be enslaved:


Sexlab Defeat
Followers who are assaulted after they have been defeated may be enslaved by their aggressors.


The SL Defeat Plugin was developed using SL Defeat V5.3.6 Bane 24112021 and is compatible with the Dynamic Defeat LRG Patch V1.4 (for Defeat Version 5.3.6) by AndrewLRG

It has not been tested with other versions of SL Defeat but should be compatible so long as Followers are assaulted after being defeated.


Enslavement depends on a number of factors in addition to the chance set in the FSM MCM:

  • The follower must have been assaulted after being defeated
  • To be a valid master an aggressor has to have either hit or had sex with the follower during the encounter
  • The selected aggressor must also be a valid FSM Master and be ActorTypeNPC or in the list of valid Slaver Races in Utility.json
  • Each aggressor can only enslave one Follower
  • The aggressor must be within 200' of the Follower when the enslave event fires.
  • The player must either be > 25' from the Follower or also have been Defeated.


Simple Slavery+
If you are sent to Simple Slavery your active followers may be enslaved by your captors or sent to auction with you. Once you are auctioned they will also be sold.


FSM Enslavement
Active followers can be enslaved via the MCM - either to a Random NPC or your current Target


External Mods
Followers can be enslaved and freed through FSM by other Mods using ModEvents


-------------------------------------------------------------FSM Enslave API--------------------------------------------------------------------


       Check that FSM has been Installed from the MCM:

           Bool bIsFSMInstalled = ( StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "fsm_bIsMCMInstalled") == 1 )

       Create an Enslave ModEvent:

            Int iFSMEnslave = ModEvent.Create("fsm_enslavefollower")
            If iFSMEnslave
                ModEvent.PushForm(iFSMEnslave, kSlave)     ; Form    The Follower to be Enslaved
                ModEvent.PushForm(iFSMEnslave, kMaster)    ; Form    The Actor who will be the Master - use 'None' if enslaving by Master Type or to a random actor
                ModEvent.PushString(iFSMEnslave, strType)  ; String  The Master Type required. Used if kMaster is 'None' (or if fallback is enabled & kMaster is invalid). Push "Random_Type" for a Random Selection
                ModEvent.PushBool(iFSMEnslave, True)       ; Bool    Allow Fallback - If kMaster is None and Master Type is "" allocates a random master, otherwise enables fallback to Random if kMaster or Master Type are invalid


            To flag a Non-Follower ActorTypeNPC as Enslaveable via FSM use:

                StorageUtil.SetIntValue(kActor, "fsm_CanEnslaveNPC", 1)


            The "fsm_CanEnslaveNPC" flag is persistent on the actor so to remove it use:

                StorageUtil.UnsetIntValue(kActor, "fsm_CanEnslaveNPC")


            ****NB Enslaving non-follower actors may have unpredicatable consequences - be sure to test thoroughly if using this option****


            To prevent FSM from automatically recruiting an actor as a follower when they are bought out of slavery or are stolen by the player use:

                StorageUtil.SetIntValue(kActor, "fsm_NoRecruit", 1)


            The "fsm_NoRecruit" flag is persistent on the actor so to remove it use:

                StorageUtil.UnsetIntValue(kActor, "fsm_NoRecruit")

            To suppress FSM's "<FollowerName> has been enslaved..." notification when enslaving a follower use:

                StorageUtil.SetIntValue(kActor, "fsm_SilentEnslave", 1)

            Notification suppression only applies to the followers next enslave event it is NOT persistent.

            To specify an Outfit to be worn when a follower is enslaved set the json outfit path string with the key "fsm_ForceSlaveOutfit"" on the Follower.

            e.g. to specify the "Toys Curio" outfit use:
                StorageUtil.SetStringValue(kActor, "fsm_ForceSlaveOutfit", ".female.Toys Curio")

            The specified Outfit only applies to the Follower's next Enslave event it is NOT persistent. If the specified outfit path is not found a random outfit will be chosen,
            don't forget to check that the relevant mod is installed before specifying an Outfit from it. 

            FSM sends a ModEvent "fsm_FollowerEnslaved" when a follower is enslaved (by FSM)
            To use: 
                RegisterForModEvent("fsm_FollowerEnslaved", "<yourcallbackName>")
                Event <yourcallbackName>(Form akFollower, Form akMaster)
            Where:          akFollower       ; Form       The follower who has been enslaved
                                 akMaster          ; Form       Their new Master


            FSM also sends a ModEvent "fsm_SlaveFreed" when a follower is released from Slavery

            To use: 
                RegisterForModEvent("fsm_SlaveFreed", "<yourcallbackName>")
                Event <yourcallbackName>(Form akFollower, Form akMaster, Bool abIsStolen, Bool abIsRecruited)
            Where:        akFollower        ; Form       The Follower freed
                               akMaster           ; Form       The Master that the follower has been freed from
                               abIsStolen         ; Bool        True if the Follower was stolen from the Master
                               abIsRecruited    ; Bool        True if the Follower is currently recruited to the Player (by FSM or any other Mod)


            To remotely free a slave first set how you want their gear to be handled:


                To specify that the slave you are freeing should have their gear returned

                    StorageUtil.SetIntValue(kFollower, "fsm_RemoteWithGear", 1)

                To free them with only their current slave outfit

                    StorageUtil.SetIntValue(kFollower, "fsm_RemoteWithGear", 0)


            This setting only applies to the Follower's next release event it is NOT persistent.


            Then free the slave by calling the remote release ModEvent on the Actor



           To dismiss a follower using FSM's Vanilla/EFF/NFF/AFT Multi Framework support:



                FSM will not dismiss the current 'Devious Followers' Master or 'Submissive Lola' Master

---------------------------------------------------------------End API---------------------------------------------------------------------------



FSM Plugins
FSM is designed so that more third party mod support can be added in future - Version 1.0 includes a Simple Plugin for Sanguine's Debauchery that allows any active Followers not enslaved by SD to be enslaved in a similar way to SD's built-in Follower handling. 

Currently up to ten enslaved followers are supported - if an eleventh follower is enslaved the existing slave with the longest service will be released.


Enslave On Load

Enslavement of Potential Followers/Hirelings on load is controlled by the EnslaveOnLoadGame.json file. Any follower/hireling whose form is added to the "enslave_followers_on_load" form array will be enslaved when the game is loaded if they are a valid FSM slave.
When the EnslaveOnLoadGame.json file is processed the "enslave_followers_on_load" array is cleared to  ensure that the Enslave On Load process only runs once for the actors in the file. Keep a copy of your Follower/Hireling forms array if you are testing or plan to use them again.
The type of Masters that will be used is controlled by the "master types" string array - this can contain as many or as few master types from Masters.json as you wish. Masters will be chosen randomly from the types listed. By default this is "bandit camps", "warlock lairs" and "more bandit camps" but you can edit the list to suit your own requirements.


EnslaveOnLoadGame.json Example


The supplied json file contains this text

  "enslave_followers_on_load": [],
  "master_types": [
    "bandit camps",
    "warlock lairs",
    "more bandit camps"


To enslave Jenassa the vanilla hireling & Aretha Belven from the mod 'Lots More Followers' to a Warlock or a Vampire when the game is loaded the text required would be

    "enslave_followers_on_load" :
        "__formData|JNL - Lots More Followers.esp|0x002302",
    "master_types" :
        "vampire lairs",
        "warlock lairs"


Remember "enslave_followers_on_load" will be cleared when the file is processed (the "master_types" array will not be cleared).


When enslaving Followers/Hirelings using this feature bear in mind that FSM has a limit of 10 slaves.  Once this limit is exceeded FSM releases the longest serving slave whenever a new Follower is enslaved. 




Devious Followers - Continued SE

If you are too poor to buy a slave and have a Devious Follower you can get your DF to pay for the slave and their gear. Due to sums of money involved this may have immediate consequences! Where you don't have a DF and are short of gold the slave's owner will offer you a deal that will contract a hireling DF to "administer" your loan. The contract length is based on the cost of the slave, plus DF's hiring fee divided by their daily charge. Once the contract expires you will have paid for the slave and covered the hireling's expenses - well maybe...


You can control which hirelings can be used in a deal by editing the list "DF_Hirelings" in the ModInterface.json file.


Fertility Mode

Females slaves to male Masters will be inseminated based on the frequency with which they are used by their Master. The chance of an insemination event is modified by any Devious chastity devices they have equipped.




Once you have installed FSM you need to have a Dialogue with each of your followers to register them in FSM.  For EFF users  - don't just use the EFF custom menu, actually open a dialogue with them using the Talk option in the EFF menu.


You only need do this once per game for each follower  - FSM will keep track of them from then on.


You can check in the MCM on the Enslavement tab to see if all your current followers are listed. If a current follower is not listed, open a dialogue with them and then check again.



EMANCIPATION (Freeing your Followers)


After a few days, Innkeepers will become aware of any new Follower slaves in their town or city. Where Followers have been taken by hostiles, Hold Guards may have news of locations where Bandits, Vampires or other slavers are active, although the accuracy of such information is not guaranteed.
Once you find an enslaved follower, if the owner is neutral or friendly, you can either buy them out of slavery or make a break for freedom with them. If the owner is hostile then more direct action will be required!


If required, the MCM can also be used to reveal a slave's current Hold, Location or Owner and also to remotely free the slave.




The hard requirements are PowerofThree's Papyrus Extender SEPapyrusUtil SE, JContainers SE & SkyUI SE (or LE equivalents)
Sex scenes require either Sexlab 1.63+ or Toys & Love SE 2.1+ (or LE equivalents)





Extensible Follower Framework/Amazing Follower Tweaks/Nether's Follower Framework
Simple Slavery++ 6.3.16+
Sanguine's Debauchery
Toys & Love 2.21+ (Outfits & Love scenes)
Devious Devices 5.1+ (Outfits)

Sexlab Defeat V5.3.6 Bane 24112021




Submissive Lola, the Resubmission
Devious Followers Continued

Dynamic Defeat LRG Patch V1.4 (for Defeat Version 5.3.6)

Fertility Mode & Fertility Mode V3 Fixes and Tweaks

  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    PapyrusUtil , JContainers, SkyUI, PowerofThree's Papyrus Extender
  • Regular Edition Compatible


Edited by Bane Master
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Thanks for this!   It sounds great, and fills a much needed gap in follower handling gameplay


Now, which mod will I sacrifice to try it out .... ??




Quick PS. with some questions.  TIA for any help








     your followers follow you to Simple Slavery, and sold there,


when sold


     are they then sent to the 4 winds, randomly, based on the json lists of eligible slavers/places,




     do they go to the same master/mistress/place as the PC?






Are you planning to include this as an outcome in your version of Defeat?

EDIT 2: That was a really stupid question!  Please ignore it  LOL






Do you sell jam too? ?


Edited by DonQuiWho
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2 hours ago, DonQuiWho said:

are they then sent to the 4 winds, randomly, based on the json lists of eligible slavers/places,

Yes - the are bought by a randomly selected NPC from the groups in the JSON that you have enabled in the MCM


It's one Follower slave per NPC as well to keep things manageable.


2 hours ago, DonQuiWho said:

Do you sell jam too? ?

Not ATM but if anyone with the know how wants to make a JamJarFull_Strawberry model I'd be happy to add it....   

Edited by Bane Master
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Looks interesting, I'll try it out and maybe add it as an outcome to SCB.

(Note: modevent.Create will not fail if FSM is not installed as the comment in your code suggest; it does not know which mods might be listening to which mod events.  To check for that one would need to do eg
    if Game.GetModByName("ModName.esp") != 255  
        ; It's installed!

- You undoubtedly know that already; just saying for others that want to make a client mod.



Hmmm, Strawberry Jam.


Edited by MTB
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PS:  I suppose the main questions coming out from the burbling text wall of questions below, which I sttarted with, are ....


how does FSM select an available outfit from the JSON?  Is it random?  


... and


does the one selected 'follow the follower" into wherever they land up?'


... and


if the outfit is a DD one, does it force the follower to follow DD Device rules/limitations etc when in captivity?






Haven't got round to playing in game yet, but as a technoklutz, have a couple of prob very simple questions about outfit creation, eg the JSON shows ands outfit called 'Devious Chains' thus ...


"Devious Chains": ["124549|Devious Devices - Expansion.esm", "18616|Devious Devices - Expansion.esm", "127332|Devious Devices - Expansion.esm"],


..... and the audit report shows


Devious Chains:
Index  0     124549|Devious Devices - Expansion.esm = (1801E685) Iron Collar (Nipple Chain)
Index  1     18616|Devious Devices - Expansion.esm = (180048B8) Iron Ring Slave Boots
Index  2     127332|Devious Devices - Expansion.esm = (1801F164) Iron Shackles


I understand where the mod name and index, ie '18' come from, I can see the items in the Console and the full item reference there, so I guess that I could create a further outfit, with different assets, but there's one thing I don't quite understand. 


The numbers, respectively, 124549, 18616 and 127332 seem to be the decimal values associated with the mod's hex values eg 18+hexvalue (as derived from the console)  Is that right?


And the decimal values on your JSON match with the relevant item's hex values in my game. 


So are the DD mods assets' hex values 'unique' to them, so that if I created an outfit from within my game, the JSON file I drew up would work on everyone else's?


(and, I suppose the obvious question/assumption(?) then is that any mod can 'reuse' any hex value in game, as long as the full reference id the mod's Index+the mod's hex value?)


I know it's a beginner's question, but is that anywhere near right? 


'YES' or 'NO' will suffice, but if NO, why not might help!  LOL





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49 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

how does FSM select an available outfit from the JSON?  Is it random? 


Yes - it's random, one possible development going forward is to add an MCM page to enable disable outfits similar to the Masters selection page.


49 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

does the one selected 'follow the follower" into wherever they land up?'


Yes -  they will wear the selected outfit until freed. If they are enslaved again in the future they will get another randomly chosen outfit.


49 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:


if the outfit is a DD one, does it force the follower to follow DD Device rules/limitations etc when in captivity?

FSM equips devices using the standard dD LockDevice() function - how they behave after that is up to dD or any other mods that interact with or control device behaviour 




49 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

The numbers, respectively, 124549, 18616 and 127332 seem to be the decimal values associated with the mod's hex values.


So are the DD mods assets' hex values 'unique' to them, so that if I created an outfit from within my game, the JSON file I drew up would work on everyone else's?

Yes, as you have surmised the left most two bytes are the load order of the mod (replaced by the mod name in the JSON file) and the other six bytes are the ID of the form (hex values in the game but stored as decimal values in the JSON).


They are unique within a single mod - so dD can only have one value xxA12345B form, but another mod might also have a (single) form ID xxA12345B - this isn't a problem as the load order bytes ensure these two forms are unique when used in the game.


For that reason any Outfits you add to the JSON will work for anyone else (as long as they have the mod the outfits are from installed!).


FSM is designed to ignore incomplete outfits and missing masters gracefully so that sharing Outfit or Master JSONs, or edits to the files won't cause any issues - the missing Outfits or Masters will just be ignored (and identified as missing in the audit logs). 


49 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

any mod can 'reuse' any hex value in game, as long as the full reference is the mod's Index+the mod's hex value

Exactly - but only once in each mod ?!

Edited by Bane Master
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28 minutes ago, bevo67 said:

Hi - looks to be an awesome mod. Loaded well and its up an running in my LO. Can this be integrated with Prison Alternative or Naked Defeat (which has SS++ integration)? Thanks!

It should already be working, - If you are sent to Simple Slavery++ by any mod that uses the standard "SSLV Entry" ModEvent FSM will detect it and will send your active, nearby followers to the auction to be sold when you are. 

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3 hours ago, Bane Master said:


Yes - it's random, one possible development going forward is to add an MCM page to enable disable outfits similar to the Masters selection page.



Yes -  they will wear the selected outfit until freed. If they are enslaved again in the future they will get another randomly chosen outfit.


FSM equips devices using the standard dD LockDevice() function - how they behave after that is up to dD or any other mods that interact with or control device behaviour 




Yes, as you have surmised the left most two bytes are the load order of the mod (replaced by the mod name in the JSON file) and the other six bytes are the ID of the form (hex values in the game but stored as decimal values in the JSON).


They are unique within a single mod - so dD can only have one value xxA12345B form, but another mod might also have a (single) form ID xxA12345B - this isn't a problem as the load order bytes ensure these two forms are unique when used in the game.


For that reason any Outfits you add to the JSON will work for anyone else (as long as they have the mod the outfits are from installed!).


FSM is designed to ignore incomplete outfits and missing masters gracefully so that sharing Outfit or Master JSONs, or edits to the files won't cause any issues - the missing Outfits or Masters will just be ignored (and identified as missing in the audit logs). 


Exactly - but only once in each mod ?!


Thank you very much for your patience and the very full reply!


I will still profess the total ignorance of rank amateurism regarding :


As referred to, what is a 'complete' and what is an 'incomplete' outfit? 


There doesn't seem to be a fixed number of devices for either DD or Toys, with at least 8 in the Toys 'Curio' option, so I was curious what you meant. ?


Otherwise, am I right in assuming that an outfit structure itself is basically ....


"Name": SPC SPC

["DECML6|Mod Name.esm OR .esp",

"DECML6|Mod Name.esm OR .esp",

"DECML6|Mod Name.esm OR .esp"],


.... and that the items useable can be anything wearable from any mod's .esm or .esp, where the item shows up in the console as ModIDX+HEX666, including clothing etc and any DD item from Assets, Expansion, Integration or any mod that has included its own DD categorised device?


If that's right, then I'm going to have fun playing 'Dress Up', or 'Dress Down' ? 


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50 minutes ago, VirginMarie said:

For Shout Like a Virgin, I plan to send followers into the the hands of FSM, when the dragonborn pisses off Nocturnal. :D 


"You want to know what the 'Fringe Benefits' in the Job Description are?  Free tickets to travel the world, including clothing allowances and all the fresh juice you can drink..."

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16 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:


Thank you very much for your patience and the very full reply!

My pleasure!


16 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

As referred to, what is a 'complete' and what is an 'incomplete' outfit? 


If an outfit contains an invalid item then that outfit will not be used by FSM, it's easy to check if your changes are valid - just fire up FSM, run the Audit and check the Report.


16 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

If that's right, then I'm going to have fun playing 'Dress Up', or 'Dress Down' ?

It's right - have fun!


One important point though, for anyone planning to edit the JSONS


You will notice that the names of things (other than the Mod Names) are in all in lower case - This is important, for reasons best known to Papyrus I have found that if you use capitals in the names they will often not be picked up - it doesn't seem to affect the mod names in the lists for some reason, but for everything else it may not load if you don't use all lower case letters!


Also feel free (anybody!) to share new content for the Master and Outfit JSONs in this support thread.

Edited by Bane Master
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2 minutes ago, sacredfire said:

Is anyone else having trouble having the followers appear on the enslavement list?  I'm using EFF and it only randomly worked once. 

So - I'm using a very light follower tracking system that checks who you speak to to find your followers.


Once FSM is fully installed, wait a few seconds and then speak to your follower, don't just use the EFF custom menu,  actually open a dialogue with them using the Talk option in the EFF menu.


You only need do this once per game for each follower  - FSM will keep track of them from then on.

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2 hours ago, Bane Master said:

So - I'm using a very light follower tracking system that checks who you speak to to find your followers.


Once FSM is fully installed, wait a few seconds and then speak to your follower, don't just use the EFF custom menu,  actually open a dialogue with them using the Talk option in the EFF menu.


You only need do this once per game for each follower  - FSM will keep track of them from then on.

Got it I'll try that and see if it works thanks!

EDIT: Yep works fine that way!

Edited by sacredfire
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1 hour ago, Bane Master said:

My pleasure!



If an outfit contains an invalid item then that outfit will not be used by FSM, it's easy to check if your changes are valid - just fire up FSM, run the Audit and check the Report.


It's right - have fun!


One important point though, for anyone planning to edit the JSONS


You will notice that the names of things (other than the Mod Names) are in all in lower case - This is important, for reasons best known to Papyrus I have found that if you use capitals in the names they will often not be picked up - it doesn't seem to affect the mod names in the lists for some reason, but for everything else it may not load if you don't use all lower case letters!


Also feel free (anybody!) to share new content for the Master and Outfit JSONs in this support thread.


Thanks again!


That's pretty comprehensive.  I'll get to a quiet spot in the game, and give it a whirl.  Presently being overly tanked up with mammary goodness, consequently starkers as a result of being unable to use anything in the wardrobe, all whilst trying to organise a Peace Conference in High Hrothgar probably isn't the best kick off spot .... ?

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25 minutes ago, zarantha said:

Is it possible to blacklist devices that are known not to play well with followers? Things like the armbinders that followers can break out of the bound idle animation to do a different idle, for example.

The built in Outfits don't contain any dD Armbinders - so as long as you don't add any to an Outfit in the JSON file they won't get used.


More generally if there are things you want or don't want in your Follower Slave outfits you can just customise the Outfit.json file to suit your taste. 

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Just a report concerning a small problem I had with the mod. Everything was working fine after installing the mod (follower detection, enslavement, etc...) on a new game, except for the outfits. They were not equipping, whether for male or female, my followers were simply left naked.


When trying to audit the file with the MCM, the resulting text file was always empty (well, not really, but it simply contained 3 lines, the first one always printed, one line with "Male :" and another line with "Female :", and no outfit listed), not matter what outfits I inserted in the file. It showed the same behavior with the initial file in the mod. 


I tried various things, and it started to work when I changed the spelling of "female" and "male" inside the "SlaveOutfits.json" file. I changed "female" to "Female", and "male" to "Male", and then it started working. The behavior seems a bit inconsistent with the other JSON files, where everything in is lower case.

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1 hour ago, zarantha said:

Is it possible to blacklist devices that are known not to play well with followers? Things like the armbinders that followers can break out of the bound idle animation to do a different idle, for example.




You might want to have a look at this and see it it helps you, if you haven't alrerady?  It adds improved 'functionality' to DDs worn by folllowers, but I know that their breaking out into other idles is not entirely 'cured'

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31 minutes ago, Noctisae said:



Just a report concerning a small problem I had with the mod. Everything was working fine after installing the mod (follower detection, enslavement, etc...) on a new game, except for the outfits. They were not equipping, whether for male or female, my followers were simply left naked.


When trying to audit the file with the MCM, the resulting text file was always empty (well, not really, but it simply contained 3 lines, the first one always printed, one line with "Male :" and another line with "Female :", and no outfit listed), not matter what outfits I inserted in the file. It showed the same behavior with the initial file in the mod. 


I tried various things, and it started to work when I changed the spelling of "female" and "male" inside the "SlaveOutfits.json" file. I changed "female" to "Female", and "male" to "Male", and then it started working. The behavior seems a bit inconsistent with the other JSON files, where everything in is lower case.


Does @Bane Master 's post from 3 hours ago re 'Capitalisation' go any way to helping you on this?

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50 minutes ago, Noctisae said:

I tried various things, and it started to work when I changed the spelling of "female" and "male" inside the "SlaveOutfits.json" file. I changed "female" to "Female", and "male" to "Male", and then it started working. The behavior seems a bit inconsistent with the other JSON files, where everything in is lower case.

Well I'm glad its working for you now - I have no idea why changing to capitals worked for you, as my experience has been the opposite! ?


Guess we will just have to put it down to the vagaries of Papyrus/PapyrusUtil.


It would be interesting to see if anyone else has this kind of issue

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Wow, awesome work! This is something I've often thought about and I'm glad to see it realized.


Do you have any plans for additional outcomes when freeing your followers? For example, a bandit chief might demand a trade, allowing the player's follower to go free if the player takes their place as a slave. From there it can hook into a mod like SD+.



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1 hour ago, Bane Master said:

Well I'm glad its working for you now - I have no idea why changing to capitals worked for you, as my experience has been the opposite! ?


Guess we will just have to put it down to the vagaries of Papyrus/PapyrusUtil.


It would be interesting to see if anyone else has this kind of issue

Dear author, please do for LE

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