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Starfield release date 11/22/22

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1 hour ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Guess they saved some money on voice acting with no voiced protagonist and convo scenes. I must've been the only one that kind of liked that feature in FO4. An option for PC voiced lines would have been nice.


Honestly for somewhere around the half billion dollars this game will cost them in development and marketing, the previews aren't very impressive so far.

Many think the voiced protagonist was a great choice. Just as many thought it was a huge mistake.


I’m in the latter group, but mostly because I prefer race modding. I would have preferred unvoiced in FO4, but I didn’t let it hinder me.


If mod-ability is as free form as I hope it will be, I’ll be looking to add a synth type AI race. Except here, I can spread them across an entire universe ?

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If it's done right, I don't mind a voiced protagonist. But the problem is that it does not resonate with my PC. A voice slider would be nice, but the amount of cost, time and work it would take to do it. Even having selected presets for voice, but that would also be a hit or miss. Even giving us the option to opt in or out of a voiced protagonist would be cost effective. So it's either yay or nay.

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I don't want voiced PC in Starfield. Games developed with voiced protagonist almost certainly have pretty fixed player story trees because otherwise too much investments in voice acting would be wasted. It's fine if Bethesda is good at narratives like the old Bioware or Obsidian but they are not. Until proven otherwise just give us enough voiced companions and even if their stories are all poorly written we can still build our own stories from those pieces.
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You mean everything we need to know ahead of release... next year:-( 


I hope todd is planning some kind of secret release it anyway thing at the last minute but more likely we are forced to wait another year so they can milk press F for 76 one more time. I'm certain that 76 was some kind of big deal for zenimax or macroshit that just had to happen or no deal. They wanted big results for x amount of years no exceptions, The recent leaks from devs are giving more credit to that kind of thinking.

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speaking of Starfield their is already claims by some gamers that procedural generation killed starfield. That it is dead in the water before it has already released. Which I find is a stretch and doubt it but their is talk of it complaints about it in reddit,  and a few other places.

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For those who have a PC (which should be most in this community) when the game comes out, get Xbox gamepass for whatever trial offer they have going on at the time. 


Try the game for cheap. If you don't like it, cancel the Xbox sub and be done with it. 



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The first attempt to make this game back in the 90s which appears to be a descent clone of some kind, failed big time so it only makes sense that the second attempt might also fail. I really hope the go find shiny bits of metal for kooky space nambla group is some kind of optional thing to do depending on what faction start you choose. 


Starfield has to be a test ground for new stuff they are hurriedly shoving into ES6 and FO5 so if this game sucks it would be bad for them but they know the big payoff would be the next two games. I bet todd retires after ES6 comes out I mean, look how old he is getting.

Edited by Zor2k13
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well... if you where to describe everything starfield is in short-form i would be really excited for it, semi-realistic space rpg with space combat, travel to several star systems and land on the planets, outposts and ship modding/building, with hireable and probably also interactive crew... skills and backgrounds... and i am hooked...


but if you told me it was made by todd and bugthesda as it is, i am on the wait and see, maybe(probably wont get it the first year or two either just in case) buy it on discount after they have ironed out the majority of the bugs and there are plenty of mods (including adult) as i have been severely burned on fo4 and fo76 and do not see them coming back to what made their greatest hit possible now that they have the creation club bs shoved into everything


so a fuck ton of potential, but the bs stench from todd is wmd levels right now

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On 6/16/2022 at 11:04 PM, Clea Strange said:

speaking of Starfield their is already claims by some gamers that procedural generation killed starfield. That it is dead in the water before it has already released.

It's always the same. People like to talk about and judge things they pretty much know nothing about. 2 years ago you could see similar posts everywhere about CP2077 just going the opposite way, like "never gonna play another game once its out" and shit like that. Didn't really pan out that way. No one knows how the game is gonna be from a 15 minute reveal with like 5 minutes of gameplay plus some additional info.


It's always the same with any game that has some sort of bigger following. Just sometimes it's hyped to infinity and sometimes it's trashed to hell but in the end you have to wait for the release and see for yourself.

Edited by smilyface
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No gore. No weapon or armor degradation..


Gotta keep it family friendly and easy to cater to the mass.

Edited by 3G4
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They didn't seem to shy away from it with Fallout 3's and Fallout 4's official trailer. Seems to me this is going to be like Skyrim. Maybe with a perk you can decapitate enemies.

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Barebones Fallout4-like-gameplay, not so hot frame rate, tri body morphs blow.


Stats make it look like an rpg but this is worthless if there's no interaction between stats and worl/gameplay, I haven't played 76 but videos I've seen your stats matter more than in fallout 4, make 10% of new vegas and game will be fine at least. Remains to be seen.


Modular settlements instead of moving around shack walls this is 100% improvement, same for ships.

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On 6/16/2022 at 6:05 AM, fishburger67 said:

Some things are very obvious to me.


You get to pick the walking animation in the character creator.   If you look at CP2077 and RDR2, that kind of variety is seriously good.  There is real glass and much more expressive facial animation.  Gravity.  The list goes on.  Tod sez that we mod creators will be pleased with what we can do.   I am very encouraged by that.  I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut that within six months of release, there will be hundreds of new settlements on all those empty planets. 


Because this is taking place 300 years in the future, we can extrapolate current culture and physical reality that far easily.  I personally am already thinking on how to utilize these new things even though I haven't seen much of the game yet cause it is something I have already been thinking of since I was a young one.


Tod gave an interview to ign.  Go listen to it.  Here is a synopsis:  https://kotaku.com/starfield-todd-howard-length-bethesda-game-pass-fallout-1849064819




well, i think that earth is probably a dead planet in this game, they had one brief scene in the trailer where it showed what i believe to be the national air and space museum in washington d.c. and it was looking pretty much abandoned and destroyed (you can see the clip at 8:18 into the trailer, it only last a second or two), that means that whatever culture that exist today isn't going to be in starfield as it will be pretty much a clean and very empty slate...


but yes, there is potential in this game, how much of it will come true is hard to say right now but given it is todd then there will be mountains of bs and bugs that they wont bother fixing

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On 6/14/2022 at 7:10 PM, 31971207 said:

Wouldn't proprietary physics engine improve animation modding for Starfield? That way Bethesda won't be bound by licensing restriction and could open it up for modders.

Ship combat is interesting because vaporware notwithstanding we haven't had a game like Wing Commander in ages and with today's hardware it "shouldn't" be difficult to replicate Wing Command or Tie Fighter space combat. But knowing Bethesda who couldn't even get horse cart right I am not raising my hope.


Given that Havok is owned by Microsoft, and Bethesda is now also owned by Microsoft, I somehow doubt it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Star Field system specs predictions.


Given that the game will release on the XBOX consul and that although the XBOX got an upgrade...Its still on the XBOX, this game is not Cyberpunk 2077 and not RDR2.

Fallout 4 had a whole lot of panic predictions about its specifications before its launch most of which made horrific predictions about the computer parts you would need to run the game that were grossly over the top. 

Baseline prediction of what will be needed to actually play Star Field is actually very simple, if your PC is better than the current upgraded XBOX, you can play Star Field in 1080p resolution at 30FPS suspected graphics settings will be medium.  Our last game from this company was Fo4 which got a lot of flak for being unoptimized and recieved a fair amount of grief as well for this.  Todd Howard has said we dont want a Cyberpunk 2077 rerun, what was that about?  Well 2077 had by far the worst launch of any game based on poor optimization perhaps in the last decade, it barely ran on XBOX and was completely removed from the Playstation store cited as being unplayable.  Red Dead Redemption 2 is another game title that people might think of given that it also is on consol machines plus has pretty harsh specs to run well, note that on consol it had "special low end graphics settings" not normally available to PC user without modding.  Bear in mind that the titles Cyberpunk and RDR2 are relevant because both titles pushed the thresh hold of what the current gen consul machine could allow with 2077 literally cratering these machines.


There has to my knowledge been no mention of a new generation of consul machines being released and note that Star Field's development cycle is effectively finished meaning we can expect that the game will be released on current consul machines.  I bring up the 2 other games because those literally show the max expected spec possible and well only one did not choke out plus it also had to have special reduced settings to boot.


So the question really is, how comfortably do you run Fallout 4 right now?

Now I'm not expecting low end graphics cards to do really well but bear in mind that the max suggested card for Fo4 was a GTX780ti, not a bad card and in reality still pretty good for the games most people are likely playing in 1080p gaming (up to a point, ehem I mentioned the games this will have trouble with already).  I'm also not expecting that to be the low end graphics card either, the low may in fact be lower than even that...The minimum spec for graphics card will likely be either 2 or 3G VRAM, and chances are that after the modding community gets their hands on it there will be even lower system spec that can be expected to run the game.


On the topic of RAM, 

I expect that since previous games have actually played better with having more RAM that we can expect that Star Field will likely be the same way, that is sure VRAM is nice but where most will again overlook being prepared to play the game well will be in the RAM department.  The XBOX machine did have a release of a new machine and its big deal was more RAM and a better storage device, this had a good impact on how well games played.  Gamers that want to be ready for the game should evaluate their RAM, most postings on this topic declare that 8Gigs of RAM will be needed and you really should have 16Gigs....Which is really quite sad because they then turn around and scare you that you have to have an AMAZING video card!  The reality will be that you will wish you had prepared with 32 Gigs of RAM since we will have to have Win10 at least until modders get their hands on the game and have had time to backport the game, yes it happens all the time.

Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 play much better with enough RAM, both tend to use around ~14 Gigs and I have seen them use ~16....Note that having only 16Gigs of physical RAM chips on board your machine that you can not ever achieve using that much RAM because background programs will use up memory and that Win10 is one hungry greedy SOB wanting at least 8Gigs if it can get it since its so much more important than your gaming experience you are stuck having to pay out for this absolutely critical feature on your gaming PC.

So your best bet on an upgrade is going to be dollar for performance the RAM modules you have, assuming you have at least a decent Graphics Card already that competes well with a consol not hard to do if you have already been in decent gear for playing the mentioned titles in 1080p.


Your next best bet is to make sure that you have a storage drive that is not a rotary hard disk, I know its hard to believe but people still show up posting that they use HDD disks for their system.  Simply making the jump from a HDD to a SSD will net you 1-2 FPS alone and when we throw mods at this it will be more important (FPS gain can be higher than I posted, since more information needs to be moved although if you mod heavily you likely already understood that).  WHY bring it up?  Well first address your RAM because cost to performance will be cheapest investment and then if you have HDD as game drive replace it cause it will cost you oh ~50-100 bucks, still much cheaper than getting a used graphics card.


On the Topic of Graphics Card,

Anyone making wild claims that you will need a 2000/3000 series graphics card at a minimum is literally fear mongering to push the overstock of cards that is starting to develop.  You will not need them, it is nice to have one but its not needed, file that under gosh that would sure be swell to have.  Its not going to exclude you from being able to play the game unless your really behind on the graphics card.  You should have at minimum at least 3 Gigs of VRAM and comfortably 6, but dont expect stellar results at max settings outside of 1080p which BTW a heck of a lot of people play in that range for gaming as it is.  You can easily be sitting at 3VRAM with an older card than a 1000 series by Nvidia.

BUT BUT the trailer was made using a RTX 2080ti CARD!?

Right the trailer was made using such a card.....AND?......Seriously get a grip if anything that says to me I dont need anything better than that for best resulting experience while playing the game!  Holly shit folks, get a grip and realize that the developers are not using space age graphics cards farting out smelly rainbow shit all over the screen,

2080ti will be absolute fucking overkill for this game.  Most people out on Steam wont even have a 2000 or a 3000 series card and there is no way for the consul machines to be expected to run a game that was designed around and requiring a 2000 series card!  Cyberpunk 2077 was designed around needing that card and it absolutely tanked on the market and caused a terrible uproar in the console community.  Again anyone that makes such wild claims is fear mongering for the purpose of trying to push overpriced used hardware so that the next series of graphics cards can command a higher price than they would if the G-card market absolutely tanked which it still can BTW!


Plan your Graphics Card selection around the resolution and FPS you want out of your experience rather than the hype and fear mongering.

1st make sure you have your RAM and storage worked out, the RAM first because its actually cheaper right now than a G-card solution even now that the prices have supposedly dropped lol bullshit the prices are still eye gougingly insane.


1080p->3Gb VRAM

2K->1080-2080 cards

4K->2000 to 3000 series cards

Durr, looks pretty much like any other sort of generic spec you might find right now.


BUT Gameplayer your CPU is so old it needs to be retired to the old folks home!

Uh no, I literally played Cyberpunk 2077 medium settings 1080p at 30FPS average on my old folks machine using a 1060Ti....BUT you were CPU locked out of that game! How the fuck is that possible!  I literally changed one variable in the games executable and BTW the requirement to use Win10 was complete bull shit.  Cyberpunk was in fact patched withen 2 weeks to not exclude old CPU archetexture because there were so many people patching it themselves.


Basically if you are playing Cyberpunk 2077 or RDR2....you can run Star Field anything you do to your machine is basically putting some extra gravy on there to enhance your play time experience.


The major issue will likely be needing Win10, even then you can probably expect that withen 2 months of launch someone will hack that out of there provide and executable, patch, or even an instruction set on how to make the changes to said executable....Unlike Cyberpunk we cannot expect that the game will be patched to use Win7 because Microsoft owns Bethsada now ><


Ultimately, the market itself could not bear the expectations of high end gamers back then and it certainly wont now.  The consumer market is tapped out, hello silly high end gamer, it cannot support your benign crazy rantings of needing best end hardware and likely wont for a decade or more from today.  The game has to launch withen reasonable specs if not it will crash and burn causing a lot of turmoil....  "We dont want a Cyberpunk 2077"...<----  


I hope that this reasoning helps you make an informed decision about your PC.

Edited by Gameplayer
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the more i hear about their ai generated planets system, the more i think they cover up that they have no hand crafted levels/citys/hubs and such in this game.


for example, mass effect andromeda traded the action/story driven levels in previous series for a few open world levels which turned out to be huge time wasters who forced u to do search and collect missions to advance the storyline, from all bugs this game had - this gameplay was the worst.

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On 7/16/2022 at 7:04 PM, 0wnyx said:

the more i hear about their ai generated planets system, the more i think they cover up that they have no hand crafted levels/citys/hubs and such in this game.

ffs they've already confirmed 4 main cities, many other minor locations, and have claimed that 'this game has more hand-crafted content than any previous title'. If you're going to be so unnecessarily negative about the games we've been playing for literal decades do some research so your speculation isn't immediately shot down.

Edited by Code Serpent
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On 6/19/2022 at 7:19 PM, 3G4 said:

No gore. No weapon or armor degradation..


Gotta keep it family friendly and easy to cater to the mass.


Until the modding community gets ahold of it. Then there will be lots of room for customized world, quests, the Starfield version of the sex mods, updated models, weapons (even new ones), transparent spacesuits, variations for the spaceships, robots, pets, new creatures etc.


The base game will have bugs, all AAA games will, they are just too big to fully test and the systems they run on too varied. I expect the bugs, broken quests etc, but I am real EXICITED for the mods that will come out from it. 


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