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SexLab Framework Development

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Here is the situation with Sl 1.58 beta2 and beta 3.


This problem is related to Defeat mod, when my follower decide to rape enemy.

She doesn't sheath her weapons at all (what was the case in 1.57 version), and animations starts as it is on the picture. But, after changing 3-4 animations, at the end the proper animation is played, but still with her weapons in her hands.




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Ran into a problem when trying 2 clients at once, when the scene tried to start I got a "No Valid Scene Found" message and it went into a single scene BJ with the male client while the female just stood by then after a moment it CTD'd.




Found the problem with this : it seems the female was wearing a chastity belt and although she agreed to have sex , be a part of a multiple sex scene she was unable to participate once the scene started.

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As a note, with some creature animations (most so far) the creature flickers a bit. Nothing I can't deal with, but strange. Not like appears and disappears, more like it is almost blurry as it is trying to move.


I'd also note a lot of creature animations are now anal, though that may be deliberate.

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Using the SexLabFramework.RegisterAnimation/Expression/Voice() with NO callback NOT extending the factory, registering and defining it all at once.
scriptname RegisterAnimations2 extends Quest
; // Get access to the globals for the int flags for better readability
import sslObjectFactory
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto

function LoadAnimation()
	; // Create the empty animation and define it inline.
	sslBaseAnimation a = SexLab.RegisterAnimation("MyAnimation")
	if a != none		
		a.Name = "My Animation"
		; // Access the Female and Vaginal flag from the sslObjectFactory global
		int a1 = a.AddPosition( Female(), addCum = Vaginal() )
		a.AddPositionStage(a1, "Missionary_A1_S1")
		; // Other registrations stuff, closed off by a.Save(id)



I just would like to add a small note on these instructions describing one possible method of registering animations. I know it's a bit old but I ran into a problem trying to use it so I would like to offer this correction to anyone else who would like to use it.


a.Save(id) would not work because id is undefined in this code. id is the Slot of the animation, so one could use the function FindByName() from sslAnimationSlots to fetch it.


So, the script would look like this:

scriptname RegisterAnimations2 extends Quest
; // Get access to the globals for the int flags for better readability
import sslObjectFactory
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto
;// Define the sslAnimationSlots script as a property so we can call its functions
sslAnimationSlots Property sslAnimSlots Auto

function LoadAnimation()
	; // Create the empty animation and define it inline.
	sslBaseAnimation a = SexLab.RegisterAnimation("MyAnimation")
	if a != none		
		a.Name = "My Animation"
		; // Access the Female and Vaginal flag from the sslObjectFactory global
		int a1 = a.AddPosition( Female, addCum = Vaginal )
		a.AddPositionStage(a1, "Missionary_A1_S1")
		; // Other registrations stuff, closed off by a.Save(id)
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One last beta update to test a few small tweaks and hopefully fix the starting alignment issue a couple people have mentioned.


Beta 4 Available Here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/18708-sexlab-framework-development-v158-beta-3-available-06242014/?p=823401

Downloaded beta 4 and prepairing to test.


Note on beta 3 the arrok boob job animation was giving me problems with 2 females, female customer and female pc. The animations ran fine but when the orgasm stage ended the players controls were locked up. the camera was normal and I could swing my view around the player but I couldn't zoom in or out and ALL other controls were locked. Had to go back to an earlier save to fix it as even a save with a quit to the desktop and restart did not unlock the controls. The cusomer re-equiped their outfit and went on their merry way though :)

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All I am seeing is that I seem to have to hit space many times when the animations start.  Both parties stand looking at each other, or the male starts humping the air and I am standing away from him.  Tap the spacebar and everything is normal.  Everything else seems to be functioning well if not cleaner and faster.  Thanks!

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Just did a little testing with beta 4 the starting anim is still delayed after the undressing anim my character stands in the default idle anim for a few seconds before joining the scene also some of the anims are still bugging out going into the second stage, this seems to only be affecting arrok and zyn's animations as the rough missionary played through normally, installed everything over the top of 157 ran the finis generator and cleaned and reset sexlab after loading the game.

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I'm using: ShowRaceMenuPrecacheKiller.dll, skse_1_07_00 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 and hdtSkyrimMemPatch.dll.  I would prefer not to use the Precache Killer, every attempt resulted in failure (new game).  ECE would not initialize calling on an papyrus error.  How do you get Sheson's memory allocation patch to work without a precache killer?  Must additional lines be written or changed in the skse.ini or should I be using SSME?  There is a noticeable increase in performance with SL158B2 w/script patch, I would think that without a precache killer causing harm would help overall game performance.  


Edit:  I'm also using ENB 252 UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true. 


With the realization of how obvious the solution was to remove precachekiller (yikes),  I did find that windows-update doesn't update microsoft visual c++ redistributable libraries automatically.  I manually updated windows 8.1 with 2012 libraries and found my game runs much better along with some changes switching to SSME for Sherson's patch, tweaking hdtskyrimempatch.ini & enblocal.ini.  Having conflicts with FNIS 5.1.1, I have reverted back to FNIS 5.0.2 and SL1.57.  This is disconcerting because SexLab testing is always a highlight and have ejoyed being involved. :)   I thank you Ashal for the precachekill.dll heads up as it has lead me to investigate a broader range of game breaking solutions.



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Using the SexLabFramework.RegisterAnimation/Expression/Voice() with NO callback NOT extending the factory, registering and defining it all at once.
scriptname RegisterAnimations2 extends Quest
; // Get access to the globals for the int flags for better readability
import sslObjectFactory
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto

function LoadAnimation()
	; // Create the empty animation and define it inline.
	sslBaseAnimation a = SexLab.RegisterAnimation("MyAnimation")
	if a != none		
		a.Name = "My Animation"
		; // Access the Female and Vaginal flag from the sslObjectFactory global
		int a1 = a.AddPosition( Female(), addCum = Vaginal() )
		a.AddPositionStage(a1, "Missionary_A1_S1")
		; // Other registrations stuff, closed off by a.Save(id)



I just would like to add a small note on these instructions describing one possible method of registering animations. I know it's a bit old but I ran into a problem trying to use it so I would like to offer this correction to anyone else who would like to use it.


a.Save(id) would not work because id is undefined in this code. id is the Slot of the animation, so one could use the function FindByName() from sslAnimationSlots to fetch it.


So, the script would look like this:

scriptname RegisterAnimations2 extends Quest
; // Get access to the globals for the int flags for better readability
import sslObjectFactory
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto
;// Define the sslAnimationSlots script as a property so we can call its functions
sslAnimationSlots Property sslAnimSlots Auto

function LoadAnimation()
	; // Create the empty animation and define it inline.
	sslBaseAnimation a = SexLab.RegisterAnimation("MyAnimation")
	if a != none		
		a.Name = "My Animation"
		; // Access the Female and Vaginal flag from the sslObjectFactory global
		int a1 = a.AddPosition( Female, addCum = Vaginal )
		a.AddPositionStage(a1, "Missionary_A1_S1")
		; // Other registrations stuff, closed off by a.Save(id)


I took a look at "sslBaseAnimation.psc", and the id in the Save function is only used to do some logs call. You can probably pass any value there.


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Using the SexLabFramework.RegisterAnimation/Expression/Voice() with NO callback NOT extending the factory, registering and defining it all at once.
scriptname RegisterAnimations2 extends Quest
; // Get access to the globals for the int flags for better readability
import sslObjectFactory
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto

function LoadAnimation()
	; // Create the empty animation and define it inline.
	sslBaseAnimation a = SexLab.RegisterAnimation("MyAnimation")
	if a != none		
		a.Name = "My Animation"
		; // Access the Female and Vaginal flag from the sslObjectFactory global
		int a1 = a.AddPosition( Female(), addCum = Vaginal() )
		a.AddPositionStage(a1, "Missionary_A1_S1")
		; // Other registrations stuff, closed off by a.Save(id)



I just would like to add a small note on these instructions describing one possible method of registering animations. I know it's a bit old but I ran into a problem trying to use it so I would like to offer this correction to anyone else who would like to use it.


a.Save(id) would not work because id is undefined in this code. id is the Slot of the animation, so one could use the function FindByName() from sslAnimationSlots to fetch it.


So, the script would look like this:

scriptname RegisterAnimations2 extends Quest
; // Get access to the globals for the int flags for better readability
import sslObjectFactory
SexLabFramework property SexLab auto
;// Define the sslAnimationSlots script as a property so we can call its functions
sslAnimationSlots Property sslAnimSlots Auto

function LoadAnimation()
	; // Create the empty animation and define it inline.
	sslBaseAnimation a = SexLab.RegisterAnimation("MyAnimation")
	if a != none		
		a.Name = "My Animation"
		; // Access the Female and Vaginal flag from the sslObjectFactory global
		int a1 = a.AddPosition( Female, addCum = Vaginal )
		a.AddPositionStage(a1, "Missionary_A1_S1")
		; // Other registrations stuff, closed off by a.Save(id)


I took a look at "sslBaseAnimation.psc", and the id in the Save function is only used to do some logs call. You can probably pass any value there.





For voice and expressions you're more or less right. With animations however Save() does some important post creation cleanup and offset calculations.


Moreover I'm considering just removing the object factory functions, or giving them a major overhaul.  The system as it is now is clunky and has limited use. I was more or less either drunk or heavily sleep deprived when I wrote most of it (as evidenced by the boken example I originally gave.)

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There is no question that we need sound effects for the creatures. I let Random Sex do its thing near a Riekling camp and it just isn't the same without the sounds. Not to mention I would expect the Rieklings to be somewhat more... frenzied... when going at it... :)


Oh, and is there any source code for the SKSE utilities - I'm trying to figure out the interface and the SKSE examples aren't that helpful.

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One problem:

I am now trying to get the Get to work on my Mo. However


Installing the development build:

The above link gives me a 403 error. I can't get the first step to even begin to start setting this up. I really would like the ability to move forward and backwards on the versions. If later I start to get more comfortable with the process I might be able to give some amateur feedback on the beta... at least I would like to be able to try..:).. 


One question:

Can you run two versions of the process. One for main play and the other for testing? I ask since I use MO and Profiles are separated. If not cool I believe it is possible to roll back to a version for a particular play and then roll forward for testing Profile. (perhaps that might just be the best way to use it anyway... hum)

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There is no question that we need sound effects for the creatures. I let Random Sex do its thing near a Riekling camp and it just isn't the same without the sounds. Not to mention I would expect the Rieklings to be somewhat more... frenzied... when going at it... :)


Oh, and is there any source code for the SKSE utilities - I'm trying to figure out the interface and the SKSE examples aren't that helpful.

It is possible to add sound effect triggers within the animations, the caveat being you have to use the Havok Exporter to do it as I can't swear if the nif exporter supports such a thing.


I suppose I could wash some random porn audio on the web through Sound Forge or Audacity to play with the pitch, but it may end up sounding a little crazy. A high pitched " Who's your daddy ? " with some grunts thrown in there would be hilarious though :)


However, that would be another file to add to any mod that wants to use them. Unless you didn't want custom sounds that is, then you could just tell the animation to play sexsound.wav at keyframe X. ( where sexsound is some already installed voice / sex file )

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