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What Areas Should be Looked at?  

1,098 members have voted

  1. 1. What Areas need to be looked at more?

    • Better Naked/Armor Slot handling/configuration (IE armors that do not use body slot that should prevent nudity)
    • Creature Handling
    • Nearby NPC arousal Updating over time (Or appearingly not updating)
    • Other (Leave a Comment)

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At the end of sexual activity, arousal is zero. But how do I get libido to drop quickly after sexual activity is over?

When libido is high, the excitability rises again. How should I set libido rate of change?

When the sex scene ends and orgasm is achieved, the excitement level is zero. But can libido be zeroed as well?
Excitability goes to zero, but libido is still high. So the excitement level rises again.

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Dude... your mod is absolutely GIGA-FANTASTIC. Basically you changed modded Skyrim like a A-bomb changes the landscape. Grats and many thanks :D !


And now for the testing part as i am discovering the mod >> honestly the only thing i observed which bugs me a little is the fact that my followers and NPCs are like bunnies. Their Arousal is climbing too quickly for my taste. My PC must suck them off several times a day to maintain them under 50 arousal points. 

This said... maybe i am doing something wrong xD


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Would love to see the dragon killing increasing arousal from SLEN make a comeback :) Always felt it was a bit more immersive for the dragonborn to run around sleeping with half the city knowing his/her condition :P one of the quests in Amorous Adventures (the one with Danica) even states the dragonborn has that issue.

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Could you have the MCM keyword list populate from a json? Might be technically difficult idk, but from a user perspective is good for all manner of random mod support things.
For example I like being able to manually set 'killerheels' , 'rags' etc from SLAx & SL Disparity

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When using SLAM to update characters, everything works fast and great.?


?But I have a suggestion that came to my mind yesterday while trying to come up with a useful MCM setup.



Global minimum libido for NPCs at 60

Viewing Nude at 50

Even to 50 means it means nothing because the conditions are counted from 0.

So another condition would have to occur in order to get above the minimum at all.?


My suggestion is:

An option in which the conditions are added to the global minimum.



Global minimum libido for NPCs at 40

Viewing Nude at 20

That means the base would be 60 for this NPC


I would find it much easier to get a reasonable setup without making extreme adjustments to all other arousal based mods.


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I seem to be lacking in understanding. Please explain the aroused calculation formula in detail for me.

When I'm done having sex, my arousal goes to 0. But libido is 50. Libido is slightly reduced.

And excitement quickly rises again. I tested several times changing the MCM settings.

How do I set the arousal level to rise slowly toward libido when the arousal level drops to 0 after sex?

Or, I want to know the settings that make libido drop quickly after sex.

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2 hours ago, powersexking said:

How do I set the arousal level to rise slowly toward libido when the arousal level drops to 0 after sex?


When arousal drops to zero, this should always be the case.?

Just tried: Settings->Arousal Rate of Change

Simply enter 5 or even less, works wonderfull.


You have to keep your arousal low to get less libido.

Can also be adjusted, is just below the one for arousal.

But you should be careful with this, because it also means that the libido increases faster if you stay horny for a longer period of time.


Currently I would advise (for all those who want to have less nymphomatic characters?) to set arousal rate to 6 and libido to 3.

Edited by mudda911
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23 hours ago, mudda911 said:



When arousal drops to zero, this should always be the case.?

Just tried: Settings->Arousal Rate of Change

Simply enter 5 or even less, works wonderfull.


You have to keep your arousal low to get less libido.

Can also be adjusted, is just below the one for arousal.

But you should be careful with this, because it also means that the libido increases faster if you stay horny for a longer period of time.


Currently I would advise (for all those who want to have less nymphomatic characters?) to set arousal rate to 6 and libido to 3.


Thanks to you, it was applied perfectly as I wanted.

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Please, please, please add "Revealing Boobs, Butt, Pussy, Dick" Keywords and functionality! This will open the door for a lot more variety and creativity in other mods. I was never able to play with Sexcrime when it was using those mechanics, but I really wish that was still a thing. Being able to define nudity by a combination of those keywords would also be great. That way, certain mods can still be used without necessarily needing them to be updated. For example, Sexlab Adventures looks for nudity in its proximity rape checks, but if we are able to define nudity as (just as an example) [Revealing Boobs] + [Revealing Pussy] that would be incredible. Right now it more or less only checks the body slot, even if you'd technically be otherwise "covered" without it equipped.

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On 11/17/2022 at 4:09 PM, NymphoElf said:

Please, please, please add "Revealing Boobs, Butt, Pussy, Dick" Keywords and functionality! This will open the door for a lot more variety and creativity in other mods. I was never able to play with Sexcrime when it was using those mechanics, but I really wish that was still a thing. Being able to define nudity by a combination of those keywords would also be great. That way, certain mods can still be used without necessarily needing them to be updated. For example, Sexlab Adventures looks for nudity in its proximity rape checks, but if we are able to define nudity as (just as an example) [Revealing Boobs] + [Revealing Pussy] that would be incredible. Right now it more or less only checks the body slot, even if you'd technically be otherwise "covered" without it equipped.


I second your feelings. I am trying to create a character that gets harassed while wearing sexy armor, and nonstop molestation if running around nude. I started off using “sexlab aroused baka” but that mod considered sexy armor as nude which interfered with a balanced game-play. It will be really nice if in addition to sexy keywords there was an option to click if current outfit is considered nude.


While trying to figure out what outfits this mod considers nude, I zapped the panties from a mini dress. After zapping, this mod considered the dress nude. If this mod did correctly register the pantyless mini dress as nude, then this mod must be more advanced then I realized, but I would like an option to decide what and when my character is considered nude. Also, an override switch which can make a nude outfit not nude or Vis versa would make things supper customizable

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3 hours ago, ghostly_doe said:

hi, I seem to be having an issue where I cant get the armour lists in the keyword tab to work? like nothing shows up

Only committing because I spent a bunch of time figuring this out on my own. It took me a while to figure out but this mod only covers five keywords not counting SLS bikini armor. What took me even longer to figure out was why armor labeled as “SLA_ArmorHalfNaked” wasn’t showing up until I realized those armors weren't labeled as  “SLA_ArmorHalfNaked” rather “SLA_ArmorHalfNakedBikini” which is not supported by this mod.


If you want to see your armors tags, and if anything is overwriting the tag you should use SSEEdit. Post two from this link may get you started in changing the keywords manually

I’m planing to predominantly use two keywords 1) “EroticArmor [KYWD:0C08C7F6]” and 2) “SLA_ArmorHalfNaked [KYWD:0C08E855]” as I have the KYWD key for those two. Maybe someday there will be a batch add from the MCM. Hopefully this mod in the future will add support for more keywords.

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In regards to the keyword editing, I think it could be cool to have a more robust standalone mod for editing keywords. 


I created a thread for the mod idea, feel free to leave any questions/comments/ideas over there. 


Mainly looking to help someone else who is either looking to get into modding, or looking to create a relatively "straight-forward" utility mod. Since i dont really have capacity to take this on, but the minimum viable version has a pretty low scope of work involved.



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12 hours ago, serio3312 said:

Even with the patch Radiant Prostitution would still not work for me, the clients never come and satisfied.


Do not know what you mean by patch, but Radiant Prostitution-Gigolo SE 7.0.4 (beta) work as it is using SLSO.  I added the tweaks from Corsec to eliminate the customer convincing stage.  Do not let radiant prostitution overwrite OSL Aroused or Sexlab.


If you installed 7.x over an older version without clean save, maybe something got corrupted. Try to clean save the mod first.  Use ReSaver 6.x to clean remnant from the save, just in case.









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1 hour ago, safado said:


Do not know what you mean by patch, but Radiant Prostitution-Gigolo SE 7.0.4 (beta) work as it is using SLSO.  I added the tweaks from Corsec to eliminate the customer convincing stage.  Do not let radiant prostitution overwrite OSL Aroused or Sexlab.


If you installed 7.x over an older version without clean save, maybe something got corrupted. Try to clean save the mod first.  Use ReSaver 6.x to clean remnant from the save, just in case.



  Reveal hidden contents






I do not use SLSO and it isn't listed as a hard requirement for Radiant Prostitution. Without SLSO it should always allow you to satify the customer. But that's not the case with OSL Aroused. In OSL Aroused installer there's a patch for Radiant Prostitution but that does not seem to fix it.

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1 hour ago, serio3312 said:

I do not use SLSO and it isn't listed as a hard requirement for Radiant Prostitution. Without SLSO it should always allow you to satify the customer. But that's not the case with OSL Aroused. In OSL Aroused installer there's a patch for Radiant Prostitution but that does not seem to fix it.


Actually, I'm using that patch too, but did not notice it because in my setup OSL Aroused override everything by default.



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6 hours ago, AttilaMagyar said:

how do I stio the leaking of milk effect during animations?  I don't see a bix to uncheck it.

Thx  ;) 



Wrong forum. OSL Aroused - Arousal Reborn do not deal with "milk" anything.  That feature is out of scope of the framework.

Also, do not do animations, it just "creates" and tracks the value of arousal based on certain conditions or mod-events calls.

Other mods use the values for doing something, triggers for events, mostly. 



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Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FFBDB086035 (OSLAroused_SKSE.dll+26035) on thread 13576!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 15
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 18
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 09 Dec 2022 01:37:12.643

Possible relevant objects (5)
  [  16]    TESNPC(Name: `????????????????`, FormId: 00000007, File: `Starting Spell Choice.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
  [  16]    PlayerCharacter(FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `????????????????`, FormId: 00000007, File: `Starting Spell Choice.esp <- Skyrim.esm`))
  [ 213]    NiNode(Name: `CME R Forearm [RLar]`)
  [ 441]    hkpRigidBody
  [ 454]    hkpRigidBody(Node: `BSFadeNode(Name: `WRIntFloorMid02`, Owner: `TESObjectREFR(FormId: 674A7B8E, File: `The Ancient Profession.esp`, BaseForm: TESObjectSTAT(FormId: 0005D17D, File: `Skyrim.esm`))`)`)

Probable callstack
  [0]   0x7FFBDB086035     (OSLAroused_SKSE.dll+26035)    
  [1]   0xFFFF00000014                                    
  [2]   0xFFFF                                            
  [3]   0x3E                                              
  [4]   0x7FF798D72BC9     (SkyrimSE.exe+902BC9)          SkyrimScript::HandlePolicy::Func8_902B00+C9
  [5]   0x7FFBDB0906CB     (OSLAroused_SKSE.dll+306CB)    
  [6]   0x1FAC45390C0                                     
  [7]   0x61BCCF9B10                                      
  [8]   0x1FB63A18AF0                                     
  [9]   0x1FB63A18B00                                     
  [10]  0x61BCCF9AC0                                      
  [11]  0x6EB5F4BF5F61                                    
  [12]  0x40400000                                        

I get that by NetScriptFramework. Got CTD from some SL scenes

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