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Shout Like a Virgin Evolved SE & LE

Gender & Beast Compatibility  

2,690 members have voted

  1. 1. When I play with SLaVE & Toys, if well supported, I would prefer playing as a...

    • Female
    • Male
    • Orc, Khajit, or Argonian
    • Futa
    • Something not listed here
  2. 2. This is most important...

    • Quantity of toys that work for my character
    • Always perfect animations for my gender
    • Correct context for the story and text/dialogue

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25 minutes ago, maelstromxc said:

Thank you for the info. Having spent a few hours last week trying to troubleshoot the Toys MCM issue before it was fixed in 8.1b, I am just trying to avoid anything like that happening again in this new save. 


  • If the MCM Installation Tests in both SLaVE and Toys, run with success, you've covered most installation issues
  • The MCM scenario is easy.... MCM can be seen = good, otherwise bad. Its black and white
  • There's no test for corrupt save, because the symptoms can show up much later. But you can't have a corrupt save on a new game if you've not changed anything since
Edited by VirginMarie
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Ok...hope I'm in the right place. I have toy story and s.l.a.v.e. installed, working Great. PC has taken the toy story quest to go to Winterhold(?) Magic College to talk to a guy about info on the toys that Nightly wants to know about. Also my PC has been to the Greybeards, used her shout and accepted the horn quest. Cassia has visited and delivered the note from Dibella(?). My PC has entered and enrolled in Magic learning at the College. She now want's to get the horn for the Greybeards. When she uses the Whirlwind shout Noccturna(?) grabs her. Fast-forward thru that, back in Skyrim. When she tries to go back to Nightly the phase stone has vanished, however the quest Nightly sent her on to the College is still open and active and in the journal, w\curious curios(?)highlighted in the description it reads "this quest not available yet". Here's my question(finally), is this supposed to happen(phase stone vanishing, no more Nightly with the quest still open or have I messed up my install. Has the Noccturna quest line overridden the toy story quest?

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6 minutes ago, BDNelson said:

is this supposed to happen(phase stone vanishing


Phasing Stone rises up when you approach it. Sinks down when you leave it. Perhaps if you leave it and come back it will rise up again, and thus its working as intended. If not, its nothing you've installed wrong, and it could be a bug I have. But you will probably find it rises up again when you return.


6 minutes ago, BDNelson said:

no more Nightly with the quest still open or have I messed up my install.


As you stated, it tells you "this quest not available yet". Toy Story is in beta, its not finished, it's quest is just the start of what is to come. This is working as intended. Collage quest is unrelated and is part of the vanilla game.


6 minutes ago, BDNelson said:

Has the Noccturna quest line overridden the toy story quest?


Nocturnal shows up when you shout, its what she does. Your shout summons her, and sometimes there will be further interactions, otherwise she helps you in battle like a follower. You can adjust this in the MCM. 


Thus you can expect her to show up when doing the quest of another mod or the vanilla game. Nothing has overridden anything.


Greybeards and Horn Quest are the main quest in the vanilla game. They have nothing to do with Toy Story or SLaVE.

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The Day of Tales and Tallows is NearTales1.png


When Potema was alive and queen of solitude, she attempted to enslave the souls of Nocturnal's Nightingales. Gallus has discovered that conjurers will attempt to resurrect Potema, when conditions are just right, on the day of Tales and Tallows. I must ensure Potema is not resurrected. I can't allow her to attempt enslavement of Nightingales a second time. To do this I must.... well I will have to find out!




Now's the time to turn Halloween Mode on!

- Shout Like a Virgin MCM - Misc Tab - Enable Halloween Content


If you already have the latest SLaVE release, there's nothing more needed,  just turn it on.


In Halloween Mode, you will have visual content, even if you don't play the Tales & Tallows Quest.



Tales & Tallows FAQs


1. How do I start Tales & Tallows?

  • Tales & Tallows, will start after your first rebirth
    • This is several hours of game play unless you rush it, or use the MCM Skip Initial Story option which will take you directly to this point (using the MCM option is a bad idea if it's the first time playing this mod)
  • After your first rebirth, you will be, and things start. The likelihood of being "visited" in a nice friendly town or city is pretty low. You are going to need to be more adventurous than that! So get adventuring and things will happen

2. How do I play Tales & Tallows in Halloween Mode?

  • MCM Misc Tab - "Enable Halloween Content" can be turned on or off
  • The difference... With Halloween on you will have Halloween themed visuals, terminology, and one extra toy

3. What if I want to play Tales & Tallows in Halloween Mode, but I've already started the quest?

  • You must start a new game, or use a save that is before the first rebirth
    • If you don't, you will still have lots of other visuals/locations working in Halloween mode

4. How do I get the Tallows toys?

  • You will receive Tallows toys progressively during the Tales & Tallows quest
  • Before or during the quest, they cannot be selected/equipped through the MCM toys tab
  • Once Tales & Tallows is complete, these toys become available in the MCM

5. How do I remove the Tallows toys?

  • Complete the Tales & Tallows Quest to receive the key
  • Once Tales & Tallows is complete, these toys become available in the MCM toys tab

6. How do I activate a Nocturnal Statue? (Call Forth the Ravens)

  • You are taught how at the first statue. Activating a statue is referred to, in the quest journal, as "calling forth the ravens". Get close to the statue. Use Thu'um of Love Shout (any number of words will do)



Edited by VirginMarie
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  • VirginMarie changed the title to Shout Like a Virgin Evolved SE & LE
4 hours ago, Ironeater said:

prolly been answered before but what mod is this penis fungus from and is there a stand alone version ?


Sexlab Survival has a "Daydreaming" feature that activates when your player character reaches a certain Sexlab Aroused arousal level. 


One of the things that the Daydreaming feature does is make all the mushrooms in the game look like different kinds of penises.


The Daydreaming feature is actually one of the coolest parts of Sexlab Survival. ?❤️

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Prior to a new game, I finally upgraded to SL Beta 9.  On multiple game loads, I could not get Toys 1.4 to the MCM.  I used the patched SKSE script for the MCM in the download but to no avail.  I was thinking maybe I missed an upgraded Toys support file on the upgrade.  I'm fairly certain the only thing I needed to upgrade to support SL Beta 9 was SKSE 20019.   I backed out of the SL upgrade and through SL Beta 8 back in, while leaving SKSE 20019 in place, just to see if there are issues with it..  All is well.  I took heed to start new games in the test runs.  I just want to know if anyone can tell me they have it working with SL Beta 9, before I try again.

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3 hours ago, KGRam said:

Prior to a new game, I finally upgraded to SL Beta 9.  On multiple game loads, I could not get Toys 1.4 to the MCM.  I used the patched SKSE script for the MCM in the download but to no avail.  I was thinking maybe I missed an upgraded Toys support file on the upgrade.  I'm fairly certain the only thing I needed to upgrade to support SL Beta 9 was SKSE 20019.   I backed out of the SL upgrade and through SL Beta 8 back in, while leaving SKSE 20019 in place, just to see if there are issues with it..  All is well.  I took heed to start new games in the test runs.  I just want to know if anyone can tell me they have it working with SL Beta 9, before I try again.


Are you saying that... new game (a real new game, not some early save), and the combo of Toys 1.4 / Toys 1.4 patch / Sexlab Beta 9 / SKSE 20019 =  Toys MCM does not show up? Then you change this by only going to SL Beta 8, and it's fine? I think I've got that right. I want to confirm both tests are a straight up new game. If they are not a new game, it's not relevant as you need new game adding Toys or SL beta 9 for the first time.


If using Vortex, are you using Vortex purge/redeploy for each change/test?


Toys MCM showing up with Sexlab Beta 9, is a topic I've explored. Its also got nothing to do with this mod (SLaVE) but that's ok :D . It's actually a SkyUI bug that causes the MCM issue. Results vary greatly because the SkyUI bug is triggered by the a combo of mods, never one mod alone.

  • Sexlab Beta 9 for me did not cause the MCM issue, not even on a vanilla start, with, or without the Toys patch. But does not rule Sexlab out as being able to contribute. Sexlab does do its startup heavy lifting on a huge delay, as it would otherwise indeed trigger the SkyUI bug
  • Using FNIS Spells did cause trouble for me and a few others, until the patch was made available, but we later found FNIS Spells was fine for others without the patch
  • I confirmed for myself that Beta 9 can't be used without starting a new game. Dropping it in mid-playthrough was a disaster when I tried it, but this can be expected. There's elaborate instructions (cleaning procedure I'd not trust) in the SL thread on how to drop it in, but I'd not go there
  • Current SKSE is 2.0.20. I don't know of this 19 is you speak of, but I can't say I've looked into this. You read something saying it's a must have? I've not changed my SKSE to upgrade to Beta 9 and just stuck with the current SKSE
  • I have had little experience with Sexlab 9. Tested 9 a bit, but I've stuck with using 8




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It was a new clean start in the abandoned prison using alternate start.  It looked as though SL Beta 9 was working as designed.  I fell back to Beta 8 , leaving the newly required SKSE 20019 ( required for SL Beta 9) installed. I have an older mod manager NMM which some say has issues.  Personally I don't see the problems but this may be one of those issues.  It does not look like NMM is at fault here, but very well could be.  I'm happy trying out your creation on Beta 8 just the same as any other version of SL.  I am near the beginning of a new game (just the greybeards for the first time).  If you would like me to test something in particular, now is the time.  I played a little past this point before upgrading SL from Beta 8 to 9, while also removing some other mods for a cleaner run through.  By the way, can all of the available Toy mods on LL coexist at this time, without conflicting? I have them running together, but will wait to visit the dead mage in toy story.  Does that sound doable and preferable?  Now that you bring up the reason for skse 20019, I can not recollect the purpose.  I just looked and did not find where I had read that.  Maybe I should test Beta 9 with 20017 just to see if it yells at me.  Thanks for your imagination and the continued support to realize it..  

Edited by KGRam
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7 hours ago, KGRam said:

If you would like me to test something in particular, now is the time. 


There is nothing specific to suggest or ask to be tested.


But if your mission is to find out what's stopping you from seeing the Toys MCM (i..e what triggers the SkyUI bug), start by NOT assuming its sexlab alone. People are using beta 9 without the issue. To get to the bottom of it, you'd need to use process of elimination. I'd do this...

  1. Minimum Requirements Setup - completely uninstall all mods that are NOT esm, and are required or required to support them. A Minimum requirements containing only the frameworks basically, but leave your supporting mods like body support. Keep core things that don't even have a plugin since they can't trigger the SkyUI bug. Use SL Beta 8 initially. You'd have Sexlab, Sexlab Aroused, ZaZ, Toys, and any other framework/esm you need, and what supports them. Make sure you use the Toys patch for 1.4, and that you truly installed it, it must overwrite
  2. Clean out folders - Make sure your mod manager is not deceiving you. This applies to the latest ones, not just the old NMM. People tend to assume the manager gets it right, but when you make lots of changes and uninstalls, none of them do it cleanly. You have to manually check and clean out shit left behind. This is even more important for NMM. For the sake of a clean test, it might be best to nuke all, and start from scratch. Nuking needs the manual intervention
  3. Baseline Test - Now with the above 2 done, test on new game. Confirm all MCMs are showing up. Don't assume only the Toys MCM could be effected. We expect that at this point  the SkyUI bug is not triggered (the MCMs all show up)
  4. Rule in or out, SL Beta 9 - Assuming 3 was success, change out to Sexlab 9. When you remove SL beta 8, check manually that it was done cleanly. Then add in 9. This is where you prove or disprove that its Sexlab triggering the SkyUI bug. I expect you will see that it's not triggering. You will have that ohhh wtf moment, its not just sexlab 9 beta alone after all
  5. Now you start adding mods back in, running the test, till something triggers the problem. Go for ones that are big and important first. If your plan is a Toys Family of mods playthrough, you could start by adding all of them in at once, then test. Remember the trigger is a combo. When you find a mod that triggers it, its not that mod alone to blame, but for your situation, you have a solution to use by doing this, and the info could be useful for others


7 hours ago, KGRam said:

By the way, can all of the available Toy mods on LL coexist at this time, without conflicting? I have them running together, but will wait to visit the dead mage in toy story.  Does that sound doable and preferable? 


Yes. Their quests will not remove toys from each other, if the toy is important for the quest. They play nice (that's built into Toys).


If you visit the dead scholar early, you'd eventually find you need to progress a bit in the quest before the toys can come off, which is fine, or you can do it later like your planning. 


Whorecrux is very beta. Won't conflict per-se, but its not ready for a prime-time playthrough.


7 hours ago, KGRam said:

Now that you bring up the reason for skse 20019, I can not recollect the purpose.  I just looked and did not find where I had read that.  Maybe I should test Beta 9 with 20017 just to see if it yells at me.  Thanks for your imagination and the continued support to realize it..  


I was assuming SE, which I should not. Guessing now you are using LE. 

  • for SE - Current SKSE is 2.0.20 (what I mentioned earlier)
  • for LE - Current is 1.7.3
  • No Idea where you are getting these 20019 20017 numbers from. You should be using current, regardless of which sexlab, thus there is only one choice

You get them here... Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) (silverlock.org)


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6 minutes ago, La furie du Dragon said:

I finally managed to make this mod working, using Vortex (I was using MO2 before) all toys are perfectly fine, except when I worship a shrine, there is no device appearing, even if the animation seems to use one. Is it a bug ? If not How can I turn them on ?

Here is a picture, to help explaining

Angela White 4.jpg

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24 minutes ago, La furie du Dragon said:

I finally managed to make this mod working, using Vortex (I was using MO2 before) all toys are perfectly fine, except when I worship a shrine, there is no device appearing, even if the animation seems to use one. Is it a bug ? If not How can I turn them on ?


Worship is just humping the air.

Do not expect a dildo or something to be involved. It's working as intended.


Now as a completely off topic question, why don't I see Halloween mode turned on in the pic! :P

Edited by VirginMarie
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57 minutes ago, VirginMarie said:


Worship is just humping the air.

Do not expect a dildo or something to be involved. It's working as intended.


Now as a completely off topic question, why don't I see Halloween mode turned on in the pic! :P

Thanks, I'm now sure that this mod is perfectly installed. To answer your question about the Halloween mode being turned off, it's simply that I didn't see that this mode was available, I will try it, but I'm not sure if I will keep it on because I don't really like Halloween.

Edited by La furie du Dragon
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3 hours ago, Tops34 said:

Hi, I can't worship Dibellas shrine. I'm always getting the message that I'm busy. Resetting the player in MCM doesn't help.


Busy usually means, "in combat". Sometimes there can be an NPC stuck but you are in combat with it. Usually that clears if you save and then load. If you can't find an NPC, as a test, you could try in console "killall". Don't do that with nocturnal about, it will put her in a nasty state, which is why I'm saying, as a test.


Check that you have the latest version of Toys and SLaVE. I did do a "busy" fix for a rare scenario recently.


If that's not helping, I need to know exactly what shrine to have any more ideas. There's many. There's Statues, little shrine thingies, or you might mean the one in Foot Fetish.

Edited by VirginMarie
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It's in Dibellas Temple in Markath where the quest "Shrine Loves" tells me to love the shrine. So it's on the side. The Statue with the dancing worship is working. I do have Sisterhood of Dibella installed. Your esp loads first. And the mod version is 8.1b. And Virgin Training is still running. I'm currently chasing the pit fires. I tried the Shrine Loving as a virgin in active Training, as a non-virgin in training and as a non-virgin not in training (according to the MCM status message).

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30 minutes ago, Tops34 said:

It's in Dibellas Temple in Markath where the quest "Shrine Loves" tells me to love the shrine. So it's on the side. The Statue with the dancing worship is working. I do have Sisterhood of Dibella installed. Your esp loads first. And the mod version is 8.1b. And Virgin Training is still running. I'm currently chasing the pit fires. I tried the Shrine Loving as a virgin in active Training, as a non-virgin in training and as a non-virgin not in training (according to the MCM status message).


SLaVE must come AFTER Sisterhood in the load order, as per the Install instructions. You can't make that change mid-playthrough, it will corrupt your save. You'd need to start a new game.


Virginity status makes no difference. You just can't love the shine with a chastity belt/piercing (Virgin Training usually has you stuck in chastity).

Edited by VirginMarie
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2 hours ago, Tops34 said:

The console command "tai" did the trick. With that it worked and I got the quest step for the next shrine. 


Oh nice find. This means something has left player AI in the non-default state. Maybe another mod. The Player Reset does not include force that state to default. Now it does as part of Toys, and called by this mod (for the next release).


Did you find you needed to toggle it, then toggle it back again, or just change the state once? I'm guessing just once. 

Edited by VirginMarie
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  • VirginMarie changed the title to Shout Like a Virgin Evolved SE & LE

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