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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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I see... Thank you for responding and trying to help, though! :D


Have you, among the others tried this from ashal's troubleshooter? I hope you went through his troubleshooter:


Still not working?


Remove all the SexLab Framework files in your Skyrim's data folder or mod manager.

The main important files to remove are as follows:



.pex files in the folder Skyrim/data/scripts that start with:











.psc files in the folder Skyrim/data/scripts/Source that start with:














Skyrim/data/meshes/actors/character/animations/SexLab (entire folder)

Skyrim/data/meshes/actors/character/animations/SexLabCreature (entire folder)

Using the latest available full version of SexLab (Available Here) copy the archives contents to your mod manager of choice or Skyrim's data folder.

Re install the latest version of your skeleton file of choice.

Install a skeleton if you don't have one.

SexLab reccomends XP32's Maximum Skeleton

Run FNIS's GenerateFNISforUsers tool, ensure you have the "SKELETON Arm Fix" patch checked, and click the Update FNIS Behavior button.

Make sure "Reading SexLab ... " shows up in FNIS's output box, if it doesn't you did not copy SexLab's files to the right place.

Load your save game or start a new game

Wait 60-90 seconds after loading the game to ensure all mods finish starting.

Check if you are now properly able to start and use SexLab animations.




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I'm loving the 1.54 update of sexlab. I do have a little problems that it's more a small annoyance than a problem in it self. 
Npc's most of the time don't unequipped weapons and females sometimes equip strapons for a few seconds when undressing. (mostly happens with one handed weapons and bows)
Anyhow awesome work :)


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Anybody having SERIOUS issues, meaning making the game unplayable, critical mechanics not working, or corrupting saves, NOT minor cosmetic issues like expressions or lip sync not working, do me a favor and try this:


1. Navigate to your Skyrim's /data/SKSE/ folder (Mod Organizer Users: The actual folder, not from a folder within MO's plugins or overwrite directory)


2. Create the file, or open if it already exists, a file in this folder named SKSE.ini

3. Add in and/or edit these values to the file:



4. Save and close the file

5. If you don't yet have the Papyrus Debug log enabled (shame on you for clearly having not ready ANY of these stickied troubleshooting threads that explain this), enable it now by opening your Skyrim.ini located in /My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Skyrim.ini, and add/edit these options underneath the [Papyrus] header, (Mod Organizer Users: you should be editing the Skyrim.ini from MO's ini editor and NOT the actual file)


6. With SexLab 1.50+ installed and NO OTHER SEXLAB MODS EXCEPT MATCHMAKER start skyrim and load a working save.

7. If the saves sexlab install needs to update, wait for it to finish

8. Start a quick scene using MatchMaker

9. Afterwards save your game (into a new save file if paranoid) and exit Skyrim

10. Navigate to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SKSE and find the file skse.log

11. Check if over for any obvious errors you can fix yourself


12. Navigate to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script/ and find the file Papyrus.0.log


13. Check it over for any obvious errors you can fix yourself


If this file is more than 500 kb or so after just loading and playing 1 scene with matchmaker you probably have some minor to medium mod install issues you need to sort out which is not the fault of SexLab, but may or may not be the root of your problems.


If it's more than a couple megabytes than god help you for you have some incredible issues with your skyrim install or save file you should be working on, and sexlab is the least of your concerns right now.


12. Attach these two files here (assuming your papyrus log is of a reasonable size) and a copy of the save file you made so I can check them


PhantomP - Have you tried this?


Is your version of Skyrim patch what DLC's you have?

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My Skyrim is indeed on, and I have all 3 DLC's. (Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire). I just opened the game and walked around Whiterun, trying to trigger scenes both involving myself and an NPC, and just two NPCs. Some interesting things showed up toward the end of the log, and I'm not sure what to make of them.



It looks to me that FNIS didn't register your SL, MatchMaker, actually, nothing related to the animations. Why don't you try to reinstall FNIS.

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I've reinstalled FNIS, and repeated the experiment. I walked around Whiterun, using matchmaker to start scenes, and nothing happened. The animation names were still gone, too. However, I noticed something interesting that I didn't pivk up on before: when running FNIS, it says "Reading SexLab V?.? ..." while in previous versions it has said the version number. Anyways, here's the log. 

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I've reinstalled FNIS, and repeated the experiment. I walked around Whiterun, using matchmaker to start scenes, and nothing happened. The animation names were still gone, too. However, I noticed something interesting that I didn't pivk up on before: when running FNIS, it says "Reading SexLab V?.? ..." while in previous versions it has said the version number. Anyways, here's the log. 


I know you tried to reset sexlab, but I had a similar problem and I used reset animation registry and it worked after that.

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So hey, I just updated to v1.54 from v1.39, and it seemed to install fine. I got the message that it was updating when I loaded my save and things seemed to go swimmingly. Saw there were two entries in the MCM for SexLab, thought it was weird but I didn't think much of it.


Now, whenever I try to load a save made after the update, I get a message saying 'This save game is corrupt and cannot be loaded'. Anybody else have this issue?


EDIT: After further fiddling, I'm convinced the problem is stemming from the two SexLab entries in MCM. One looks totally normal, all the options are there, and the other is completely screwed up. Everything's either blank, grayed out, or unable to be changed.

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I wound up going back to the last 1.3 SexLab (which still works fine for me, no save corruption issues that I can find), then as per instructions I used the clean utility and made a save, then tried updating again. Loaded the save with only SexLab.esm enabled for SexLab mods, it went through the install process, and I have the same issue. Interestingly enough, this time I didn't get two instances of SexLab in the MCM, though the one SexLab menu was still screwed up. Mostly blank or grayed out, with few options actually doing anything. And it still winds up with a corrupted save.


So I'm at a loss.

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Guest azeraxa

I have two problems with 1.54 version. First - animations aligment keys not working at all (like in 1.52 version). After switching actors with "=" key - they are scaterred across are. One is in the air, other goes trough ground and etc. Oh, and after cleaning mod with tes5edit problem was fixed for some time. :) Second - first stage of any foreplay animation doesn't start. They are working good then I manually go through stages. Any ideas? I'm using SexLab, Matcmaker, Defeat, Submit, LoversHook, Amorous Adventures and Spouses Enhanced. :)

edited: Found another strange glitch with adjustment. When I`m manually go trough stages, adjustments are applied automatically on next stage...

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So hey, I just updated to v1.54 from v1.39, and it seemed to install fine. I got the message that it was updating when I loaded my save and things seemed to go swimmingly. Saw there were two entries in the MCM for SexLab, thought it was weird but I didn't think much of it.


Now, whenever I try to load a save made after the update, I get a message saying 'This save game is corrupt and cannot be loaded'. Anybody else have this issue?


EDIT: After further fiddling, I'm convinced the problem is stemming from the two SexLab entries in MCM. One looks totally normal, all the options are there, and the other is completely screwed up. Everything's either blank, grayed out, or unable to be changed.


Try to update from 1.30 to 1.53. 

And then update again to 1.54.


No more doubled MCM entry

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I wound up going back to the last 1.3 SexLab (which still works fine for me, no save corruption issues that I can find), then as per instructions I used the clean utility and made a save, then tried updating again. Loaded the save with only SexLab.esm enabled for SexLab mods, it went through the install process, and I have the same issue. Interestingly enough, this time I didn't get two instances of SexLab in the MCM, though the one SexLab menu was still screwed up. Mostly blank or grayed out, with few options actually doing anything. And it still winds up with a corrupted save.


So I'm at a loss.


I had this exact same issue, but the way I solved it was quite risky. So far no problems with what I've done for the past 8 hours in, but I can't recommend this because it goes against all conventional advice and modding wisdom. Still, if you want to give it a try:


1. Use the Sexlab clean function for your Sexlab 1.39, then manually save to a new test slot to be safe please.

2. Exit Skyrim. In Wrye bash (or whatever else you use), unload all your Sexlab mods (submit & etc).

3. Open up Save game script cleaner, load the aforementioned test save.

4. On the scripts box in the upper left, type in all sexlab abbreviations (ssl & sexlab mainly). Be really careful not to delete any scripts if you're not sure where they belong to.

5. Once you're done deleting the scripts, overwrite the save file.

6. Delete your SL 1.39 files, install SL 1.54. I did this using wrye bash so I could easily revert if needed.

7. Load that save, let the Sexlab update take place (basically trying as much as possible to emulate a "clean" reinstall of everything)

8. Once it's all done, save again and try reloading, I didn't get the corrupt message by doing these procedures, and the whole framework still worked A-okay for me. All my other stuff was still working too. Re-enable your other sexlab mods.


So... final disclaimer is that the effect this can have on your save can vary quite very much. It might blow it straight outta the water or it might go smoothly for you, just like it did for me. At least if it fails you can easily revert to the previous ones.

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is it possible to add new poses on the version 1.39 ? 


I have too much problem with version 1.50 and higher 

some of the add with "ZynAnimation1.39b"  http://www.loverslab.com/files/download/832-zynisch-animations/


what exactly are the problems you are having with the new version of SexLab ? :-/



I figured that I have problems even on 1.39b, look the SOS at how it works me wrong, here:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24672-schlong-positioning-during-sex-animations-sos-log-insidetm/page-2?do=findComment&comment=765779


I realy hope that we can find a solution to the malfunction of SOS with recent versions of SexLab.. :(

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I updated exactly as instructed by the description and I also get two SexLab entries in MCM but it doesn't stop there. When I try to save the game, it crashes to desktop instantly.

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