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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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I upgraded from 1.23 to 1.24.  All of the rotation issues are gone. Awesome work!  Everything is working great for me.




  EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot to enable the ESM. Don't know how it even functioned that way. But all is fine now. :)


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I have an specific save/character that just won't enable SexLab. I manage to get it working once by creating a new character, but then I updated and it won't work again (even though other characters will) 

I just press enable and nothing happens and it still says 'disabled" 

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Thanks you Ashal for the the fixes.  Testing the quick fix v2, all rotational problems seem to be fixed across all of the animations. 


So far, the only issue I was seeing was when using SOS, the pecker positioning was incorrect for 2-3 animations, like with Arroks sideways fuck, and a couple of standing animations.  In all of the cases the pecker was (nearly) flat against the body.  I was playing using 1.15b earlier today and the SOS pecker positioning was correct with that version.  I was using a new save when testing the quick fix, however I will do a refresh cache, reinstall my mods, and use a new character/new save just to double check (and use the new 1.24 rather that the 1.23+quickfix v2).


Again, using sexlab 1.15b (using Submit to initiate sex scenes) & SOS - the pecker position appeared fine.

With the same setup using 1.23+quick fix v2 (using Matchmaker to initiate sex) & SOS - the pecker was flat against the body for a few animations (mainly a couple of standing animations and the sideways fuck animation). 

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SexLab v1.24 has been released.




  • Fixed actors not being fully rotated for animation
  • Packaged MFG Console SKSE plugin (currently unused in SexLab, for future updates)
  • Skyrim 1.9 & SKSE 1.6.16 are now required
  • Updated included Russian localization
  • Various scripting cleanup


That seems to have fixed all of my rotational issues! :)


About the only thing I would note is that at the end, when both actors get put into ragdoll mode, no bed involved, there is this brief moment where the camera sometimes going into the ground or a wall or something random, and it makes me think the PC is about to get flung somewhere silly, but then the camera goes back to normal and it seems the ragdolling completes properly.


But, compared to some of the previous quirks, I'll gladly take that over the last few! :)

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I upgraded from 1.23 to 1.24.  All of the rotation issues are gone. Awesome work!  Everything is working great for me.



      Now my MCM config looks like this, and I don't know why:




Any ideas? I'm guessing it has to do with translation, the ENGLISH file is there, but not reading it?


You don't have SexLab.esm loaded.


I have an specific save/character that just won't enable SexLab. I manage to get it working once by creating a new character, but then I updated and it won't work again (even though other characters will) 

I just press enable and nothing happens and it still says 'disabled" 


Check your debug log.

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SexLab v1.24 has been released.




  • Fixed actors not being fully rotated for animation
  • Packaged MFG Console SKSE plugin (currently unused in SexLab, for future updates)
  • Skyrim 1.9 & SKSE 1.6.16 are now required
  • Updated included Russian localization
  • Various scripting cleanup


That seems to have fixed all of my rotational issues! :)


About the only thing I would note is that at the end, when both actors get put into ragdoll mode, no bed involved, there is this brief moment where the camera sometimes going into the ground or a wall or something random, and it makes me think the PC is about to get flung somewhere silly, but then the camera goes back to normal and it seems the ragdolling completes properly.


But, compared to some of the previous quirks, I'll gladly take that over the last few! :)




Honestly I'd rather people just stop using ragdoll mode, I'd remove it if I didn't know people would get mad like they did when I removed the Player TCL option. I'm hoping to add new "transition" animations in 1.30 to get actors in and out of sex animations as a means to have the "immersive" reset option in place of rag doll. I need to find an animator who can make them first though.


Ragdolling is likely the source of a lot of the problems people have complained about over SexLab's lifetime, in particular it's the root cause of the TFC save crashing and stuck controls, which is why with recent versions I've started making all the "supplemental" options turned off by default.

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Dear asha I wonder how would I go about asking you to add a couple of animations ?  should I just post them here ?!


Send them to me in a private message and I'll check them out and decide whether or not I want to include them in the next update.


I don't plan on releasing a new update for a couple months however, the major issues of 1.20+ are solved as far as I'm concerned, so I plan on focusing on the next big update (1.30) now. So if I do include them in the next update, that update won't be for awhile.

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I have an specific save/character that just won't enable SexLab. I manage to get it working once by creating a new character, but then I updated and it won't work again (even though other characters will) 

I just press enable and nothing happens and it still says 'disabled" 


Check your debug log.



There aren't any debug logs (I changed the ini) the game doesn't crash, it just doesn't do anything when I press "enable" I tried reseting all animations/default  but no changes, using matchmaker just fails the spell

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Thanks you Ashal for the the fixes.  Testing the quick fix v2, all rotational problems seem to be fixed across all of the animations. 


So far, the only issue I was seeing was when using SOS, the pecker positioning was incorrect for 2-3 animations, like with Arroks sideways fuck, and a couple of standing animations.  In all of the cases the pecker was (nearly) flat against the body.  I was playing using 1.15b earlier today and the SOS pecker positioning was correct with that version.  I was using a new save when testing the quick fix, however I will do a refresh cache, reinstall my mods, and use a new character/new save just to double check (and use the new 1.24 rather that the 1.23+quickfix v2).


Again, using sexlab 1.15b (using Submit to initiate sex scenes) & SOS - the pecker position appeared fine.

With the same setup using 1.23+quick fix v2 (using Matchmaker to initiate sex) & SOS - the pecker was flat against the body for a few animations (mainly a couple of standing animations and the sideways fuck animation). 



SOS positioning was developed using a still unreleased version of the mod. 1.15b didn't do anything with positioning schlongs unless you had this unreleased version installed.


Since it's taken so long to come out, 1.20+ converted the unreleased positioning variables to work as best I could make them work with the current version of SOS.


Short of redoing all the schlong positioning from the ground to use the current SOS natively, then having to again redo it when/if the new version comes; there isn't much I can do about it at the moment. I'll reevaluate the situation as I progress through working on 1.30 though.


In the meantime, if you desperately need to fix it for screenshot purposes or something, just open console, click the actor in question, and type "sae SOSBendUp0X" for bending up, or "sae SOSBendDown0X" for bending down, where X is a number 1 - 5 of how much you want it to bend up or down. "sae SOSNoBend" for a neutral bend.

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Honestly I'd rather people just stop using ragdoll mode, I'd remove it if I didn't know people would get mad like they did when I removed the Player TCL option. I'm hoping to add new "transition" animations in 1.30 to get actors in and out of sex animations as a means to have the "immersive" reset option in place of rag doll. I need to find an animator who can make them first though.


Ragdolling is likely the source of a lot of the problems people have complained about over SexLab's lifetime, in particular it's the root cause of the TFC save crashing and stuck controls, which is why with recent versions I've started making all the "supplemental" options turned off by default.


Oh, I hear you there.  I only use it because them just immediately ending the sexy time by just going BOING! standing is a bit jarring, but by no means am I wedded to the idea of watching them flop around in a tangle, sometimes unable to even start moving to get up for several seconds after everything is over.


So yeah, if someone is helpful enough to make a decent "transition" animation, I would happily never use the ragdoll again.

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Hello Ash, I'm still having problems with SSL not starting any animations since I updated to 1.20 and beyond (I even tried 1.24, but no luck). I've resorted to reverting back to 1.15 where everything runs normally and I have to install creature animations separately.


The main problem is that animations do not seem to start despite using Matchmaker Rev5 (It fizzles and doesn't work), and with other mods like SSL Submit.


I'll give you the rundown of what I have done so far:


* Latest Skryim 1.9 patched (fresh install), with Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthfire.

* Latest SKSE version ver. 1.6.16

* Skyrim Sexlab 1.24

* Matchmaker Rev5

* Sexlab Submit 30SEP13

* FNIS Behavior V4_0_2 -- ALWAYS necessary

* FNIS Idle Spells V4_0_1 -- ADD-ON for the spells

* FNIS Creature Pack 4_0_4

* SkyUI Ver 4.1

* xp32 Skeleton

* 360 Walk and Run Plus


I use NMM to install SSL 1.24 and I also run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and make sure to check the relevant patches for the arm and animations.


Here's the log for GenerateFNISforUsers.exe:




Skeleton female: XPMS (242 bones)   male: XPMS (242 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"
Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for Running with Bow"

Reading FNIS ...
Reading FNISBase ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion ...
Reading FNISSpells ...
Reading SexLab ...
Reading SexLabCreature ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...

Create Creature Behaviors ...
Reading SexLabCreature ...

 1135 animations for 6 mods successfully included (characters)
 225 animations for 1 mods and 16 creatures successfully included.




I don't think I've missed out on anything in the install to-do list. Is there anything you can do to remedy this or perhaps pinpoint where the source of the problem may be coming from?

I know for certain that if I use the old 1.15, it's guaranteed to work so there must be something in the newer version of SSL that may conflict with the actual PC I am using since I'm using a fresh Skyrim install and that some people report having problems while some don't.


I have since installed some armor mods, but I doubt armor mods interact with the SSL scripts.

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Thanks alot! But I do have a problem... When I go to the sexlab mod confi at the options, the entire thing is empty =/ any 1 might have any idea why that is? i got all the versions of all the req mods upgraded to the max. I saw that you said to another guy with the same problem that I dont have it loaded.. So.. A stupid question.. How do I load it and why unlike the other versions I have to load this 1?

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First of all, exceptional mod.  I do have a question though. When my character gets raped by a dragon  the animation has the dragon in the sky thrusting and my character floating a few feet off the ground doing the animation.  I assumed this was just because the dragons were so big so its hard to align them.  But just so I know is there any way to fix this?

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Dear asha I wonder how would I go about asking you to add a couple of animations ?  should I just post them here ?!


Send them to me in a private message and I'll check them out and decide whether or not I want to include them in the next update.


I don't plan on releasing a new update for a couple months however, the major issues of 1.20+ are solved as far as I'm concerned, so I plan on focusing on the next big update (1.30) now. So if I do include them in the next update, that update won't be for awhile.



That I understand :)  msg was my first thought  but I have to admit !!!!  I could not find the button LOL!

anyways  I still can not find it

the animation package I think is a good fit is rough on table 

there is also a decent standing doggy and drag by hair !  it is this author.s work


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First of all, exceptional mod.  I do have a question though. When my character gets raped by a dragon  the animation has the dragon in the sky thrusting and my character floating a few feet off the ground doing the animation.  I assumed this was just because the dragons were so big so its hard to align them.  But just so I know is there any way to fix this?


Are you using 1.24? Major Alignment fixes came out for it, and it is only a couple hours old at this writing.

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Guest Philipz

Does anyone have any idea why some beast animations work for me (bear, chaurus, draugr..) while others don't (wolf, werewolf, Giant, Vampire lord..)


I made sure i have the latest versions of fins + creature pack, SL, skse and skyui.


However, when I try updating Fins behavior with the creature pack installed GenerateFinsforUser freezes and I get an error message saying hkxcmd doesn't work anymore.

Starting Skyrim afterwards the animations for npc's work just fine but for some creatures they don't.

When I uninstall the creature pack Fins updats without any issues.


Anyone knows a fix to this?

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idk if any1 remembers me having issues after trying to update sexlab with my game crashin upon save attempt and leaving the cell but I updated to windows 8.1 from the 8.1 preview and it deleted all my stuff so after reinstalling steam and skyrim then the mods I can now save, haven't tried out sexlab yet tho due to working

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SexLab v1.24 has been released.




  • Fixed actors not being fully rotated for animation
  • Packaged MFG Console SKSE plugin (currently unused in SexLab, for future updates)
  • Skyrim 1.9 & SKSE 1.6.16 are now required
  • Updated included Russian localization
  • Various scripting cleanup


That seems to have fixed all of my rotational issues! :)


About the only thing I would note is that at the end, when both actors get put into ragdoll mode, no bed involved, there is this brief moment where the camera sometimes going into the ground or a wall or something random, and it makes me think the PC is about to get flung somewhere silly, but then the camera goes back to normal and it seems the ragdolling completes properly.


But, compared to some of the previous quirks, I'll gladly take that over the last few! :)




Honestly I'd rather people just stop using ragdoll mode, I'd remove it if I didn't know people would get mad like they did when I removed the Player TCL option. I'm hoping to add new "transition" animations in 1.30 to get actors in and out of sex animations as a means to have the "immersive" reset option in place of rag doll. I need to find an animator who can make them first though.


Ragdolling is likely the source of a lot of the problems people have complained about over SexLab's lifetime, in particular it's the root cause of the TFC save crashing and stuck controls, which is why with recent versions I've started making all the "supplemental" options turned off by default.



I agree with dkatryl about the ragdoll. I use it primarily due to lack of transitional animations. If I weren't so squirrely and inattentive, I'd have learned to animate by now. In fact, I would add a separate post-coital animation to every single one on the list.


Either way, once we have some kind of good transition, you could nuke ragdoll completely for all I care. In fact, if anyone complains, just relegate it to a separate plugin, and include a txt file showing a giant ASCII image of a middle finger. I really wouldn't care.


Thanks for the update by the way. Doesn't sound like you took the break you deserved though :)

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