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13 hours ago, CataclysmRising said:

I love the idea of the character being allowed to tell the Jarl they want to quit, at which point they're forced to fight guards in the town square in a 1 v many brawl. (Fists only of course.)

Not sure how to narratively fix what you're describing but this did give me an idea. Having the hero-made-whore fight in an arena (unclothed of course) against various horny opponents would be excellent entertainment for the citizens. This is ultimately supposed to imitate hentai and that shit happens all the time in hentai. Again, doesn't solve the problem, maybe makes it worse, but it's now part of the long term agenda. Maybe as a way to start, or as a new mod that can hand off into PW.


11 hours ago, blahity said:

Yeah, I've been trying to think of some lingering positives from becoming public whore, but alot of the stuff I think of is boring, difficult to implement, or potentially adds more conflicts.

Incentives are difficult. There's some validity to the idea of adding additional dialogues to NPCs for purchases and stuff, but would the player be revered that much? Hard to say. I've considered someday adding the Thanes as beefy followers if the player somehow gains their respect, but at the moment they're pretty critical to the flow of the mod - wouldn't want them getting lost.


Another idea is general stat boosts like stamina or speechcraft, or maybe spells/powers that could be of some use both on-duty and while adventuring.



7 hours ago, nameless701 said:

Every day you get a quota (1-10) for x days. You have to report the progress every day. (9-10 am)

  punishment,if you are too late
ServiceExtension increases the number of days to work
The endless mode should work like this

At the start I wanted to do something like that, and client quotas were initially built with something like this in mind. If I add it it would probably be as a new quota mode, because having to report to the thane multiple times per job makes the player very busy, especially if their business involves going to other holds.


Alternatively, I could make it a toggle/slider for number of repetitions (and I'd probably make endless a toggle as opposed to a full mode at the same time). i.e. you would use gold or client mode, then set 1-X repetitions of a quota. So if you wanted to have to turn in gold every day for a week, you'd set repetitions to 7, duration to 1 day, and then you'd get 7 mini, one day quotas back to back. Presumably if there was only one quota (or only one remaining), handing in the proper gold would free you from duty.



7 hours ago, nameless701 said:

running is not allowed (i have changed the slowdown from arcadias potion from 5min to 7 days)

That should be a feasible toggle, probably as an added magic effect while the "Can't Leave City" effect is active.

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40 minutes ago, Visio Diaboli said:


Another idea is general stat boosts like stamina or speechcraft, or maybe spells/powers that could be of some use both on-duty and while adventuring.

Honestly that's the most useful thing I could think of as well. HP Mana and Stamina are always good, speechcraft makes since other people find you more alluring, and Crafting skills because... You get better using your hands?


Maybe you invent some Illusion spells that trigger approaches, make you do a stripper dance and people throw money at you, trigger an gangbang on you with all those you hit, or perform a blowjob that counts as a a meal for cc survival?

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when i read these "ideas"  and proposal, then it is right this what is in the actual mods like pop or sd+  or old coffee like skooma whore (stat boosts yawn).  i hope  you, Visio, do not loose your motivation to continue with the mod, because of this chaos.  Do the mod in the way you want, it is your mod. you should not get confused from all the peoples abstract unqualified and unplayable proposals, which may have been part of reasons why you had the long break from the mod.  this is the support forum, not the strange ideas forum.

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6 hours ago, Visio Diaboli said:

Not sure how to narratively fix what you're describing but this did give me an idea. Having the hero-made-whore fight in an arena (unclothed of course) against various horny opponents would be excellent entertainment for the citizens. This is ultimately supposed to imitate hentai and that shit happens all the time in hentai. Again, doesn't solve the problem, maybe makes it worse, but it's now part of the long term agenda. Maybe as a way to start, or as a new mod that can hand off into PW.

I love arena content, It's one of the main reasons I still keep slaverun in my load order. Would be cool to have other adventurers/fighters in the hold that want to prove their strength against the dragonborn in the arena. Could lead to very humiliating outcomes, especially if she's allowed to shout during the fight. Maybe there's a challenger that wants her at full strength.  

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2 minutes ago, drunken toad said:

I love arena content, It's one of the main reasons I still keep slaverun in my load order. Would be cool to have other adventurers/fighters in the hold that want to prove their strength against the dragonborn in the arena. Could lead to very humiliating outcomes, especially if she's allowed to shout during the fight. Maybe there's a challenger that wants her at full strength.  

Yea I'm very excited about that notion, but I think I'd want it to be separate from PW. I still need to put a good amount into PW before I'd take it on something else, so time will tell I guess.

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18 hours ago, blahity said:

Yeah, I've been trying to think of some lingering positives from becoming public whore, but alot of the stuff I think of is boring, difficult to implement, or potentially adds more conflicts.

  • Discounts
  • Free room and board
  • Housing discounts
  • Free Transportation
  • Stat boosts for collecting tattoos
  • Fans paying gold for autographs
  • Unlocked followers after being pw in the town
  • Talk to innkeepers for "whore bounties" in town

Anyway you slice it though there's going to be some suspension of disbelief around becoming public whore, but any too good to pass up deals for being public whore would be too wildly unbalanced. It's easier just to rp that your Dragonborn has a (hidden?) Cumdump, submissive, masochist, or exhibitionist fetish.

Or she could simply realize that if she were to rebel and kill citizens to escape duty. She would basically be forced into a life of seclusion, and on the run. I don't think there needs to be incentives personally.

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Just now, xyzxyz said:

I didn't get my items back after I fullfilled my quota in enforced mode. Who has them?


coc PW_HoldingRoom01


One of the chests should, or maybe the 'Player item holder' npc has them (think I changed to containers though). If not it bugged out somewhere.


If it's the npc, maybe kill and resurrect them, not sure what happens when they die.

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8 minutes ago, Visio Diaboli said:


coc PW_HoldingRoom01


One of the chests should, or maybe the 'Player item holder' npc has them (think I changed to containers though). If not it bugged out somewhere.


If it's the npc, maybe kill and resurrect them, not sure what happens when they die.

Why not giving them to the thane? He is the easiest to find.

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An MCM option that makes the tattoos permanent, locking the option in slavetats would be pretty cool in a collect them all sort of way. I think S.L.U.T.S redux does something like that with its tattoos when doing a run. Not sure if its a fire and forget script or something that continuously runs in the background.

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1 hour ago, Visio Diaboli said:

Yea I'm very excited about that notion, but I think I'd want it to be separate from PW. I still need to put a good amount into PW before I'd take it on something else, so time will tell I guess.

I could see a lot of great options that could arise from a PC getting bribed to throw fights and submit to the humiliation game after losing.

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Does it have any support for followers? (Someothing "I see you are Public Whore but i wanted try your follower"... (if female))

After returning to Thane after the bandit mission, I didn't get my EQ back, but I saw the solution above.

Maybe add the possibility for our Housecarl to work as Public Whore (if female)? :3



We are THANE after all! And we can order or our Housecarl wanted take our place as Public Whore. ^^

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11 hours ago, killer905 said:

Does it have any support for followers? (Someothing "I see you are Public Whore but i wanted try your follower"... (if female))

After returning to Thane after the bandit mission, I didn't get my EQ back, but I saw the solution above.

Maybe add the possibility for our Housecarl to work as Public Whore (if female)? :3



We are THANE after all! And we can order or our Housecarl wanted take our place as Public Whore. ^^

There is a chance that a customer wants you follower and not you while you're on duty. Sadly you can't just tell your follower to do the entire job ^^

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10 minutes ago, xyzxyz said:

There is a chance that a customer wants you follower and not you while you're on duty. Sadly you can't just tell your follower to do the entire job ^^

Setting to 10 and the chance for a special event to 100% I didn't get it and well, I don't know why, but for me, after installing WP randomly, the NPC gets a collar every time I change the cell (Inn to City or vice versa) bug?

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6 hours ago, killer905 said:

Setting to 10 and the chance for a special event to 100% I didn't get it and well, I don't know why, but for me, after installing WP randomly, the NPC gets a collar every time I change the cell (Inn to City or vice versa) bug?

Not a bug, It's a feature of SLSF. You have to uncheck enable re-equip in SLSF mcm.

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8 hours ago, killer905 said:

Setting to 10 and the chance for a special event to 100% I didn't get it and well, I don't know why, but for me, after installing WP randomly, the NPC gets a collar every time I change the cell (Inn to City or vice versa) bug?

The random approaches work on one save and not on another. i haven't figured out why too ^^

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9 hours ago, drunken toad said:

Not a bug, It's a feature of SLSF. You have to uncheck enable re-equip in SLSF mcm.


5 hours ago, xyzxyz said:

The random approaches work on one save and not on another. i haven't figured out why too ^^

Oh, wow i didin't check there xD But thanks ^^

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@Visio Diaboli A few suggestions(which will hopefully be easily implementable):


1)A lot more dialogue(especially if mc is recognized as DB). Am willing to write the said dialogues for any current and future implementation you see fit.

2)Prison "chores"(prisoner service) and more derogatory treatment from bandits(especially if you are DB(in addition to dialogue they ask of you such is: telling the citizens of the holds that mc was their toy, that they were better etc)

3) Having ability to go to bandit camps/prisons on our own once we make our mc more masochistic through dialogue.

4) Sort of corruption system(where mc can become a degenerate and be recognized for it(I do think this would be the most complicated part in this whole post...)).


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3 minutes ago, wHOaMiEH said:

A lot more dialogue(especially if mc is recognized as DB). Am willing to write the said dialogues for any current and future implementation you see fit.

I'll add at least a few new lines with each update ideally, suggestions are welcome because it ends up taking me an inordinate amount of time to think of good ones.


5 minutes ago, wHOaMiEH said:

Prison "chores"(prisoner service) and more derogatory treatment from bandits(especially if you are DB(in addition to dialogue they ask of you such is: telling the citizens of the holds that mc was their toy, that they were better etc)

My main concern with anything prison related is that there can be Vanilla, PoP, or Prison Alternative, and I have no idea how any three of those function. Looking at them would help I just haven't gotten to it yet. Can't remember if I addressed it before or deleted the comment before posting it, but the bandit quest isn't necessarily in it's final state; I think it will be easy to expand upon over time.


10 minutes ago, wHOaMiEH said:

Having ability to go to bandit camps/prisons on our own once we make our mc more masochistic through dialogue.

Hadn't thought of that yet but it might be feasible. I imagine as a power that makes bandits unaggressive and lets the player serve them, but I'd need to find some solution for making it balanced.


12 minutes ago, wHOaMiEH said:

Sort of corruption system(where mc can become a degenerate and be recognized for it(I do think this would be the most complicated part in this whole post...)).

Yea. I might be able to modify the debuff system a bit to make it an overall corruption system that can be affected in non-punishment situations. Or use Devious Mindbreak, I imagine that's built to interface with other mods.

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40 minutes ago, Visio Diaboli said:

I'll add at least a few new lines with each update ideally, suggestions are welcome because it ends up taking me an inordinate amount of time to think of good ones.


My main concern with anything prison related is that there can be Vanilla, PoP, or Prison Alternative, and I have no idea how any three of those function. Looking at them would help I just haven't gotten to it yet. Can't remember if I addressed it before or deleted the comment before posting it, but the bandit quest isn't necessarily in it's final state; I think it will be easy to expand upon over time.


Hadn't thought of that yet but it might be feasible. I imagine as a power that makes bandits unaggressive and lets the player serve them, but I'd need to find some solution for making it balanced.


Yea. I might be able to modify the debuff system a bit to make it an overall corruption system that can be affected in non-punishment situations. Or use Devious Mindbreak, I imagine that's built to interface with other mods.


Ill send you a hefty list of lines for every occasion in a text file, and if you find you like some of them, feel free to implement them(need to know just one thing.... do you have specific limit on how much letters can be used in a sentence(when I was helping dshv if I remember correctly it had a certain limitation(150-200 or something like that))?


Regarding the power thing, I had problems with npc behavior being in aggressive(drawn weapon) mode, but once I cast Harmony on them all went like clockwork(would suggest you add a harmony like spell with lesser mana cost and broader AOE because casting it in early game is out of the question do to mana requierments).


Ill send you the said lines probably around wednesday evening/night and then it's time for the holydays.


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51 minutes ago, wHOaMiEH said:

Ill send you a hefty list of lines for every occasion in a text file, and if you find you like some of them, feel free to implement them(need to know just one thing.... do you have specific limit on how much letters can be used in a sentence(when I was helping dshv if I remember correctly it had a certain limitation(150-200 or something like that))?

One line is limited to 150 characters. I can chain them together, so you can go over if you think it's worth it, just in general sub-150 is best.

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Voluntarily going to bandit camps when not PW?

A corruption system?

Personally, I'm not a fan of turning Public Whore into another corruption mod, but that's up to you. Maybe an alternative is create an addon to PW?  If people want the corruption aspect they can download the addon. If not, they don't. One benefit might be that it is fewer things to maintain in PW, less to go wrong, and if something does bug out, it's easier to find.


And now I'm going to make suggestions ? if you're looking for some.

Report to Thane Whatsit and there's a random chance of one of the following:

  1. If you already have a punishment score, then you have no choice about being sent to a bandit or giant camp. They won't pay, of course, and you have to depend on them to accurately report back so your remaining quota can be adjusted.
  2. If you don't have a punishment score, you are given the option to go to the bandit or giant camp. In exchange, your remaining quota is wiped out when you successfully return. A kind of hazard pay.
  3. Your choice: One of the local farmers needs help. Your naked self will go to that farm and help tend the crops. This will reduce your remaining quota by 4 clients. If it puts you in overtime, then bonus for you! There are hoing (hoeing?) animations in the game already you can take advantage of. If the denizens of the farm take advantage of your presence for non-crop tending purposes, well, that's life on the farm.
  4. Go to the guard's barracks for morale boosting. Spend the night, guaranteed 8 off your remaining quota.
  5. Diplomat/noble/respected citizen has a function. Wants the PW as entertainment. 8 off your remaining quota.
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23 minutes ago, Seeker999 said:

Voluntarily going to bandit camps when not PW?

A corruption system?

Personally, I'm not a fan of turning Public Whore into another corruption mod, but that's up to you. Maybe an alternative is create an addon to PW?  If people want the corruption aspect they can download the addon. If not, they don't. One benefit might be that it is fewer things to maintain in PW, less to go wrong, and if something does bug out, it's easier to find.


And now I'm going to make suggestions ? if you're looking for some.

Report to Thane Whatsit and there's a random chance of one of the following:

  1. If you already have a punishment score, then you have no choice about being sent to a bandit or giant camp. They won't pay, of course, and you have to depend on them to accurately report back so your remaining quota can be adjusted.
  2. If you don't have a punishment score, you are given the option to go to the bandit or giant camp. In exchange, your remaining quota is wiped out when you successfully return. A kind of hazard pay.
  3. Your choice: One of the local farmers needs help. Your naked self will go to that farm and help tend the crops. This will reduce your remaining quota by 4 clients. If it puts you in overtime, then bonus for you! There are hoing (hoeing?) animations in the game already you can take advantage of. If the denizens of the farm take advantage of your presence for non-crop tending purposes, well, that's life on the farm.
  4. Go to the guard's barracks for morale boosting. Spend the night, guaranteed 8 off your remaining quota.
  5. Diplomat/noble/respected citizen has a function. Wants the PW as entertainment. 8 off your remaining quota.



Well if you can enthusiastically accept to be public whore for jarldoms why the hell couldnt you be promiscuous in your free time? Also that corruption system would be more of a addition to your reputation then a classic rpgm game. As for your suggestions they are pretty good.

Edited by wHOaMiEH
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1 hour ago, Seeker999 said:

A corruption system?

41 minutes ago, wHOaMiEH said:

Also that corruption system would be more of a addition to your reputation then a classic rpgm game.

Well for a minute I thought moving everything to a soft Devious Mindbreak dependency would be a solution, but looks like the mod has been abandoned. I could expand the debuff system, which already has a similar objective, but the larger that system grows, the less it's within the thematic scope of PW. I can always split the functionality off into it's own plugin if needed, not that that's ideal either.

Edited by Visio Diaboli
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