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8 minutes ago, JCPunch94 said:

how would i find the sliders im using


You mean which one's are selected in Devourment? The Morphs page of the Devourment MCM. If you mean which ones are available on your body and armor, open them in Outfit Studio and it will show a list in the bottom right.

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I have a little problem with this mod and I hope that someone could help my fix it.
I was playing with this mod for some time and everything worked just fine, but at some point I had a wierd issue.
When anyone was vomited (the same thing with their equipment) there was a message "devourment error vomit queue malfunction", probably because of that there wasn't been any animation of regurgitateing someone.

It wouldn't be too much of a problem, but it was a bit worse when I was vomited from any NPC, when that happened body of my character was invisible (except for the hair) and when it get up, I've got a black screen. It wasn't a CTD, I still could play, but I haven't seen anything, but when I was walking I was hearing my footsteps, and I've even exit the inn.


I don't know what happend and why, but when I created a new character everything begin to work again. 

I hope that maybe someone have an idea how to fix this issue.


And sorry for some spelling errors, I'm still learnig english, I hope it wasn't too much pain to read it ?.

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1 hour ago, markdf said:

Are you making your own Diminution items? If so, does it work with the Ring of Diminution itself?

Does it work on you?

Does it work on followers?


Test 1: Ring of Diminution.
Player - affects on equipping, stays untill unequipped.
Follower - affects on equipping, re-applied upon release, returns to normal on unequip.

Slave - affects on equipping, is not re-applied upon release, with ring still visibly and, according to console, equipped. Spell "Macromancy" is present, magic effects "Macromancy" and "Diminution" aren't. Effects get re-applied if ring is removed and given again.

Test 2: xEdit made slave collar with diminution magnitude of 90.

Player - same.
Follower - same.

Slave - same.

Test 3: PC enchanted ring with magnitude of 65.
Player - same.
Follower - same.
Slave - no effect. Visibly, and according to console, eqipped. Neither spell or magic effects ever got applied.


"More Informative Console" tells that actors put in "storage" have no active magic effects, maybe it's in part general thing about them not being re-applied?
Slaves also aren't getting enchantments applied to them from equipped items - I gave "14 health" ring first to a slave, then to a follower, and slave didn't benefit from it.

About stomach size. Since at some point before tests both player and tested follower were swallowed at full size, in all of the tests both swallowing follower and player swallowed by NPCs resulted in a full person sized belly.


From DevourmentManagement.psc, line 5553:

	; If the weight has already been determined and stored, use that value.
	if StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(subject, "weight")
		return StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(subject, "weight")


...it seems that that's intentional. And I don't see machromancy scripts forcing stored zise update. Why? Am I missing somethig? Is this some sort of legacy optimisation that predates enchantments and spells?

By the way, what's the formula for belly scale? From same script it seems like the "size" variable is set as (prey scale squared * JSON race weight * PerceptionCondition (and it seems to lack a check if it's too low, or even negative - it can be, if console is to be believed), which then gets sent to init.lua where it's ...squared again? (line 870|875) ...before taking a power of 0.4 (as is 2.5th root) from it to determine belly scale.
Which results in a strange number ((scale^2 * JSON * PerceptionCondition)^2 instead of (scale * PerceptionCondition)^3 * JSON)) being used, and instead of cubic root a 2.5 root is taken, which all together might be the case of weird scaling - or am I completely clueless to actual process and is speaking out of my rear?

I would've tried to play with numbers, but papyrus compiler belches an absolute monstrosity of list of missing sources at me that gave me some horrible flashbacks.

Also, "fun" with 200 magnitude diminution:

Vore power console log:



Infinite chance, mua-ha-ha-ha!


Stomach contents. Note the belly size on character - did second squaring removed the negative?..



"Fun" fact: it seems wenches from "Immersive Wenches" mod use a " "Resist" magic" perk, which, instead of giving a "resist magic" effect, multiplies the magnitude of incoming spells by smaller than 1.0 value. Which affects Diminution too. /=

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9 hours ago, InternIsla said:

Are you using Gherk's ReformationAI addon? That adds 'unknown' skulls you can find after digesting NPCs, and adds a spell that turns those skulls into randomized NPCs.

ok so that isn't part of the main mod. I guess I should be telling Gherking then?

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36 minutes ago, MstrN said:


Test 1: Ring of Diminution.
Player - affects on equipping, stays untill unequipped.
Follower - affects on equipping, re-applied upon release, returns to normal on unequip.

Slave - affects on equipping, is not re-applied upon release, with ring still visibly and, according to console, equipped. Spell "Macromancy" is present, magic effects "Macromancy" and "Diminution" aren't. Effects get re-applied if ring is removed and given again.

Test 2: xEdit made slave collar with diminution magnitude of 90.

Player - same.
Follower - same.

Slave - same.

Test 3: PC enchanted ring with magnitude of 65.
Player - same.
Follower - same.
Slave - no effect. Visibly, and according to console, eqipped. Neither spell or magic effects ever got applied.


"More Informative Console" tells that actors put in "storage" have no active magic effects, maybe it's in part general thing about them not being re-applied?
Slaves also aren't getting enchantments applied to them from equipped items - I gave "14 health" ring first to a slave, then to a follower, and slave didn't benefit from it.

About stomach size. Since at some point before tests both player and tested follower were swallowed at full size, in all of the tests both swallowing follower and player swallowed by NPCs resulted in a full person sized belly.


From DevourmentManagement.psc, line 5553:

	; If the weight has already been determined and stored, use that value.
	if StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(subject, "weight")
		return StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(subject, "weight")


...it seems that that's intentional. And I don't see machromancy scripts forcing stored zise update. Why? Am I missing somethig? Is this some sort of legacy optimisation that predates enchantments and spells?



The most recent update clears the cached size in macromancy effects (also, it only caches the size during swallows, and even then only because it gets called three times for each actor involved). Hopefully that will help without destroying performance.



36 minutes ago, MstrN said:

By the way, what's the formula for belly scale? From same script it seems like the "size" variable is set as (prey scale squared * JSON race weight * PerceptionCondition (and it seems to lack a check if it's too low, or even negative - it can be, if console is to be believed), which then gets sent to init.lua where it's ...squared again? (line 870|875) ...before taking a power of 0.4 (as is 2.5th root) from it to determine belly scale.
Which results in a strange number ((scale^2 * JSON * PerceptionCondition)^2 instead of (scale * PerceptionCondition)^3 * JSON)) being used, and instead of cubic root a 2.5 root is taken, which all together might be the case of weird scaling - or am I completely clueless to actual process and is speaking out of my rear?



Scale is squared because, in my tests with the setscale function, actor size increases at least quadratically with scale. Maybe even exponentially.

I'll add boundary checks to scale and PeceptionCondition in the next update.


When weights are being added up in the backend, they are combined as a sum of squares so that largest prey tends to dominate the size. Swallowing a bunch of chickens shouldn't affect your stomach size much when you've already got a horse in there -- that's my thinking. It keeps things from getting out of control. Originally I took the square root (the power of 0.5) before using that value (so a traditional root-mean-square average of weights), but changes were still too extreme so I made it a power of 0.4 instead of 0.5. So a belly with just a few small things in it is more likely to show a bit, and swallowing a dragon wont make the player mountain-sized. That's the idea anyway.


I'm open to ideas.

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20 minutes ago, TerletPaper said:

In the 2021/04/22 version followers seem to be protected by "Essential NPCs can be digested" being turned off regardless of pred, rather than only being treated as essential when damaged by npcs


I'm not sure what you mean by that. Refactor has never decided which NPCs are essential based on who was digesting them. It just checks for the essential flag and for whether the NPC is required for any quests.


	if prey == playerRef
		eligibleForDeath = killPlayer 
	elseif prey.isEssential() || PO3_SKSEFunctions.IsVIP(prey)
		eligibleForDeath = killEssential
		eligibleForDeath = killNPCs


Those are the three toggles from the MCM.

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2 minutes ago, markdf said:


I'm not sure what you mean by that. Refactor has never decided which NPCs are essential based on who was digesting them. It just checks for the essential flag and for whether the NPC is required for any quests.


	if prey == playerRef
		eligibleForDeath = killPlayer 
	elseif prey.isEssential() || PO3_SKSEFunctions.IsVIP(prey)
		eligibleForDeath = killEssential
		eligibleForDeath = killNPCs


Those are the three toggles from the MCM.

Strange, I'm certain digesting your own follower works in older versions regardless of the "Essential NPCs can be digested" setting, so unless some small optimization or bugfix involved killing or damaging npcs differently Lydia must've just somehow became flagged as essential


Also, the "Target in AutoPredator Faction" toggle in debugging doesn't seem to work, but I'm not sure if there's any log that might be able to explain why

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12 minutes ago, TerletPaper said:

Strange, I'm certain digesting your own follower works in older versions regardless of the "Essential NPCs can be digested" setting, so unless some small optimization or bugfix involved killing or damaging npcs differently Lydia must've just somehow became flagged as essential


Also, the "Target in AutoPredator Faction" toggle in debugging doesn't seem to work, but I'm not sure if there's any log that might be able to explain why


If you save and then load your savefile after doing it, does it take effect?

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7 minutes ago, markdf said:

Scale is squared because, in my tests with the setscale function, actor size increases at least quadratically with scale. Maybe even exponentially.

I'm not saying that squaring scale is too much - I'm saying that doing it once is not enough, but doing it twice (once in DevourmentManagement.psc - line 5560, another time in init.lua - lines 892 or 897) is too much. (At least that's what seems to be happening, please, correct me if I'm wrong.) I'm asking why it isn't cubed, and then a cubic root (power of ~0.333) isn't taken from the volume for belly scale.

From my experience with meshes, scale is simply a linear multiplier on all axes. 2x the scale, 8x the volume; 0.5x the scale, 0.125x the volume.

And from the same experience, .tri transform files are simply a bunch of lists of vertex positions, one for base mesh (which also includes edge and face data, but that's not relevant), and one for every transform, and value of transforms tells where on the line between the positions written in those lists the vertex is located. If value goes above 100%, above 1.0, position of vertex is calculated further in linear fashion, resulting, once again, in 2.0 on slider giving 800% the volume, and 0.5 on slider give 12.5% volume.


I think they are simply an extension of pre-existing face morphs methods to body mesh, thus all the limitations.

That's why I suggested to use (scale * macromancy scale)^3 to determine character volume relative to defaults, multiply it by JSON race mass for our approximation of absolute volume, and then take a cubic root of the sum of prey absolute volume to determine a belly scale.

Also, I might be extra dumb, but I can't find out where's pred scale is being taken and used for belly size calculation. I feel like I'm staring at it, but I can't see it.


The issue with changing the scale - the flat changes appear to be unproportional. Making it more proportional helps somewhat - as is, taking a cubic root out of macromancy scale before applying it to character - but it plummets to zero even harder as magnitude approaches 100.

So, that's my suggestion for macromancy effect on scale:

If diminution > augmentation
       (macromancy scale) = (1+ (diminution-augmentation) * 0.01)^-0.5

       (macromancy scale) = (1+ (augmentation-diminution) * 0.01)^0.5

It's far from being accurate to anything, and there's surely a better, singular formula for similar effect, but I can't think of it. Either way, I spent some time with a calculator and "setscale" command, and this way things look pretty nice while giving and option to stack those effects indefinetely. Presenting meaningful numbers to the player, though, that's the problem with this approach I don't know how to solve.

Preview of this method, going from 100 diminution to 100 augmentation in steps of 25.




Doesn't allow for ridiculous size difference, though. Making it optional and allowing to customise difference multiplier and power numbers, maybe?

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6 hours ago, WideHardo said:

How can i update 3BA mesh to 3BA v2, so it would support new sliders (which currently included mesh don't have)?

If I understood correctly what you want: you can simply transfer Devourment sliders to desired body of same type by opening outfit studio, loading project of v2, then adding devourment's project. Then you make devourment's body a reference and select only devourment-related sliders. Then press "conform selected sliders" in sliders submenu, while having v2 body selected. Then make v2 body a reference once again and delete all the parts from devourment's body. After all that either simply overwrite the body or save it to new project with changed name, so it would appear in bodyslide separately


PS you can also find much more well-written guide on transferring sliders online or possibly in the guide that's linked in this topic description

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The setting in the Devourment menu for the Cordyceps perk appears to be broken: trying to toggle it instead controls the Hungry Bones perk (and the label changes to Hungry Bones on attempting to toggle it). This presents a problem, because Cordyceps prevents you from using the struggle mechanic.


On top of that, Become Your Killer appears to be very finicky. Trying to activate it under normal circumstances will simply kill you and reload instead of changing characters, but if you have the level of Comfy that provides health regen, it will work properly.


Edit the Second: In addition, it doesn't seem like Devourment perk points are being properly refunded when BYK triggers. Skill levels carried over, but most perks were removed, and the number of unspent perk points was the same as before the character change. Or in other words, perks were removed without giving the points in them back.


And after some thought, I may have an idea to make BYK work more consistently: once the player character is flagged as digesting (that is, dead), use RestoreAV to give them 10 health so they don't die when the BYK script is triggered (I tested with some lower values, namely 1 and 5, but that resulted in the vanilla death script firing).

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4 hours ago, InternIsla said:

The setting in the Devourment menu for the Cordyceps perk appears to be broken: trying to toggle it instead controls the Hungry Bones perk (and the label changes to Hungry Bones on attempting to toggle it). This presents a problem, because Cordyceps prevents you from using the struggle mechanic.


On top of that, Become Your Killer appears to be very finicky. Trying to activate it under normal circumstances will simply kill you and reload instead of changing characters, but if you have the level of Comfy that provides health regen, it will work properly.


Edit the Second: In addition, it doesn't seem like Devourment perk points are being properly refunded when BYK triggers. Skill levels carried over, but most perks were removed, and the number of unspent perk points was the same as before the character change. Or in other words, perks were removed without giving the points in them back.


And after some thought, I may have an idea to make BYK work more consistently: once the player character is flagged as digesting (that is, dead), use RestoreAV to give them 10 health so they don't die when the BYK script is triggered (I tested with some lower values, namely 1 and 5, but that resulted in the vanilla death script firing).


I'll take a look at those things.

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So I downloaded the latest version of this mod while building my Skyrim modding list, and I've suddenly found that I can't access the vore powers anymore. It's no longer a shout in my magic menu, and trying to activate it through a specific key (i.e. the debugging menu) only seems to work fitfully - it worked for the vore power once and then never again, and for nothing else. Any clue what could be happening? The only thing I can think of is that I've got the Devourment Dialogue and Devourment Approach extensions installed for the first time, but disabling them doesn't seem to help.


I suspect it's not an issue with the actual mod mod, since everyone else isn't having the same basic issues as me. Am I just being dumb and missing something obvious, or is there a problem with my setup?


EDIT: Also, not sure if this is related: a) I don't have access to any pred options in the vore conversation tree and b) I am getting UI messages for literally any Vore events in the same worldspace as me. Meaning that when I'm running around Skyrim, I keep getting random notifications that a mudcrab has just eaten a wolf haha.

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48 minutes ago, redlan said:

EDIT: Also, not sure if this is related: a) I don't have access to any pred options in the vore conversation tree and b) I am getting UI messages for literally any Vore events in the same worldspace as me. Meaning that when I'm running around Skyrim, I keep getting random notifications that a mudcrab has just eaten a wolf haha.


There ARE no pred options in the core mod, unless the person you're speaking with is a follower or has high relationship rank. Mostly because no one ever wrote any.


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10 minutes ago, markdf said:


There ARE no pred options in the core mod, unless the person you're speaking with is a follower or has high relationship rank. Mostly because no one ever wrote any.



Huh, okay managed to miss THAT. Good to know it's the system working as intended though.


But there definitely were vore 'spells' that could be equipped in the shout/howl slot - maybe they were part of the Extra Spells plugin, but even if that's the case I double checked that I'd installed that and I have, so I'm not sure what's going on.

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I can't seem to get Cock or Breast Vore to work, when I use cock vore a small belly shows up on my character instead with very large struggle bulges and with Breat Vore I get these sacks instead of them actually growing at all. I fallowed the YT tutorial Mad Hatter made to install, and read the Bodyslide tutorial, Still nothing, I am using TBD but also CBBE 3BB together which should work in tandem. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or do I need to make a new game?

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in 4.22 trying to toggle Cordyceps seems to toggle Hungry Bones regardless of PC having that perk (I click on it, text gets replaced with "Hungry Bones" and show a status of Hungry Bones, while clicking on "Hungry Bones" does nothing).
Here's a recording of this happening: https://disk.yandex.com/i/4a-A2JGDqCknMg

I didn't test it on 4.19 and 4.20, but Cordyceps wasn't toggling on 4.18, although clicking it didn't seem to toggle completely different skill.


BTW, is struggle mechanic supposed to not work with Cordyceps enabled, or was it just a bug on 4.18? (can't test on 4.22 for the above reason)

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2 hours ago, TerletPaper said:

In the current latest version there seem to be perks which are only obtainable through the simple perk menu and not through the one added with custom skill framework


Such as?

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3 hours ago, TerletPaper said:

In the current latest version there seem to be perks which are only obtainable through the simple perk menu and not through the one added with custom skill framework

I believe some of those are just alternate names for the level 2 and 3 versions of other perks. Like Comfy, become delicious, then that becomes phylactery. Not sure of spelling nor order but that is about how it goes.


Also I need to mention in 4.22 when I swallow a corpse it repeatedly forces me into and out of first person until I hit my button that switches me to first person. I preferred the cannibal animation when swallowing the corpses but now it uses this one hand animation like popping a candy or something happens. was that a deliberate change or did I mess up my animations?



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