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[WIP][Coming Soon] SexLab - Sex Animation Framework

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Mod is now released, you can find it here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16623-skyrim-sexlab-an-animation-framework/?do=findComment&comment=374916


Some of you may have heard I'm working on a new fully featured sex mod for Skyrim, which I'm now nearing completion on. I've tentatively named it SexLab.


Since I'm close to releasing, aka within a couple days, I thought it might be a good idea to start soliciting ideas and requests from the community in what they'd like to see as far as a sex mod goes. Keep in mind this is a framework for other modders to start/stop sex animations, much like Sexout and Lovers with PK for Fallout and Oblivion respectively, not an actual sex mod, so suggestions like "Start sex from dialog!" will fall on deaf ears as it is outside the scope of what the mod is, though I do appreciate some simple example mod ideas I could throw together for release, much akin to defeated/cupid for sexis. I was leaning towards a "lust" mod that tracks and rates your escapades as the initial example mod to release with SexLab though for whatever that's worth. Modders interested in starting or are currently maintaining a plugin I'm especially interested in hearing from to get an idea of their needs and wants are in a sex framework.


Current notable feature set is as follows:

  • 1-5 actors per animation set with a current max of 10 animation sequences, for a max of 50 actors animating at once, will ship with a 3 person and solo masturbation animation example mod
  • Animations sets can have as many stages as they want
  • Modders can set an animation to force a user to equip certain items of their choice
  • Can easily include NON sexual animations, which will not strip the actors naked, loop moaning noises, etc, etc.
  • Full MCM support
  • Easy and fully documented API for modders to add new animation sets, voices, and start animations
  • Users can toggle on/off animations they don't like
  • Aside from typical forward/backward adjustment for actors; you can swap positions within the animation with other actors, rotate between animation sets on the fly, and adjust NPC's (not the player) up and down
  • All of Arroks current animations included separate from the current MLA animations



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1-5 actors per animation set with a current max of 10 animation sequences, for a max of 50 actors animating at once, will ship with a 3 person and solo masturbation animation example mod


I see an orgy option in sex mods using this framework in the near future if I'm reading this right.



Meaning you can have 5 people to a single animation to clarify, and then 10 of those animations running at once. Though I don't have an 5 person animations to really test it with, most I've tested with is Arrok's 3P animation. It's theoretically possible to do 5 actors at once, as that's how I've scripted it and it should be no different than 3, but testing makes fools of us all. It's capped at 5 in the scripting, but I can increase it to more as well if the need should ever arise.


Good lord! This is a LOT more than I expected :)


I was thinking along the lines of an improved Sexis framework LOL




I used SexiS as a springboard, as I am admittedly new to skyrim scripting (but not to programming.)  I looked at how SexiS did stuff, then thought "How could I do this a million times better?" I then proceeded to bang my head on my desk for 8 hours until I came up with a solution to best it, at least 50% of the code I've written for the framework has been scrapped and rewritten for the better already as a result of this process, and I've spent at least 6-12 hours a day on this project for the past 2 weeks. This is typical of how I learn a programming language. I feel pretty good about where it is at now, as well as where my Skyrim scripting skills are as a result of that process, which is why I feel comfortable enough to make this thread and start throwing out promises at this point.

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Very nice. Thanks for taking this up. Ready to port RandomSex over to this as soon as it's out (and probably add to it to have masturbating non-participants, and to make use of the threesome...).


I'm willing to send modders an early copy to get a head start on making their current stuff compatible with SexLab, if you (or any other modders) are interested send me a PM. In theory though it shouldn't be more than just changing your HaveSex() call to SexiS to the SexLab equivalent.

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sound very nice ^^ good luck with the projet............wow just the 1 to .........5....O_O...actor per animation, this is an new inovation to create something with more than 3 actor at same time ^^


lol balgruuf already wait for this..XD

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Well i was currently (as in "at this very moment") wondering what was happening with that work (had seen it mentionned on other pages) and there it is a seems very good especially when compared to some of the other projects (no offense meant)


i had given up so far on the adult mods for skyrim due to either low quality, buggyness or not enough plugins and options (like rape and such, i dont like having to cast spells and the such so people get lusty for my character and such...) but now with this i see real progress and maybe with some luck il be able to play some nice stuff in the coming week(s)


(heres hoping for someone to make a plugin that allows to charm npc and coerce them into doing what you want using sex (reminds some people of a few quests in fallout 2?)


thanks for the amazing work so far ashal :D . i have played some of your stuff in oblivion before and if its nearly as good as that it will be wonderfull!

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Wonderful news! I'm really looking forward to the release :)



I do appreciate some simple example mod ideas I could throw together for release, much akin to defeated/cupid for sexis.


It would be awesome if you could do something like cupid and defeated for the release, so it is possible to actually use the framework before all the plugins are ported to it :D


Thank you for this framework, finally something the community can rely on.

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I like the idea of a "lust" mod to track your sexual exploits I always liked to track that stuff in oblivion (not sure why) but good idea. I think whatever example plugin you decide to put out will be fine. I think modders will jump to your framework a little quicker than they did SexiS, the major downfall of that I think was he kept it in alpha and was always threating to change the way everything worked so everyone was waiting for the beta stage if you noticed there wasn't really anything available for it until after he went mia.

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Sounds interesting. But I won't judge (positive or negative) until It's finished for at least two weeks and I have tried it a couple of times. At the moment it sounds to good to be true, like sexrim and the slavers guild.



It's not like sexrim or slavers guild I had a chance to work with it already, it is real and it does work I'm sure as with anything else when it is first released there maybe minor bugs

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Sounds good, looking forward to it. So how about some pictures and teasers?



I don't think Ashal will mind if I post a screenshot or two of what I've been doing with his framework so here you go








That's for the "group discount" option in Working Girl for SexLab

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Sounds interesting. But I won't judge (positive or negative) until It's finished for at least two weeks and I have tried it a couple of times. At the moment it sounds to good to be true, like sexrim and the slavers guild.



It's not like sexrim or slavers guild I had a chance to work with it already, it is real and it does work I'm sure as with anything else when it is first released there maybe minor bugs



Nice, and also nice screenshots. Still I'll wait till i tried it myself. I am a sceptic person :D

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This sounds very promising!  :heart:


You mentioned animations could have up to 10 sequences, but will we ever see an improvement (or alternative) over the finishing "rag doll" end sequence? 


And will there be a custom volume control for adjusting PC or NPC voices? Most, if not all sex mods so far have NPC voice volumes attached to the game's "Effects" volume setting. In my game this makes things too loud if I don't sacrifice or lower my FX volume, or optimize the sound files themselves. 



Adding to the lust idea.. what about an attraction system? Where a character's attractiveness is based on how many times they were successful on wooing and satisfying a potential partner?  Maybe create a new skill called "Seduction" and have it level up each time the player character gains a successful encounter? The skill tree can have its perks, like being able to perform threesomes or group orgies at a higher level, unlocking unique/bizzare animation, or turning anyone on / or raise their arousal level higher by just simply entering the room.


If its possible maybe we can have a skill on the darker side too.. If we can tag and separate normal =/= forced animations. Rape can have its own category and skill called "Maniac". Raping anyone in public is a crime obviously. Maybe set up a system where  a target can be lured or "tricked" into following the player character (through dialog) away from anyone's sight. The higher this skill is the better chance you have of the target following you without causing suspicion. Skill perks can involve unlocking group rape? (maybe?), unlocking a perk where someone who sees you might actually ask to join in.. More unique animations and allowing use of gags or binds? 

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