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Got arrested fine, walked to the cell, walked around... walk to the pillory. Everything at the pillory was fine other then the sliding, got released started the walk, I fast forwarded the walk once in the cell I was unable to move around. Character wasn't frozen still did all the idles the characters normally do I just could not walk around.





So, is it supposed to be easy to walk out of jail after being raped? Also, shouldn't guards still recognize that I should be in jail once I escape? Right now they forget about my existence almost immediately once I get the cell door open and I walk out.


It might be nice if escape required a bit more stealth and subterfuge.

It's supposed to trigger the escape sequence when you do that, and guards don't like that. Or they shouldn't at least.


Did you notice a text about "player escaped" popping up on the screen?


Yeah, player escaped popped up but they didn't do a darned thing about it. You could just leave the PC bound until the door shuts.


Also seen both of these. Getting stuck seems to happen after returning to your cell from the pillories. And for the escape, the guard just went into the "Wait, I know you..." mode and let me walk freely past them, with a bounty of around 1200 I think it was at that point. I did get the player escaped notice properly though.

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Got arrested fine, walked to the cell, walked around... walk to the pillory. Everything at the pillory was fine other then the sliding, got released started the walk, I fast forwarded the walk once in the cell I was unable to move around. Character wasn't frozen still did all the idles the characters normally do I just could not walk around.





So, is it supposed to be easy to walk out of jail after being raped? Also, shouldn't guards still recognize that I should be in jail once I escape? Right now they forget about my existence almost immediately once I get the cell door open and I walk out.


It might be nice if escape required a bit more stealth and subterfuge.

It's supposed to trigger the escape sequence when you do that, and guards don't like that. Or they shouldn't at least.


Did you notice a text about "player escaped" popping up on the screen?


Yeah, player escaped popped up but they didn't do a darned thing about it. You could just leave the PC bound until the door shuts.


Also seen both of these. Getting stuck seems to happen after returning to your cell from the pillories. And for the escape, the guard just went into the "Wait, I know you..." mode and let me walk freely past them, with a bounty of around 1200 I think it was at that point. I did get the player escaped notice properly though.



So far the freeze has happened once... On my end. I did fast foreward the time it happened, however I have used fast foreward before with no prob.


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So, is it supposed to be easy to walk out of jail after being raped? Also, shouldn't guards still recognize that I should be in jail once I escape? Right now they forget about my existence almost immediately once I get the cell door open and I walk out.


It might be nice if escape required a bit more stealth and subterfuge.

It's supposed to trigger the escape sequence when you do that, and guards don't like that. Or they shouldn't at least.


Did you notice a text about "player escaped" popping up on the screen?


Yeah, player escaped popped up but they didn't do a darned thing about it. You could just leave the PC bound until the door shuts.


The popup should restore your bounty. Maybe it did, but the guards are just configured to ignore it. I think I'll add an extra bounty so that the guards won't ignore you after you've escaped. Makes more sense that way, I think ...


Regarding SexLab, I think it's ok to leave an escape option, but ofc, then escape mechanics must work. In any case, I can't fix the delay, because it's part of SexLab running the show.

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tried out riften

worked fine except for one thing. 


there is a locked door guarded by a guard who you either need to bribe or persuade.

The guard who arrests you dont have the key so its a point where you get stuck unless you Unlock it with Console commands

Can we get a fix for this (both guards and the jailor need a key)? And disable the dialogue with the guard at the door if you are being escorted to your cell?


And is there a way to disable the ambient dialogue, or perhaps replace it with voiced samples from the game? In fact I'm under the impression most of the non-voiced dialogue could be replaced with voiced stuff from the vanilla game.


Controls will occasionally get "stuck" returning to the cell from the pillories.


Also, is there a not a way to make the pillories permanent fixtures (like chairs and benches) so that they don't slide around?


One more thing: with SD active, sleeping in the riften cell causes a dream sequence in the misty grove, but the game considers you escaped during that sequence so on return, you are in your cell but without the prison quest running.

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One more thing, what call is initiation of the imprisonment dependent on? I'd like to make a patch for Submit so you still go through your additions when submitting to guards.

There's a call on the script xazpEscortToPrison called "ArrestPlayer" or similar. It takes a few parameters, but nothing weird or unexpected. If you call that function, Prison Overhaul will arrest the player with the specified bounty and so on.


The only thing you need to take care off outside that function is to clear bounty. I never managed to get the guards not to attack the player unless it was cleared in the dialogue scripts.

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I'm also finding that the camera gets stuck to player movement often. Any idea what causes this?

I know what causes it. If you are in combat ready mode that carries into how the camera is treated during animations so turning the camera turns the player because that is how it works in combat mode.


(Combat mode=Weapon or spells equipped).

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This is an epic mod, thank you!


Question, are there different punishment(s) for "minor" and "major" crimes? For petty crimes there is the clothed pillory punishment, but the other two seems to be the same for my character. Not a complaint, just a curiousity.


Would you be open to rp suggestions on how to expand the mod?


Thank you, again.

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It would be great if your companion was arrested with you (if they say, attacked the guards defending you) and served the sentence the same as you. Right now they just follow you to your cell door then stand there and shame you.

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Another suggestion if you're willing to look into it. If you submit to go to prison while bound and gagged (say from Sanguine's Debauchery), those binds and gag are removed and none are placed on you during your trip.

Sounds strange, if you go to prison, won't the master pull you back consistently? Or is it after you've escaped? I don't know how SD works at that point, but at least since it's not being actively worked on, it would be possible for me to find a workaround for it.

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tried out riften

worked fine except for one thing. 


there is a locked door guarded by a guard who you either need to bribe or persuade.

The guard who arrests you dont have the key so its a point where you get stuck unless you Unlock it with Console commands

Can we get a fix for this (both guards and the jailor need a key)? And disable the dialogue with the guard at the door if you are being escorted to your cell?


And is there a way to disable the ambient dialogue, or perhaps replace it with voiced samples from the game? In fact I'm under the impression most of the non-voiced dialogue could be replaced with voiced stuff from the vanilla game.


Controls will occasionally get "stuck" returning to the cell from the pillories.


Also, is there a not a way to make the pillories permanent fixtures (like chairs and benches) so that they don't slide around?


One more thing: with SD active, sleeping in the riften cell causes a dream sequence in the misty grove, but the game considers you escaped during that sequence so on return, you are in your cell but without the prison quest running.


The Riften door is on my todo list. It's just really boring to dig through Beth scripts to try and piece together how they work. :)


Appears like most people have problem with stuck controls. I'll have a look at it.


I can't make the pillories permanent fixtures. Each furniture can only play one animation, and I need the player (immersion) to react to things happening. SexLab works with animations, so is also not compatible with furniture. That said, there may be methods of semi-fixing the position, so I'll take a look at those.


Not sure what to do about the dream sequence. I think this is one of those things easier to fix in SD than in PO.

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This is an epic mod, thank you!


Question, are there different punishment(s) for "minor" and "major" crimes? For petty crimes there is the clothed pillory punishment, but the other two seems to be the same for my character. Not a complaint, just a curiousity.


Would you be open to rp suggestions on how to expand the mod?


Thank you, again.

I'm open to suggestions, but modding right now is very slow. I'll be getting some time during this weekend, but nothing major is happening right now.


Essentially, expect bug fixes for the coming versions, and maybe minor features. Sorry about that, just realities of RL for me.

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It would be great if your companion was arrested with you (if they say, attacked the guards defending you) and served the sentence the same as you. Right now they just follow you to your cell door then stand there and shame you.

True, they should also be arrested. It's on my todo list and something I like to do. Many things are in place for this, so I just need to get some free time to implement it.

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I've got one suggestion Xaz. It implies to mess a bit with the bounty/arrest system, so I don't know how feasible it would be.

The fines are so low it's quite unbelievable the PC is going through all the ordeal because he/she won't pay 200 gold.
Personally I use a mod which raises them all (up to 10k for murder).
But in PO could be simply that if you commit a major crime (murder), you are not allowed to pay a fine whatsoever and you end up caged anyway.
In relation with this, after jail time, they don't give back all your belongings. Maybe they keep some or all of you money.
It alway seems to me rather troubling that after raping and whipping you all the day long, the next day they nicely give all you back, like in modern day prison. 

There could be an hardcore option in which they stole your equipments as well.
This way, committing a serious crime and the shameful pillory time, the Pc wont be back as the hero he/she was, as nothing happened. 
He/she would be effectively penniless, a beggar. Forced to start almost from scratch and to prostitution maybe.
A fall in disgrace that (from a roleplay point of view) would fit well with other mod like radiant prostitution or working girl. 

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I've got one suggestion Xaz. It implies to mess a bit with the bounty/arrest system, so I don't know how feasible it would be.

The fines are so low it's quite unbelievable the PC is going through all the ordeal because he/she won't pay 200 gold.

Personally I use a mod which raises them all (up to 10k for murder).

But in PO could be simply that if you commit a major crime (murder), you are not allowed to pay a fine whatsoever and you end up caged anyway.

In relation with this, after jail time, they don't give back all your belongings. Maybe they keep some or all of you money.

It alway seems to me rather troubling that after raping and whipping you all the day long, the next day they nicely give all you back, like in modern day prison. 

There could be an hardcore option in which they stole your equipments as well.

This way, committing a serious crime and the shameful pillory time, the Pc wont be back as the hero he/she was, as nothing happened. 

He/she would be effectively penniless, a beggar. Forced to start almost from scratch and to prostitution maybe.

A fall in disgrace that (from a roleplay point of view) would fit well with other mod like radiant prostitution or working girl.

Good point. I've thought about this before and more or less figured that if the guards took all your money, you'd pay up and not go to jail in the first place.


As a bonus, money could be left in the evidence chest, so the player could steal it back. Your idea with guards not allowing you to pay a fine is a good one. I think I'll start tweaking the guard dialogue a bit more like that.

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My ideas about different punishments for different crime levels.


  • The player is arrested and dragged to the inn of the town, she/he is in prison.
  • inn keeper get a new dialogue and mini quest, where the player has to make food. The produced food has then to be brought back to the inn keeper and to get new ingredients from her/him, together with another quest, to make more food.
  • The player gets gold for every produced food and the amount of made gold determines, when the player is freed. Doing not enough => no or low gold made (based on a percentage of what the player should have made, so it can be setup in MCM), results in whipping, back in prison.
  • Getting not the awaited amount of gold for a few days, will result in whipping in public.
  • With RP installed, the player can optionally prostitue and serve guests.
  • A guard is waiting outside the inn and picks up the player and all money in her/his inventory at a specific day time, to bring her back to her/his cell.
  • if the player leaves to inn before the guard comes to get her/him, results in whipping as well.
  • Added possibility to abuse the guard, that picks up the players toon, which results in sex of some sort.



  • As it is now, but highered rape possibility when locked up in the cell, in case the player attacked a guard.
  • 100% rape propability if a guard was killed. Don't know if it's easily possible to track this, but would be nice, as i'm sure the guards won't like peole, that attack or kill guards. Makes them all look bad.
  • Maybe an own system, if the amount of bounty is 2x the amount, needed to commit a major crime, so after prison time is over, the players toon gets sold to someone. Could be linked into SD2, f.e.
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Wonderful mod, worked perfectly in solitude. I see there is an option to skip the long travel time which is a really good idea since it avoid the most empty and buggy parts (for instance when your jailor get stuck in stairs, doors or somesuch). However it seems to behave in a one-off manner. For every bit one want to skip one has to go back in the menu. I'd rather have a menu option that prompt me when a long walking sequence begins, and choose there to skip the sequence or not (or to always skip it if the option is selected). Either ways, excellent mod again!

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I can't make the pillories permanent fixtures. Each furniture can only play one animation, and I need the player (immersion) to react to things happening. SexLab works with animations, so is also not compatible with furniture. That said, there may be methods of semi-fixing the position, so I'll take a look at those.


I think you can use SetVehicle to fix player to a fixed point :






to release him





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Wonderful mod, worked perfectly in solitude. I see there is an option to skip the long travel time which is a really good idea since it avoid the most empty and buggy parts (for instance when your jailor get stuck in stairs, doors or somesuch). However it seems to behave in a one-off manner. For every bit one want to skip one has to go back in the menu. I'd rather have a menu option that prompt me when a long walking sequence begins, and choose there to skip the sequence or not (or to always skip it if the option is selected). Either ways, excellent mod again!

Good point about the "always skip". I'll add that one.


I always use the console myself to set that particular value, so I never went through the pain of altering it from MCM.

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I can't make the pillories permanent fixtures. Each furniture can only play one animation, and I need the player (immersion) to react to things happening. SexLab works with animations, so is also not compatible with furniture. That said, there may be methods of semi-fixing the position, so I'll take a look at those.


I think you can use SetVehicle to fix player to a fixed point :






to release him




Thank! I'll try this.

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Another suggestion if you're willing to look into it. If you submit to go to prison while bound and gagged (say from Sanguine's Debauchery), those binds and gag are removed and none are placed on you during your trip.

Sounds strange, if you go to prison, won't the master pull you back consistently? Or is it after you've escaped? I don't know how SD works at that point, but at least since it's not being actively worked on, it would be possible for me to find a workaround for it.


This is after escaping with hardcore mode (so binds remain).

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