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Can someone tell me what the console command for fast forward was?

I forgot and I can't find it in the comments


     First, enter the savegame in which you have Prison overhaul running.


     Second, enter the console by pressing the "~" key unless you're using an Asian or European keyboard (I realize you already know how to do this as you asked what the console command was.  Just trying to make it easier to get through for newcomers to the console that are having the same problem).


     Third, type "help xpo" and press Enter.  This should bring up a list of items, spells, variables and the like that contain the letters "X", "P" & "O" in a string.  By using the PgUp/PgDn keys, you'll be able to scroll through the list, looking for a variable that looks something like "xpofastforward".

     Once you find this variable, type the command "set 'xpofastforward' to 2", and press Enter.


     On a final note, the string may look more like setxpofastforward, in which case the proper entry command would be "setxpofastforward to 2", then Enter.  You get the picture.


I hope this helps!

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I ran into a little problem while I was in jail. I was waiting always advancing 1 hour until a guard came in and raped my PC after continuously waiting in an 1 hour interval with nothing happened I decided to wait until 24 hours were over so I would be released, but noone came to let me out.

When I succesfully lockpick the door a guard immeadiatly tp's to me and rapes me, after that I'm stuck in standing pose and can't move.

I tried the release ai controll in ZaZ menu making me able to move again but I couldn't attack anyone and if I stole something they wouldn't even notice.

When I walk past someone they would just have the same dialogue as when you're beeing transported to prison.


Anyone know how to fix this?


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hey so i have been away from skyrim roughly 4 months and everything has changed so much i have this mod and all its requirements but the pillorie if i spelt it correctly is purple and lacks a texture along with arm, neck and leg restraints i have tried everything but nothing its really weird since before i left skyrim this was a mod id never have out of my game and never had this issue   

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hey so i have been away from skyrim roughly 4 months and everything has changed so much i have this mod and all its requirements but the pillorie if i spelt it correctly is purple and lacks a texture along with arm, neck and leg restraints i have tried everything but nothing its really weird since before i left skyrim this was a mod id never have out of my game and never had this issue

The ZAZ Animation pack is now TWO files, you obviously didn't install the Textures file. Easily fixed, download and install and you should be good to go.

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hey so i have been away from skyrim roughly 4 months and everything has changed so much i have this mod and all its requirements but the pillorie if i spelt it correctly is purple and lacks a texture along with arm, neck and leg restraints i have tried everything but nothing its really weird since before i left skyrim this was a mod id never have out of my game and never had this issue

The ZAZ Animation pack is now TWO files, you obviously didn't install the Textures file. Easily fixed, download and install and you should be good to go.


thank you very much pal i downloaded 102 mods after reinstalling my game and moved it to the side and completely forgot about it thanks again :)

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I ran into a little problem while I was in jail. I was waiting always advancing 1 hour until a guard came in and raped my PC after continuously waiting in an 1 hour interval with nothing happened I decided to wait until 24 hours were over so I would be released, but noone came to let me out.

When I succesfully lockpick the door a guard immeadiatly tp's to me and rapes me, after that I'm stuck in standing pose and can't move.

I tried the release ai controll in ZaZ menu making me able to move again but I couldn't attack anyone and if I stole something they wouldn't even notice.

When I walk past someone they would just have the same dialogue as when you're beeing transported to prison.


Anyone know how to fix this?



I recommend just having Prison Overhaul handle the timescale. Bump the fast timescale up to the max 360 (or one of the lower ones if you prefer) and any periods of time where nothing is going on (just waiting in your cell or in the pillory for an event) will be at a much higher timescale so time goes by pretty quickly. When something happens it bumps it down to the slow timescale. That way you don't have to use the wait function and risk messing up the scripts handling when guards come to give you punishments or release you. If you have a clock widget like "A Matter of Time" then you'll know when a guard is coming because the minutes will suddenly stop flying by. It might take a minute for the guard to reach you... they walk kind of slow. ;-)


That won't fix your current problem but it should help prevent it in the future... for now I recommend loading an earlier save before you started waiting, see if the timescale management prevents this problem.

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so i installed this mod seemed to be working pretty well until I'm in jail.. kinda expected that's where all the action happens but it seems to take Forever. I see there's a way to fast forward or something or if you have to use the wait.. thing normally in game? 


any ideas/thoughts? 

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I had one of the previous versions of this but since getting a new computer and downloading all the mods again this version has stopped working. I've got all the requirements but when I get arrested the arresting guard just stands there. So I teleport to jailer and the jailer is all the way up by Candle Hearth Inn in Windhelm. My character just stands there for a bit and the jailer starts to walk away, my character then starts to run back to Falkreath, where she was arrested and stands next to the guard. Has anyone else had this issue. It also says


Upgrade Error

Reported: 0

Upgrade: 320


Even though I have Version 0320 installed.

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The bounty hunters don't seem to work in my game, i've seen one bounty hunter when fast traveling to whiterun but he didn't do anything he just walked by slowly with his weapon drawn so I killed him then came back like 10 in game days later and his corpse was still there. I've seen a few bounty collectors that just try to kill you but no working bounty hunters, I've tried to spawn them aswell from the item code of the one I saw in whiterun and they still don't do anything.


I'm wondering if theres a way to make the guards force you to go to jail if they kill you? Does death alternative do that? I havn't tried but as it is, doesn't make sense to say to a guard 'yea take me to jail' when I'm not interested in quests.

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I'm wondering if theres a way to make the guards force you to go to jail if they kill you? Does death alternative do that? I havn't tried but as it is, doesn't make sense to say to a guard 'yea take me to jail' when I'm not interested in quests.


Yes if you have Death Alternative then when you black out when fighting with guards, you'll wake up in prison. It's been a while since I've tried it but I believe it skips the arrest/walk to jail/strip/get led to cell portion so you wake up in your cell in your prison outfit then the guard comes to get you, or punish you depending on what time it is.

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Updated... finally:


* Option to set fast forward to always on.

* Changed whipping mechanic. Player is now whipped to a certain health threshold, then healed back up.

* Automatic healing from the collar significantly reduced.

* Added a new scenario where the player is paraded through town. (Whiterun, Windhelm)

* Added a new scenario where the player is caged indoors. (Morthal and Whiterun)

* Remodeled Morthal prison to a slightly less cozy place.




There are a lot of changes under the hood, so please report all problems you find. If your Skyrim experience depends on this mod working flawlessly, then you may want to hold off a few days before upgrading.


There are a lot of known issues in this thread that I'll start addressing, but I wanted to get this update out.

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Thanks for the reply, thats a little reassuring. So is the pillory animation like that as well? because I could swear its worked once before at least. Also I noticed that most of the time the whipping works at the pillory if its by a woman, one time it worked with the homeless dude, and any other male ends up like the guard. Not sure if there is something to that. But at least I know that theres something else that causes the inconsistency and it isnt that the animations wont work at all ever. I did finally get a CTD though, after trying to run FNIS from mod organizer and then the game from mod organizer and then taking Sofia with me along for the ride. She wasnt put in the pillory, she just stood off to the side bound and gagged but as soon as the "whipping" was over the game crashed lol.

Followers aren't put in the pillories. This will change eventually, but that behavior is correct.


I don't think this mod itself is causing the CTD, but it may help the skyrim engine break down by using more memory etc.

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Anyway to populate the prisons with other prisoners? I was using horrifying female prisons but it relied on a diablo style environment mod that turned the whole game into a really hardcore gorefest with naked men and women impaled and put into really nasty over the top contraptions all over the cities of skyrim. Not really my thing.


Prisoners in other cells and maybe bounded in contraptions like pillories throughout the inside of the prison would be a cool addition without adding impaled naked females all over the place.

Yes, this is on my (rather long) todo list. I want to make sure that there is some at least rudimentary dialogue before placing other prisoners in the cells. Otherwise it'll also just break immersion.

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Hi, i'm getting some strange behaviour linked to prison overhaul recently:


I installed immerslave and SD+ recently (as well as some other mods), and since then clicking "I yield take to me prison" doesn't trigger an arrest. Instead the guard walks away before suddenly remembering that i'm there and attacks me. Even when i turn "crime faction quest" to full in the DA blackout events, the actual taking my character to prison doesn't trigger. On top of that the guards often start the arrest dialogue again during the blackout.


When i started from immerslave, i selected a bounty of 1500 in every hold. Bounty hunters comes after me and guards are hostile, but the actual transporting of my character to jail doesn't trigger. Is it worth mentioning this happens to me in Rorikstead, and so whiterun guards are arresting me? When i remove prison overhaul the jail event trigger and i get transported to dragonreach dungeon. I am using the latest version and have all the requirements.


This is a list of mods ive installed since I last knew for sure that PO was working: (- means not selected in MO + means it is (most recent on top))

+FNIS Patch

+Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches

+Armour Pack

+Human Beast Caravan

+Estrus Alternate Sounds - Luna

+UNP Nightingale Bikini Armor


+SD Cages 109


-KISS - Khajiit Cat Sprint and Sneak

-FNIS Patch w PCEA

-PC Exclusive Animation Path

+Tania the Hermit

+Skyrim Swimming Enemies

+Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies---No Scripts Version



+Fluffus Minimus

+Perkus Maximus - Maximum Perk Overhaul


+Alternate Start - Live Another Life

+Estrus Chaurus v3.39


+Faction Crossbows

+Combined female armour mod



-SexLab Amourous adventures



+hydra slavegirls 814

-Decorations for Slaverun

-Adult Toys Merchant - NSFW

+Solutions Patch



EDIT: Ok, scratch that, i tried getting arrested in Falkreath and it worked fine, so I tried outside the gates of Whiterun and once again, it worked as intended. Does that mean that guards can't arrest you on the road and take you to the capital? I mean it's a long way to walk but you could always employ a teleportation of the character and the guard outside of the capital and then have them walk you in.

It's always hard to narrow down the precise reason why something fails. I've been transported fairly long distances, so it's not a problem with the game itself.


Some cities are locked by default until you arrive there. For some reason, Whiterun is locked when you start the game. You'll never notice because if you teleport there a script unlocks it, and if you arrive at the gate, the guards unlock it.


If, though, you try to path an NPC there, they won't find a way to go to Whiterun and they'll just stay put where they are. :)

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So i have a problem... I have the Alternate start devious devices patch which gives you a bounty from the start... when i walk up to a whiterun guard he says: "wait i know you..." and tthat whole thing. Then when i go to prison he starts leading me to Windhelm ( I use the fast forward option in MCM) and into some small room where the Jailer, the guard and me end up... the guard walks away and leaves me with the jailor who tries to put me in a cell that doesnt exist.... i have no idea what the fuck is happening here and i could use any help at all.... Thanks in advance

I am having the same problem


I'm not sure why this is happening. I hope that the latest version has addressed this issue, though.

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First of all great mod. It makes prison a lot more realistic.


I´ve not done any real modding just small stuff. But I´ve wanted to try making a prison mod for a while now. I´ve got some stuff finished but I can´t figure out how

to make it possible for prisoners to go to sleep without being released from their sentence.


I know this is not a help forum but I´ve looked all over the Internet (which is actually how I found this mod) and I´ve not come up with anything.

It would be great if you could help, or tell me where i can find out.



I haven't played much with vanilla prisons, but my experience is that it overrides most of the default behaviors. If you sleep when in prison, you'll be released.


The alternative is to do what I did: simply not start the prison experience, and write your own code to handle/do the same things. That way, you can control when the player is released.

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Hi there, love the mod, so glad to see an update!  So I installed it and here's some issues i've been having as feedback.  v032 worked fine for me, with the exception of the bounty hunter bug mentioned above.


I can't get the mod to start when arrested.  It just takes me to the vanilla jail sequence.  I have tried both accumulating a bounty through assaulting folks as well as using the debug commands to trigger an arrest.  This is an existing save, but very early on with no jail time served when using v032 as of yet.


Here are the steps I tried towards resolution, without success:


- Got the message 'Upgrading to V33' when I first activated the mod

- Ran script cleaner and pdt wrapper to clean the save

- Removed the mod, started and created a save, cleaned said save.  Reinstalled the mod.

- Testing done exclusively in Whiterun


Any thoughts?

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Is vers.V033 a standalone-mod or a patch?


If standalone,this is not working...i have a MCM-menu and the furniture...and the vanilla-prison-scene

(an older version from PO is not installed)





[01/08/2015 - 05:09:59PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[01/08/2015 - 05:09:59PM] error: Native function GetUseSound in empty state does not match existing signature on linked type Potion. Function will not be bound.
[01/08/2015 - 05:09:59PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[01/08/2015 - 05:09:59PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Cannot open store for class "OrientalRaceController", missing file?
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Error: Unable to bind script OrientalRaceController to OrientalRaceController (2200A9F8) because their base types do not match
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Cannot open store for class "fissinterface", missing file?
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Cannot open store for class "xpoPilloryInteractions", missing file?
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Error: Unable to bind script xpoPilloryInteractions to xpoPilloryInteractions (6E04C170) because their base types do not match
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_playervalidatequestalias", missing file?
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "xpoIntegration".
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Error: Unable to bind script xpoIntegration to xpoIntegration (6E041A3B) because their base types do not match
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Error: Unable to bind script OrientalRaceController to OrientalRaceController (7300A9F8) because their base types do not match
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__074CCB79", missing file?
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:02PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__074CCB79 to (954CCB79) because their base types do not match
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:24PM] VM is freezing...
[01/08/2015 - 05:10:24PM] VM is frozen


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