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20 hours ago, blinkmoth said:

I don't have this modification, I'm playing now with RSE II CSA, Raiders' Pet, AAF Violate. In the Assimilation description I don't even see a quarter of the functionality that RSE II CSA has and moreover AAF Violate doesn't support it. I'm just about to try the mod, the idea is cool, but I don't want to lose the functionality of RSE II CSA at all.


Yeah...I know all about RSE CSA. I and a few others here were heavily involved in its development before we were chastised as sinners by the author lol. The only part of RSE CSA worth having is Abduction. Nothing else in that mod works as well as other mods here such as Violate. Assimilation actually causes a faction change upon abduction. You are forced to play as whatever faction assimilated you meaning base game NPCs that were once friendly to you are now your enemy. Much more challenging. Much more fun. Assimilation has a few issues, but think of it as a much more fleshed out version of RSE Abduction.

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On 5/30/2023 at 12:45 AM, blinkmoth said:

RSE also changes the player's faction


Not really. You get outside the rather small area you are abducted to and your captors will kill you. In assimilation, you can go anywhere on the map while assimilated.

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On 5/30/2023 at 9:32 PM, Mr Zombie Brain said:

Sorry if this was asked before but is there an option to remove the limitation on animation used during Assimilation? i mean the PC was taken by super mutants and need to satisfy them but when does only like 4 animation can be chosen the rest are not available, i know its due to the animation flags ie forced and non-forced is there an option to allow all animation? 


There is an option to be affected even if it is not forced.  I would turn that off so that forced or non-forced will affect.  Also, turn the percentage of payback up to 100% so that every effect will count.  Add some more animations if they are available (I know there aren't too many Super Mutant ones).  Now you can payback with the Talk feature and doing help quests so go find some stuff for them.  Hopefully these are some good ideas.

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On 5/13/2023 at 6:21 AM, MysticDaedra said:

According to the OP, there are body morphs that can be applied depending on which faction you are currently in. Only... it states CBBE morphs, not Fusion Girl morphs.


@louisthird, you said to give outfit requests for integration... How about Vtaw integration?


Hello MysticDaedra!


I really like the idea... such good work from Vtaw.  What outfits though???  That is the hard part to figure out.  Help with giving me some examples and it would help motivate me.  In the Assimilation MCM menu the factions are listed like Raider, Gunner, Triggermen, etc.  Show me a few screenshots or a link to some screenshots that just scream to be added as for one of the factions and that would be cool.  Thanks for the suggestion!

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On 8/8/2022 at 11:16 PM, H Bof said:

Not sure if this is an issue with the mod or a feature lol, but I only count as "pleasing" a member of my assimilated faction like 1/4 of the time so it actually progresses to freedom. Am I doing something wrong or a setting I might be missing? Or just some sort of difficulty feature built into the mod? Using Hardship for events btw


Probably the "only on non-consensual sex" setting.  Try turning that off and possibly increasing the chance of payback.  That should help a lot!

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On 8/13/2022 at 12:21 AM, Krazyone said:

Request... Assimilated Camps, have a Bed, and all Workbenches, along with Cooking equipment.


Reasons...  it could take a while, whoring myself out to all those Supermutants, and Humans are Hostile.

                     Survival Mode, sleeping, eating and healing myself.

                     Chem Bench, to heal myself, as Human Doctors are Hostile to my character.



I am trying Assimilation, here's what I found and possible requests...


My character was assimilated into Supermutants...



- Humans are Hostile to my character.

- No Doctors

- No Beds in the Supermutant Camps

- No Cooking, as well as very little Workbenches to advance my character, until I get out of the Supermutant Assimilation.


Hello Krazyone!


Super Mutants I would consider the hardest of the factions.  Everyone hates you!  There are now Super Mutant doctors which will spawn at bigger Super Mutant camps (5 or more Actors is the default).  There are beds at some Super Mutant camps, but I agree it is pretty sparse -- I consider that a challenge!  There are lots of cooking places in the Commonwealth.  Yes, Raiders have them but human in Super Mutant faction no like Raiders, so kill them.... kill them all!  Hehehe.


Seriously, I actually did think of adding camps once for factions, but I made a choice not to edit the worldspace in any way for Assimilation.  There are camping mods out there to provide those things like sleeping & cooking.  I play with AN76 which has a cooking fire you can spawn in and can sleep on couches.  I also like Crackle because you can sleep anywhere with that mod.


Thanks for the suggestion!

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On 9/11/2022 at 9:56 AM, Vaultbreaker said:

Yo, guys, i have one question. Why my character become bald after assimilation? Maybe I installed a mod wrong?


Yes, it can happen!


Ohhhh, you like that fancy hairstyle???  Well, you're part of our faction now... time for an initiation haircut!  ?

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On 8/14/2022 at 12:08 AM, Olmech said:


I believe the mod author has stated that this is the final edition of the mod and that he has no intention of updating it beyond what it is.



A big hello Olmech!


Wrong!  This was an update of the base mod systems.  More coming as time permits!  Here are some of the things planned...


More Help Quests

So many possibilities!  I have a full 8.5x11 filled with different & fun side-quests to implement for different factions both sexy and not.


More Faction Interactive

I'd like to add more interactive hellos like the dancing around Raiders one where they'll give you a tip.  Ohh!  Did I just give that one away!  There are a bunch of Easter Egg features like that in Assimilation and I'd like to add more.


More Talk Info

There are some cool informational lines, but Fallout has such good lore background that there are many more lines I could write about interesting areas in the Commonwealth.


More Hair & Apparel

I'd like to add a few more supported mods to the faction hair & apparel database indexes.  Not too many though as I want picking from the index to be pretty quick.  Supporting the Gunner Outfit pack is my current apparel priority -- great outfits in that mod!


Fusion Girl & TWB Support

I still want to "officially" support those, but I need to install & play with them.  I need to find a wise guide.  Where's Samwise Gamgee when you need him.



I know.  It's a dream.  I'd love to fully voice Assimilation.  But that means synthesizing all the Assimilation voice lines for all the different types of actors for all the supported Assimilation factions from FO4.  Ouch!  Probably never gonna happen, but one can dream.


A lot of the motivation depends on Starfield.  We'll see if everyone drops their Stimpaks and jumps ship to starships...

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On 9/12/2022 at 3:21 PM, lavatube said:

Some of the default assimilation routines are a tad aggressive for the CWSS bathroom mod. When the railroad railroaded me into membership, they require me to shower/poop in my clothes. 


Right!  The forced re-dressing problem with CWSS (and other mods that undress you like AN76).  I haven't found a good way to make Assimilation and those other undressing mods play nice together.  It's not really a bug, but it doesn't look good I agree.  I've thought about delaying the re-dressing till after the bathroom time is over but the problem is detecting when it is over.  I'll put it on the list and keep thinking about it and see if there is something that can be done.  Thanks.

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19 hours ago, Koopstaknicca21 said:

can you add back the old way of assimilation which happened right after any aaf scene


It will still affect you after AAF scenes.  I did not remove that, but added another capability to affect after combat (similar to AAF Violate) that can be disabled in MCM.

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1 hour ago, louisthird said:


Hello Krazyone!


Super Mutants I would consider the hardest of the factions.  Everyone hates you!  There are now Super Mutant doctors which will spawn at bigger Super Mutant camps (5 or more Actors is the default).  There are beds at some Super Mutant camps, but I agree it is pretty sparse -- I consider that a challenge!  There are lots of cooking places in the Commonwealth.  Yes, Raiders have them but human in Super Mutant faction no like Raiders, so kill them.... kill them all!  Hehehe.


Seriously, I actually did think of adding camps once for factions, but I made a choice not to edit the worldspace in any way for Assimilation.  There are camping mods out there to provide those things like sleeping & cooking.  I play with AN76 which has a cooking fire you can spawn in and can sleep on couches.  I also like Crackle because you can sleep anywhere with that mod.


Thanks for the suggestion!


It's good that you've added doctors, adding workbenches and beds to the bigger camps, could be done as an add-on. It wouldn't break precombines or previses, if you just slotted them into the world. You'd have to maybe tweak the world meshes, to stop supermutants running into them. But that's all...


If you're not interested, or it's too much work. I may have a go, at just making an add-on for your mod. When I set-up a play-through for it again, I've used it before. I loved the Hairstyle changes, and the forced Breast Enlargement from the Raiders.



The clothing, I felt... should have more of an impact on your faction. I like the SAKR Keywords Tags, as they could tell your faction members what amount of clothing you are allowed to wear.




Krazyones SAKR Skimpy Armor Keyword Resources AddOns



Supermutants... Naked

Raiders... Sexy

Gunners... Fully Dressed or Naked, no middle ground.


Wrong clothing, equals consequences... MCM On/Off feature.


Butt Slapping

Shock Collar... Timer for 1 Day.

Pheromone Collar... Timer for 1 Day, horny Supermutant Hounds...

Poverty Collar... Timer for 1 Day, can't Buy or Sell anything.



Not being able to go to Diamond City, was a bit jarring. I think Piper became hostile, before I even met her...



It's been a while, since I used Assimilation. So, there may be stuff I am unaware of.

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9 hours ago, Krazyone said:


It's good that you've added doctors, adding workbenches and beds to the bigger camps, could be done as an add-on. It wouldn't break precombines or previses, if you just slotted them into the world. You'd have to maybe tweak the world meshes, to stop supermutants running into them. But that's all...


If you're not interested, or it's too much work. I may have a go, at just making an add-on for your mod. When I set-up a play-through for it again, I've used it before. I loved the Hairstyle changes, and the forced Breast Enlargement from the Raiders.



The clothing, I felt... should have more of an impact on your faction. I like the SAKR Keywords Tags, as they could tell your faction members what amount of clothing you are allowed to wear.




Krazyones SAKR Skimpy Armor Keyword Resources AddOns



Supermutants... Naked

Raiders... Sexy

Gunners... Fully Dressed or Naked, no middle ground.


Wrong clothing, equals consequences... MCM On/Off feature.


Butt Slapping

Shock Collar... Timer for 1 Day.

Pheromone Collar... Timer for 1 Day, horny Supermutant Hounds...

Poverty Collar... Timer for 1 Day, can't Buy or Sell anything.



Not being able to go to Diamond City, was a bit jarring. I think Piper became hostile, before I even met her...



It's been a while, since I used Assimilation. So, there may be stuff I am unaware of.


Interesting ideas Krazyone.


A mod adding beds/stoves to Super Mutant locations does not actually have to coordinate with my mod.  Such a mod would just add them into the Commonwealth and then you could use them like any other one.  There are a lot of places in playing Assimilation that I wished had one workbench or another... an armor workbench at Layton Towers comes to mind...  Red Rockets usually have everything; except beds.


SAKR seems to be pretty cool.  I could certainly see using it for dialogue.  Locking apparel I found was one of the more buggy things to implement as several mods either remove your clothes (CWSS/AN76) or lock you into clothes (DD).  It's one of those easier said than done types of features funny enough as I don't have a lot of control over what those mods do and they don't provide a lot of information what they are doing (if they did, then the mod could monitor what they are doing).


For different types of clothes, I do want to keep it lore friendly like harnesses for Raiders and suits for Triggermen.  In the base game, Tattered Rags seems to be what Super Mutant prisoners get put in.


If you want consequences after you are faction assimilated, then I have a mod for you Sexual Harrassment and a lot of your ideas would be appropriate adds for that one.


Ha, yep Piper being hostile makes sense especially if you were faction assimilated with The Institute (Ms. Casdin would probably feel the same way).


Take care!




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1 hour ago, MysticDaedra said:

Any chance of compatibility/integration with Bound in Public? With the new update, Assimilation is getting close to being a viable replacer/compliment to AAF Violate, but I'd love to see even more event options now that there is combat support.


It seems like it would integrate nicely after you are assimilated to a faction and relocated.  I would need a slight change to Bound in Public to integrate with it so that it does not move your location.  I asked, so we'll see.


I don't see Assimilation as a replacement for AAF Violate since that mod allows things like enemy NPCs surrendering to you.  Also, Assimilation does not trigger an AAF scene after getting below a certain health level like AAF Violate.  I added the combat support for one reason only: for those that want to play Assimilation but do not want to use AAF (likely nobody reading this post).


Edited by louisthird
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56 minutes ago, louisthird said:


Interesting ideas Krazyone.


A mod adding beds/stoves to Super Mutant locations does not actually have to coordinate with my mod.  Such a mod would just add them into the Commonwealth and then you could use them like any other one.  There are a lot of places in playing Assimilation that I wished had one workbench or another... an armor workbench at Layton Towers comes to mind...  Red Rockets usually have everything; except beds.


SAKR seems to be pretty cool.  I could certainly see using it for dialogue.  Locking apparel I found was one of the more buggy things to implement as several mods either remove your clothes (CWSS/AN76) or lock you into clothes (DD).  It's one of those easier said than done types of features funny enough as I don't have a lot of control over what those mods do and they don't provide a lot of information what they are doing (if they did, then the mod could monitor what they are doing).


For different types of clothes, I do want to keep it lore friendly like harnesses for Raiders and suits for Triggermen.  In the base game, Tattered Rags seems to be what Super Mutant prisoners get put in.


If you want consequences after you are faction assimilated, then I have a mod for you Sexual Harrassment and a lot of your ideas would be appropriate adds for that one.


Ha, yep Piper being hostile makes sense especially if you were faction assimilated with The Institute (Ms. Casdin would probably feel the same way).


Take care!





Yeah... I use Sexual Harassment, and Sex Attributes mods. They make the game a lot tougher...

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16 hours ago, louisthird said:

A big hello Olmech!


Wrong!  This was an update of the base mod systems.  More coming as time permits!  Here are some of the things planned...


More Help Quests

So many possibilities!  I have a full 8.5x11 filled with different & fun side-quests to implement for different factions both sexy and not.


More Faction Interactive

I'd like to add more interactive hellos like the dancing around Raiders one where they'll give you a tip.  Ohh!  Did I just give that one away!  There are a bunch of Easter Egg features like that in Assimilation and I'd like to add more.


More Talk Info

There are some cool informational lines, but Fallout has such good lore background that there are many more lines I could write about interesting areas in the Commonwealth.


More Hair & Apparel

I'd like to add a few more supported mods to the faction hair & apparel database indexes.  Not too many though as I want picking from the index to be pretty quick.  Supporting the Gunner Outfit pack is my current apparel priority -- great outfits in that mod!


Fusion Girl & TWB Support

I still want to "officially" support those, but I need to install & play with them.  I need to find a wise guide.  Where's Samwise Gamgee when you need him.



I know.  It's a dream.  I'd love to fully voice Assimilation.  But that means synthesizing all the Assimilation voice lines for all the different types of actors for all the supported Assimilation factions from FO4.  Ouch!  Probably never gonna happen, but one can dream.


A lot of the motivation depends on Starfield.  We'll see if everyone drops their Stimpaks and jumps ship to starships...



I am very happy to hear this Louis. I look forward to seeing this mod develop as  I feel it is the ultimate abduction type mod. Good to see youre still on the prowl.

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5 hours ago, louisthird said:

It seems like it would integrate nicely after you are assimilated to a faction and relocated.  I would need a slight change to Bound in Public to integrate with it so that it does not move your location.  I asked, so we'll see.



I would very much like for Bound In Public to be integrated into Assimilation. Would be like peas and carrots


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1 hour ago, Olmech said:


I would very much like for Bound In Public to be integrated into Assimilation. Would be like peas and carrots



Yep, sure.  If there is a way not to be moved then I'll add it.  Add an MCM chance setting slider.  I'll make it a soft dependency so that it only tries to roll the chance if the mod is installed.

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23 minutes ago, MysticDaedra said:

Found a bug in the new version, sometimes (rather often tbh) when talking with a faction member and asking if they need help, the dialogue will simply end with no response given.


Hmm, that does sound like a problem.  You're supposed to at least get a "default help quest" that has a one line dialog saying "I don't have any way for you to help."  What kind of help quest were you asking for and assimilated as what faction?

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38 minutes ago, louisthird said:


Hmm, that does sound like a problem.  You're supposed to at least get a "default help quest" that has a one line dialog saying "I don't have any way for you to help."  What kind of help quest were you asking for and assimilated as what faction?

Gunners, I tried all of the help quest types (including the "you choose" option) and they all gave the closed dialogue bug at least once each. And it really is like the convo is ending... my character says some variation of "All right." and then the dialogue is over with no change to status.


EDIT: Got another bug (I think...), this time for the Assimilation: Village Bicycle quest. It says to please 5 faction members, and I've solicited sex with at least five of them, but the quest doesn't seem to be updating, and the quest giver still demands more sex lol.

Edited by MysticDaedra
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10 hours ago, MysticDaedra said:

Gunners, I tried all of the help quest types (including the "you choose" option) and they all gave the closed dialogue bug at least once each. And it really is like the convo is ending... my character says some variation of "All right." and then the dialogue is over with no change to status.


EDIT: Got another bug (I think...), this time for the Assimilation: Village Bicycle quest. It says to please 5 faction members, and I've solicited sex with at least five of them, but the quest doesn't seem to be updating, and the quest giver still demands more sex lol.


Oh, gunners should be applicable for all the Quest types (except Milk of Human Kindness).  Right before the "All right" line it is supposed to start up the Quest and it must not be starting.  The cause would likely be shown in the Papyrus script log, but you don't have to look 'cuz I will try it this weekend.


The Village Bicycle Quest must not be receiving the RomanceEndEvent message for some reason which should be very debuggable/fixable.  I guess you did get this Quest to start.  How did that happen?  Through a different faction?  LMK as it may help me debug the other issue.


I'll be looking at issues this weekend.  So far nothing too serious only feature issues.  Someone on Nexus is using an alternate camera view mod I think and it was reported Assimilation is messing with it (probably the hands up idle).



Edited by louisthird
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1 hour ago, louisthird said:


Oh, gunners should be applicable for all the Quest types (except Milk of Human Kindness).  Right before the "All right" line it is supposed to start up the Quest and it must not be starting.  The cause would likely be shown in the Papyrus script log, but you don't have to look 'cuz I will try it this weekend.


The Village Bicycle Quest must not be receiving the RomanceEndEvent message for some reason which should be very debuggable/fixable.  I guess you did get this Quest to start.  How did that happen?  Through a different faction?  LMK as it may help me debug the other issue.


I'll be looking at issues this weekend.  So far nothing too serious only feature issues.  Someone on Nexus is using an alternate camera view mod I think and it was reported Assimilation is messing with it (probably the hands up idle).




UPDATE:  Doh!  Village Bicycle is listening for the wrong event.




Supposed to be OnRomanceEnd not OnAffectBegin... I'll fix that!


At least I registered to receive the correct event!




Funny enough, the Kissing Booth Quest is correct and that is the one I tested not Village Bicycle (since they were similar).  What have we learned?  Complete test coverage is important.

Edited by louisthird
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