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10 hours ago, Darkanna17 said:

Noticed 2 interesting quirks, one nice, and one not so nice.

The nice one: Rename Anything applied to a target _before_ enslaving them registers the slave's name in this mod as the thing you named its source. Their "core" name is still "slave" and their display name is whatever you name them (again), but their standard name will still be whatever you named them - it's as if there's 3 different name sources for every character. Either way renaming characters before you enslave means you can keep better track of your slaves, so you can clearly distinguish "Suzie Suxxx" from "Bruised Betty" instead of getting confused and applying the wrong role because they're no longer "Settler" and "Settler."


The not so nice one: When there is a spawn point that is fixed somewhere (open console and have a look at the target, if it doesn't start with ff, it's fixed) such as bandits in a place that always spawns bandits, using this mod to enslave a character who spawned there results in that spawn never producing an NPC again.
I tested this on Corvega Assembly plant. Every bandit standing to the left of the driveway up to its yard was enslaved, every bandit in the majority of the facility was killed normally. Now the area to the left is devoid of bandits at all times, including (most notably) the two sitting in the trailer doing chems. 


(edit) forgot to mention that the spawn remains broken even if you sell the slave, butcher them or otherwise dispose of them. (/edit)

Respawn issue should be fixed in v9a.

Credits to @EgoBallistic for doing QA and the bugfixing

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I'd like to make a suggestion for a future feature.  Could you pls make npcs that designated as breeder slaves assignable to furniture, such as stripper poles, manacles, stocks or other items found in Ego's mod Torture Devices?  my understanding is that they can't be assigned while their status is set as breeder.  Is that correct?  thanks.

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59 minutes ago, CPC47 said:

I'd like to make a suggestion for a future feature.  Could you pls make npcs that designated as breeder slaves assignable to furniture, such as stripper poles, manacles, stocks or other items found in Ego's mod Torture Devices?  my understanding is that they can't be assigned while their status is set as breeder.  Is that correct?  thanks.

this is already possible if you enable the "slaves are commandable" option (works only on new slaves)

"Breeding slave" means only that NPC will ask them for service, this does not impact their "normal" settlement settler assignment

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Great work, love this mod! However, I noticed that slaves in a settlement are mainly validating defense turrets as possible clients (I guess Bethesda coded them as actors?). Is this normal or is there a way to prevent them from validating turrets and animals?

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On 1/3/2022 at 4:59 AM, Watson152 said:

SO I have it installed I crafted the settlement stuff, but when i get an AAF surrender and i try to bam them with the batton, it kills them even when i have the kit in my inventory. any ideas?


P.S can anyone who has the mod working with AAF Violate share their mod load orders? maybe theres where i messed up.

I had the same problem before and for me that only way that work is to release the NPC and after that hit with the batton, otherwise it will kill them.

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4 hours ago, EtFix said:

I had the same problem before and for me that only way that work is to release the NPC and after that hit with the batton, otherwise it will kill them.


Update to the latest versions of Violate and Human Resources.  The new version of Violate lets you set the health of surrendered enemies to a higher value so the baton won't kill them.

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Is it sth wrong, I did open the brothel and have 1 slave already. Now Lv2 I want to recruit the 2nd slave. But it just didnt work. No matter raider or gunner hitted into violate, I hit on them with the Enslavement Baton , they just die and I did carry a Enslavement Kit. 




After hit with Enslavement Baton



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I had to un-install the Knockout mod, every time I knocked out an enemy and enslaved them, they would appear with a twin (different body type from the morph.ini) and take up an extra enslavement kit.  I compensated by increasing the surrender percentage in violate.  I would have liked to keep both but that duplicating issue was becoming bothersome.

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I have another problem, my female slaves assigned to the breeder job nearly always take the position of the male in animations. I have other mods installed where npc's approaching each other automatically works fine though like Extended Social Interaction(M.C.G Magno Cum Gaudio).

I installed a few mods and most animations packs according to the guide "[AAF Fucking Manual] Up-To-Date Adult oriented setup guide (31/January/2022)" here in the forum.

It only seems to be a problem with human resources.

Edit: Now that i watched it a bit longer it seems only a problem near the spot where i have placed the Customer Attractor Rug and the advertisement beacon when i have placed the slave nearby on a prisoner/prostiution mat, if the slave wanders around in Sanctuary and is approached by a customer it seems to choose the correct male/female positions. Can't say i'm a 100% sure though.

Edited by LordNippes
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I have a special request, I know it might not be heard among the bug reports.

I'd like to be able to designate a brothel specifically for supermutants and their hounds. In my immediate example I have set up Outpost Zimonja as an out-of-the-way place for my various supermutant sons to live (thanks Wasteland Dairy). They don't interact with the breeder slaves, and the customers that appear are always humans (ew) for whom I have already set up a barn with over 30 gorgeous slaves and prostitutes for them to choose from at Taffington (which is a pretty wild place, it's great). 

What I'm really after though, is to not set up any attractor mats for humans at Zimonja, only a cooking pot for muties and a hound house, and have only muties and hounds show up. Would it be difficult to set it up so that lack of attractor mat means no humans, the way lack of cooking pot means no muties? Or perhaps add a switch to the ad beacon?

I wouldn't even mind if it meant 1/10th of the customers, due to their species. I just don't want filthy humans showing up and making the slaves think they might have a good time at some point. Also, I'm wondering what the problem is with Wasteland Dairy mutie settlers not taking advantage of the meat I have provided them. 

Cheers for a fantastic mod, btw.

Edited by Darkanna17
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Love the mod. Noticed a weird behaviour - slaves from local areas seem to want to return to them even if enslaved. Like Vault 95 and the Somerville Farm - if you snag a gunner, take them to the farm, they just walk away.


Between that and the occasional weird respawn in odd areas (like the Wixton Shovel Museum, where I had 8 slaves spawn, even though I didn't have anyone following me), it's been great.

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So idk if anyone else has this but after i tell them to move they just stand there and dont do anything.


updated to latest build. will see if that helps



still cant get them to move at all. they run for cover when enemies shoot at them though. they do have better dialouge and movement so there is that.


found another user had same issues and had real handcuff disabled in meu. re enable fixed it

i unno why but aight.

Edited by spartansmackjack
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9 hours ago, x39965 said:

Love the mod. Noticed a weird behaviour - slaves from local areas seem to want to return to them even if enslaved. Like Vault 95 and the Somerville Farm - if you snag a gunner, take them to the farm, they just walk away.


Between that and the occasional weird respawn in odd areas (like the Wixton Shovel Museum, where I had 8 slaves spawn, even though I didn't have anyone following me), it's been great.

I found that it's a bad idea to tell them to move to a colony while they're following. If I'm not adding them to the roster on the computer and giving them specific roster tasks (like prostitution), I do the following:
1. Make them follow me to the colony.
2. Tell them to sit down within the boundaries of the colony.

3. Enter workshop mode, order them to go to the colony (which we are already at).

4. Talk to them, back out of "just want to trade" and use the slave interaction to look at their equipment.

5. Remove their handcuffs.

6. Give them a specific job.

I never deviate from this method for non-rostered slaves (which is why I listed it specifically), and so far it's worked perfectly.


(edit) It's also a good idea not to grab people from specific places who would respawn, as until it's updated, this mod stops them from respawning. Try only grabbing event-driven (id ff######) or specific people who won't respawn. (/edit)

(edit 2) Try buying a slave, stepping out of the market, and removing their handcuffs and collar. Watch where they go. That's why step 2 is important. (/edit 2)

Edited by Darkanna17
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There are 3 July's in the market now because the cell keeps resetting. The level of the market drops to 1 and the next time I populate with slaves for purchase, it forgets that July already exists.

It doesn't change the existing NPC states, however, tested it by changing the owner's headgear and removing his patrol glasses.

Edited by Darkanna17
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So what is in the enslavement kits that takes up the extra 2.5 pounds? it seems like it's just a pair of handcuffs and a collar, which have a combined weight of 2.5 pounds. I get that for balance reasons it might be desireable to have the kit weigh enough that you can't just keep a ton of them on your person all the time, but weighing twice as much as what they visibly contain bugs me, I changed it myself in xedit, but I just wanted to mention it here since I was wondering what the reasoning behind the original weight was.

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This is my current problem.  Seven slaves all named "raider".  Only one is submissive.  Pick the submissive slave so I can change her to prostitute.  OK done in terminal.  Now outside the terminal, how can I pick the prostitute out of the crowd to give her a nice hooker outfit? No way to tell them apart that I can see.      

Edited by tch65721
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13 hours ago, xgthxhnmp said:

So what is in the enslavement kits that takes up the extra 2.5 pounds? it seems like it's just a pair of handcuffs and a collar, which have a combined weight of 2.5 pounds. I get that for balance reasons it might be desireable to have the kit weigh enough that you can't just keep a ton of them on your person all the time, but weighing twice as much as what they visibly contain bugs me, I changed it myself in xedit, but I just wanted to mention it here since I was wondering what the reasoning behind the original weight was.

I assume it's the slave collar. In another mod (and I'm pretty sure from Fallout 2) those things weigh 5 pounds, they're designed to constantly demoralise the wearer with its weight as a reminder. Making people too tired to think about trying to escape and get it off without it exploding was another reason.

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14 hours ago, tch65721 said:


This is my current problem.  Seven slaves all named "raider".  Only one is submissive.  Pick the submissive slave so I can change her to prostitute.  OK done in terminal.  Now outside the terminal, how can I pick the prostitute out of the crowd to give her a nice hooker outfit? No way to tell them apart that I can see.      

I've been using a system where I use "Rename Anything" to setname them before enslaving them. It makes the mod make a slave with the name you gave them. It means I can't use the slaves from the market the same way (they are already slaves), but it means the terminal and my visual inspection shows up their hooker name (or degrading name in the case of male slaves, Mud Fucker is a good farmer for my main brothel). 
Other mods see their name as "slave" however. It's like they have three names:

1. Display name (changed by Rename Anything) (Vanilla example: "Sparky"/"Mutt"/"Buttface")

2. Main name (default, display name is usually this, it's the name the slave management terminal sees) (Vanilla example: "Wounded Dog")

3. Core name (which is always "slave" for slaves created by this mod) (Vanilla example: "Vicious Dog")

Rename Anything prior to enslavement seems to make #2 out of #1.


I would suggest taking the fully subjugated Raider slaves away from your main breaking-brothel, renaming them with Rename Anything, and using them as "look for clients here" prostitutes for non-brothel locations. That way the constant listing of "Raider" won't show up on your terminal and they'll still make you caps and beautify locations with wet slapping sounds and moans. 

Edited by Darkanna17
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On 2/8/2022 at 3:37 AM, Darkanna17 said:

I've been using a system where I use "Rename Anything" to setname them before enslaving them. It makes the mod make a slave with the name you gave them. It means I can't use the slaves from the market the same way (they are already slaves), but it means the terminal and my visual inspection shows up their hooker name (or degrading name in the case of male slaves, Mud Fucker is a good farmer for my main brothel). 
Other mods see their name as "slave" however. It's like they have three names:

1. Display name (changed by Rename Anything) (Vanilla example: "Sparky"/"Mutt"/"Buttface")

2. Main name (default, display name is usually this, it's the name the slave management terminal sees) (Vanilla example: "Wounded Dog")

3. Core name (which is always "slave" for slaves created by this mod) (Vanilla example: "Vicious Dog")

Rename Anything prior to enslavement seems to make #2 out of #1.


I would suggest taking the fully subjugated Raider slaves away from your main breaking-brothel, renaming them with Rename Anything, and using them as "look for clients here" prostitutes for non-brothel locations. That way the constant listing of "Raider" won't show up on your terminal and they'll still make you caps and beautify locations with wet slapping sounds and moans. 

Yeah, I figured out the broad strokes of what needed to happen when I captured a named raider boss and her name appeared in the terminal.  I really appreciate your response and the detailed explanation.  That will save me some experimenting.  Thanks.   

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8 hours ago, tch65721 said:

Yeah, I figured out the broad strokes of what needed to happen when I captured a named raider boss and her name appeared in the terminal.  I really appreciate your response and the detailed explanation.  That will save me some experimenting.  Thanks.   

No worries, sometimes I'm afraid I tl;dr a lot.

Incidentally, I noticed that even slaves who have been captured from "Settlers" cloned using the Alien Cloning Device mod still say their normal lines, like "I am not a synth!" and "He'll hurt me if he finds you talking to me." Unexpected behaviour because that cloning device normally seems to wipe all that information away. Something about this mod restores it all.

Edited by Darkanna17
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