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In the ever ongoing quest for stability, i ran the Plugin Checker in Wrye and it says some things about this mod:


•  HumanResources.esp: 9 deleted references


•  HumanResources.esp: 1 deleted base record


•  HumanResources.esp: 427 HITMEs


Is this dire?

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Hi mate, sorry for my english, But if you have the time, i would want to know how this mod would react to sim settlement 2, or sim settlement 1. Mainly i know you diden't integrate those but is any of your slave considers like a settler  in those mod, is there any incompatibility ?... I want to make a  mod list that allow me to play raider, good guys and juste strait up  slaver. So yeah do you thing there is any chance those mod can co existe or we really need to wait for a patch ? Ty mate ;)

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On 2/27/2022 at 3:49 PM, rickybobbbby said:

Hi mate, sorry for my english, But if you have the time, i would want to know how this mod would react to sim settlement 2, or sim settlement 1. Mainly i know you diden't integrate those but is any of your slave considers like a settler  in those mod, is there any incompatibility ?... I want to make a  mod list that allow me to play raider, good guys and juste strait up  slaver. So yeah do you thing there is any chance those mod can co existe or we really need to wait for a patch ? Ty mate ;)

Personally, I keep the mods separated so that only one settlement uses SS2 (may expand to two).

A few have special purpose slaves from this mod either as residents or waiting for use in other ways, 3 (settlements) use the brothel terminal lightly (2-4 prostitutes, no advertising after getting them to level 2 or 4), and one uses the brothel terminal heavily and is dedicated to this mods core functionality (Taffington Boathouse, 36 prostitutes, 6 male work slaves, 1 supermutant pimp from another mod and 25 customers - I'm not risking adding any more).

This mod is very stable (unless you have 30+ slaves in one settlement and 25 customers), but SS2 tends to mess with save/load times and have object placement problems (same building, furniture from one interior and decorations from another), so I don't risk allowing them to cross each other's paths, but they seem to do just fine if they're in the same game.
The biggest problem with the mass orgy shack at Taffington is that there are few times when the AAF symbol in the corner isn't doing something, if you save the game while that is there, it will crash the game without saving. 

Either mod's main settlement requires me to press escape and give it time to load objects and people/creatures when I'm approaching them. So you can probably imagine what would happen if SS2's fanciness and 30 prostitutes and 25 customers were all in the same settlement.


The 2 nearest points that SS2 and this mod might interact in my game, is the provisioner from Sunshine Tidings (SS2) to Starlight Drive-In (4-prosttitute brothel for the caravans and provisioners), or the gang of raider slaves kneeling in the church facing the altar in Concord. Neither seems to present a problem.


(edit: forgot to mention that my unassigned slaves who are kneeling somewhere often appear momentarily and then disappear when I use my APC (another mod again) to fast travel, including when I fast travel to Sunshine Tidings (SS2), however this hasn't presented any problems)


I've used the workshop expansion (+100% capacity) from the workshop framework mod that SS2 relies on, on every single settlement that has slaves, multiple times, with no drop in performance/stability.

Hope this helps.


tl;dr - best not to put SS2 and slaves in the same settlement in my opinion.

Edited by Darkanna17
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11 hours ago, Harras420 said:

Yo great mod!! One question though, how do you command your slaves?? I have activated it in the Mod Config menu, but I still can't command them like normal settlers. 


Oh and where is this PrisonersShackles mat??

There's a setting, "New slaves are commandable" or something similar. That will allow you to direct slaves to a settlement from the workshop menu without having to break them first (I have no idea how to break male slaves, so I use this setting), easiest to do it while in the workshop mode of the settlement you want to send them to. Unfortunately you'll have to break any slaves you already took before you can do this after you turn that setting on.

I suggest telling them to kneel, moving them to the settlement, and then removing the handcuffs afterward. Then command them as needed like regular settlers.


Prisoner Shackles and similar "pose" mats are in "Raider" and in the submenu "Miscellaneous" for me. If it's not there, you either don't have the needed mod or you installed one that puts the menu somewhere else. There's a mod that adds other poses (which are very handy, I use the "Standing Crying" one for my main slave breaking shed) that I think might move the basic prisoner mat from this mod to there, but my memory is hazy.

I'm assuming you mean these:


Edited by Darkanna17
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1 minute ago, vayne1313 said:

why does my slaves just walk around and never do animation? they act like normal settlers pls help! :(

How did you assign them, through directing them like settlers or adding them via the Slave Management Terminal? Have you followed all the steps to setting up a brothel with advertising? Do non-slave settlers use your slaves? 
Do you have AAF and several animation packs set up?

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2 hours ago, Darkanna17 said:

How did you assign them, through directing them like settlers or adding them via the Slave Management Terminal? Have you followed all the steps to setting up a brothel with advertising? Do non-slave settlers use your slaves? 
Do you have AAF and several animation packs set up?

does this mod conflicts with sim settlements? because whenever I assign them as breeding slave they just walk around the settlement and it adds up to my settlers.

yes i followed it everything i set up the brothel with advertising, i get money from it but i dont see any animation :( and yes i have aaf and several packs, i use different mods here on loverslab but only this mod wont show any animation at all. 

non-slave settlers doesnt even use my slave because the slave themselves acts like normal settlers, just walking around the settlement.

Edited by vayne1313
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23 hours ago, vayne1313 said:

does this mod conflicts with sim settlements? because whenever I assign them as breeding slave they just walk around the settlement and it adds up to my settlers.

yes i followed it everything i set up the brothel with advertising, i get money from it but i dont see any animation :( and yes i have aaf and several packs, i use different mods here on loverslab but only this mod wont show any animation at all. 

non-slave settlers doesnt even use my slave because the slave themselves acts like normal settlers, just walking around the settlement.

One of the reasons I didn't mix SS2 with brothels, aside from the increased load/save times that SS2 settlements and a huge number of AAF animations triggering both cause, is because both try to take on workshop control elements. As a test, try putting your brothel in a non-SS2 settlement. Should be easy enough to transport all the slaves there, assuming when you transfer them to "follow me" mode, that the system can at least still do that. If they don't respond to that, there's a high probability that this mod is unable to act because SS2 is in command of those settlers. 

Another thing you might want to check is that the brothel terminal is actually registering the name of the settlement it is placed in, in the top of its interface. I found with Taffington Boathouse that there is a part of the settlement that isn't part of the settlement, so to speak, it's to the right of the house when you're facing it. In this mod's case, putting the terminal in that area (which I did during my test game before settling on my current mod load) causes it to not even see what settlement it is in. My solution was to make sure that the slave terminal was within a certain range of the workshop, not just anywhere within the green zone - though my Starlight Drive-In's "Caravan Club" terminal is pretty far from the workshop and it works fine.

Lastly, are you using Vortex? Because I found that although I can't set the mod load order, Vortex has done a pretty great job of working out which order the mods should go in. If not, maybe try changing load order.


Personally, although SS2 and this mod are both absolutely fantastic mods, I've had to be very careful with both, and do a lot of testing to see what works, and what really doesn't. For example, try enslaving a male triggerman in the warehouses in Goodneighbour with "new slaves are commandable" turned on, tell him to look for customers in the warehouse, then hop on over to the mayor's house. Everyone in the place will start having gay sex with the air. 

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2 hours ago, lee3310 said:

hi, i read the post 3 times, installed everything via NMM i have just business in my mcm menu but no market no enslavement baton nor kit.

what did i do wrong ? i also uninstalled sexual harassment and i don't have the knock out mod

you cant use just bussiness i belive tis allready built in to Sexual harassment i tried both took out all the  slave market termnials and you need the knock out mod


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13 minutes ago, lee3310 said:

I uninstalled sexual harassment and loaded a clean save but absolutely no market or craftable devices.

On the other hand, i can enslave NPSs using shock collar after submission (notification and whatnot ) But i can't build a terminal or kit or anything this mod boast!!! weird

which way are you using this aaf violate? or knockout framework  do you have the mod enabled in your mod manager?  both human resources and behslavemarket.esm

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49 minutes ago, ianinuk said:

which way are you using this aaf violate? or knockout framework  do you have the mod enabled in your mod manager?  both human resources and behslavemarket.esm

thx for replaying but it was a silly confusion between "just business" and this mod?.

by the way are they compatible ?

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5 minutes ago, ianinuk said:

you only need one of those 2 knockout framework seems to have a bad rep for trashing saves if  i rember right 

that will explain why sometimes i have to go back a save sometimes. But i use aff violate and sexual harsment not the just bussiness mod cuse its allredy built in 


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On 12/29/2021 at 11:26 PM, x39965 said:

Though I would pass this along - on the "other" mods site, there's a new mod that changes Super Mutants into large human females. I discovered that you can, in fact, knock them out, and enslave them. And they can become prostitutes just like other females. But, they are still the same height as Super Mutants, so...death by Snu-Snu?


I think I know which mod you are speaking of and I would just like to say thank you for confirming this.

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On 3/6/2022 at 5:49 PM, LordRamirez said:

ive found leaving build mode and comeing back helps


Yeah I should have been more specific- Basically it keeps removing my brothel advertising beacon and saying "A second beacon wasn't supposed to be built" or whatever even though It's a fresh save and new game with no previous beacons or settler recruitment beacons made. .-. I'm trying reinstalling it today.

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2 minutes ago, nexuscorruption said:

Yeah I should have been more specific- Basically it keeps removing my brothel advertising beacon and saying "A second beacon wasn't supposed to be built" or whatever even though It's a fresh save and new game with no previous beacons or settler recruitment beacons made. .-. I'm trying reinstalling it today.

ive got that error before make sure recuritment beacon is not right next to it i notice that some times is issue 


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