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2 minutes ago, 2generic said:

I figured out the problem (through trial and error) right before your responded, lol.

I had uninstalled the SE patch because my mod manager told me it was redundant. I installed it back and now furniture spawns again. Vortex lied to me!


Mod managers lie. Never trust them :D
Mod Manager 2 never lies, get it ^^

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23 hours ago, Nymra said:


Did you download the external files for Rapehands? they are in the files section.

Is there an error message? 
also rapehands have a toggle that has to be turned on. 

Have the files, they were toggled on, and got a failure message in the upper lefthand corner. I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, I was hoping it would happen again I I would get a screenshot showing the message.

And I did more research into my other problems listed above. You were right, of course. After much digging, I found that N.Defeat did not initiate any of the scenarios. Nor was it N.Dungeons or Scent of Sex [disabled at the time], oddly enough. They were all started by one of 2 other mods disabled in the MCM. Deviously Enslaved Continued, which I understood to target the player and not do npc/npc actions and was disabled anyway except for Follower dialog, was the culprit. From the papyrus log: [04/21/2021 - 05:33:05AM] [CRDE] crdeSexStartCatch :AnimationStart ...

Even disabling Follower dialog didn't change the situation. I don't know if this was a case of DEC not playing nice w/ another mod, or if this was happening in all my games but since other events were happening as they should, I just didn't notice it.

In any case, I deleted DEC from the current lineup, cleaned the save, and am resuming play. We'll see how it goes.

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2 minutes ago, Seeker999 said:

Have the files, they were toggled on, and got a failure message in the upper lefthand corner. I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, I was hoping it would happen again I I would get a screenshot showing the message.


yeah. the script checks if some slot is available or already occupied. I will try to improve that, but it might take some time. Rape Hands feature is considered still a showcase feature until I have time to work deeper on it. 
Core functionalities are still priority no 1. 



2 minutes ago, Seeker999 said:

In any case, I deleted DEC from the current lineup, cleaned the save, and am resuming play. We'll see how it goes.


keep me posted :)

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Naked Defeat - 2.5


Defeat Abort on DebugKey

- Now, after bleedout you can press Debugkey to stop the mod from starting. you will leave bleedout and nothing will happen (I suggest you run, tho).

- will add an option that this costs you 1000 gold (make Debug key "not easy") to suceed. so you can buy yourself out of rapes :P 

- for now its only to prevent oddities and prevent you from beeing forced to load earlier saves.

- report any issues you have with this please


Defeat Abort When PC is in Combat

- added checks to detect if the PC is in combat during the defeat scenario. If combat is detected, the whole scenario will shutdown (run!)

- this does NOT terminate running sex scenes (yet?) so if you are attacked while in sex: use hotkey to end the Sex Scene (Sexlab hotkey) and THEN Naked Defeat should shut down itself.


Godmode for Victims :P

- this is a experimental feature and will maybe get a toggle. But for now it seems to solve alot of problems:

- the PC has godmode on for the whole duration of the defeat scenario from Bleedout till "Run!" 

- prevents oddities and improves the surrender function of the mod.



- added some sound effects (female only for now)

for male PC: delete "sound" folder for now. I will add full gender compatibility in the next version.

plus more sound effects!



- DDe Event was bugged when Whipping was 0% - should work now with all possible scenarios


Known issues: 

- when you use Debug Key during "Whip Scene" the CaptureQuest might break

- go into MCM/System and see fore CaptureQuest. If it is at 20 or 21, click on it to solve this.

- will add an automated fix for that later


Have fun :P

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Thanks for all the updates and the work to fix the bugs. 


I went back to an old save and it is working as it should now.


As for the issue of immersion that was discussed a bit ago, that has never bothered me. I like the shiny latex outfits. I have never given it a second thought. This is a fantasy world with all kinds of bizarre magic, creatures, and events. Why can't some curse/magic be making shiny skin tight outfits? I think Skyrim is all the better for them! ?

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i like the way this mod is headed, and i see one of the future plans is furniture throughout Skyrim for bondage, perhaps you could look at Bondage Furniture World and the scripts it uses as a base and save alot of work and reinventing the wheel so to speak :)


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18 minutes ago, Maddac said:

i like the way this mod is headed, and i see one of the future plans is furniture throughout Skyrim for bondage, perhaps you could look at Bondage Furniture World and the scripts it uses as a base and save alot of work and reinventing the wheel so to speak :)



I already work on the Bondage Furniture ESP. The scripts are incompatbile I m afraid, same with Interactive BDSM mod. 
but that is why I try to add MORE possible punishments and scenes to Naked Defeats bondage game.


And the plan is to put some Furnitures at selected spots all over skyrim, yes. Mainly in some of the vanilla bandit hideouts, fortresses etc. 

maybe also near spawning points. But it will take a while,  I just started learning to use the CK to edit the world itself :D


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3 hours ago, Nymra said:


I already work on the Bondage Furniture ESP. The scripts are incompatbile I m afraid, same with Interactive BDSM mod. 
but that is why I try to add MORE possible punishments and scenes to Naked Defeats bondage game.


And the plan is to put some Furnitures at selected spots all over skyrim, yes. Mainly in some of the vanilla bandit hideouts, fortresses etc. 

maybe also near spawning points. But it will take a while,  I just started learning to use the CK to edit the world itself :D


Awesome! I tried bondage furniture world and it just doesn't do it for me. It's very janky for a number of reasons. One immersive touch that would be awesome, if you do add furniture in different spots, is to have the captor bind the player and march her over to the furniture (prison overhaul style) before locking her in. Though that would only work if there's a furniture relatively nearby.

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5 hours ago, 2generic said:

Awesome! I tried bondage furniture world and it just doesn't do it for me. It's very janky for a number of reasons. One immersive touch that would be awesome, if you do add furniture in different spots, is to have the captor bind the player and march her over to the furniture (prison overhaul style) before locking her in. Though that would only work if there's a furniture relatively nearby.


AI controlled Player is prone to the same problems as NPC sadly. When u get into furniture while autowalking you get missaligend :(

I have some ideas to solve this (the POP solution is not really a solution here for me at least, it is doing it in a whole different way).

But in POP u can also see the limits of Autowalk -> stairs tend to stop the autowalk. its just too stupid to walk up stairs!!!


The problem with placing stuff is: it will be too far away to be used most of the time, so it only makes sense on more obvious combat spots. 


But I want to create specific scenarios at least for the Guard Punishment that uses preplaced furniture automatically (like a waterwheel for example).


Also: there is an "throw out" scenario in the mod that puts the player in front of the cave. If this works with preplaced furniture it would be a nice alternative to local furnituring. 
In this case, when I play a nice furniture in front of redorans retreat and you get the event you will be put inside of that when u are defeated inside. 

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4 hours ago, pennywise57 said:

Mod seems great but I'm too attached to Sexlab Defeat for now, so I'll wait for a compatibility between the two ?


it already "is" kinda compatible but it needs beta testing. 

you can try two things:


- disable Player defeat in Defeat and only use its PC defeats NPC or NPC vs NPC feature.

- download SM essential player and when you are in bleedout with that mod, press either the defeat surrender hotkey or naked defeat surrender hotkey to chose which mod has to start.


compatibility will never be really achieved, I will only try to alter Essential player to work as an automated bridge mod that automatically sends you either to Defeat or Naked Defeat on bleedout.


But from what I learned I will have to make it Daymol compatible first...



may I ask what makes u stick to defeat? ^^

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3 hours ago, saiermann said:

Hey great mod!

Do you plan to make it compatible with SD/DA as a possible outcome? Literally the last part, why I didn't delete defeat yet :D


you mean sanguine debauchery?

what is DA? Daymol?


SD+ is already possible via Simple Slavery for now but it is planned to be added as a possible outcome too. 

At one point I want to make my own local slavery functionality for Naked Defeat, tho.  


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I've figured out a way to make this mod work nicely with Death Alternative while there's no compatibility patch.

I also use Defeat so here are my settings:

Defeat: Disable PC as victim

Death Alternative: Set the bleedout health/timer (whatever it is called) to something higher than the default


Naked Defeat will have enough time to start up while you're in the Death Alternative Bleed Out state.


Here's the funny part though: I actually bled out while testing this out and was sent to an inn (one of DA scenario), but Naked Defeat triggered anyway. The people at the inn were the ones who had their fun with my PC, and when they were finally finished I was teleported at a ZAP device back inside the dungeon (where I was defeated). The task successfuly failed I guess. This has the potential of breaking stuff up if you get sent to a more complex DA scenario though, but it should work if you set the bleed out timer/health to a higher threshold. Tbh you'd probably be better off disabling the mod in the MCM when you only want ND to trigger and vice versa.

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1 hour ago, Nymra said:


it already "is" kinda compatible but it needs beta testing. 

you can try two things:


- disable Player defeat in Defeat and only use its PC defeats NPC or NPC vs NPC feature.

- download SM essential player and when you are in bleedout with that mod, press either the defeat surrender hotkey or naked defeat surrender hotkey to chose which mod has to start.


compatibility will never be really achieved, I will only try to alter Essential player to work as an automated bridge mod that automatically sends you either to Defeat or Naked Defeat on bleedout.


But from what I learned I will have to make it Daymol compatible first...



may I ask what makes u stick to defeat? ^^

Honestly ? The fact that I've been using it for a really long time ?

I'm gonna disable it and test your mod when I get the chance, and if I'm convinced, well... goodbye Defeat. Or I'll follow your instructions to play both. If the mod is as good as in the description, it may replace Defeat, I'll give a review when I'm done testing it

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5 minutes ago, pennywise57 said:

Honestly ? The fact that I've been using it for a really long time ?

I'm gonna disable it and test your mod when I get the chance, and if I'm convinced, well... goodbye Defeat. Or I'll follow your instructions to play both. If the mod is as good as in the description, it may replace Defeat, I'll give a review when I'm done testing it


reason is: i wanna see if I missed some features that Defeat has so I can also cover them with Naked Defeat.


btw: some users made their own experiences with playing this with Defeat. You can see their posts in this topic. one is right over yours :D

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10 minutes ago, Nymra said:


reason is: i wanna see if I missed some features that Defeat has so I can also cover them with Naked Defeat.


btw: some users made their own experiences with playing this with Defeat. You can see their posts in this topic. one is right over yours :D

Just realized your name is Nymra, as in the Nymra animations. Among my favourites, with those from Psyche and Babo. Now I'm 100% sure your mod is worth it 

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2 minutes ago, pennywise57 said:

Just realized your name is Nymra, as in the Nymra animations. Among my favourites, with those from Psyche and Babo. Now I'm 100% sure your mod is worth it 



thx alot!

I will come back to the animations soon. Also will start learning to make my own in 3D max

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1 hour ago, Nymra said:



thx alot!

I will come back to the animations soon. Also will start learning to make my own in 3D max

Can't wait to see that in action ?

Edit : OK, tested it, loved it ! For now I'll keep this one without Defeat, and I'll see in the future if I want to reintegrate SL Defeat or not ?

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Can someone explain to me why using this alongside Defeat is desirable? Naked Defeat already is better for me than Defeat, and I don't see what Defeat adds to the situation. I can see why you might want to use this with Death Alternative in order to get more possible outcomes after you escape from captivity or something like that, but really a few more such options or tweaks from Naked Defeat would be more than good enough in that department without needing DA. Also, in my experience, having multiple on-defeat related mods always ends up leading to problems.

Also, I've yet to get the DDe option in this mod to work once. I even installed the latest DDe on top of DD 5.1, which already has DDe. It works fine for Prison Overhaul, but not this mod.


Oh, and when my character is doing a zaz struggle animation (such as hogtie) it only happens for ~1 second before it gets overwritten by the normal standing bound leather bind pose. I'm sure a zaz setting is doing that but I don't know..

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5 hours ago, Nymra said:


you mean sanguine debauchery?

what is DA? Daymol?


SD+ is already possible via Simple Slavery for now but it is planned to be added as a possible outcome too. 

At one point I want to make my own local slavery functionality for Naked Defeat, tho.  


Yes sanguine. Sorry I meant death alternative.


I know that there's a connection with simple slavery, but I find this one very unsatisfying because most of the time you just end up in the wilderness with the owner.

But own functionalty also sounds great, considering the quality of your mod ;)

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9 hours ago, Nymra said:


it already "is" kinda compatible but it needs beta testing. 

you can try two things:


- disable Player defeat in Defeat and only use its PC defeats NPC or NPC vs NPC feature.

- download SM essential player and when you are in bleedout with that mod, press either the defeat surrender hotkey or naked defeat surrender hotkey to chose which mod has to start.


compatibility will never be really achieved, I will only try to alter Essential player to work as an automated bridge mod that automatically sends you either to Defeat or Naked Defeat on bleedout.


But from what I learned I will have to make it Daymol compatible first...



may I ask what makes u stick to defeat? ^^

A lot of mods are connected to defeat, is Naked Defeat compatible with say, simple slavery, sanguines debauchery etc? 

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25 minutes ago, Thingolf said:

A lot of mods are connected to defeat, is Naked Defeat compatible with say, simple slavery, sanguines debauchery etc? 


alot of mods is a bit of an exageration dont you think? :)

Naked Defeat already connects to:

- Simple Slavery

- Devious Devices (via Devices Devices Equip)

- Slave Tats (Defeat doesent)

- Zaz Animation Pack (Defeat doesent)

In the near future I will add support for:

- SD+ 


And I have plans for 

- Bathing in Skyrim (a forced washing scene)

- a new expanded civil rape functionality that can replace mods that do the same and works dialoguefree and hopefully 100% compatible with mods like Sexlab Survial. 

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