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27 minutes ago, cerebus300 said:

One thing that I would like to see is more settings to control the extent of some of the effects. I've found that the master turning on the vibes can be really invasive. It just happens so often that I feel like I can't walk across the street without them going off and bringing me to a halt. It is especially a problem in dungeons. I don't have a problem with it, even when it messes me up, but the sheer amount of time that it is active gets frustrating. It is that which usually makes me end the slavery and I uninstalled the mod at one point because I didn't want to wind up back in it. I have reinstalled the latest edition and am enjoying it again, but yeah, the amount of time that is dominated by vibrating plugs is frustrating. A sliding scale would be wonderful.

There is a setting, "Vibration Troll Arousal" on the Devices page.  Set the arousal threshold to 0 to stop the owner from vibing you, or just set it low.  The owner is using the piercings to keep your arousal at or above that level.  I'd played with the timing before and cut it in half, which seemed to work okay for getting your arousal up without going too far.


There is a separate forced orgasms event that runs longer, but I don't think you were referring to that one.


I will turn off the vibration trolling in dungeons.  You probably have enough distractions in there.

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23 minutes ago, HexBolt8 said:

There is a setting, "Vibration Troll Arousal" on the Devices page.  Set the arousal threshold to 0 to stop the owner from vibing you, or just set it low.  The owner is using the piercings to keep your arousal at or above that level.  I'd played with the timing before and cut it in half, which seemed to work okay for getting your arousal up without going too far.


There is a separate forced orgasms event that runs longer, but I don't think you were referring to that one.


I will turn off the vibration trolling in dungeons.  You probably have enough distractions in there.

Thanks. I must have missed that setting. I will look again. That will make a world of difference. See, you have already anticipated my comments. Great work on this mod. 

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1 hour ago, HexBolt8 said:

I will turn off the vibration trolling in dungeons.  You probably have enough distractions in there.

I get trolled a lot by SLtR with vibrations even if set to only trigger at arousal 10, because DL and DT3 can force arousal to drop if wearing devices. DL is a simple slider, while DT3 debuffs arousal until the PC is trained in the use of the worn DDs.

This means that Mistress is starting vibrations as soon as DT3/DL polls, or all the time.

A timeout helps more in this case or troll arousal to 0 ?

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20 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

I get trolled a lot by SLtR with vibrations even if set to only trigger at arousal 10, because DL and DT3 can force arousal to drop if wearing devices. DL is a simple slider, while DT3 debuffs arousal until the PC is trained in the use of the worn DDs.

This means that Mistress is starting vibrations as soon as DT3/DL polls, or all the time.

A timeout helps more in this case or troll arousal to 0

Okay, I'll take a quick look (I'm trying to get Pony Express released tonight).  For what it's worth, the trolling won't occur unless owner is aroused or a 5% chance roll succeeds.

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8 minutes ago, HexBolt8 said:

(I'm trying to get Pony Express released tonight)

WHAT?! ?

Ignore us arousal trolling users!

Back to the Ponies!



(5% chance sounds good for the ones suffering from DL/DT3 arousal deficit syndrome ?)

(with the low arousal I try to avoid triggering DL loot traps lol, the idea was that mistress counters that with vibration trolling, but if she does it all the time it gets predictable again o.o)

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12 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

5% chance sounds good for the ones suffering from DL/DT3 arousal deficit syndrome

That 5% chance is if owner is not aroused, if I wasn't clear.  Keeping your owner satisfied should help a lot, and that's kind of the point of the vibration trolling.  If you're not doing your job as a sex slave, the owner will goose you into wanting to do it. 


I added a simple timing mechanism so that owner-induced vibration shouldn't occur more often than 5 minutes apart (longer if you were in combat or sex).  Normal DD vibrations follow their own rules, of course.  Hopefully that will strike the right balance of keeping the PC aroused for the owner's pleasure without being spammy.

23 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

Back to the Ponies!

It's all written, I just have to do some more testing.  I want to get it out soon though so you guys can play with it and find problems so I can fix them tomorrow.  MrEsturk will be taking the helm again probably at the end of the weekend and I don't want to turn the mod over with buggy content. 

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3 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:


It's all written, I just have to do some more testing.  I want to get it out soon though so you guys can play with it and find problems so I can fix them tomorrow.  MrEsturk will be taking the helm again probably at the end of the weekend and I don't want to turn the mod over with buggy content. 

Awesome! I love the Ponies!

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Well I'm super close with the new quest, but I'm at the point where I'm too sleepy and I'm going to start making stupid mistakes, so it can wait for tomorrow.  No point rushing it and disappointing people.  After the handoff back to MrEsturk I'll still be around to help out as needed (particularly with stuff I messed up).  MrEsturk can post updates to the main page, so it will be much easier without having to watch for updates in the discussion.

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Confirming a bug with Gold Control (and maybe EFF) that someone else reported earlier.

Whenever I change cell, my owners partition of my earned gold is reset to 100%

Cannot be directly related to EFF because I've been using that framework even before starting SLtR, and it was okay until about 23.September (sorry, I needed my hands free, so I had neiter follower nor owner for a while)


Liked the lines in the "I want to be your slave again" dialogue ?


Edit: it's getting weird. It not the change of cells - it seems to be some interaction with Mistress. Leaving shop has my settings as wanted, a second later Mistress sends me on "Run Lola Run" and her gold is back to 100% ?


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This morning I had a few glitches with Lola. I got into town and mistress asked me to go around and show what a slut I was ( not the talking one, but where I had to do sexual acts). There was no menu option with any NPC to initiate any of this. So, I went into the inn and activated Radiant Prostitution, pulled a few tricks and then ended it. There was no response about it from the mistress. I also noticed that it was around this time (not sure if it is exact, so not sure if it is related) when I noticed that Devious Follower was not doing anything at all. It wasn't adding debt and the follower wasn't getting bored. Basically, nothing from DF was working. I've never had that happen before with DF, so I'm wondering if there is some crossover glitch with Lola. Anyway, just some observations.

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30 minutes ago, cerebus300 said:

I got into town and mistress asked me to go around and show what a slut I was ( not the talking one, but where I had to do sexual acts). There was no menu option with any NPC to initiate any of this.

If that's the quest from this mod, it would be "I Am Famous".  The quest objective will read "Show xxxx or yyyy the kind of slut you are."  There's also an option that has 3-way sex.  If that's not what you saw, it wasn't from this mod.

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Update - Pony Express


This patch requires version 1.1 to have already been installed. Previous updates for 1.1 are included in this update. You don't need earlier updates.


Edit:  Deleted obsolete update.  The newer one is here.


This update has new textures.  You'll need them.  They won't break your SE game.


New Pony Express Quest

There are three possible tasks to perform as a pony girl:
- Pick up a package from a merchant
- Take a letter of credit to the steward
- Present yourself to the stable master
Starts in the inn in the walled cities.  If you want to test it, go to one of those inns and use "StartQuest vkjPonyExpress".
New MCM Devices settings let you select the tail, the outfit color, and the animation.


Credit:  Amulet texture from Devious Training used by permission from @skyrimfet.


Detailed quest info with SPOILERS.  This info will also be summarized in a book you'll receive during the quest.


- Don't click too quickly through conversation while items are being equipped.

- Innkeepers don't count as merchants.
- Don't confuse "steward" with the jarl's housecarl.  In Markarth, Raerek is the steward, Faleen is the housecarl.
- If the quest breaks, you can end it and free yourself by entering "SetStage vkjPonyExpress 110" in the console.


Some explanation of how the quest works (SPOILERS AHEAD).  This is a lot of information, so it will also be provided in a Book for Pony Express Girls that you'll have while doing the quest.  My last attempt at offering out-of-character quest explanation was not well received, so I'm putting it in a book this time.  The content of the book is non immersive, but the book can be ignored.


The quest is only available for female PCs.  Except for tails, the pony gear doesn't work for male PCs.  You'll be equipped with the pony gag, so dialog with the NPCs you must interact with revolves around notes and the dialog conditions are set to handle gag "speech" to deliver the notes.


Devious Devices gag speech limitations are turned off during the quest.


Due to the large number of possible target NPCs, especially with civil war outcomes, this quest will not provide quest markers.  It is assumed that you've played Skyrim enough to find your way to the market, stable, or jarl's palace.


If you choose the prancing pony option in the MCM, that animation is accomplished by the leg cuffs.  If that slot is already used by a "blocking" or "quest" item, you won't receive the prancing leg cuffs and you won't get the animation.  You CAN switch leg cuffs during the event by changing the MCM setting.  This is the ONLY pony gear item that you can change while the quest is running.


You'll be prohibited from equipping body slot clothing during the event.  Before you're stripped, the quest will send the DHLP Suspend call to notify peril and rape mods to leave you alone, but not all mods listen for that call, and it's possible that a would-be slaver or rapist was already approaching before the call was sent, so be warned.  Sex is a very likely component of the quest, but not random assaults.


The quest will only trigger inside the inns of the 5 walled cities, and only during the morning or early afternoon and only if you're not belted and not in the Fashion Slave event.  Because of the restrictions, the event will have a relatively short cooldown to give you a chance to see it.


There are three possible tasks:  pick up a package from a merchant, take a letter of credit to the steward, or present yourself to the stable master.  The merchant task is the "main" (most interesting) one, so you have a double chance of getting that one, but the others offer variety.  The quest will avoid giving you the same task twice in a row, unless it was the merchant job though in that case the chance of getting it will be reduced.


Besides dressing you up in pony gear, the quest wants you to have sex, but it will respect your MCM gender preference and not force sex with an invalid NPC.  It will not exclude sex with elderly NPCs.  I didn't want a lot of complex up-front condition checking, so you might get sent to the steward regardless of gender preference.  If neither the steward nor the jarl fits your gender preference, you won't be forced into sex (unless the jarl's housecarl is a valid match).  If both fit, you'll have sex with the steward (because jarls get most of the attention in other quests, and they're presumably more dignified).  Yes, sex in the throne room is decidedly odd (so is publicly wearing pony gear).  A "follow me" option or being whisked to a "private chamber" room would work better.  Maybe in a future update.


Skyrim stable masters are all male, so if you excluded men from your gender preferences you will never be given the stable quest.  The run to the stable outside Solitude is long, so you won't get the stable task in that location.  The quest dialog works for anyone in the Hostler faction, so at Riften you can do the quest with Hofgrir or Shadr, your choice.


Regarding stables, I have no objection to creature sex as long as it's entirely optional, but I have no experience with initiating sex with a horse from a script and I wanted to finish this without delay so it's not an option now.  You'll see a dialog hook for the PC to indicate interest in a horse but it won't go there.  If MrEsturk takes a break again, then I'd probably look at adding the horse sex option just to learn how to do it.


For the merchant job you will have to visit up to 3.  Innkeepers don't count as merchants.  Where possible, you'll want to visit merchants that fit your gender preference (if you want your character to "have" to engage in sex).  The odds are heavily weighted against the first merchant you visit being the correct one (though it's possible) so if the choices are limited you'll want to save the preferred gender merchants for number 2 and 3.  If you've already tried 2 merchants, #3 is guaranteed to be correct.  The letter that you must give to the merchant is randomly selected; reading it might indicate what's in store for you.


Where appropriate, you're given a letter to deliver, and something to return to your owner.  The items are added to your inventory but the quest doesn't care if you lose them.  It will behave as if they're present.


Changed:  Turned off vibration trolling in dungeons.

Changed:  Vibration trolling should have about a 5 minute cooldown.
Changed:  During the "A Stewing" quest, the owner will follow you rather than stand still and await your return.
Changed:  Removed "fourth wall" comment.
Fixed:  Several spanking punishments were not reducing score the way that whippings do.  No more getting off easy!
Fixed:  Filled in a missing property on 3 quests.  Various script fixes.  Thanks to Roggvir for reporting the problems and supplying solutions.

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If you find problems, post it here please with as much detail as you can remember and I'll fix it.  I tested each task to completion, verified that pony reliably goes on and comes off, and confirmed reward and failure outcomes.  The mod has a lot of possible branches; I didn't test them all.


If something goes horribly wrong, end the quest and free yourself with "SetStage vkjPonyExpress 110" (don't do StopQuest).


If anything is unclear, refer back to the detailed quest info posted above, or find the condensed version in the Pony Express Girl book in your inventory.


Let me know how the time limits work out.  They're intended to be generous enough that you really shouldn't fail, but tight enough that you'll want to hurry.  The pony boots slow you a little but not a lot.  If your character has some crippling speed debuff from another mod, you'll have to deal with it.  The time limit assumes a reasonably normal base speed.  Since the duration is in game hours, the lower your time scale setting the easier things will be.  That could be scaled, but then the "you have 4 hours" dialog and objectives would be wrong.


The quest has a 48 hour cooldown, shorter than many other events but longer than others.  It didn't seem right that the owner would have a package pickup every day.  If you think it's too long or too short, share your thoughts.  Remember that you can force the event with "StartQuest vkjPonyExpress". 

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@HexBolt8 While adding compatibility for my morphable gags, i noticed all the "hardcoded" string arrays with device names in reset_lists() function.
I had to replace the gags listed in the gagList formlist with gags from my mod, and because they are named differently, i replaced these hardcoded strings with code that gets the names dynamically from the items forms.
Is there any reason for the hardcoded strings that i may not be aware of?

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3 minutes ago, Roggvir said:

Is there any reason for the hardcoded strings that i may not be aware of?

I didn't write that part, but I can guess.  All the "Slave's Collar" items have the same name, so if they're to stay that way then the string array makes sense.  Gags have individual names, but a lot gets done with copy & paste, and assuming a static list (no new gags have been added so far) it works fine for the mod.

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Evolution of the Pony Express Quest


How I got from "pony gear is fun" to the finished quest.


I wanted to get the player character into pony gear.  It's just so much fun.


But there must be a purpose behind it, something to do.  I settled on a Pony Express theme.  But what would she deliver?


First, I decided to have the owner wait during the quest.  If you're delivering something for the owner, there's no reason for the owner to run along with you.  Slaves do work; masters get to relax.  An inn is the natural place for that, so the quests start there. 


The objective should be more than just a fetch quest.  Having to talk to several NPCs to randomly find the right one isn't a new idea, but it is new for this mod.  I decided that picking up an order from a merchant for the owner while on a timer would be fun, with a cap of 3 merchants that you'd have to talk to so the process  wouldn't drag on.  I weighted the result toward the third merchant, but it could be the first one.  Not knowing is fun.


Falkreath has just enough merchants so I'd originally included it.  Then I realized that Lod can die in dragon or vampire attacks, and I remembered that his dialog is locked down during the Daedra's Best Friend quest, which is hard to avoid starting.  I might have gotten around the dialog problem, but I wasn't going to invent an "apprentice" to replace him if he dies.  I removed Falkreath.  It didn't have a stable, so only the steward quest would have remained. 


I was going to let players just imagine the package from the merchant, but I decided that would confuse people.  Since I had to add a package object for the player to bring back, I also added a note to hand to the merchant.  Gag speech is temporarily disabled, but the note makes sense.  I got sidetracked composing four different notes and injecting the owner's name into them, and having the owner use the note to sometimes set the pony girl up for something she wouldn't want ("she has a fantasy about rough sex").  She can see it, but she's gagged and can't say anything about it.  And you know that the owner intended for the slave to peek at that note.


I wanted more variety, so I added alternative tasks for getting gold from the steward and having sex with the stable master.  The stable task is a little simplistic, and it's cliche, but a pony girl has to get sent there.  I used a different premise so it's not too much like Radiant Prostitution's stable quest.  I don't mind creature content if it's optional, but I've never done it before and I ran out of time to learn by looking at examples.  I included a line for the pony girl to indicate interest in the horse and left it at that.


Player gender preference settings were the bane of the quest to visit the steward.  There are 5 cities.  Each has a jarl and a steward, but civil war events can flip any of them, so that's 20 NPCs to consider.  My initial approach was generic and simple.  Check the steward's sex when the PC talks to him.  If it's not a match, send the PC to the jarl.  If that's not a match either, send the PC back without having sex.  But there were more same-sex sets of jars and their stewards than I'd like.  No sex is boring.  I ended up actually making a chart.  Then I found alternate NPCs in the throne room to use as substitutes for 3 of those cases, the jarl's housecarls Irileth, Faleen, and Unmid.  Great, but that meant 3 more quest stages, 3 more objectives, and alternate dialog.  And special handling for Raerek and his impotence problem.  Much more work than I'd intended, but it's very nice when Proventus sends you over to Irileth.  As strong women, Irileth & Faleen have some cutting views toward a pony girl.


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Guest AthenaESIV

Nice, really big step for this becoming a great mailgirl experience!


I have a feeling you two will make the contract system really fit well into that fetish over time, and hope to see it reach outside its scope of being a follwer based mod sometime...


What I mean is, get some of the submissive features of the mod when dealing with authority NPCs like guards, innkeepers, jarls, and the like on a quick one time encounter basis.


Maybe the mod would just trigger a 'follower' (perhaps certain factions can do this) to attach to the PC and demand they do one of the tasks, for example a guard commands the PC to deliver something for him, and for his own amusement, he makes her strip. But when she completes the task she is released after reporting back to the guard.


Thanks for the update, 

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37 minutes ago, AthenaESIV said:

Nice, really big step for this becoming a great mailgirl experience!

The Pony Express quest can always be extended with new or better tasks, but to do it well a mail girl should probably be its own mod, possibly with integration to SLTR and other mods.


I regret not being able to find a nice body harness for the pony girl.  The rope ones don't fit; it really must be leather.  There is a nice-looking black leather one in DD or Zaz without a collar, but it covers the fun areas.  One can easily imagine the tail plug being popped out for sex, but not unstrapping the harness.  A chest harness that ends at the waist would be ideal.  Maybe something will turn up.  At least I got to include the pony girl amulet (with kind permission from skyrimfet).


I have a few small fixes for one more update tonight, and that should warp it up for my tenure and MrEsturk will be taking the mod forward.  I'll enjoy getting to really play the content that I got to add, and I'm looking forward to MrEsturk's new additions. 

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4 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

Update - Pony Express


This patch requires version 1.1 to have already been installed. Previous updates for 1.1 are included in this update. You don't need earlier updates.

Submissive Lola Resubmission Patch - 4 Oct 2020.7z 1.91 MB · 45 downloads


This update has new textures.  You'll need them.  They won't break your SE game.


New Pony Express Quest

There are three possible tasks to perform as a pony girl:
- Pick up a package from a merchant
- Take a letter of credit to the steward
- Present yourself to the stable master
Starts in the inn in the walled cities.  If you want to test it, go to one of those inns and use "StartQuest vkjPonyExpress".
New MCM Devices settings let you select the tail, the outfit color, and the animation.


Credit:  Amulet texture from Devious Training used by permission from @skyrimfet.


Detailed quest info with SPOILERS.  This info will also be summarized in a book you'll receive during the quest.

  Reveal hidden contents

- Don't click too quickly through conversation while items are being equipped.

- Innkeepers don't count as merchants.
- Don't confuse "steward" with the jarl's housecarl.  In Markarth, Raerek is the steward, Faleen is the housecarl.
- If the quest breaks, you can end it and free yourself by entering "SetStage vkjPonyExpress 110" in the console.


Some explanation of how the quest works (SPOILERS AHEAD).  This is a lot of information, so it will also be provided in a Book for Pony Express Girls that you'll have while doing the quest.  My last attempt at offering out-of-character quest explanation was not well received, so I'm putting it in a book this time.  The content of the book is non immersive, but the book can be ignored.


The quest is only available for female PCs.  Except for tails, the pony gear doesn't work for male PCs.  You'll be equipped with the pony gag, so dialog with the NPCs you must interact with revolves around notes and the dialog conditions are set to handle gag "speech" to deliver the notes.


Devious Devices gag speech limitations are turned off during the quest.


Due to the large number of possible target NPCs, especially with civil war outcomes, this quest will not provide quest markers.  It is assumed that you've played Skyrim enough to find your way to the market, stable, or jarl's palace.


If you choose the prancing pony option in the MCM, that animation is accomplished by the leg cuffs.  If that slot is already used by a "blocking" or "quest" item, you won't receive the prancing leg cuffs and you won't get the animation.  You CAN switch leg cuffs during the event by changing the MCM setting.  This is the ONLY pony gear item that you can change while the quest is running.


You'll be prohibited from equipping body slot clothing during the event.  Before you're stripped, the quest will send the DHLP Suspend call to notify peril and rape mods to leave you alone, but not all mods listen for that call, and it's possible that a would-be slaver or rapist was already approaching before the call was sent, so be warned.  Sex is a very likely component of the quest, but not random assaults.


The quest will only trigger inside the inns of the 5 walled cities, and only during the morning or early afternoon and only if you're not belted and not in the Fashion Slave event.  Because of the restrictions, the event will have a relatively short cooldown to give you a chance to see it.


There are three possible tasks:  pick up a package from a merchant, take a letter of credit to the steward, or present yourself to the stable master.  The merchant task is the "main" (most interesting) one, so you have a double chance of getting that one, but the others offer variety.  The quest will avoid giving you the same task twice in a row, unless it was the merchant job though in that case the chance of getting it will be reduced.


Besides dressing you up in pony gear, the quest wants you to have sex, but it will respect your MCM gender preference and not force sex with an invalid NPC.  It will not exclude sex with elderly NPCs.  I didn't want a lot of complex up-front condition checking, so you might get sent to the steward regardless of gender preference.  If neither the steward nor the jarl fits your gender preference, you won't be forced into sex (unless the jarl's housecarl is a valid match).  If both fit, you'll have sex with the steward (because jarls get most of the attention in other quests, and they're presumably more dignified).  Yes, sex in the throne room is decidedly odd (so is publicly wearing pony gear).  A "follow me" option or being whisked to a "private chamber" room would work better.  Maybe in a future update.


Skyrim stable masters are all male, so if you excluded men from your gender preferences you will never be given the stable quest.  The run to the stable outside Solitude is long, so you won't get the stable task in that location.  The quest dialog works for anyone in the Hostler faction, so at Riften you can do the quest with Hofgrir or Shadr, your choice.


Regarding stables, I have no objection to creature sex as long as it's entirely optional, but I have no experience with initiating sex with a horse from a script and I wanted to finish this without delay so it's not an option now.  You'll see a dialog hook for the PC to indicate interest in a horse but it won't go there.  If MrEsturk takes a break again, then I'd probably look at adding the horse sex option just to learn how to do it.


For the merchant job you will have to visit up to 3.  Innkeepers don't count as merchants.  Where possible, you'll want to visit merchants that fit your gender preference (if you want your character to "have" to engage in sex).  The odds are heavily weighted against the first merchant you visit being the correct one (though it's possible) so if the choices are limited you'll want to save the preferred gender merchants for number 2 and 3.  If you've already tried 2 merchants, #3 is guaranteed to be correct.  The letter that you must give to the merchant is randomly selected; reading it might indicate what's in store for you.


Where appropriate, you're given a letter to deliver, and something to return to your owner.  The items are added to your inventory but the quest doesn't care if you lose them.  It will behave as if they're present.


Changed:  Turned off vibration trolling in dungeons.

Changed:  Vibration trolling should have about a 5 minute cooldown.
Changed:  During the "A Stewing" quest, the owner will follow you rather than stand still and await your return.
Changed:  Removed "fourth wall" comment.
Fixed:  Several spanking punishments were not reducing score the way that whippings do.  No more getting off easy!
Fixed:  Filled in a missing property on 3 quests.  Various script fixes.  Thanks to Roggvir for reporting the problems and supplying solutions.

Will there eventually be a way to trigger the Pony Express event without using the command?

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2 minutes ago, justbob2 said:

Will there eventually be a way to trigger the Pony Express event without using the command?

It can start on its own if you're in an inn in one of the 5 walled cities.  The command is only for making it start right away if you don't want to wait to see it.

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I used the console to initiate 2/3 of the tasks. I'll do the 3rd in a little bit. This is a great addition to Lola. Love it. A few things that I noticed from the first 2 (merchant and Jarl tasks):


- I'm sure that you have it built in that these will only trigger at times that will allow Lola to interact with the targets. I used the console to activate them, so this probably bypassed any timing issues. The first time that I tried it was in the evening and I was sent to the stables, but as it was too late the stable-keeper was locked in his house and he wouldn't talk to me, causing a failed quest. This would be the same with merchants and Jarls as well. Like I said, you probably already have this built in, but thought I would mention it just in case.


- didn't strip much in the case where there was already DD on Lola. Would like to see more stripping of DD devices (non-quest of course) and replacement with pony gear. If this is possible, then that would be great. 


- I would love to have the trotting effect that is sometimes caused in other apps, like S.L.U.T.S. and the pony task that your follower inflicts on you in Devious Followers. I'm not sure how they initiate it, but it causes her arms to prop to the sides and in front, and she doesn't run but trots with high knee lifts. I think that the DF uses a pair of black pony boot to cause the effect. I think it has "pony play" in the title. I'm not sure how S.L.U.T.S. does it. I noticed that my first run to the stables did this, but the two other tasks didn't. She just ran normally. 


- I know you mentioned the hoofs earlier, but don't quite remember the issue with them. I would vote to put them on Lola. As a pony, she doesn't need hands! ? I can't think of anything that would be a problem with the hoof mitts as these tasks are pretty short, contained, and don't require that Lola do any manual manipulation of things. When  S.L.U.T.S. send their carriage girls across the whole continent of Skyrim they can't use their hands or talk. So, a little jaunt across town should be easy enough.


Great work on your tenure with this app. I hope you are able to keep your hand in and collaborate to add more content. I really like the way that it is coming along. This mod has made its way to one of my must haves when playing naughty Skyrim.  So, thanks for your work. As someone else said, I would love to see the pony stuff spread out. We definitely need a pony mod that can be snuck into all aspects of Skyrim.


I'll keep looking to see if I see anything else. I'll run through the tasks a few more times, maybe in different cities, if I have time.


EDIT: I just saw that you mentioned an MCM menu for the pony elements. I looked for it initially but didn't see it. I'll look again. I'm sure it is there. I probably just missed it. I'll bet that will answer some of the things that I posted above.

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18 minutes ago, cerebus300 said:

I'm sure that you have it built in that these will only trigger at times that will allow Lola to interact with the targets.

Yes, the quest only starts between 8 AM and 4 PM.

19 minutes ago, cerebus300 said:

didn't strip much in the case where there was already DD on Lola. Would like to see more stripping of DD devices (non-quest of course) and replacement with pony gear.

It will strip DD items that are not marked "blocking" or "quest".  If you have specific examples of items you think should have been removed, please provide hem so I can take a look.  I did make an exception for locking anal plugs from an abundance of caution.  I'm going to remove that restriction for tonight's bug fix update.  A few items block the quest from starting (unless you force-start it):  chastity belt, hobble skirt, and pet suit.

27 minutes ago, cerebus300 said:

I know you mentioned the hoofs earlier, but don't quite remember the issue with them.

They aren't DD or Zaz items, they're from SLUTS.  Since MrEsturk currently owns that mod too, I could have copied over the mesh files but that would ruin the mod's 100% SE compatibility (SLTR would have to offer separate sets of mesh files for LE and SE).  A soft dependence on SLUTS would work, though I didn't look for a SE version of SLUTS.  If there's a SLUTS SE, detecting the mod and grabbing the hoof item shouldn't be hard.  But I ran out of time and didn't look into it.  There is he quest of how the pony girl would carry the sacks.  Maybe strapped to her?  A body harness would be perfect for that purpose.

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