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On 12/27/2022 at 9:28 AM, Zodiarch said:


at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(Int32 index, Int32 countChange, Int32 woundedCountChange, Int32 xpChange, Boolean removeDepleted)
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.RemoveTroop(CharacterObject troop, Int32 numberToRemove, UniqueTroopDescriptor troopSeed, Int32 xp)
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero.AfterLoad()
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignObjectManager.CampaignObjectType`1.AfterLoad()
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignObjectManager.AfterLoad()
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnGameLoaded(CampaignGameStarter starter)
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, GameTypeLoadingStates& nextState)
   at TaleWorlds.Core.GameType.DoLoadingForGameType()
   at SandBox.SandBoxGameManager.DoLoadingForGameManager(GameManagerLoadingSteps gameManagerLoadingStep, GameManagerLoadingSteps& nextStep)
   at TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.DoLoadingForGameManager()
   at TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GameLoadingState.OnTick(Single dt)
   at TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(Single dt)
   at TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.OnApplicationTick_Patch1(Module this, Single dt)



I get this savegame killer after throwing a wanderer into the brothel. I tried this with 2 different brothels. Savegame CTD occurred about 9 to 10 days after throwing the wanderer into the brothel. 


Occurred on a 40+mod game so potential mod conflict.


I am planning to test a limited-mod game.

Will also test if wanderer into the normal prison results in a savegame CTD.


On 1/2/2023 at 9:45 PM, Zodiarch said:

I found a guy on Taleworld Forum with the exact same issue/callstack.




Unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely the person on the TW forum ran into this specific scenario with wanderers

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18 hours ago, Whizkid said:

imo, grap these fixes, TW is just incompetent...


OnGovernorChanged Workaround at Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)

Null Hero Fix at Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)

ConsiderRansomPrisoner Workaround at Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)


also things to avoid when playing, do not hire lords/ladies when blackmailing they are they take both a companion and your family slot, this happened recently 1.02-1.03 etc..

do not abandon your clan and join another clan same as above TW changed some stuff.


idk, its better with the 3 mods i posted at least it got rid of the constant crashes....


First I wanna say thank you for trying to help me :D

Sadly nothing works, lost another playthrough today... getting used to it lol


15 hours ago, n0b0dy0 said:


I get this savegame killer after throwing a wanderer into the brothel. I tried this with 2 different brothels. Savegame CTD occurred about 9 to 10 days after throwing the wanderer into the brothel. 


Occurred on a 40+mod game so potential mod conflict.


I am planning to test a limited-mod game.

Will also test if wanderer into the normal prison results in a savegame CTD.



Unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely the person on the TW forum ran into this specific scenario with wanderers


Finally I found a post where somebody was able to reproduce this bug in Vanilla game (only the number "32" is missing in his callstack).






And it seems the devs start working on a fix...


"Thank you, sorry for the late reply. We are aware of this crash and the developers are working towards a fix at the moment."

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Children generated through this mod have their type set to "Unknown" instead of "Lord/Lady", which essentially prevents you from talking with them.

You can set them positions in clan and shit, but if you actually attempt to talk with them, they will end the conversation immediately.

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Every time you load your last save, Hero status resets to Zero. 

Prostitutes in brothels all lose their prostitution experience.

It looks like all the skills original to CE (and other skills added later on) reset to Zero upon exiting/reloading the game. 



        <CESkill Id="Prostitution" Name="{=CEEVENTS1106}Prostitution" MinLevel="0" />
        <CESkill Id="IsProstitute" Name="{=CEEVENTS1104}prostitute" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="1" SetZeroOnEscape="true" />
        <CESkill Id="Slavery" Name="{=CEEVENTS1105}Slavery" MinLevel="0" SetZeroOnEscape="true"/>
        <CESkill Id="IsSlave" Name="{=CEEVENTS1103}slave" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="1" SetZeroOnEscape="true" />



Any way to fix this?


Current Version M&B: 1.0.2

Current Version CE:

Current Version CEDefault:


Also, is there any plan to also bring back the ability to "Change what He/She is wearing"?

Edited by GamerzZ
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On 1/9/2023 at 11:07 AM, GamerzZ said:

Every time you load your last save, Hero status resets to Zero. 

Prostitutes in brothels all lose their prostitution experience.

It looks like all the skills original to CE (and other skills added later on) reset to Zero upon exiting/reloading the game. 



        <CESkill Id="Prostitution" Name="{=CEEVENTS1106}Prostitution" MinLevel="0" />
        <CESkill Id="IsProstitute" Name="{=CEEVENTS1104}prostitute" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="1" SetZeroOnEscape="true" />
        <CESkill Id="Slavery" Name="{=CEEVENTS1105}Slavery" MinLevel="0" SetZeroOnEscape="true"/>
        <CESkill Id="IsSlave" Name="{=CEEVENTS1103}slave" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="1" SetZeroOnEscape="true" />



Any way to fix this?


Current Version M&B: 1.0.2

Current Version CE:

Current Version CEDefault:


Also, is there any plan to also bring back the ability to "Change what He/She is wearing"?


Same issue here.


Stats, like prostitution, all reset to zero every time a save is loaded.


With so much of the mod being dependent on these stats, I think fixing this should be top priority.


Until there's a fix, does anyone know of a console command to adjust these stats?


EDIT: I am using the latest version of Captivity Events, with the base game's current stable build.

Edited by alericsilvernord
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On 1/9/2023 at 11:07 AM, GamerzZ said:

Every time you load your last save, Hero status resets to Zero. 

Prostitutes in brothels all lose their prostitution experience.

It looks like all the skills original to CE (and other skills added later on) reset to Zero upon exiting/reloading the game. 



        <CESkill Id="Prostitution" Name="{=CEEVENTS1106}Prostitution" MinLevel="0" />
        <CESkill Id="IsProstitute" Name="{=CEEVENTS1104}prostitute" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="1" SetZeroOnEscape="true" />
        <CESkill Id="Slavery" Name="{=CEEVENTS1105}Slavery" MinLevel="0" SetZeroOnEscape="true"/>
        <CESkill Id="IsSlave" Name="{=CEEVENTS1103}slave" MinLevel="0" MaxLevel="1" SetZeroOnEscape="true" />



Any way to fix this?


Current Version M&B: 1.0.2

Current Version CE:

Current Version CEDefault:


Also, is there any plan to also bring back the ability to "Change what He/She is wearing"?

Without looking at the code, pretty sure that means set to 0 once you no longer are a prostitute/slave.  Though could've sworn slavery stat was used outside of slavery events as well.


As for the issue, never reload a CE game from within a game session.  If you want to load a save, save, quit out, and relaunch the game and load that save. Not 100% sure why since Banner Kings doesn't have issues with their custom skills, but then again Banner King skills aren't hidden.

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Is anyone else getting the "Index was outside the bounds of the array." exception when loading saves since yesterday's Silent Patch? I am only asuming its related to this mod because i have no other mods besides captivity events.

Like if you played for a few hours and then try to load that save you get that crash. Something to do with Overflow from what i read but i am not an expert.


Upon further investigation the error is not happening due to the update. (I rolled mods and game back to 1.0.2 and the crash still happened.)

So I have no clue what is causing the crash. But this is the only mod i am using so hopefully someone here knows

Edited by A Random Dude5
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Whenever I pay 2000 G to blackmail one of the female prisoners into joining my clan, it doesn't seem to work.  I get a message that "has joined" my clan without a name saying who has joined.  They do not appear in my clan list.  I got one of them up to enough affection that she asked my male character to impregnate her, but she is still in my prisoner list.  How do I get them to join permanently?


EDIT:  I figured it out.  A random even after impregnating her occurred, and she begged to join my clan.


One new issue is that a generated captive seems to lose all of her prostitute, affection, etc stats on game reload.  Also, I had a captive - whom I was careful not to sell at the tavern or the brothel - disappear from my prisoners list.  Funny thing about that is that I looked her up in the encyclopedia, and she was "Staying at Jalmarys" for some strange reason, when I was over by the Khurzait empire when this happened.  I went to Jalmarys and hired her on as a companion at the tavern.  She was still pregnant, so I am sure it was the same prisoner who "vanished".


I'm really loving this mod because of the flavor and brutal realism that it adds to the medieval experience.  Unfortunately, I got a crash with the alchemist when I chose to kill him, and neither of the "Let her rest in piece." options work, in that they both crash the game.  Here is the call stack:


- Reasons

Source: mscorlib

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

- Inner exception

Source: CaptivityEvents

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

- Callstacks

Protip: Use a debugger like dnSpy or Visual studio to trace the source of error, by stepping the program line by line. You can restart with dnSpy attached.

Inner exception callstack:
   at CaptivityEvents.Events.MenuCallBackDelegateCaptor.ConsequenceKillPrisoner(MenuCallbackArgs& args)
   at CaptivityEvents.Events.MenuCallBackDelegateCaptor.CaptorConsequenceGameMenu(MenuCallbackArgs args)
   at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameMenus.GameMenuOption.RunConsequence(MenuContext menuContext)
Outer exception callstack:
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at TaleWorlds.Library.Common.InvokeWithLog(MethodInfo methodInfo, Object obj, Object[] args)
   at TaleWorlds.Library.ViewModel.ExecuteCommand_Patch1(ViewModel this, String commandName, Object[] parameters)
   at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.Data.GauntletView.OnCommand(String command, Object[] args)
   at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget.EventFired(String eventName, Object[] args)
   at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.HandleClick()
   at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.OnMouseReleased()
   at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.EventManager.MouseUp()
   at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.UIContext.UpdateInput(InputType handleInputs)
   at TaleWorlds.ScreenSystem.ScreenManager.Update()
   at TaleWorlds.ScreenSystem.ScreenManager.Tick_Patch1(Single dt, Boolean activeMouseVisible)
Edited by Leowulf
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I'm on 1.0.3 and can't get this mod to load. It doesn't even crash on load, just closes without any loading screen or error. I've never encountered that with any other BL mod.


I've tried unblocking the dlls, tried both downloading from here and nexus, removed all other mods except the requirements and played around with load order.


Edit: Solved it =P Somehow I had managed to miss installing the Mod Configuration Menu....

Edited by Isabbah
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Hey sorry if being a pain and if this is the wrong place to ask but i have this mod and a few event mods for it and i am getting this strange issue here i am unsure what mod the event is from and i was hoping someone here might know so that i can try work out how to fix this issue.





Edited by WolfPack51942
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3 hours ago, WolfPack51942 said:

Hey sorry if being a pain and if this is the wrong place to ask but i have this mod and a few event mods for it and i am getting this strange issue here i am unsure what mod the event is from and i was hoping someone here might know so that i can try work out how to fix this issue.


  Reveal hidden contents



just move the mod name to the X:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules u dont need votex or any of that shit plz.. steam mods isnt any problem to mix and match ...


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For save games that are throwing

Type: System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Source: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem
1. at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(int index, int countChange, int woundedCountChange, int xpChange, bool removeDepleted)


Important that it's IndexOutOfRangeException and not NullReferenceException.

You can follow these instructions to patch your game.

This is for V1.0.2. Changes are lines (in pastebin), 38-39, 54, 124-138.


Source: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/688?tab=posts


If it's NullReferenceException then you can try

MOD BUG FIX - related to custom culture and changing culture mod : Bannerlord (reddit.com)

Or follow the pastebin instructions above and replace lines 125 to 138 with

			catch (NullReferenceException)
				InformationManager.DisplayMessage(new InformationMessage(string.Format("Caught NullReferenceException")));


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Save Game crashes:


After experiencing multiple save game crashes upon loading and receiving the crash error I posted earlier (the TroopRoster issue), I pinpointed to throwing prisoners into the brothel!

After removing TBzCaptivity mod that added non Vanilla heroes (which caused very frequent crashes and save game corruptions), I started saving very frequently and naming the saves accordingly. That's when I noticed that loading saves after buying a brothel and having Hero prisoners put in, those saves become corrupt and start getting crashes upon loading them. 

Once I stopped putting prisoners into the brothel (owning a brothel does not currupt the saves), I no longer had any issues with loading saves!


My two cents, if this helps...

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On 1/17/2023 at 9:24 PM, sinph said:

Without looking at the code, pretty sure that means set to 0 once you no longer are a prostitute/slave.  Though could've sworn slavery stat was used outside of slavery events as well.


As for the issue, never reload a CE game from within a game session.  If you want to load a save, save, quit out, and relaunch the game and load that save. Not 100% sure why since Banner Kings doesn't have issues with their custom skills, but then again Banner King skills aren't hidden.


Thanks for your reply. 

Having to exit the game to reload a save is tedious, but it is what it is!

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On 2/5/2023 at 10:18 PM, GamerzZ said:

Save Game crashes:


After experiencing multiple save game crashes upon loading and receiving the crash error I posted earlier (the TroopRoster issue), I pinpointed to throwing prisoners into the brothel!

After removing TBzCaptivity mod that added non Vanilla heroes (which caused very frequent crashes and save game corruptions), I started saving very frequently and naming the saves accordingly. That's when I noticed that loading saves after buying a brothel and having Hero prisoners put in, those saves become corrupt and start getting crashes upon loading them. 

Once I stopped putting prisoners into the brothel (owning a brothel does not currupt the saves), I no longer had any issues with loading saves!


My two cents, if this helps...


Yes, I faced this problem too. Brothels without noble prostitutes bring little profit, this needs to be fixed.

Edited by sss1sss11
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I can't seem to find anything about this, was wondering if there was a way to make the slavery events harder? Right now you basically have to WANT to be enslaved in order to get enslaved. It's pretty easy to escape.


Edit: you know what this was kind of a dumb question. It's specifically the TBevents that are too easy. So maybe wrong place to ask

Edited by fiecl
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On 1/29/2023 at 12:49 PM, jgvtmcxihxvtghzpzz said:

For save games that are throwing

Type: System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Source: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem
1. at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(int index, int countChange, int woundedCountChange, int xpChange, bool removeDepleted)


Important that it's IndexOutOfRangeException and not NullReferenceException.

You can follow these instructions to patch your game.

This is for V1.0.2. Changes are lines (in pastebin), 38-39, 54, 124-138.


Source: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/688?tab=posts


If it's NullReferenceException then you can try

MOD BUG FIX - related to custom culture and changing culture mod : Bannerlord (reddit.com)

Or follow the pastebin instructions above and replace lines 125 to 138 with

			catch (NullReferenceException)
				InformationManager.DisplayMessage(new InformationMessage(string.Format("Caught NullReferenceException")));



Oh my god this worked thank you so much

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"Leveling for Brothel - Leveling up the brothel for more profit." - I know that named NPCs tossed in there can level up their personal prostitution skill, but can the brothels themselves be leveled up?  If so, how?  Or was this just me misunderstanding the statement?


Next, what are the exact effects of making a prisoner into a slave, in game terms of game mechanics?  Or is it just a flavor thing?

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