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why did you delete it? oh, why?


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There's a myriad reasons.

The comments could've become too toxic or useless to continue improving the mod "HURR UR MOD BROKE M'GAME!" without giving information (that's why I quit).

The moderators could've been applying pressure. The author themselves could've just wanted to quit or restart from a clean slate, etc.
Maybe they're migrating to Steam if it's Oldrim or Bethnet and don't want their mod to be left on the Nexus.

Mod Piracy could also be a problem, if their mod is being posted places they don't want and people using outdated versions come to yell at them constantly.

Lotta potential reasons. I would suggest you don't PM them about it btw, if they quit they probably don't want spam, especially if quitting was brought on by that first reason.

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Just now, Mr.Otaku said:

Which one would that be?

Fucked if know. I just wanted to answer with something as vague as the orginal topic, I would say question but one wasn't directly asked, just inferred.

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Disrespect with modders is bad.

Be it the scripter or the landscaper, a modder spend a lot of time to improve the game.

Those kids who disrespect us dont have a clue of how much time-consuming modding is.

With this being said, a modder can hide his mod if he feels his work is being bashed. It is his right.

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Seems he got his feelings hurt on a Japanese mod index site and took his ball and went home.


I think the strong ownership culture of modding especially in Skyrim isn't very healthy. Some people will always want to take ownership like this, but a lot just follow the culture ... in a more open source type culture people are more likely to just walk away instead of trashing everything on their way out.

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On 1/30/2020 at 11:50 AM, v48342 said:

I just found out a mod in the nexus was deleted. A mod that I liked and that I was following. Now I wonder what reasons could possibly make someone ultimately delete their own creation after working so hard at the beginning.

In a lot of cases, I expect it usually involves two things. First, you must be immature or conceited enough to assume the world owes you anything to begin with. Second, you must be petty or vindictive enough to take a gift back from one person to spite another.


I'm certain the particular case in question is a noble exception, of course. (And to be clear, there may be legitimate outside reason in some cases. Like, say, a letter from the lawyers of Tolkien's estate and so on.)

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Well to be sure - it's the internet. Once uploaded it now has a life of it's own, and can pop up at anytime, anywhere (within reason).


Many sites in other countries (Hi Russia!) do what they want without regard to 'the world' so these are the places you may find re-uploads of things 'removed'.


I believe the above comments pretty well cover 'WHY"?

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On 1/30/2020 at 12:19 PM, Wolfsy said:

One of the reasons modauthors delete their own mods is because of disrespect, people taking their mods claiming it's theirs and uploading it somewhere else, or taking assets from their mods to reuse in a new mod without asking permission, and other things like that.

you pretty much hit the nail on the head as to why I have my mods licensed under Creative Commons No Deriv, are closed with permissions, and I've filed 3 (three) DMCAs in the last 6 months alone from people stealing and reuploading my content.

LoversLab has been my last resort since ModDB is fairly inactive, and I was yote (past tense of yeet) from the Nexus a while back for something that didn't even break the rules.

If I'm gone from here, I'll host my own website on Google Sites, post Drive links to my own subreddit, or one of the million other options.

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On 1/31/2020 at 3:19 AM, PinkyAndTheBrain said:

Seems he got his feelings hurt on a Japanese mod index site and took his ball and went home.


I think the strong ownership culture of modding especially in Skyrim isn't very healthy. Some people will always want to take ownership like this, but a lot just follow the culture ... in a more open source type culture people are more likely to just walk away instead of trashing everything on their way out.


This is just as selfish as taking your ball and going home and 100% hypocritical.


You didn't spend the time or energy making the mod. The modder does not owe you a fucking thing. Period.

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19 minutes ago, 27X said:

You didn't spend the time or energy making the mod. The modder does not owe you a fucking thing. Period.

this is partially why I have a love-hate relationship with modding.


Sometimes you feel appreciated when everybody loves your work!

But then some people in the community start making demands, because they think the modders owe them mods or something.


It's absolutely infuriating.

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On 2/2/2020 at 7:49 PM, 27X said:


This is just as selfish as taking your ball and going home and 100% hypocritical.


You didn't spend the time or energy making the mod. The modder does not owe you a fucking thing. Period.

Reread what I said, I didn't say the modders owe me anything ...


Yes, it serves my purpose as a player as well if modders are less possessive, but regardless I think it's healthier for everyone involved. A culture where source is included by default and closed source mods are the odd man out is friendlier. Less salt is better for the blood pressure.

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 I am japanese, but have not test his mods (most of them seems really interesting, now they seems disappear from nexus)

then I could find log which cause the author decision.


what I feel about this case, I do not know why the author get so nervous about some bad  comments from "no names"


I understand, author can free delete their mod as they like. and As user, we may better to show many thanks for mod author.

but if you offer something for public, at same time you may got  un-expected reaction . It is web. 

if all mod author show same attitude, maybe  most of us leave nexus.  


Then I know he have all right about his mod, but  nexus user still  have right to talk free about mod author attitude

how he up-load and how he keep up-date, or  delete them when they up-load mod in nexus. 


Yes modder is great people for user (who do not make it by themself) , but  if mod author refuse any cirticism  or any negative comment about his mod,

 he may better discribe so when up-load to public.  In spite of hide mods from nexus.  He could  ignore comment which he think un-useful.


If he could think about  other user who follow and offer feed back and thanks him, he should not just hide them without any comments.

the attitude was immatuate for me.


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On 2/4/2020 at 3:36 AM, PinkyAndTheBrain said:

Reread what I said, I didn't say the modders owe me anything ...


Yes, it serves my purpose as a player as well if modders are less possessive, but regardless I think it's healthier for everyone involved. A culture where source is included by default and closed source mods are the odd man out is friendlier. Less salt is better for the blood pressure.


No, that was actually the post below yours by, whoever.

But your analogy of "Taking their ball and going home." Suggests the spoilt little kid that wasn't allowed to win so as it was his ball he stopped the game by taking his ball away.


A better analogy would be an adult left a ball in a park for kids to play with but one day decided, for whatever reason, the kids were not playing nicely and so the next day the kids arrived to find there was no ball. They would now have to provide their own ball... And there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth.


I have no idea why this mod was taken down and yes, it disappoints me when I look for a mod and find it's been removed but it's not like anyone has taken something away that I have paid for. It was free. It wasn't a gift, it was just there to use if you wanted to and then it wasn't and people were disappointed but don't think that those people, consumers, like me, were owed anything. We aren't. If the ball isn't there one day, well it was never mine in the first place. Move on.

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On 2/5/2020 at 8:32 AM, greenmango12 said:

what I feel about this case, I do not know why the author get so nervous about some bad  comments from "no names"

Maybe that it happened on a Japanese language forum? He might expect more decorum there than on Nexus and less flinging of dung rice (that's as far as google translate got me).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has the number of mod-makers 'relocating' to Patreon increased?


Everyone wants to get rich, even if it requires using someone else's code to build a mod with to sell.... for a game one didn't create.


Ah, Capitalism, watching the drama unfold year after year.


I thank every person whom decided they could make my gaming experience better by spending a crazy amount of time to create these things. Unless your work is hidden behind a paywall, then I don't know your work - sorry.

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