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SLA Modular is a half-finished abandoned project and works very differently than classic SLA and its branches (like SLAX). Changing from it to a classic SLA branch on an active game could break things. It's only from SLA(R) -> SLAX that you should be able to upgrade on an active game without issues.

Looking at your log, some stacks fail on my functions (the ones suffixed N) and some on an unchanged function (LewdMod). I cannot make much of it besides the common denominator that the caller is almost always Disparity, though I see no good reason for it to be an issue.

Try uninstalling SLAX and everything dependent on it, clean saving, and installing them again.

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Thanks. So right now I have SLAX + Abdulla patch + Tenri patch. Do I need to include OsmelMC tweak?


Also I am trying to use Baka keywords trough SLAX to trigger events in BaboDialogue. The keywords it requires are different from those in SLAX though similar. Anyone know which ones in SLAX specifically work for BaboDialogue?

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9 hours ago, Dawndrake said:

Thanks. So right now I have SLAX + Abdulla patch + Tenri patch. Do I need to include OsmelMC tweak?


Also I am trying to use Baka keywords trough SLAX to trigger events in BaboDialogue. The keywords it requires are different from those in SLAX though similar. Anyone know which ones in SLAX specifically work for BaboDialogue?

I've fixed the issue Tenri's patch dealt with in my files also. In fact, my version of the fix should be more appropriate. The mechanic Tenri's patch fixes is a cooldown before some exhibitionism stuff happens getting broken after playing for a period of time, saving, closing and reopening the game, and then continuing from that save. As I see from the source of their page11 post linked above, Tenri did away with the entire mechanic which is a way of eliminating the problem, I guess.

I kept the mechanic and fixed it to work as intended in my files, with the cooldown functioning and all. What I'm getting at is, if you plan on using my files then you shouldn't use Tenri's fixes, since we modify the same file.

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4 hours ago, A Little Kitten said:


Does anybody know what does this mean?




You likely overwrote SLAX with something not compatible.  Only overwrite SLAX with SLAX's patches.

Example: SLSO has scripts for old SLAR and if you let it overwrite SLAX it will break it.


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I made another attempt at optimizing SLAX's performance, this time by trying my hand at SKSE after finally setting up an environment for compiling. I know OSLAroused is a thing now, but it's not drop-in-replacement ready for SLAX yet for one, and I have other projects that would require me to make a plugin anyway for another.

While the performance increase over even my previous optimization is staggering, keep in mind that this is my first attempt at SKSE so things could break. It's mostly used for math in these SLAX scripts though which is why I'm posting it here for brave souls to playtest. FWIW, I've brought it to a state where I can't get it to crash my game and where it actually produces the expected results so \o/.


The speed really went up though. Periodic SLAX updates which go through pretty much the full package of SLAX's factions/values/etc went down to taking ~60ms per actor at 60fps, regardless of how many actors were scanned, or their dress state. It is also no longer actor count capped, as all arrays are made dynamically in SKSE, and handles every actor in range.

With my previous optimized scripts that time was at minimum ~340ms at 60fps, and increasing slightly as naked actors went up. Original SLA/SLAX are not even in the competition, reaching the point of taking literally dozens of seconds with a bunch of scanned actors. See here for more detailed numbers.

Calls like GetActorArousal or UpdateActorExposure take ~35ms to return down from ~300 with my previous scripts and down from ~600ms in original SLAX.


Do note that this is still 100% SLAX. I've simply moved a bunch of math from Papyrus to SKSE and created some convenient functions like for getting sexes/names or bulk setting faction ranks to save time. There is still more that can be done, mainly optimizations to SLAX's event listeners (like SL anim start, orgasms, etc) which I've barely touched. But I'd rather get some feedback on whether this whole SKSE thing plays well on other people's setups before considering those.


Unlike before, I'm only attatching slaFrameworkScr and slamainscr now, and not the scanner Quest scripts. This is because the scans were moved to SKSE so those quests aren't used anymore. And in the 7z there is also the SKSE plugin, of course.

As a sidenote, the other functions documented in ODCommon.psc (the plugin's Papyrus interface) are also tested to the same extend. No crashes and expected results. So if someone wants to mess with them in their own projects be my guest and do provide feedback.


Edit: I did a whoopsie and left slamainscr with updates disabled periodically but triggering on keypress, which is what I was using for testing. Fixed now.

Edit2: Removed some leftover debug messages and actually added a creature filter for naked actors, like original scanners had, which I forgot about.


Edit3: I didn't clarify properly but this plugin is for SE only.




Edited by abdulah2
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3 hours ago, abdulah2 said:

I made another attempt at optimizing SLAX's performance, this time by trying my hand at SKSE after finally setting up an environment for compiling. I know OSLAroused is a thing now, but it's not drop-in-replacement ready for SLAX yet for one, and I have other projects that would require me to make a plugin anyway for another.

While the performance increase over even my previous optimization is staggering, keep in mind that this is my first attempt at SKSE so things *could* break. It's mostly used for math in these SLAX scripts though which is why I'm posting it here for brave souls to playtest. FWIW, I've brought it to a state where I can't get it to crash my game and where it actually produces the expected results so \o/.


The speed really went up though. Periodic SLAX updates which go through pretty much the full package of SLAX's factions/values/etc went down to taking ~60ms per actor at 60fps, regardless of how many actors were scanned, or their dress state. It is also no longer actor count capped, as all arrays are made dynamically in SKSE, and handles every actor in range.

With my previous optimized scripts that time was at minimum ~340ms at 60fps, and increasing slightly as naked actors went up. Original SLA/SLAX are not even in the competition, reaching the point of taking literally dozens of seconds with a bunch of scanned actors. See here for more detailed numbers.

Calls like *GetActorArousal* or *UpdateActorExposure* take ~35ms to return down from ~300 with my previous scripts and down from ~600ms in original SLAX.


Do note that this is still 100% SLAX. I've simply moved a bunch of math from Papyrus to SKSE and created some convenient functions like for getting sexes/names or bulk setting faction ranks to save time. There is still more that can be done, mainly optimizations to SLAX's event listeners (like SL anim start, orgasms, etc) which I've barely touched. But I'd rather get some feedback on whether this whole SKSE thing plays well on other people's setups before considering those.


Unlike before, I'm only attatching *slaFrameworkScr* and *slamainscr* now, and not the scanner Quest scripts. This is because the scans were moved to SKSE so those quests aren't used anymore. And in the 7z there is also the SKSE plugin, of course.

As a sidenote, the other functions documented in *ODCommon.psc* (the plugin's Papyrus interface) are also tested to the same extend. No crashes and expected results. So if someone wants to mess with them in their own projects be my guest and do provide feedback.



skse_test.7z 279.86 kB · 3 downloads


A while ago, I added the latest extended list of BakaFactory/FactoryClsoe keywords to the Unofficial SLAX SE version.

UnOfficial 2021-07-31 SLAX SE - 2019-10-21(Lupine00) + Edits 8(with Tenri Fixes) + (MasterDev sla_util_SKSE2.0.17) + (BakaFactory 2020-11-17 Keywords update).7z


Besides including the patches available at the time, it also has the keywords.  If the keywords have not been added to the LE version, now it is a good time to do so. Recall that I moved 3 factions to make space for some keywords because of formId conflict.  It is good somebody with the skills is trying to make it better. 

With the keyword added, it becomes more compatible with the newest version of FactoryClose mods.


Posted the link to the file, it can be used to copy the keywords to the LE version with xEdit, be careful with the Form44 format tag.

It is better to get the keywords copy from the SLAR baka LE version and evade the forms being copied with form44 format.



Edited by safado
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12 hours ago, safado said:


A while ago, I added the latest extended list of BakaFactory/FactoryClsoe keywords to the Unofficial SLAX SE version.

UnOfficial 2021-07-31 SLAX SE - 2019-10-21(Lupine00) + Edits 8(with Tenri Fixes) + (MasterDev sla_util_SKSE2.0.17) + (BakaFactory 2020-11-17 Keywords update).7z 259.93 kB · 1,315 downloads


Besides including the patches available at the time, it also has the keywords.  If the keywords have not been added to the LE version, now it is a good time to do so. Recall that I moved 3 factions to make space for some keywords because of formId conflict.  It is good somebody with the skills is trying to make it better. 

With the keyword added, it becomes more compatible with the newest version of FactoryClose mods.


Posted the link to the file, it can be used to copy the keywords to the LE version with xEdit, be careful with the Form44 format tag.

It is better to get the keywords copy from the SLAR baka LE version and evade the forms being copied with form44 format.




The plugin I made is for SE, not LE. It's intended to be an additional plugin along with MasterDev's. We both simply add some Papyrus functions. I haven't made any .esm changes and I myself am not too familiar with Baka keywords and their implementation. I'm using your unofficial SLAX for SE that you posted in page 27 as the base I'm working on. My files are simply performance upgrades over that, so if the Baka keywords were implemented and working there then my files shouldn't change that.

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3 hours ago, abdulah2 said:


The plugin I made is for SE, not LE. It's intended to be an additional plugin along with MasterDev's. We both simply add some Papyrus functions. I haven't made any .esm changes and I myself am not too familiar with Baka keywords and their implementation. I'm using your unofficial SLAX for SE that you posted in page 27 as the base I'm working on. My files are simply performance upgrades over that, so if the Baka keywords were implemented and working there then my files shouldn't change that.



I'm was not aware that it was an SE only update, because I'm currently using OSLAroused instead.  Will try it if I need to start a new game again.

I was thinking to retry adding the keywords to SLAX LE.  I was not successful in maintaining form43 format the first time because my tools are for SE.  Will try forcing xedit to do TES5.


Edited by safado
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22 hours ago, abdulah2 said:

@XiaronThe script edits from here work fine on any version because Papyrus scripts didn't change at all with game updates. The SKSE plugin I posted just above, and the scripts in that 7z, are  for SE only though.

Thanks for clarifying that, and for the updates!

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  • 2 weeks later...


There are 4 major game versions as far as SKSE plugins are concerned: LE, SE (up to version 1.5.97), AE (which is SE 1.6+), and VR. Plugins made for one of these will not work on the others.

The download in the OP contains an LE .dll so it won't work on SE or AE. You're trying to use an LE .dll on AE so you get this error.

There is an unofficial conversion for SE here but this still won't work on AE. To my knowledge there is no official or unofficial AE port for this mod.

Edited by abdulah2
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11 hours ago, DasKebab said:

sla_plugin.dll : LE plugin cannot be used with SE

Im using Special Edition 1.6, am I downloading the wrong version here?


The only Sexlab Aroused Redux "variant" mod that is created for Skyrim SE1.5/1.6(AE) compatibility is OSLAroused.  Is not a direct variant, but is designed to be compatible by using a "stub/proxy" plugin and scripts to redirect the logic.   It also has Factoryclose's lewd keywords and factions for his mods. 


It have 3 plugins:

  • OSLAroused.esp: Main mod, you need this enabled.   Load order, not important for this plugin, and It is ESL flagged.
  • OAroused.esp: optional Stub/proxy, enable only if you want Oaroused compatibility. 
  • SexLabAroused.esm: optional Stub/proxy, enable only if you want SLAR with Baka Keywords compatibility.


There are no patches for it, so do not overwrite it.



Primary Features/Goals

  • Performance - The core of the system is written in a native SKSE dll to reduce script load
    • There is no script polling or cloaks, any and all perimeter checks are run within native code.
    • All data is managed within the OSLAroused SKSE cosave, *not* Papyrus Utils. This allows for better state management, and players can clear all data at any point from within MCM. (Ie. Significantly reduces and user can solve co-save bloat that SL Aroused traditionally causes)

  • New Arousal Mechanics - Complete redesign of how Arousal is updated over time. Performance improvements allow for a more dynamic and reactive system.
    • A "Baseline Arousal" value tracks what an actors arousal wants to move towards over time. This is impacted by things such as Being Naked, Viewing Naked Actors, Wearing Lewd Clothes, Wearing Devices, Sex Scene Participation, etc... This allows for arousal to be impacted by an actors current "State".
    • "Current Arousal" value tracks an actors overall arousal value. It will want to gradually move towards the actors current Baseline Arousal.
    • "Libido" value represents the minimum baseline arousal. It very slowly moves towards the actors current arousal level.


  • Keyword Configuration - Built in support for adding keywords to armor at runtime. Currently just Bakas "EroticArmor" and SLS "Bikini" keywords, but trivial for me to add additional keywords (or ability for users to define there own) if there is desire.


  • Backwards Compatible - Should Work with majority of mods using SL Aroused or OAroused without requiring any patches. (Note: Ive only tested a subset of mods, so especially in this pre-alpha state likely many mods that I will need to make updates to properly support if they use SLAroused in funky ways)


  • Minimal Dependencies - All unneccessary dependencies are pruned, and neither sexlab nor Ostim are required to run this mod. The adapters for each framework are loaded at runtime if those mods are installed.


  • Cross Framework Arousal - Because this is a replacement for both OAroused and SL Aroused, It acts to bridge the arousal system between both frameworks so they both share the same arousal state.


Edited by safado
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/25/2019 at 5:27 AM, Lupine00 said:

SexLab Aroused eXtended

View File

SLAX - SexLab Aroused eXtended



What is this?


It is a drop-in replacement for SexLab Aroused (SLA), or SexLab Aroused Redux (SLAR).


This is a work-in progress, but I believe the uploaded version is stable.

(Latest upload is 2019-10-21 - see bottom of page for more details).


In the uploaded version, you get:

  • some performance improvements
  • some bug fixes
  • an overhauled MCM
  • you can configure the keywords on armor in game via the MCM
  • SLSO integration is built-in, no need for a patch
  • also works fine without SLSO
  • huge set of built-in factions for sexual preferences and fame
  • extended keywords for clothing


Yes, it really can change the keywords on armor at runtime. No need to edit your ESP to make an armor item into a bikini or set an item to be sexy. You can also flag high-heels.

It also supports the Babo extended keywords, so you can integrate with SexLab Approach Redux and SexLab Horrible Harrassment Expansion, and SexLab Survival.

It also uses StorageUtil tags to indicate outfit type.


SLAX extended keywords/clothing-tags also work in SexLab Disparity, though SLD has no specific bikini support, it respects several others (heels, sexy, slooty, respectable, ragged).


SLSO integration is built-in - SLSO is not required, this is a soft dependency.

Do NOT install the SLSO patch for SLA(R) over this - I believe it claims to be something to do with Animation Appropriate Arousal in the SLSO FOMOD.

If you install the SLA(R) SLSO patch onto SLAX, you will break SLAX completely.


Clothing keywords you might care about:

  • Sexy
  • Slooty
  • Illegal
  • Respectable
  • Ragged
  • High-Heels
  • Bikini



The eventual intent is to deliver new arousal simulations, with built-in sex addiction.

Emphasis on 'responsive' arousal, denial, and slave training. All models will work for PC or NPC.



Why would you want it?


  • Run-time keyword editing and extra clothing keywords
  • SLSO integration is slightly better than what SLSO gives you with its SLA(R) patch.
  • MCM makes it easier to check your status, follower status, NPC status, and manage sexy items.
  • Performs a little better too; the main arousal calculations are in C++
  • Fixes a serious scan-locking bug that's been in SLA(R) since forever.
  • Fixes some other SLA(R) bugs too.
  • Massive set of built-in factions for modders to use. Really. Massive. Open the ESP and see for yourself.


The date on the current upload is correct; it was written back in August.

It has a known bug that means that it has problems recognising naked NPCs in a timely manner. I will fix the bug and re-upload soon.

The bug won't break your game, but it makes it harder to get a crowd excited when soliciting naked etc.

The fix is a tiny script change, but I need to put the old code back in my dev environment to compile it, so I'll do that ASAP.



What's happening next?


I've done a major rewrite since the uploaded version, and discarded that, and now doing another - so I'm on rewrite number-three now.

I want to push an upload of the current work-in-progress, but it's not ready for it yet.


I have a design for detailed addiction system, which handles just about anything you could think of.

Perhaps not all of it will ever be implemented, but certainly some useful amount should be possible.

The newest architecture will allow for more work per character - the problem is primarily not the simulation, but establishing worn items and devices, and the presence of other environmental factors that modify arousal.



How to install


This is a drop-in replacement for SexLab Aroused or SexLab Aroused Redux.

It requires no files from those older mods.

If you use MO, you can simply untick them.

If you use NMM, you can either overwrite, or uninstall SLA(R) and install SLAX, it's up to you.

You can put it into an existing game; it does not require a clean save.


It does not require a SLSO patch, it already has one.

It will not work with any animation appropriate arousal patch/mod (and shouldn't need that either).


It requires only: SKSE, SkyUI, and SexLab 1.62 (will work with older SexLab versions too, but I haven't checked which ones).

It contains a SKSE plugin. It will not work with SSE until I port the plugin.



The spoiler below has a list of some of the factions (warning, long list):

  Reveal hidden contents

Factions in the ESP - these aren't the actual faction names, these are just my design notes for them:


  • Dominant - dominant actors go in this faction (they enjoy domination, doesn't mean they are doing it)
  • Submissive - submissive actors go in this faction (they enjoy submission, doesn't mean they are slaves)
  • BondageLover - actors who like to be in bondage go in this faction
  • BondageMaster - actors who like to put others in bondage go in this faction
  • Reluctant - actors who say no, and deny they like things that they like (see other factions), but will cooperate if pressed
  • Slave - actors who are slaves go in this faction
  • Master - actors who are slave-masters go in this faction
  • Slaver - actors who like to buy slaves go in this faction
  • TopSlave - actors who are slaves who like to or are expected to, boss other slaves about go in this faction (this is mainly a job, not a disposition) - use this for slaves that are required to discipline other slaves
  • Broken - actors who have negligable willpower and will do whatever a dominant type tells them.
  • SexAddict - actors who cannot resist sex
  • SkoomaAddict - actors who have acquired an addiction to skooma, specifically
  • LactacidAddict - actors addicted to lactacid, specifically, and considered distinct from skooma
  • MilkAddict
  • RubberLover - actors who like rubber, to wear, or to put others in - see their other factions for how they exhibit this
  • LeatherLover - actors who like leather, to wear or to put others in
  • ChainsLover - actors who like chains, etc.
  • PonyLover - actors who like pony action (costumes and carts, but not necessarily sex with horses)
  • BeastSexLover - actors who like sex with dogs, horses, and other domestic beasts
  • MonsterSexLover - actors who like sex with nasty things, like chaurus, spiders, trolls, draugr, etc. (maybe this needs to be finer grained?)
  • VampireLover - actors who are hot for vampires, and probably want to be one - may in fact already be one and get off on the fact
  • WerewolfLover - see above, but for werewolves - the Companions, basically
  • FalmerLover
  • DraugrLover
  • SprigganLover
  • TrollLover
  • MilkFan - actors who like boobs and milking - see their other factions for their role in this
  • MilkMaid - actor who produces lots of milk, whether they like it or not (see above for whether maid is willing)
  • AttractedToMales
  • AttractedToFemales
  • AttractedToFutas
  • Sadist


  • PainHated
  • PainDisliked
  • PainIndifferent
  • PainLiked
  • PainLoved
  • PainNeeded


  • WeaponLicensed
  • WeaponBanned
  • MagicLicensed
  • MagicBanned
  • ArmorLicensed
  • ArmorBanned
  • ClothesLicensed
  • ClothesBanned


  • BondageHated
  • BondageDisliked
  • BondageIndifferent
  • BondageLiked
  • BondageLoved
  • BondageNeeded


  • Caged
  • InFurniture
  • VisiblyBound
  • VisiblyChaste
  • Gagged
  • VisiblyFrustrated
  • Starving - avoids having to know how a specific mod tracks hunger
  • Thirsty - as above
  • Beaten - actor has been recently beaten, showing visible wounds, same purpose as above
  • SkoomaWithdrawal
  • LactacidWithdrawal


  • MilkSlave - actor subjugated to the level of a human cow, who acts, and is treated, like an animal
  • MilkBound - really wants to be milked somehow
  • BoobsGiant - has boobs of remarkably large size
  • SkoomaRavaged - actors has used far too much skooma for far too long, and visibly shows it
  • SkoomaFaded - as above, but less so
  • BoobsTiny
  • BoobsNice
  • BoobsAmazing
  • BoobsBig
  • BoobsCow
  • BoobsEncumbering
  • AssTiny
  • AssNice
  • AssAmazing
  • AssBig
  • FaceUgly
  • FacePlain
  • FaceAverage
  • FacePretty
  • FaceBeautiful
  • FaceScarred
  • WeightSkinny
  • WeightFat
  • WeightMuscular
  • SizeBig
  • SizeSmall
  • CockSmall
  • CockAverage
  • CockBig
  • CockHuge
  • Slaver
  • Helpless
  • Dangerous


  • PublicSlut - join this if the actor has been seen publically slutting around
  • PublicWhore - join this if actor has been seen whoring
  • PublicRaped - join this if actor has been seen being raped
  • PublicBeastiality - join this if the actor has been seen having sex with dogs, horses, goats, chickens, etc
  • PublicSlave - join this if the actor has been publically known to be enslaved (not just collared)
  • LegalSlave - join this if the actor is legally considered a slave
  • Wench - working as a wench
  • CumCovered
  • UpperClass
  • LowerClass
  • Royal
  • Foreign
  • PublicAdventurer
  • NotoriousAdventurer
  • Hero
  • Scum
  • Maid
  • CageLover
  • Rapist
  • NakedLover
  • PublicNaked
  • SlaveTrained
  • AnalSlut
  • BeastSlut
  • DaedricSlut
  • PainSlut
  • Sleazy
  • Aggressive
  • Honorable
  • PublicCriminal
  • NotoriousCriminal
  • Hedonist
  • Gambler


For factions that represent addictions, aversions of fetishes, the rank will matter.



The spoiler section below has some details on StorageUtil tags used by SLAX:

  Reveal hidden contents


The StorageUtil interface is the core of any mod-integration, which is why I looked at that first. The keywords and factions are there so that it's easy to write CK condition checks against them, but I think that's a secondary feature.


To check any tag, it's just going to be:

StorageUtil.GetIntValue(armorItemForm, slaxTagName)> 0


or, if you want to merely use the SLAX value as an override for some default value of your own (which is what SLD does)...


If StorageUtil.HasIntValue(armorItemForm, slaxTagName)

    Return StorageUtil.GetIntValue(armorItemForm, slaxTagName) > 0



Note the > 0 here ... I'm extending the basic behaviour of SLA so that the tags are actually a value from 0 to 100, with 0 meaning "not this", and other other value signifying it is, but with an implication of some amount. So a slooty 1 item is less slooty than a slooty 100 item. Mods can simply test > 0, set a threshold, let players configure one, or behave incrementally.


The StorageUtil tag names are:

  • SLAroused.IsNakedArmor (unchanged)
  • SLAroused.IsBikiniArmor
  • SLAroused.IsSexyArmor
  • SLAroused.IsSlootyArmor
  • SLAroused.IsIllegalArmor
  • SLAroused.IsPoshArmor
  • SLAroused.IsKillerHeels


These will not change, you can write against them right now.


Using StorageUtil creates no dependencies, so I'm sure you can see how adding support this way only adds benefit for players. There's no downside. If they have an old SLA or SLAR, they will still be fine - just won't be able to set these flags.




The spoiler below lists the fetishes/addictions currently in the new SLAX arousal design:

  Reveal hidden contents

These items are taken from a table with some stats in, that aren't very interesting to discuss right now.Yellow items apply only during sex scenes.

Green items have special change mechanics.

Blue items are monsters.

Group sex (purple) has unique event strength.

Attractions don't stack with beast or monster races.




Male anal

Female Anal

Get Oral

Give oral

Attraction Male

Attracted Female

Attracted Futa

Group Sex


Cum drinker




Heavy Bondage

Pony (worn or seen)

Milk (partner)


Pregnancy (partner)



(stacks with specific kinds)














Being milked



Multi-orgasm (MO)


Denial factors in elsewhere.

Furniture isn't handled explicitly, it is a form of heavy-bondage. Beatings in furniture are pain + heavy-bondage, etc.


The following spoiler says some things about fatigue:

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Fatigue Application


Fatigue is applied as

X * (Arousal + K) / (Fatigue + K)


Where k controls the impact of fatigue.

We think of fatigue as being from 0 .. 100, so X is the basic excitability of the character.

We can probably just use X == K and have one value, the higher, the hornier.

What X and K are reasonable? Between 5 and 25 for normal people seems OK.

For slaves and sex-addicted characters, we vary MO and arousal levels, so fatigue should operate the same in all cases except denial. We add the denial factor to X and K.


Normally, MO is derived from the MO pseudo-fetish (randomly determined and fixed for NPCs, set by the player on the PC)

In slave mode, or if explicitly enabled, MO can increase from addiction effects.


The following spoiler says some things about denial:

  Reveal hidden contents

Denial arousal

Each day of denial adds a constant amount to a fatigue reduction value F.

F is then added to X and K for fatigue. Player can configure, but default is 1.0


Each orgasm reduces F by a constant amount.


Adding as much as 100 to X and K has an insane effect. Let the player set a cap value for the F that is applied (even if F is higher than this).



Applied F is capped at 50

F adds one per day

Orgasm removes 15 F

The PC is denied for 120 days (4 months) to get F 120

This still only applies 50 F

But the PC needs 70/15 = 4.6667 orgasms to drop F enough to see any reduction in its effect, and needs 120/15 = 8 orgasms to completely overcome their denial.


Partially randomizing F reduction per-orgasm might be good.


I was going to hold this back until I had a real beta version for people to try, but it seems worth creating this page, just for discussion alone.

  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    SKSE, SkyUI, SexLab 1.62
  • Special Edition Compatible



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Posted May 20 (edited)

I made another attempt at optimizing SLAX's performance, this time by trying my hand at SKSE after finally setting up an environment for compiling. I know OSLAroused is a thing now, but it's not drop-in-replacement ready for SLAX yet for one, and I have other projects that would require me to make a plugin anyway for another.

While the performance increase over even my previous optimization is staggering, keep in mind that this is my first attempt at SKSE so things could break. It's mostly used for math in these SLAX scripts though which is why I'm posting it here for brave souls to playtest. FWIW, I've brought it to a state where I can't get it to crash my game and where it actually produces the expected results so \o/.


The speed really went up though. Periodic SLAX updates which go through pretty much the full package of SLAX's factions/values/etc went down to taking ~60ms per actor at 60fps, regardless of how many actors were scanned, or their dress state. It is also no longer actor count capped, as all arrays are made dynamically in SKSE, and handles every actor in range.

With my previous optimized scripts that time was at minimum ~340ms at 60fps, and increasing slightly as naked actors went up. Original SLA/SLAX are not even in the competition, reaching the point of taking literally dozens of seconds with a bunch of scanned actors. See here for more detailed numbers.

Calls like GetActorArousal or UpdateActorExposure take ~35ms to return down from ~300 with my previous scripts and down from ~600ms in original SLAX.


Do note that this is still 100% SLAX. I've simply moved a bunch of math from Papyrus to SKSE and created some convenient functions like for getting sexes/names or bulk setting faction ranks to save time. There is still more that can be done, mainly optimizations to SLAX's event listeners (like SL anim start, orgasms, etc) which I've barely touched. But I'd rather get some feedback on whether this whole SKSE thing plays well on other people's setups before considering those.


Unlike before, I'm only attatching slaFrameworkScr and slamainscr now, and not the scanner Quest scripts. This is because the scans were moved to SKSE so those quests aren't used anymore. And in the 7z there is also the SKSE plugin, of course.

As a sidenote, the other functions documented in ODCommon.psc (the plugin's Papyrus interface) are also tested to the same extend. No crashes and expected results. So if someone wants to mess with them in their own projects be my guest and do provide feedback.


Edit: I did a whoopsie and left slamainscr with updates disabled periodically but triggering on keypress, which is what I was using for testing. Fixed now.

Edit2: Removed some leftover debug messages and actually added a creature filter for naked actors, like original scanners had, which I forgot about.


Edit3: I didn't clarify properly but this plugin is for SE only.



skse_test.7z 281.52 kB · 31 downloads

Edited May 21 by abdulah2

Thanks for the updates.  I'll give these a test and see how they go.  Any plans on an AE update?  I'm currently juggling an updated Skyrim AE and another version I haven't updated yet for my LL build.  It would be nice to stop juggling, but I'm not ready to give up some of my LL mods.

Edited by sattyre
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11 hours ago, kilowog01 said:

Help? I'm using AE 1.6.+

Captura de tela 2022-06-12 050733.png


Currently, the only SkyrimAE (SE 1.6) version of a mod that can replace SexLab Aroused  Redux (SLAR) or Sexlab Aroused eXtended (SLAX) is OSLaroused by@ozooma10.  SLAR should run in SkyrimSE or AE because it do not have an SKSE component, but OSLaroused uses SKSE64 DLL for performance boost.  Any mod that have an SKSE DLL need to be replaced with a SkyrimAE SKSE64 2.1.x compatible version. OSLaroused have that.

Recommend reading the description before using it.


Description copy from Nexus:

OSL Aroused - Arousal Reborn


OSL Aroused is a framework independent, SKSE based Arousal Framework. 
It is meant to be a drop-in replacement for both Sexlab Aroused and OAroused, and is fully backwards compatable with all mods using those frameworks.
This is not a direct port of either mod, but created from the ground up, with an SKSE core with the goal of minimizing Papyrus script load, while still being fully compatible with mods using either SL Aroused or OAroused.
You can use OSL Aroused if you run just Sexlab, Just OStim, Both Sexlab and Ostim, or neither. Integration with sex framework is automatically detected and enabled if you have the framework installed.

Primary Features/Goals


  • Performance - The core of the system is written in a native SKSE dll to reduce script load
    • There is no script polling or cloaks, any and all perimeter checks are run within native code.
    • All data is managed within the OSLAroused SKSE cosave, *not* Papyrus Utils. This allows for better state management, and players can clear all data at any point from within MCM. (Ie. Significantly reduces and user can solve co-save bloat that SL Aroused traditionally causes)

  • New Arousal Mechanics - Complete redesign of how Arousal is updated over time. Performance improvements allow for a more dynamic and reactive system.
    • A "Baseline Arousal" value tracks what an actors arousal wants to move towards over time. This is impacted by things such as Being Naked, Viewing Naked Actors, Wearing Lewd Clothes, Wearing Devices, Sex Scene Participation, etc... This allows for arousal to be impacted by an actors current "State".
    • "Current Arousal" value tracks an actors overall arousal value. It will want to gradually move towards the actors current Baseline Arousal.
    • "Libido" value represents the minimum baseline arousal. It very slowly moves towards the actors current arousal level.


  • Keyword Configuration - Built in support for adding keywords to armor at runtime. Currently, just "EroticArmor" and SLS "Bikini" keywords, but trivial for me to add additional keywords (or ability for users to define their own) if there is desire.


  • Backwards Compatible - Should Work with the majority of mods using SL Aroused or OAroused without requiring any patches. (Note: I've only tested a subset of mods, so especially in this pre-alpha state likely many mods that I will need to make updates to properly support if they use SLAroused in funky ways)


  • Minimal Dependencies - All unneccessary dependencies are pruned, and neither sexlab nor Ostim are required to run this mod. The adapters for each framework are loaded at runtime if those mods are installed.


  • Cross Framework Arousal - Because this is a replacement for both OAroused and SL Aroused, It acts to bridge the arousal system between both frameworks so they both share the same arousal state.




Place towards the bottom of your load order, MUST OVERWRITE ALL OTHER MODS (like SLSO)
Both AE and SSE versions are included in the FOMOD, just select correct version on install
If you do not use any mods that use OAroused, you can disable OAroused.esp
Shouldn't require any additional steps beyond removing from your load order
MCM Menu has lots of options.
Use the show arousal key (RCtrl default) while aiming at npc to edit there stats in mcm
Press while not aiming at npc to be able to edit player stats

This mod is built off the shoulders of Giants.
Anyone who worked on SLA or any variant (redneck2x, fishburger67, Lupine00, Baka and anyone else)
Sairon350 for OAroused
powerof3 whose amazing SKSE mods i used for references in learning SKSE

How Is It Backwards Compatible
Within the zip there is stubbed out versions of SexlabAroused.esm, OAroused.esp, OArousedScript.pex, slaFrameworkScr.pex, slaUtilScr.pex
The scripts redirect all mod requests to OSL Aroused which quickly pipes them to the native dll. OSL Aroused then keeps certain faction/global state that SexLab Aroused requires populated.
The "Adapter" scripts for sexlab/ostim are only loaded if the given framework is found, and handle managing arousal based off scenes.



As of version 2.0.0, the Arousal mechanics has been completely redesigned. These Mechanics should still largely be backwards compatible with sexlab aroused mods.
OSL Aroused uses a robust Arousal Management system, where both "state" and "event" based arousal modification is supported, Baseline Arousal represents the state of arousal the player "wants" to be in. And their Current Arousal will gradually move towards that value. Certain events can directly manipulate your arousal, which will gradually "normalize" back to baseline
Many settings are configurable in MCM and can help explain what is impacting what.
Historically, Arousal systems primarily drive arousal by a constant increase over time, and increasing arousal by a set amount based off events, or at set intervals if certain conditions are met. Although "Event Based" arousal modification can fit in with those systems rather nicely, there isn't really a mechanism to support "state based" arousal modification beyond just adding to arousal at a set interval. Designing this capability into the fundamental system I believe will  provide for a much more reactive system, and opens up a lot of possibilities for the future.
Core Attributes - there are 3 primary values that drive the underlying arousal system.



  • Current Arousal - This value is analogous to the historical Arousal value. It represents an actor's current arousal.
    • This value is modified over time based off Baseline Arousal. Also manipulated based off "Events" (ex. Plug Vibration, Actor Orgasm, Butt Slap, etc... Any "one time" action)
  • Baseline Arousal - Represents a "baseline" value that your Current Arousal wants to move towards over time.
    • This Value is determined off of the actors current state. Things like Worn Clothes, Worn Devices, Nearby Naked Actors/Sex Scenes, all impact this value.
  • Libido - Represents actors minimum Baseline Arousal value. It very slowly moves towards actors current arousal value.
    • This is used as a "Longer Term" tracker of arousal state. Remaining at High Arousal will increase your libido, making it easier to remain at high arousal and harder to remain low arousal.
    • Remaining at high arousal will increase your libido towards that arousal value, and to lower libido you need to keep your arousal below your current libido value


Raise Current Arousal:
Arousal gains can be triggered from other mods (What SLAroused mods use to manipulate arousal).
OSLAroused will also cause direct arousal gains when a sex scene begins and stage is changed.
Maintaining a Baseline Arousal above Current Arousal will gradually raise your arousal.
Lower Current Arousal:
Arousal Loss can also be triggered from other mods (What SLAroused mods use to manipulate arousal).
OSLAroused will also cause direct arousal Loses when an actor orgasms.
Maintaining a Baseline Arousal below Current Arousal will gradually lower your arousal.
Raise Baseline Arousal: The following states will increase your Arousal Baseline. See "Baseline Status" MCM menu for breakdown. Values configurable in "Settings"
Actor Nude, or spectating another nude actor
Participating in a sex scene, or spectating a sex scene
Wearing Lewd Clothes (EroticArmor Keyword)
Wearing Devices (Devious Devices and TOYS support) 
Lower Baseline Arousal: 
Remove any equipment/states that raise baseline above (ex. clothes, devices etc...)
Baseline is suppressed (lowered) when actor standing in rain [NOTE: Not Implemented yet]
All the rates and values are configurable via MCM.
Future Ideas: 
Spells/Potions to manipulate arousal
Vanilla drinks/food? (ale?)
Nearby Dead bodies suppress Baseline Arousal.
Killing Reduces Arousal

Things to be worked on / What I need from you guys
- This is the initial pass at new system. Any feedback on overall design and changes people would like to see are greatly appreciated.
- Feedback on gameplay that people would like and any ideas on things that should manipulate arousal.
- Overall bugs/issues, Let me know if you run into any issues. Or if anything seems off :)
What im Currently working on
- Bug Fixes
- UX/UI Improvements (Better HUD integration)
Whats Next?
- A Robust Sex Skill/Addiction framework. Haven't decided whether to bake this into this mod, or have it as a separate optional mod. Ideally I think it should be pretty tightly associated with more robust arousal mechanics mentioned in previous point.
Script Source:
SKSE Source:



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On 5/16/2022 at 4:45 PM, Dawndrake said:

Thanks. So right now I have SLAX + Abdulla patch + Tenri patch. Do I need to include OsmelMC tweak?


Also I am trying to use Baka keywords trough SLAX to trigger events in BaboDialogue. The keywords it requires are different from those in SLAX though similar. Anyone know which ones in SLAX specifically work for BaboDialogue?


You can get an idea of what keywords work, by looking @ Baka's various mods that have bikini armors added, eg from his page, Bikini Quest, Expanded Tewoba, in xEdit.  He has added keywords to those armors.


Basically, most of the SLAX keywords, such as SLA_ArmorHalfNakedBikini, SLA_Brabikini, EroticArmor will work.


This script here makes adding keywords to armor in xEdit really quick and easy


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On 5/16/2022 at 8:45 PM, Dawndrake said:

Thanks. So right now I have SLAX + Abdulla patch + Tenri patch. Do I need to include OsmelMC tweak?


Also I am trying to use Baka keywords trough SLAX to trigger events in BaboDialogue. The keywords it requires are different from those in SLAX though similar. Anyone know which ones in SLAX specifically work for BaboDialogue?



orange  = Most used in Babodialogue. 

Blue = Few/Rare use in Babodialogue. 

Gray = not used in Factoryclose mods.  Maybe Bikinifier used it but is now abandoned.


MCM options

    NakedArmor   = EroticArmor  (is from original SLAR)
    BikiniArmor  = SLA_ArmorHalfNakedBikini
    SexyArmor    = SLA_ArmorPretty
    SlootyArmor  = SLA_ArmorHalfNaked
    IllegalArmor = SLA_ArmorIllegal
    PoshArmor    = ClothingRich  (From Skyrim keyword list)
    RaggedArmor  = ClothingPoor  (From Skyrim keyword list)
    KillerHeels  = SLA_KillerHeels


I have never tried the MCM keyword feature.  It may lock if the armor already has the keyword, maybe is patched already in the community scripts.  I have only used keywords added to ESP overrides.   Babodialgue also has rings with keywords attached, you can use a mod like addmenu to get those and test.



If your game is SkyrimSE, you can try my personal Baka keywords patch for the Skyrim vanilla armors/clothes.

Posted here


Edited by safado
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