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That is interesting indeed.  For while I cleaned up the code that handled the development of the egg, sperm, fertilized ovum, and the womb, I did not change the mechanics that controlled the development.  In that, I did not change the pattern you are suggesting.  I added new content such as the ability to trigger going into labor by way of outside plugins, I discovered the 'cryo-preserve' and 'invitro' devices that were coded but not used, and introduced a second variant.  And added features where select races or hiyoko may only ovulate at certain points.  But the actual menstrual pattern and pregnancy pattern (if no magicks involved), I never touched.


In fact, I would wish to point out that the Download Manager for Tamago/Hiyoko still has a copy of the original 1.15C aka 1.15 r4 a2 edition of TamagoClub.  And within the a4tcsWombOne script, you can find the following code beginning on line 90 with the comment "Next cycle or pregnancy?"

			; Next cycle or pregnant?
			if (state < 150 && elapsed < a4tc.MenstrualPhase30) || 0 < ar_Size data->Conceptions
				let state := Call a4tcfGetWombStateByElapsedTime d->ElapsedTime


Meanwhile, the current version of TamagoClub's appears thus:

                ; Retrieve state depending on Menstrual Cycle
                if (state < 150 && elapsed < a4tc.MenstrualPhase30) || 0 < ar_Size data->Conceptions
                    ; set state by elapsed time (will retrieve menstrual state value)
                    let state := Call a4tcfGetWombStateByElapsedTime d->ElapsedTime

The mechanics controlling whether one is recognized as pregnant or still in a menstrual phase is actually the same.  And as you can see, the 'state' is defined by a script called 'a4tcfGetWombStateByElapsedTime'.  This is throughout the entire block for the womb, and thus it is the elapsed time that controls when the Luteal phase advances to the next stage, either First Trimester or Early Follicular.  A zygote converting into an Embryo does not trigger it, and never did.  Only if an embryo is in the womb when the Luteal phase is finished and advances to the next phase does it determine pregnancy or not.


The menstrual rate / pregnancy rate system is a delicate system indeed.  I was not about to hamper or alter it in any way.  I was even asked once ... "Could you make it so my "X" race character had this menstrual rate?" ... suggesting different pregnancy/menstrual rates per race.  THAT IS A BIG YIKES!!!!   And not something I would have taken on back then.

I could probably do that now though.  Shhh...  :wacko: :cool: But not today.


All mechanics remained, the only changes being additions for additional cryo-preserve or like items that Hakumen Oshite Mairu originally concocted, and some subtle nods for Fertility spells and HiyokoClub offspring maturity given that the system is basically a simulator of sorts.  That... and a lot more translated comments to describe the features.

When it comes to my work on Dukky editions, I lean towards keeping a mod in the spirit of the original.  When asked to change mechanics to allow consensual sex acts to trigger looping gangrape within RaperS, I pointed out that it was solely by act of rape that it functioned.  I leave underlying base mechanics alone.  Advancements and additions are fine, but my philosophy is that the manner which the base functions is to be left alone.




Edited by LongDukDong
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Oh yes, the Argonian gestation period until egg laying.  Heck, what kind of lizards are the Argonians? Gestation period between five weeks and three months  and the incubation takes longer.   Oh we need a new incubation time and system in tamago.  How long are you allowed to stay away from the eggs?


And the Khajiit/cat gestation period of 58 – 67 days.


And do Humans and Mer have the same pregnancy period?  And what about Dremora, Golden Saint and Dark Seducer?

I am sure Golden Saint and Dark Seducer don't have the same pregnancy period, they hate each other and do everything differently. They probably also have sex in different ways, the ones only from the front, the others only from behind.   :classic_unsure:    Everything is so complicated!


And then the different gestation periods of all creatures.  Does each creature get its own ini ?   What a lot of work...


After a week of reading ini files and descriptions and setting settings for all races and creatures, you can finally start playing.  :classic_smile:


Can you study Oblivion at a university?  :classic_confused:



LOL .  Some people's requests you just have to ignore.

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1 hour ago, fejeena said:

And the Khajiit/cat gestation period of 58 – 67 days.

Oh, you totally forgot the positions of the moons Masser and Secunda!   What Khajiit would be BORNE!!!!



1 hour ago, fejeena said:

Can you study Oblivion at a university?  :classic_confused:

I uh... have been.   Argonian sex is freaky weird.  And if I went with one series of LL Novels on Dunmeri women... yer dick would break off just trying to satisfy one! 


1 hour ago, fejeena said:

And what about Dremora, Golden Saint and Dark Seducer?

Yeah, the great river of life may supplant a spark within one (at least that's the bullshit I used in TamagoConfide) if she's not pissed you knocked her up...  the river being the Wellspring Waters of Oblivion of course.


I've tried to maintain things for some semblance of being lore friendly for the races.  For those that use MBP (for example) I did see that the Orum are Troll/Orc hybrids... so the MBP HiyokoGenerator takes that into account :P


But yeah, there's only but so much that's possible.  We don't have a rotating Khajiiti system, so I'm suggesting that Asura's grace that gives all the Khajiiti forms only works in the blessed sands of Elsweyr.  And the Argonians, shaped to the best form they have are forced to give live birth when away from the comfort of the marshes where their eggs would be safe.


That's my story and I'm sticking with it.  Probably as a future addition to the Tamago Hiyoko Guide Book or something like that.  I hope they're at least entertaining if not informative.



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Dukky -

I suspected as much with regard to the differences between real life and Nirnean life.


Got another odd one for you. My PC had sex with a male and so had multiple sperm in her inventory. Subsequently, she was in combat with a female bandit. The bandit had just ovulated so when my PC grabbed all of the bandit's inventory she got an unfertilized egg. Now my PC had just entered her luteal period the previous day and the egg she had produced had died.

So we have a female in her luteal period, not pregnant herself, but carrying a live egg. Several game hours after the combat I checked her inventory and, interestingly enough, a sperm from her last sex encounter had fertilized the bandit's egg. An odd occurrence but seemingly meaningless, this had happened once before and the fertilized ova had eventually died. (Good thing too. That time there were six ova.) Not this time though. A game day after I saw the fertilized egg, a message appeared to the effect that my PC was pregnant. At first I thought, "well, maybe she ovulated a second time and that somehow created a pregnancy". So I checked the inventory and sure enough she had an embryo. I shift-clicked the embryo and found that the embryo my PC was carrying had the genetic father listed as the male she had had sex with previously but the genetic mother was listed as the dead bandit. WOW! Who knew that reproductive medicine in Cyrodil was so far advanced that eggs from one would-be mother could be successfully transplanted and grow in another woman's womb. ?

Now if memory serves there is device called a "conceptionizer" which I believe can be used to transfer fertilized ova into someone else's womb but I never purchased one. Too expensive for my level 6 PC. Oh well, guess my girl is going to be a mother.


While I've got your attention, perhaps you can explain something else to me. My PC swings both ways so she has male and female lovers. Some of those female lovers are storekeepers, like Jensine. As you know, when a player is buying or selling they can look into the other person's inventory. Well, when I look into, say, Jensine's inventory unsurprisingly she has a womb. But the womb is identified as my PC's womb, ie. Womb(Diarhmid, luteal phase). When I get a womb from a dead opponent it's shown as Womb(Timber Wolf, early follicular phase) or some such. So the question is, why don't I see Jensine's (or whoever's) womb?


BTW thanks for showing me the code that controls the menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, my code reading skills top out at reading COBOL code. Sorry, never got beyond writing/fixing code for old IBM mainframes.

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At least you didn't say Pascal or Fortran....... ?


There are settings where you can define the realism of the system, preventing trading or seeing contents.


And the TamagoFertilityClinic device you mentioned doesn't transfer genetic content.  It is used to force/trigger conception if said target has a fertilized egg and is in Luteal phase.  Unless you modify your settings, you have a bare 5% of  the zygote implanting in the womb (and becoming an embryo) every 4 hours.  With the device... heck with the settings. ;)  It's done!  But that's the TFC topic there.


Oh, don't ask what I plan to do in order to advance Tamriel's medical science.



Edited by LongDukDong
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Well, I did study both Pascal and Fortran in college, but I never earned a living writing code using either one of them. Actually, I'm not sure if anyone ever wrote in Pascal commercially. I was always under the impression that it was devised as a teaching language.


With respect to my other inquiry, defining the realism of the system an answer? I haven't made any changes that would (at least as far as I understand the settings) result in my PC's womb showing up in someone else's inventory and in any event, even if I did inadvertently make such a change, where's the NPC's womb? Shouldn't it show up in the NPC's inventory as well?


A stray question. From what I have read regarding Tamago/Hiyoko I got the impression that, with the right device(s), one could store a womb and/or transfer it into another person? That using this/these device(s) one could give a womb to a male NPC or even a male PC. Am I misreading this?

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I think it was devised as a means of corporal punishment..........


Slight misreading....


With the default 'realism' setting (Level 0), you will see all Tamago items in possession for both yourself and a fellow NPC and swap whatever you want.  You could... if you enslaved one...  Take an enslaved Mehrunes Dagon womb, and shove it into the body of Haskill from the Shivering Isles.  Wouldn't Sheogorath find that a kick! :lol:


Now the next 'realism' setting (Level 1), allows you to see the Tamago contents, but you will not have the ability to transfer any contents by way of inventory functions.  Sure, you can look to see if Haskill just ovulated if you previously gave him a womb (above), but on setting the Realism up a notch will now prevent you from moving things around now.


The third realism setting (Level 2) will actually hide all Tamago inventory items.  The only condition is that you will be able to see if an actor is in the Early Follicular Stage with the condition "Bleeding" taking place... ie, having a period.


And the fourth realism setting (Level 3) is the harshest of all...


These settings can be found in the INI file, or can be adjusted in the Tamago Settings menu.  Originally, you could only INCREASE realism, but I altered the system so you could decrease realism back down to Level 0 if you changed your mind.


♦       ♦       ♦


Insofar as devices, TamagoClub contained from its onset... Two devices.   One is the CryoPreserve device and the other is the InvitroFertilization device.  Neither transfers contents from one to another, but instead act upon Tamago genetic content (sperm, ovum, etc).  I won't go into details as to why there are two types of each...  That's not germane here, and can be read in the Readme.


  • The CryoPreserve device is 'cold storage' for genetic content.  Sperm, Ovum, even Fetus and Embryos have lifespans and will wither and die after some time.  But if stored in a container with the CryoPreserve device, They are literally FROZEN and will not age at all. Time is essentially frozen for the items within.


  • The Invitro Fertilization device is also for genetic content, but it does not freeze genetic content for storage.  Its prime use is to allow one to add a single sperm and a single ovum... and wait one 'turn' (default for 4 hours).  After the 'turn' is up, you will find within a resulting fertilized ovum, the egg and sperm now having disappeared.

I hope that sates your appetite as to what devices are in TamagoClub, as there are no others in the entire package (HiyokoClub, Generator, etc.)



♦       ♦       ♦


AS to adding wombs to guys... well...  Look at my signature.  I got a mod called Genderbender.  That has a mischievous set of spells, to be sure... including one called Epicine Ensured which adds a token to all targets to ensure that the subject will always have a womb (in the event of some scripted womb loss)... which would include male characters and creatures.  BUT it does require installation of a Bug Fixes package.  Thankfully, I include that in the mod download. 

And that is its own topic. :wacko:


Edited by LongDukDong
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Thanks for the detailed explanation of the realism settings and what they control. First question. Which .ini file has the realism settings? I'm looking at the TamagoClub.ini and I don't see anything like that. I do remember seeing the settings in the Tamago Settings menu; will check that to see what my settings are (should be 0 since I would want the max info).

So, with a setting of 0 I should be able to swap inventory items with any NPC who will let me look at their inventory. But this doesn't answer my original question. I just closed Oblivion a few minutes ago. The last thing I had done was to have my PC visit Jensine to do a little loot selling... and engage in intimate relations with my honey. When I looked at her inventory I saw she had a womb, but not her womb. It was my PC's womb. Which is puzzling since I checked my PC's inventory and, yep, she still had her own womb. So it looks like my PC has two of her own wombs, one in her and one in Jensine... and Jensine doesn't have a womb of her own. Which is unlikely since she quite recently gave birth to our daughter...


Now there was no attempt to give Jensine that womb (Realism setting 0, you will see all Tamago items in possession for both yourself and a fellow NPC and swap whatever you want.) So the question remains, what's going on with the Wombs of Oblivion (tm)?



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21 minutes ago, KentuckyExpat said:

Which .ini file has the realism settings? I'm looking at the TamagoClub.ini and I don't see anything like that. I do remember seeing the settings in the Tamago Settings menu; will check that to see what my settings are (should be 0 since I would want the max info).

Okay... my bad.  It was in-game settings only.  :wacko:  No INI file settings.  You'd figure, with all the stuff in the INI file, it too woulda been there.


(Jots notes down for default setting to be in INI for next iteration...)


21 minutes ago, KentuckyExpat said:

When I looked at her inventory I saw she had a womb, but not her womb. It was my PC's womb. Which is puzzling since I checked my PC's inventory and, yep, she still had her own womb.


So... Jensine (on looking at her inventory) ...   has YOUR  PC's womb for some reason, and not hers.

So... your PC (at looking at your inventory)...  still retains your PC's womb too, and still not hers.




My current Oblivion\Data folder has been devoid of TamagoClub, but I just pasted the .esm in for testing purposes...  Okay, what you got is freaky weird.  I still don't get it.   Unless you somehow accidentally 'took' her womb after childbirth.   *shrugs*


Is 'anyone' that you know of pregnant?  Perhaps, use the DATA RESET feature in TamagoClub's Settings menu.  It erases all wombs, ovum, sperm, fetus, and basically starts over.  You would get a fresh new Womb and so would Jensine.



Edited by LongDukDong
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Dukky - you might note in one of your various Tamago/Hiyoko guides that, even though an embryo/fetus always shows a weight of 0 in one's inventory throughout the pregnancy, embryos gain weight in the second and third trimesters. Ran across this recently. My PC was carrying several embryos when she entered her third trimester. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, she had gained so much weight that she was over-encumbered. I checked her inventory but couldn't find a thing. Even went to the extreme of dumping everything she was carrying. She still showed she was carrying 110 units of encumbrance even though she was stark naked with nothing in her inventory but her womb and the embryos.

I reloaded an earlier save from when she was in her second trimester. This brought her encumbrance down to where she was no longer over-encumbered but she was still carrying more weight than was warranted by what she was carrying.  Finally figured out that the extra weight came from her embryos. (Always had wondered why a pregnant woman didn't gain weight when she was pregnant. I mean the embryo(s) always showed 0 for weight, no matter how far along the pregnancy had advanced. Hadn't noticed during her first pregnancy since there was only the one embryo).


Just for my own curiosity, why doesn't the weight adjust in the inventory for each trimester?


On a separate note, when my lovers bear children, the children seem to be born as adults; at least adult enough to be as tall as their mother and, for the daughters, old enough to have a menstrual cycle. I didn't make any changes to the default Hiyoko settings so I'm puzzled as to why this might be. I thought the Hiyoko had to grow up.

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13 minutes ago, LongDukDong said:



What can I say? My life, real and fantasy, is just weird.



I won't say that I didn't accidentally take her womb after childbirth (and if so, where is it? Not in my inventory) but if I did I also took Rasheda's womb after her childbirth. I did not, however, take Claudette Perrick's. She doesn't show my PC's womb in her inventory even though we have two children together. Of course, just to make things weirder, she doesn't show her own womb in her inventory. Must have used an Uterine Replicator for our kids. (Oops, wrong game. No such thing in Oblivion.)


Okay, I'll do a save and then a data reset. After that I'll check Jensine's inventory.


I'm back. No change. Checked Jensine's inventory, my PC's womb shows up but not Jensine's. Did a data reset. Same pattern. Also checked Claudette Perrick and Aurelinwe, neither one shows a womb in her inventory. So, is that a pattern? Live female NPCs don't show a womb in their inventory but dead female NPCs do?

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1 hour ago, KentuckyExpat said:

Just for my own curiosity, why doesn't the weight adjust in the inventory for each trimester?

ROFL.   Honestly, I never touched anything regarding selling values or weights in the system.  But dayum...  I had my PC knocked up with TEN brats at the same time and never had that weight issue.  110 ten units of encumbrance?  She must be LOVED A LOT!!!!  :wacko:   Or you set twins or multiple ovulation settings up a tad.


1 hour ago, KentuckyExpat said:

On a separate note, when my lovers bear children, the children seem to be born as adults; at least adult enough to be as tall as their mother and, for the daughters, old enough to have a menstrual cycle. I didn't make any changes to the default Hiyoko settings so I'm puzzled as to why this might be. I thought the Hiyoko had to grow up.

First off...  HiyokoClub does not include a child growth system.  You may opt for either HiyokoGeneratorGeneForge or HiyokoGrow.  These handle actual height adjustments to Hiyoko until they reach a point that is classified in their own systems as mature. GeneForge is a bit resource dependent, and has the heights hard-coded.  The HiyokoGrow I worked on has fewer resources (ie the .esp and Ini alone), and you can adjust height ages to suit your tastes.


As to the Hiyoko settings for ovulation and such... did you update your INI to the version where I introduced Hiyoko Maturity Settings?  If you kept the original INI, you are missing the a4hc.HiyokoAdult and a4hc.HiyokoMature values.  The HiyokoAdult system is useful to determine if a Hiyoko is considered an adult (for outside mods with such age-limit support) and HiyokoMature handles how many days before a Hiyoko hits puberty and can either ejaculate or ovulate (or both if you got women that can ejaculate/men with wombs).


2 minutes ago, KentuckyExpat said:

I'm back. No change. Checked Jensine's inventory, my PC's womb shows up but not Jensine's. Did a data reset. Same pattern. Also checked Claudette Perrick and Aurelinwe, neither one shows a womb in her inventory. So, is that a pattern? Live female NPCs don't show a womb in their inventory but dead female NPCs do?

Does FAT CHANCE mean anything?

I checked the womb of my sluttily dressed maid in my custom castle when I said I just threw
TamagoClub in an hour ago.  She has her own womb whilst I got mine.    I have no clue what is going on.  And I highly doubt a load order (the order your mods load and are listed) would have anything to do with it. 

What 'IS' your Tamago realism setting at?



Edited by LongDukDong
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OK. Maybe it's not TAMAGO that has the weight setting. I have fejeena's Lovers Bitch mod installed as well and the embryos/fetuses were puppies. I'll check with her on the LBGW support link.  In any event, you might consider adding that feature to the system. Adds a bit of realism, doncha know?


So Hiyoko by itself just produces adult offspring. Do I understand that right? I am running Hiyoko Generator Brood Mother if that makes any difference.


The version of Tamago/Hiyoko Master I'm using has Tamago/Hiyoko Club v1.08, Tamago Club v1.16 and Hiyoko Club  v1.12. All three are LDD versions.


Load order shouldn't be an issue. I'm using the ones that you and fejeena have posted.


My Tamago realism setting is 0.


As I've said before, none of these are game breakers, just puzzling.

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LoversBitch (neither original nor Fejeena's rework) would have nothing to do with it, let alone the Puppy Mill add-on that lets you sell your pedigree offspring.  .... in case you weren't aware of it ;)


Regarding HiyokoClub... it access HiyokoGenerator which performs the actual generation of the brat.  The original version, and my subsequent updated version relies on pre-generated Hiyoko... always requiring MBP.  And they tend to be ... short.  The No-MBP version which came out after the original was released had no pre-generated brats.  Instead, it  'cloned' one of the two parents based on a flip of the coin.  For that, they tend to be the size of the parent.


In either case, NPC brats may need some extra MOD love to make them short.  That is why I mentioned GeneForge or HiyokoGrow as they create the illusion of growth.


Brood mother has its own 'height' system for Creature offspring fortunately.  :)


Hrm... you seem to be behind in Tamago/Hiyoko Set updates:

  • TamagoClub v 1.17 - Fixes an issue with the Genetic Lifetimes menu
  • HiyokoClub  v 1.13 - Repaired an issue with Child Cleanup, added Ini Reload to Settings, reworked Child Maximums, and Debug Hiyoko List.
  • HiyokoClub  v 1.14 - Debug orphan now removes child parentage from LoversHiyokoShooter... if in use.
  • HiyokoClub  v 1.15 - Fixed the IniReload feature ... a bug came up where it did not properly reload

Did ya get LoversHiyokoClub? 1.01? 


And I swear, this is LOOPY what you're describing.



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For those that use LoversCreatures, they may have noticed that some of the sex positions appear as if the NPC is having oral sex with their bestial partner.  However, there was no means to account for animal sex being oral within the Lovers with PK system or the Tamago/Hiyoko System for years.  That has now changed.


With the latest 2.5.14 version of LoversCreatures, sex between creatures can now be classified as Missionary, cowgirl or Oral.  Using a token that was already available for use within the Lovers with PK system, one that appears to have been designed for this purpose, creature sex can now be classified by the basic types NPC on NPC sex has been for years.


Following this, Lovers TamagoClub has now been upgraded to version 1.09.  This new updated version of Lovers TamagoClub can detect the sex act as define with the latest version of LoversCreatures. And if it is determined that the sex act is oral or has no internal delivery attached (ie fondling or other), then the system will not generate sperm and introduce it into the submissive partner.  Just as it does with Oral sex with NPC on NPC, the system will not recognize and handle Oral sex between NPCs and Creatures.


Assuming you also have the latest LoversCreatures build.


If there's anything else needed to be a complete system... I don't wanna know.  :|  And don't bring up individual cycles/trimesters per race!!!!!

Edited by LongDukDong
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The producers at Condom House books wish to apologize to all who ordered the fourth edition of Hasathil's work, Tamago and Hiyoko: A Guide to All.  While all the pages were printed and was sent to the binders, the jacket binding division was not prepared and the initial release was without the book covers.  While legible, this well received manual was not able to be lovingly displayed on bookshelves as it once were.


(Common speak:  The .BSA did not include the book's .nif file, so you got missing mesh errors.)


Once this was discovered, the presses went into overdrive while contacting the new manager of our binder division. While rushing this process, we ensured that this batch of Hasathil's fourth edition no longer had the issues and mistakes from the beginning of this month.


To all our clients and fans, we wish to apologize for this error.  Our previous manager of the binding department has since been sacked. 


He may be found somewhere submerged in the Topol Bay if you're lucky.


Edited by LongDukDong
Um... that's actually not a joke. Good luck.
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One of the factors of HiyokoGenerator is that the system recognizes that there are Primary and Secondary parents, and the Hiyoko has a chance to be generated based upon either with a ratio of two to one.  There is roughly a 65% chance of the Hiyoko being borne of one race while only a 35% for the other.


For the new variation of the MBP generator, more allowances were added towards a child's heritage, if being connected towards certain races gave some bonus chance or strength towards the result being of a particular race.  The cumulative additions were a bit overwhelming, essentially restricting the odds of the Secondary parent to nearly 15%.  Thus, enter this new update to the Hiyoko Generator.


While the Newest version of the MBP Hiyoko Generator (version 1.14d) does not give a full 2-to-1 ratio if the primary parent is Khajiiti, Tabaxi, Argonian or any that has been defined or includes feline or lizard-based genetics.... it does now allow more balance towards this ratio.

ne of the factors of HiyokoGenerator is that there is generally a 2-to-1 chance


he producers at Condom House books wish to apologize

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Since early 2020, there has been a system that generated optional  preferential or biological flags within TamagoClub, indicating if an NPC's masciline and/pr feminine drives were in overtime or not.  This feature could be used by outside mods for various purposes.  However, it was lackluster and didn't give consideration into the subject's gender nor into their learned proficiencies.  However, modifications have been made to the system that generates these flags.


On top of that, a new debug spell was added to TamagoClub so one can view and optionally change/edit these flags as it suits the player.  However, one must be in a heightened debug mode as this is not a normal feature. 


As such, the combined changes have crafted TamagoClub v 1.18


Changes were made to HiyokoGenetics, not that dissimilar to those of HiyokoGrow.  HiyokoGenetics now  considers that the calculated scores for a Hikoko's Base ability and AI attributes may require a minimum value.So if a calculated score based on the parents is below a minimum, the minimum value takes over.  For this feature, HiyokoGenetics now has an editable .INI file included.


And just as TamagoClub garnered a new debug spell, so too has HiyokoGenetics, one that allows these base values and AI attributes to be edited. Also like TamagoClub, this debug spell isn't normally loaded and only appears if HiyokoClub's debug mode is set high enough, and removed if not.


And with that, new spell icons for OBME users were added as well.


As such, the HiyokoGenetics has now achieved the status of version 1.01 Rev 0.2


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Your MOD order.


The Masters, files that have .esm, and are at the very top of your list:



(Most anything else... in their order)

Lovers with PK.esm

      LoversCreature.esm (if used)



Of the .ESP plugins (hence 'Elder Scrolls Plugins'), they go BEFORE Lovers with PK.esp




Lovers with PK.esp



For further Tamago and LAPF mods, and instructions of ordering them, check out the yellow link in my signature.  Paying attention to mod order is a must and the past two or three LAPF issues this week were related to Mod Order.


As to it being STUCK on the Title screen... I never heard such a thing. With hope, this will solve.


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55 minutes ago, Imperialarg said:

Hey can anybody help me with this? I keep having an issue where I download this mod, it never starts a new game for me. It just keeps being stuck on the main menu screen.

Post your load order.

ini settings?  wasn't there a Tamago/Hiyoko mod that needed OBME?  And you can disable OBME in the ini


And Lovers Mods  without Tamago/Hiyoko works ?

Edited by fejeena
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No mod there needs OBME, merely present to give visual enhancement to the Icons. And with OBME's removal, the systems do work but without custom icons. And OBME's difficulties lie with OBSE older than version 18 (19 recommended for OBME usage). And TamagoClub has always required OBSE 20 or higher.



OBSE v0020 以降


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While it may not be necessary, HiyokoGenetics has been upgraded once more to keep a generated Hiyoko's Health, Magicka and Fatigue scores in check.  An optional mod that is not necessary for gameplay, it examines the stats of both parents and generates certain attributes for the Hiyoko itself.  While the last version concerned itself with ensuring certain values don't go below minimums, the Health, Magicka and Fatigue were not addressed.


With Version 1.01 revision 0.3, these scores cannot fall below certain values or exceed set limits.  Typically unnecessary, this will help keep newly generated hiyoko within set balances and keep the game balanced.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/22/2022 at 6:04 PM, Imperialarg said:

Hey can anybody help me with this? I keep having an issue where I download this mod, it never starts a new game for me. It just keeps being stuck on the main menu screen.

If I may, I'm having the same issue, though for me I narrowed it down to only happening with TamagoClub.esm

I deactivated everything else in my load order and have not edited any ini files, so I'm assuming I didn't do something right with that mod?

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9 hours ago, Plocana said:
On 5/22/2022 at 7:04 PM, Imperialarg said:

Hey can anybody help me with this? I keep having an issue where I download this mod, it never starts a new game for me. It just keeps being stuck on the main menu screen.

If I may, I'm having the same issue, though for me I narrowed it down to only happening with TamagoClub.esm

I deactivated everything else in my load order and have not edited any ini files, so I'm assuming I didn't do something right with that mod?


If you read that, you must have read my response thereafter.... Mod Order.  I posted a snippet of the recommended mod order and followed it with this:


On 5/22/2022 at 7:58 PM, LongDukDong said:

For further Tamago and LAPF mods, and instructions of ordering them, check out the yellow link in my signature.  Paying attention to mod order is a must and the past two or three LAPF issues this week were related to Mod Order.


The issues he had were the same as yours, so I am forced to assume he updated and corrected his mod order which solved his problems. This because I never heard back from him since.  Mind you, mod order is vital, not only for TamagoClub, but for most mods within Oblivion such as the interaction between LoversBitch and any version of LoversCreatures which could cause crash during certain quests, or differences between LoversPayBandit and PlayerSlaveEncounters and DarkBloodline.


♦       ♦       ♦


When one goes to the topic accessible by clicking the yellow link in my signature, scroll down until you find


Here a example Load Order with Mods that many people use (all DLCs), and Lovers/Tamago Mods.

The spoiler below this text is basically the BIBLE of mod order for Oblivion, though not updated with mods past 2013.  And don't trust certain Obivion game managers like WyreBash to sort mods automatically.  You 'must' manually sort Lovers mods yourself.


Edited by LongDukDong
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