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[mod] Sexbound Defeat

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Sexbound Defeat

WARNING: Do not install this mod if you don't want to participate in having forced sex.

Sexbound Defeat enables characters to have sex with defeated opponents.


⁉️ Download and install only one file from the Downloads: Pak or Src. The Pak version has better compression and loads faster, whereas the Src version is already unpacked for players who want a jumpstart to customize their gameplay experience by modifying configuration files.




Download and install the latest version of Sexbound.







This modding framework was created for Starbound v1.4.4. & up.


Installing the PAK version

1. Backup + delete any previously installed version of the API.
2. Extract the contents of the .zip file.
3. Move the *.pak file directly into your Starbound mods directory.
4. Finished.


Installing the SRC version

1. Backup + delete any previously installed version of the API.

2. Extract the contents of the .zip file.

3. Move the single extracted folder into your mods directory.

4. Finished.





Sexbound Defeat enables monsters, NPCs, and players to fight one another with damaging weapons and effects. Upon delivering a killing blow, a defeated monster, NPC, or player will transform into a SexNode - when it is possible. Otherwise, the entity will die because there are still some edge cases where Sexbound cannot always place SexNodes successfully. Players can customize their experience with this mod by editing the included sexbound-defeat.config file in the root directory of the mod.


Monsters / NPCs

  • A player who is defeated by a monster or an NPC will be fully healed while being fucked.
  • Monsters / NPCs who defeat a Monster / NPC or player will automatically move to the their defeated opponent to begin having sex.
  • Monsters / NPCs can have sex with a defeated player for up to 30 seconds.
  • Monsters / NPCs automatically beam out after they re-spawn from being a SexNode.
  • Choose to begin having sex in a random position.



  • Players who defeat a monster / NPC or another player can choose between having sex with an opponent or not.
  • Players can have sex with a defeated opponent for up to 60 after defeating it.


Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ


Please read the below frequently asked questions before asking your question in our support forum.



1. Why does my Player Character die seem to die randomly as opposed to being fucked?
This is most likely because the Player Character was unable to place a sex node object on the ground, so it opts to die as a fallback.

2. Why is this mod so buggy?
The previous versions of this mod were not handling all possible failed to transform cases which lead to a commonly reported invincibility bug. Please give it another chance since v2.6.0 the mod has become much more stable.


3. Why does my Player Character always die in a dungeon?

For what ever reason, the Player Character is the only entity which does not have access to the world.setTileProtection function, so it cannot negate dungeon tile protection in order to place a sex node object on the ground. Therefore, the Player Character will always opt to die.


4. Why can't the monsters defeat and have sex with Players and NPCs?
You must install other support mods to enable sex with monsters. Only some monsters are supported because each monster must have custom artwork:






I'm clearly being a clueless. I tp'd to some planets without armor and allowed a few different forms of beasts to screw me up a bit, but didn't seem to trigger animations after they got me to the stun state? Am I missing things regarding things?

34 minutes ago, Kelinas said:

I'm clearly being a clueless. I tp'd to some planets without armor and allowed a few different forms of beasts to screw me up a bit, but didn't seem to trigger animations after they got me to the stun state? Am I missing things regarding things?

Sorry, but many monsters aren't compatible. Every monster will need to have it's own set of artwork which is a massive undertaking.

4 hours ago, Locuturus said:

Sorry, but many monsters aren't compatible. Every monster will need to have it's own set of artwork which is a massive undertaking.

It's understanding !
But ... maybe it'll be better to say/show which monsters/NPCs are able to screw you, no ?
It'll be legit, in my opinion !

12 hours ago, Galactakiller said:

It's understanding !
But ... maybe it'll be better to say/show which monsters/NPCs are able to screw you, no ?
It'll be legit, in my opinion !

I have to add the code to enable monsters to have the same behavior, but it'll be any monster that you can download a support mod such as Globaura.



When I defeat an npc, they turn invisible. I can still mount the node, but I also turn invisible. I'm not sure what's happening qwq
Nvm, found out it was a wider issue pertaining to an out of date Futanari mod.

17 hours ago, Locuturus said:

I have to add the code to enable monsters to have the same behavior, but it'll be any monster that you can download a support mod such as Globaura.

So it'll be exactly like the Race Support Mods ? Interesting to know !
Thanks for the answer !


whenever i get stunned and the npc approaches me the moment the anim begins starbound crashes, seems to do the same when i try to aphro bow them but idk whats causing it


Could you make it so there is still a way to kill an NPC normally? I'm playing through with Frackin Universe and some enemies that need to die to proceed through a quest are incapable of dying normally. When I deal a killing blow they convert into a sex node (as expected), however once the 60 seconds run out they simply turn back to normal with minimal health (I assume it's 1 HP), with a further attack simply converting them back into a sex node.


It appears that, when being SxB stunned and being forced to sex by an NPC, you can remove the ground below you. This will make you invisible and the hostile NPC gets free trying to shoot you while you heal up being invincible and invisible.

1 hour ago, Rumir said:

It appears that, when being SxB stunned and being forced to sex by an NPC, you can remove the ground below you. This will make you invisible and the hostile NPC gets free trying to shoot you while you heal up being invincible and invisible.

Defeat doesn't prevent several actions from taking place, you can even Press E on yourself... and, well, fuck yourself.

I don't know if there's a way to completely prevent the player from having control, without... some magic. I can think of a couple ways, but sadly, its a lot of work.


Thank you for this mod! It's great!

Though, it makes the base game a little difficult when you can no longer kill enemies. This group of bandits endlessly get back up and continue shooting me ^-^"


Edit: Oh, never mind. I tried another group and apparently... sexed them to death?

Too hot to handle (-~-_)


Is there a way to change if you're on top/bottom? It's a bit odd (though enjoyable) being beaten only to have dudes sit on my dick.


1.3.1 seems to have broken combat, my energy bar never replenishes, I can't hit enemies and enemies can't hit me, then they randomly stop detecting the player and act as if the player doesn't exist


This mod is causing some problems with the latest version of Starbound.

The mod prevents you to apprehend Captain Ignoble (as part of the bounty hunting quests) and prioritizes raping him(/her) instead.
I happen to have impregnated Ignoble and is now unkillable because of this.

1 hour ago, hahafuckno said:

For some reason whenever an enemy kills me, I never get put into the stun stage, instead I have 0 Health and 0 Energy and cant be hit for 30 secs.


Lucky, i don't even get a defeat effect, always just die.


58 minutes ago, som_dogg said:

1.3.1 seems to have broken combat, my energy bar never replenishes, I can't hit enemies and enemies can't hit me, then they randomly stop detecting the player and act as if the player doesn't exist

That is a status-effect problem, i believe, please provide logs if possible.

Guest AthenaESIV

Thanks for working on this, only tried it after 1.4 and never seemed to work. Just went invuln for 30 sec.


Good luck getting it updated, hope you find time to get it working the way you would like o/

8 hours ago, Magmahunter said:

This mod is causing some problems with the latest version of Starbound.

The mod prevents you to apprehend Captain Ignoble (as part of the bounty hunting quests) and prioritizes raping him(/her) instead.
I happen to have impregnated Ignoble and is now unkillable because of this.

Never sex bounty npcs, you have to wait for them to get out of the "defeat" phase which then allows you to capture them like normal.


10 hours ago, som_dogg said:

1.3.1 seems to have broken combat, my energy bar never replenishes, I can't hit enemies and enemies can't hit me, then they randomly stop detecting the player and act as if the player doesn't exist

Unlike the other sexbound mods defeat doesn't seem to play well with some other mods, I would always crash when killing a bandit npc (and some other npc types) with the "suppers combat overhaul" enabled.

So far in a vanilla game with only sexbound mods everything has worked like it's supposed to for me, except only monsters "defeat" me when I accidentally fall in a hole so most of the time my character just stands around. Anybody playing with any kind of combat overhaul or difficulty mod that hasn't had any issues yet? I forgot how easy vanilla starbound was.?


NPCs are just dying like normal. How can it be fixed? I also noticed the playerDefeat.lua had "By default, the player cannot be transformed." In it.. How can i change that?
Edit: NPCs still say their "victory" Dialogue but no sex nodes appear and target dies normally.


31 minutes ago, Stalliarus said:

NPCs are just dying like normal. How can it be fixed? I also noticed the playerDefeat.lua had "By default, the player cannot be transformed." In it.. How can i change that?
Edit: NPCs still say their "victory" Dialogue but no sex nodes appear and target dies normally.


A series of mods could be interfering with the whole process. Player defeat is enabled by default, its just a comment one the script that points out that its not a default API feature.


Mods confirmed to cause issues in Defeat:
SBG Races
Frackin' Universe
Frackin' Races

Those don't necessarily break the mod, they just cause or another feature to either be wonky or not work.
SBG disables player defeat
FU disables the conversion of enemies into allies
FR causes enemies to often not die at the end of the timer and just come back raring to battle. May take a few attempts to kill some species.

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