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Can someone help me make a workaround for bugged creature animations?

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I've heard it is a common bug with SexLab that certain creatures will get stuck in an animation loop at the end of a scene because it has something to do with the creatures idles. I've made tons of new saves with all kinds of different mod configurations to no avail. FNIS doesn't help with this bug, so I'm sure it has to do with sex lab itself. I don't know if that bug will ever get fixed so I need a workaround.


Creatures affected:

* Spiders (all sizes)

* Rabbits

* Slaughterfish 

* Chickens

* And probably some other creatures I don't know about


The quick fix to this is to 'disable' and 'enable' the creature in the console so they return back to a normal state. The problem with this is that you have to repeat it every time after a scene which can get annoying fast. I do know that Estrus Spider has a script that does exactly this for spiders - I would use it, but I'm not into the whole "spider babies" thing. 


The only thing I know about papyrus scripting is editing some minor things and compiling (which was a bitch to figure out, but at least I got my foxes to use canine anims), but I have no idea how papyrus works exactly. It would take me forever to learn papyrus itself before going on to learn how to use SKSE and then Sexlab, just to figure out how to script a working 'reset' button. 


If anyone can help me figure out how to make a standalone creature reset script I would appreciate it; I just want to be able to use my spiders ;( . 

35 minutes ago, Bad_bluedragon said:

I've heard it is a common bug with SexLab that certain creatures will get stuck in an animation loop at the end of a scene because it has something to do with the creatures idles. I've made tons of new saves with all kinds of different mod configurations to no avail. FNIS doesn't help with this bug, so I'm sure it has to do with sex lab itself. I don't know if that bug will ever get fixed so I need a workaround.


Creatures affected:

* Spiders (all sizes)

* Rabbits

* Slaughterfish 

* Chickens

* And probably some other creatures I don't know about


The quick fix to this is to 'disable' and 'enable' the creature in the console so they return back to a normal state. The problem with this is that you have to repeat it every time after a scene which can get annoying fast. I do know that Estrus Spider has a script that does exactly this for spiders - I would use it, but I'm not into the whole "spider babies" thing. 


The only thing I know about papyrus scripting is editing some minor things and compiling (which was a bitch to figure out, but at least I got my foxes to use canine anims), but I have no idea how papyrus works exactly. It would take me forever to learn papyrus itself before going on to learn how to use SKSE and then Sexlab, just to figure out how to script a working 'reset' button. 


If anyone can help me figure out how to make a standalone creature reset script I would appreciate it; I just want to be able to use my spiders ;( . 

A simple way to do it would be to make a keyboard macro for the console commands

41 minutes ago, Yinkle said:

A simple way to do it would be to make a keyboard macro for the console commands

It would be a little simpler, but wouldn't I still have to click on the creature to get their ID? 

Just now, Bad_bluedragon said:

It would be a little simpler, but wouldn't I still have to click on the creature to get their ID? 

In short yes.

You could also do this as a spell but I'm not interested in sex with creatures and I've got other stuff to work on but maybe someone else can help you :)

37 minutes ago, GenioMaestro said:


Well, it was a good start. Of course, I don't have Zaz animations, but none of the mods I checked even conflict with the idle animations. Strange, I'll have to look more in the esps when I get time. 

2 hours ago, Bad_bluedragon said:

've heard it is a common bug with SexLab that certain creatures will get stuck in an animation loop at the end of a scene because it has something to do with the creatures idles. I've made tons of new saves with all kinds of different mod configurations to no avail. FNIS doesn't help with this bug, so I'm sure it has to do with sex lab itself. I don't know if that bug will ever get fixed so I need a workaround.

Hoo.. sorry.. your problem is "after sex scene" not after death... 


Maybe you have SL Deadly Drain??? Have an option for extend the last stage in 60 seconds but make it in humans and creatures.

2 hours ago, Bad_bluedragon said:

I've heard it is a common bug with SexLab that certain creatures will get stuck in an animation loop at the end of a scene because it has something to do with the creatures idles. I've made tons of new saves with all kinds of different mod configurations to no avail. FNIS doesn't help with this bug, so I'm sure it has to do with sex lab itself. I don't know if that bug will ever get fixed so I need a workaround.


Creatures affected:

* Spiders (all sizes)

* Rabbits

* Slaughterfish 

* Chickens

* And probably some other creatures I don't know about

PaulGreen fixed this bug in Skyrim LE, it's actually 2 problems:

1. Rabbits, Slaughterfish and Chickens are caused by a missing command in SexLab's "sslActorAlias" script:



; ------------------------------------------------------- ;
; --- Actor Manipulation                              --- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------- ;

function StopAnimating(bool Quick = false, string ResetAnim = "IdleForceDefaultState")
    if !ActorRef
    ; Disable free camera, if in it
    ; if IsPlayer
    ;     MiscUtil.SetFreeCameraState(false)
    ; endIf
    ; Clear possibly troublesome effects
    ; Stop animevent
    if IsCreature
        ; Reset creature idle
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "Reset")
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "ReturnToDefault")
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "FNISDefault")
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "IdleReturnToDefault")
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "ForceFurnExit")
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "ReturnDefaultState")
        if ResetAnim != "IdleForceDefaultState" && ResetAnim != ""
            ActorRef.PushActorAway(ActorRef, 0.75)
        ; Reset NPC/PC Idle Quickly
        Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, ResetAnim)
        ; Ragdoll NPC/PC if enabled and not in TFC
        if !Quick && ResetAnim != "" && DoRagdoll && (!IsPlayer || (IsPlayer && Game.GetCameraState() != 3))
            ActorRef.PushActorAway(ActorRef, 0.1)
    PlayingSA = "SexLabSequenceExit1"


2. Spiders have a capitalization error with one of there commands in FNIS:


in "Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\BehavioredObjects.txt" and "Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\xxxBehavioredObjects.txt" this line:


should be



theses fixes have been added to Ed86 werewolf & vampirelord fix for SexLab v1.62 (Skyrim LE):



39 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

PaulGreen fixed this bug in Skyrim LE, it's actually 2 problems:

1. Rabbits, Slaughterfish and Chickens are caused by a missing command in SexLab's "sslActorAlias" script:

2. Spiders have a capitalization error with one of there commands in FNIS:


theses fixes have been added to Ed86 werewolf & vampirelord fix for SexLab v1.62 (Skyrim LE):



MMG, have you reported this to Ashal?

25 minutes ago, CPU said:

MMG, have you reported this to Ashal?

me, Ed86 and a few others have done so many times, but he still has not fixed the bloody thing.

it seems like anything to do with creatures gets immediately ignored.


i don't think he has fixed the werewolf & vampirelord problem yet either (a much older known problem within the same script file)


Damn. OK, I will push him personally.

36 minutes ago, CPU said:

Damn. OK, I will push him personally.

while you're at it tell him to fix "SexLabVoiceDraugr01 [SOUN:0508C08C]", it should be using "SexLabVoiceDraugr01Descriptor [SNDR:0508C086]" not "SexLabVoiceDog01Descriptor [SNDR:0508C092]"

35 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

while you're at it tell him to fix "SexLabVoiceDraugr01 [SOUN:0508C08C]", it should be using "SexLabVoiceDraugr01Descriptor [SNDR:0508C086]" not "SexLabVoiceDog01Descriptor [SNDR:0508C092]"

Give me more info on this, please.

2 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

2. Spiders have a capitalization error with one of there commands in FNIS:

Fucking capitalists. Bring on the revolution. :classic_rolleyes:

2 hours ago, CPU said:

Give me more info on this, please.

they make dog noises when they fuck, and it's super easy to correct:


not sure what else you want to know there.

7 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

PaulGreen fixed this bug in Skyrim LE, it's actually 2 problems:

1. Rabbits, Slaughterfish and Chickens are caused by a missing command in SexLab's "sslActorAlias" script:

2. Spiders have a capitalization error with one of there commands in FNIS:


theses fixes have been added to Ed86 werewolf & vampirelord fix for SexLab v1.62 (Skyrim LE):



Wow, this is some great info! I'll have to test these fixes out and see if it works in SE. 


But man, I'm about to study computer science in the near future, and I'm gonna hate the day when I have to troubleshoot and find out that it was one letter that screwed everything up.


Huh, no wonder that first solution looked familiar, I must of already done it in the past and just forgot to replace the script I currently had with the new one.


Fixing spiders on the other hand doesn't seem like I can do it. I'm not too familiar working with FNIS, but wouldn't the creator of an animation pack have to be the one to update their behavior files to the fixed version? My spiders still get stuck in a loop at the end of a scene but are fixed if I change their animation to someone else's animations. Guess I'll have ask the animation pack creator nicely to update their behavior files?


And also, why is it ReturnToDefault while for other creatures it's still returnToDefault?


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